Off Topic/Chit Chat # 2

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Better than a transcript, you can watch the episode in it's entirety online:

It was very well done! They feature the lead detective with additional interviews with Wake County's own Colon Willoughby (who said he wouldn't move forward on the case without "hard evidence" linking Ann Miller to the crime). That should help educate folks how carefully this DA proceeds. He's very soft-spoken and appears almost kind of timid.
Thanks for the links! I didn't see your heads-up about Saturday night's show until this a.m. I'll watch it online in a few.

I bought Amanda Lamb's book. It was awesome. I'd never heard of this case before you all mentioned it here. My daughter read the book too. LOL, I think I've gotten her interested in 'true crime.' ;)

Just thinking. I've been outside all day enjoying this beautiful spring weather, putting out 30 bales of pinestraw and needing more. The azaleas are beginning to flower, tulips and hyacinths are blooming and the leaves are peeking out on the trees. I even saw the beautiful, huge pileated woodpecker in the woods today! What a thrill to watch him. He was a hunk. They are hard to spot unless you have a nice hardwood forest area like we do with plenty of snags (rotting trees). We have a creek too.

Then I thought about what Nancy Cooper and her family were doing last year this time. Things were starting to get rough for her about this time last year, with Brad wanting her out of the house by a certain date, her packing the house and then his changing things.

Here we are today, with Brad in jail, Nancy gone, the girls living their new lives. I hope Brad finds something to do without all of his electronics which he depended on. No cell phone, no computer, no remote for a TV, now women to sneak around with (I hope), probably no one. He can live the living hell of jail, day after day, looking at walls and bars. No Harris Teeter grocery store for him. No green juice. No Ironman competition. No laundry to brag about doing, no wood floors to clean. His brain has probably atrophied a few centimeters by now. I hope so.
Did the Rentz's ever get the guest book and drawings and stuff from Nancy's birthday party?
I really hope so. I had offered to ncnative, when she was compiling it, that if she sent the package to me that I would deliver it to them personally but she said no, that she wanted to send it. I thought it would have been nice to have been able to do it in person. Hopefully she can let us know if it's been done.
I can probably find out fairly easily if y'all are that curious.
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