NY - Robert Musmacker, HIV+, for unprotected sex, abuse, Oceanside, 2008


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2004
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HI everybody. :furious: I can't even begin to tell you how shocked and angry we are at this news in my town. This level 3 sex offender lived above the pharmacy where my MIL works. He had been convicted of raping an 11 year old. She said he comes in all the time and he is filthy dirty. She said she always looks at how dirty his clothes and fingernails are and that he acts strange.

Well, they found him on the highway at 6AM with a 16yo boy. The state trooper said his pants were undone and that the man immediately told him that he has full blown AIDS and has lesions in his mouth!

MIL was interviewed on the news (Channel 7 Eyewitness news NY). She basically said "God only knows how many children he's done this to. He should be locked up forever, throw away the key" [sic]

Here are some links. I just can't believe this happened here.
Good Lord, they need to lock him away for life.
:furious: Even worse: He does NOT appear on my town's registry when I go to NYS page. When I saw the news today, I said to myself "WTH? I have never seen this dude on the registry page (which I look at all the time btw)

Why isn't he on there? WHY NOT??? :behindbar
:furious: Even worse: He does NOT appear on my town's registry when I go to NYS page. When I saw the news today, I said to myself "WTH? I have never seen this dude on the registry page (which I look at all the time btw)

Why isn't he on there? WHY NOT??? :behindbar

The article said: "Musmacker was required to register as a Level 3 sex offender under Megan's Law because of a 1992 sodomy conviction involving a 6-year-old relative, said a spokesman for Spota. He was released from prison in January 2001."

You mean he didn't register? How did he fall through the cracks. I don't understand? Don't they track these offenders?
When I go to that page in my NYS Sex offender registry, he doesn't appear there. Apparently, he didn't register this address.

MIL says he's definitely emotionally/mentally disturbed and very dirty. How could anyone rent to him????
Kat probably because he is now incarcerated. Depending on the State some of them change the addy right away. A regular search of his name though doesn't show he lived in Oceanside.

This guy should be charged with attempted murder. God only knows how many people he has exposed.

Thanks Filly. I agree with the attempted murder charge. I'm worried that he will get a slap on the wrist like that other guy did (listed in the article) I'm not happy with the charges they are bringing at this time for this sexual offender.
DISGUSTING!!!! Why am I still shocked at this type of story. Let's just execute him and not waste any taxpayer dollars housing him. Instead the taxes could go toward victims families. How about that for a thought???
Thanks for the explanation Filly. I wish people would screen their tenants. I want to know who the landlord is.... Why was this guy allowed to live in my neighborhood unregistered??????
Robert Musmacker aged 37 is a Registered Sex Offender. Back in 1992 he was convicted of sodomizing a 6 year old relative.

So, Musmacker just then went around having sex with at least 9 young men unprotected.

Since he plead guilty a Judge is only giving him 14 years in prison. That is just fr*akin grand.:furious: Wouldn't that be attempted murder? Thankfully so far none of the young men have shown positive for HIV.


I could have sworn we had a thread already on this clown, but it must have been another HIV positive sex offender.:banghead:

14 years.

O.K. back in 2009 this guy was stopped by a Trooper. The Trooper noticed pervs belt was undone and he had a 16 year old boy in the car with him.

The Tropper found medication in the car for "Full Blown AIDS" and an antibiotic for an open lesion in his mouth.


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