Off Topic News - Another Cult

In other news, the sect leader of a cult in New Mexico was arrested this week for having sex with underage girls.

On Thursday night, Larry King Live is devoting his program to "going inside a cult." Although this is not about the FLDS, it should give a good background on cults. Check your television schedule for Larry King Live on CNN for the time in your area.

Posted at: 05/06/2008 11:14:34 AM
Updated at: 05/06/2008 07:44:20 PM
By: Gadi Schwartz KOB-TV, and Joshua Panas

Cult leader arrested

Wayne Bent
The New Mexico cult leader, who claims to be the Messiah, is now behind bars.
He was arrested Tuesday at his compound in Union County, charged with child molestation.
Wayne Bent is currently being held at the Union County Detention Center.

This has got to be the worst kind of sin in the world, molesting/abusing a child and using the lord's name to do it, God please hold me back from strangling these men and women who do this!!! Im glad at least the disgusting thing is in jail. Sorry people this stuff infuriates me.
Religious nuts and sex with young girls. What is it about men, religion, and oppression of women? You'd think that religious people would would respect the rights of young women to grow up as vessels of God, not man and actually protect their children from sexual abuse because they are 'of God.' I'm starting to think that God needs to smite a few people.

I dont think any of these men are religious men thats why. To me, they just use it as an excuse to be a pervert and make what they are doing seem right. I wish God would smite them too for doing it!
Sorry have i missed something ? Latter Day Saints have cults ? polygamous Cults ?
mormans have cults one way or another. just ask me if you dont believe it.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not a cult, it is a mainstream religion. Now as in other faiths, there are those that choose a very similiar name and practice polygamy and they are not in any way connected to the mainstream latter day saints.

flowerchild, says that once in a cult that practices polygamy that these people cannot be accepted into the mainstream church, but unless she has first hand knowledge, I would disagree. I don't know of anyone who wants to join and does so by baptism and the laying on of hands that is refused entrance as we are all children of our Heavenly Father and all come under the atonement of Jesus Christ.

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