OH OH - Dayton, WhtMale Mid 60's, 385UMOH, cancer patient, alias 'James Morgan', Feb'01


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The Doe Network: Case File 385UMOH

Unidentified White Male

  • Deceased on February 20, 2001 in Montgomery County, Ohio.
  • Cause of Death: Natural
Vital Statistics

  • Estimated age: Mid 60's
  • Approximate Height and Weight: 6'1"; 140 lbs.
  • Distinguishing Characteristics: Gray receding hair. Mole on neck and left upper lip.
Case History

The unknown man was admitted to, treated for kidney and bone cancer, the Veteran's Medical Center on February 6, 2001. At that time he identified himself as James Morgan, White Male, DOB: 1/18/37, of 716 Main Street, Cincinnati. He listed no Next-of-Kin.
The man died on February 20, 2001. At the time of his death, it was determined the social security number he provided was not his. Subsequently it could not be verified he was a military veteran.
A check through NCIC with the name and DOB showed no record found. His fingerprints were sent to the FBI due to finding no local record. A report from the FBI indicated their Criminal and Civil files were checked with negative results.
The photo of "James Morgan" was shown to residents at the Dennison boarding house, where Morgan reported he lived. Several people at the boarding house knew Morgan and they said Morgan worked for a local grocery store. Morgan spent time in the Cincinnati Veteran's Hospital and that they visited him while he was a patient. One of the individuals stated Morgan told him that his real last name was Wasson.
The social security number Morgan used indicated he previously worked in California and for the city of Memphis, Tennessee. City of Memphis, verified a Mike Wasson was employed there in 1998 and 1999 as temporary summer help. They identified Wasson as a black male 16 years old.


If you have any information about this case please contact:
Montgomery County Coroner's Office
Harry Brown
You may remain anonymous when submitting information.
Does anyone think the above unidentified man could be this man, who disappeared in 1998?

North American Missing Persons Network
James M. McLaughlin

Vital Statistics at Time of Disappearance

Missing Since: February 27, 1998 from Elyria, Ohio
Classification: Missing
Date Of Birth: 1937
Age: 61
Weight: 180 lbs.
Hair Color: Gray
Eye Color: Blue
Race: White
Gender: Male
Distinguishing Characteristics: McLaughlin wears dentures.

Details of Disappearance
McLaughlin disappeared from Elyria, Ohio on February 27, 1998.

Investigating Agency

If you have any information concerning this case, please contact:
Elyria Police Department

Source Information

Elyria Police Department

If the drawing is accurate, the UID looks like he has more hair on the top of his head than JMM did at least two years earlier.

JMM appears to be completely bald on top.
This is a fascinating case---I did find several James Morgan's on ancestry.com with birth years of 1937...

There are also several men with the last name Wasson born in 1937 and some are from CA. I wish we had an actual photo of him--anyone find a morgue photo (the link on Doe is invalid.)
CarlK, that's a very good point, although I've thought JMM's head could be shaven. It's hard to tell from the photo.

Julessleuther, the Montgomery County Coroner's Office relocated to http://www.mcohio.org/government/coroner/index.html and has an unidentified remains section (caution: post-mortem photo) that has not been updated in a long, long time. It contains only one photo of a woman who was just recently identified after over 20 years as Paula Davis and one forensic sculpture of a woman whom I think was identified last year as Jeanne Melville after she had been missing since 1970.

A photo of "James Morgan" was supposed to be added to the old MCCO website back in 2001, I don't know if that was ever done. The sketch on his Doe Network page was done by Wesley Neville; perhaps he has seen the original post-mortem photo.
Here is a news article from 2001 that Meyahna posted a couple years ago.


Both men lived under various aliases
BYLINE: Lou Grieco
Dayton Daily News
DATE: April 4, 2001
PUBLICATION: Dayton Daily News (OH)

DAYTON - Both men used several names during their lives. For now, the Montgomery County Coroner's Office is calling both of them "John Doe."

Each used different Social Security numbers - none legitimate. One was arrested a dozen times under as many names in several states since 1976. Officials here don't know which, if any, names are correct. Neither man, who died within six days of each other in February at the Dayton Veterans Affairs Medical Center, is identified. Coroner James Davis said Tuesday he's trying to avoid burying them as John Does.

"The VA doesn't even know if these guys are veterans," Davis said.

Though the coroner's office occasionally gets unknown arrivals, most are identified within days. The coroner's office last buried an unidentified person in 1987, said office director Ken Betz.

That person was a homicide victim, a woman in her mid-20s whose body was found Aug. 10, 1987, along an Interstate 70 ramp near Hoke Road in Englewood. The crime remains unsolved, and the victim unidentified.

The cases of the two VA patients are less nefarious: Autopsies at the hospital disclosed that both men, who appeared to be in their 70s, died of natural causes, Davis said.

The first man, who is white, checked himself into the hospital as James Morgan, but also has used the last names Wasson and Wason, according to coroner's investigator Harry Brown. Morgan died Feb. 20.

He used several addresses in the Dayton and Cincinnati area, but investigators have had no luck tracking him. They found one, a hotel in Cincinnati, where he definitely stayed. But his belongings were gone by the time investigators arrived, Brown said.

Friends knew him by different names, and few people knew about his past. He cashed veteran's checks, but apparently under a name investigators haven't yet discovered, Brown said.

They also haven't found the name he stayed under when friends visited him at Cincinnati's veterans hospital. One of his Social Security numbers came back to a 16-year-old black youth in Memphis, Brown said.

That wasn't the case for the second man, who died Feb. 26. He entered the hospital as Richard Miller, but his fingerprints gave investigators 11 other names: Harold Stewart, Alvin Stewart, Carl Stewart, Richard Stewart, James Stewart, Alvin Clark, James Harris, James Robinson, Charles Carter, James Jones, and Richard Welch.

Most of his arrests were out-of-state, in places such as Birmingham, Ala., Detroit, Chicago or Nashville. He was arrested as Richard Stewart in a 1993 Miami Twp. theft.

Officials have several fictitious addresses for the man in Dayton and Cincinnati.

The man listed as his next-of-kin doesn't seem to exist either, he said.

He is a black male. One of his Social Security numbers "comes back to a female in Cincinnati," Brown said.

Coroner's are going to the public, because they don't have anywhere else to go. Photos of the dead men could be on the office Web site at www.siscom.net/~mcco/ by next week, Brown said.

Anyone with information about either man is asked to call the coroner's office at (937) 225-4156.

"This is our last shot," Betz said. "If not, they'll be buried 'John Doe, John Doe.'"

* Contact Lou Grieco at 225-2057 or e-mail him at lou_grieco@coxohio.com
Copyright, 2001, Cox Ohio Publishing. All rights reserved.
We have a post-mortem photo of him on Porchlight. It's the third photo down:

** CAUTION: GRAPHIC POST-MORTEM PHOTOS (incl. other cases) **

Zinc, that second Jane Doe on Montgomery Co's site was Jean Melville. They really ought to take down Paula's post-mortem photos.
I didn't see a NamUs profile for this man. He is still listed as unidentified on The Doe Network.

Interesting case! Robert Nichols and Kimberly McLean came to my mind when I read about this guy. I hope somebody is looking for him.

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