GUILTY OH - Elaina Steinfurth, 17 months, Toledo, 2 Jun 2013 - #2

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So, now might be a good time to repost the link to seach local court records in their area, you can search by last name or "last name, first name" which can be useful if you're searching a more common surname like Queen and want to somewhat limit whose records you end up looking through.

Anecdotally speaking, I"ve noticed when perusing the many, many files that I've found using this link since this case began, that things like restraining orders are pretty common in the area. And stuff.

ETA - since Angela has been arrested I'll come out and say that you can search "Steinfurth" too, without a first name, there aren't too many to sort thru.
I just have to share my own experience with dropping a baby.....

When my DS was just 4 months old, I accidently dropped him (so horrible!). I disregarded the warning on his bouncy seat, the said....DO NOT CARRY A BABY WHILE IN THE SEAT (or something like that). He was velcroed in the seat, and I cradled the seat in both arms, to just move him from the kitchen to living room with me. As I was carrying the seat with him in it, the metal structure/foundation inside the fabric came apart. Somehow, he started to fall out of my arms and slipped HEAD FIRST out of the seat and my arms (it still plays in slow motion in my mind 17 years later). He fell, and his head hit the linoleum floor!! It was the most horrific moment of my life!! His head actually bounced when it hit!! OMG!! My husband was still sleeping (it was about 8am on a Saturday). Our combined screaming woke him up...we immediately called the pediatrician, who said to bring him in.

He was examined, and they sent us directly for a CAT scan. My poor baby had a hairline fracture on the back of his head....but was otherwise ok. He did not have to stay in the hospital, but we had to follow a strict protocol for a few days of waking him every few hours, etc. THANK GOD....he healed just fine, and did not have any long term effects.

My other child was the escape artist who tried more than once to climb out of the crib....and fell doing it. No injuries ever occurred from that. In fact, the pediatrician said it's rare for toddlers to break a bone doing that (Surprised)....

I guess my point is that my own kids have some bad drops (I'm so sorry to say), and were ok. It's hard for me to imagine it's "dropping" that hurt Elaina so badly. I sadly envision a more purposeful action as the cause for her serious injury (or worse)
Hi I am new to the forum but have been browsing for a while just wanted to say that I hope Elaina is found today, this really is breaking my heart :(
kmartin96 I hear you. My son was a couple of weeks old when he had a slip and bumped his head as well, also linoleum floor. We went to the ER immediately despite me feeling like the worst mother who ever lived and being horrified at my "letting this happen" (well moms always feel htey can control everything, don't we? even accidents) and they did a CT and in the end it was fine. I can't IMAGINE how big a fall Elaina must've had... I was standing up and he ended up on the floor from standing height. That's like four feet at least, in my case.... and with only the force of gravity. I would think the fall would have to be way further or there was force behind it, for Elaina (not that she was a fall injury anyhow... so disturbing to even think about...)

(ETA and he's twenty years old today, so I guess my mothering skills are alright after all!)
I just have to share my own experience with dropping a baby.....

When my DS was just 4 months old, I accidently dropped him (so horrible!). I disregarded the warning on his bouncy seat, the said....DO NOT CARRY A BABY WHILE IN THE SEAT (or something like that). He was velcroed in the seat, and I cradled the seat in both arms, to just move him from the kitchen to living room with me. As I was carrying the seat with him in it, the metal structure/foundation inside the fabric came apart. Somehow, he started to fall out of my arms and slipped HEAD FIRST out of the seat and my arms (it still plays in slow motion in my mind 17 years later). He fell, and his head hit the linoleum floor!! It was the most horrific moment of my life!! His head actually bounced when it hit!! OMG!! My husband was still sleeping (it was about 8am on a Saturday). Our combined screaming woke him up...we immediately called the pediatrician, who said to bring him in.

He was examined, and they sent us directly for a CAT scan. My poor baby had a hairline fracture on the back of his head....but was otherwise ok. He did not have to stay in the hospital, but we had to follow a strict protocol for a few days of waking him every few hours, etc. THANK GOD....he healed just fine, and did not have any long term effects.

My other child was the escape artist who tried more than once to climb out of the crib....and fell doing it. No injuries ever occurred from that. In fact, the pediatrician said it's rare for toddlers to break a bone doing that (Surprised)....

I guess my point is that my own kids have some bad drops (I'm so sorry to say), and were ok. It's hard for me to imagine it's "dropping" that hurt Elaina so badly. I sadly envision a more purposeful action as the cause for her serious injury (or worse)

I too had crib escapees. One even turned it over on it's side at 5am. I had one who would flip over backwards while sitting on the floor when the kitty came through, so he could try to grab her. He would manage to hit the floor even with quilts behind him. I raised three, with all the beats and bangs and they all lived and do just fine as adults. It's not easy to do enough damage to die from a "drop". I sure hope she is found today and is ok, but the longer it goes on, and the more they hide, it's not looking good. Poor baby.
Thanks for posting that
He sounds like a very strong young man....and sadly, it also sounds as if he has "old soul" kwim? :unhappy:

ETA He's behaving much better than I believe I would in that situation

It's very sad to watch his interview. Here's a young man trying to hold it together in a situation that would have much older and more experienced middle aged people on their knees and he's doing a fine job. Kudos to TJ's family. I cannot imagine :(

Come home today baby girl !
You're welcome, it's all I can do from so far away, and I have to do SOMETHING, you know? *sigh* If wishes were miracles we all know she'd be home and safe and sound right now, so this is pretty much all I can do that might make a difference, at least for someone in some small way, now.
Well it sounds to me like we need to know Mike's last name so we can figure out where he lives / has lived and see what that looks like in terms of a hiding place. Is that considered sleuthing a non POI ? Mods?
He's not named as a poi or suspect but family members on BOTH sides of Elaina's family have put HIM with HER as the last one(s) with her .
I myself was dropped when I was a toddler by my uncle who was playing with me. He threw me up in the air and caught me - well, once he didn't catch me! I fell head first on the carpet, with my forehead. My mom says I had the pattern of the carpet imprinted on my forehead.

This was the 60s and much less was known about how dangerous bumps to the head can be. My mom did not take me to any doctor, and I was ok, I never had a problem because of that fall. (Needless to say she never allowed my uncle again to "play" with me.)

I don't know what percentage of drops from about 5 or 6 feet end up being serious or even fatal, but I too have the impression something worse than an accidental drop must have happened to Elaina. Maybe someone threw her or hit her?

And if Angela recognized it was a "serious injury" and with no reports anywhere so far that Elaina was heard screaming I would speculate that she might have been unconscious. Moo.
JMO. There is no reason to hide a baby who had an accidental fall or drop. I think cover-ups are most likely to be staged when the poor darling has too many injuries for a single accident to explain them all.
This has to be one of the hardest things I've watched on WS in relation to a missing person. I rock my girl the same way, I'm always missing her little face. This shouldnt have happened. Elaina should be being cradled and loved on right now. Excuse me while I go give my sleeping DD a quick snuggle.

Mothers that rock their children and kiss their children can also beat their children.

Same with husbands that beat their wives or GF's they always say I didn't mean to do it. It will never happen again but it does.
Especially if Drugs or Alcohol are involved!


One more thing! Im not so sure Mom is the one that harmed her but she lied and if she didn't hurt her she is covering for this and should be charged.

They can play the blame game all they want but the end result will be the

Mom said "If I give her to him Ill never see her again" She was not talking about the babys daddy .....

Everyone in that house knows what happened and they should all be arrested Im sure that will follow once she is found...
So sad!
That video of her holding Elaina "lovingly"... it's from a home eleven blocks from where she was last seen (near Raymer elementary), it was a male who supplied it to the news station, it was obtained "through a member of Angela Steinfurth's family", and the date is 6/1, the day before she went missing, and the timestamp is 18:35 which would be 6:35pm.

So we can presume Elaina was alive (and not "cold and wet") and 6:35pm Saturday evening. Finally, we have a time of day for when she was last seen alive! (Yes timestamps are sometimes a bit off but there's no reason to presume that at this time, and I don't care to borrow trouble.. you know, make an issue up where there isn't any yet).

ETA - wonder if that video can be zoomed in on to see the baby's face/head more? I wonder if that home has been searched since it's one of her family members? I wonder why they have a security camera pointing at their front porch when it doesn't appear to be a particularly fancy property or anything? I wonder why they didn't supply the video until after she was arrested - that makes it seem like "damage control" rather than "Trying to find Elaina". JMO
Mothers that rock their children and kiss their children can also beat their children.

Same with husbands that beat their wives or GF's they always say I didn't mean to do it. It will never happen again but it does.
Especially if Drugs or Alcohol are involved!


One more thing! Im not so sure Mom is the one that harmed her but she lied and if she didn't hurt her she is covering for this and should be charged.

They can play the blame game all they want but the end result will be the

Mom said "If I give her to him Ill never see her again" She was not talking about the babys daddy .....

Everyone in that house knows what happened and they should all be arrested Im sure that will follow once she is found...
So sad!

Hi Eileen! You just gave me a thought I haven't seen mentioned. BBM, does anyone know, ( Ferretmommy maybe you ) if TJ was early to pick the kids up ? Generally a visit ends around 6 pm on sundays or that is standard in most court orders, which I think there were not any in place yet. But why didnt' they HIDE Elaina before TJ got there ? Why wait unless they A ) weren't expecting him for a few more hours or B ) thought that he would just go away if Elaina was napping, thus buying them some more time. I wonder if they thought 'what do we do now' and assumed they had a few more hours to figure it out and he showed up early or unexpectedly. Has anyone heard?

ETA My point is it seems stupid to wait until TJ is on the scene to come do all this looking, crying, kidnapping, etc. story. Why not do it an hour earlier and then TJ does not see anyone going out the back, etc. Just seems a last minute plan and if so, why right then? Ohhhh, maybe I just stumbled onto it.Maybe Elaina got hurt earlier and they put her down for a nap, went to get her when TJ arrived and then realized she was hurt worse than they realized and have to now come up with a plan on the spot? Angela stalled him with the nap story so he would not see the eye and nose but didnt' really think baby was :( ..... fill in the blank with a word of your choosing. I can't type it right now.
Hi Eileen! You just gave me a thought I haven't seen mentioned. BBM, does anyone know, ( Ferretmommy maybe you ) if TJ was early to pick the kids up ? Generally a visit ends around 6 pm on sundays or that is standard in most court orders, which I think there were not any in place yet. But why didnt' they HIDE Elaina before TJ got there ? Why wait unless they A ) weren't expecting him for a few more hours or B ) thought that he would just go away if Elaina was napping, thus buying them some more time. I wonder if they thought 'what do we do now' and assumed they had a few more hours to figure it out and he showed up early or unexpectedly. Has anyone heard?

I was thinking maybe it was C.)[self editing because it wasn't a very nice way to suggest a lack of IQ points] or D.) didn't realize injuries that had been invisible were now becoming black and blue marks and/or had caused her to die while they thought she was sleeping
TJ did such a wonderful job in the press conference. My heart is just breaking for this family. SK and Mike need to be found. Baby Elaina needs to be found. And that whole house needs to be in jail for not helping.
I am confused. Is SK missing or not? I thought LE said at the presser that they think they know where he is (which I interpret as, yes...they know exactly where he is). So, why the does missing FB page for baby Elaina say that he is wanted by police and to call 911 if you see him?
i'm late coming to this case and am trying to catch up. it was my understanding that the father said angela and the baby weren't supposed to be at that house.
does anyone know any more about that? had there been a problem with elaina and this BF before?

angela sure was upset over her arrest----far more than she was about her child being 'missing.' she knows what happened and the police probably consider her the weak link that will break and finally tell them what happened to elaina and where she is. i think angela knows everything.
I am confused. Is SK missing or not? I thought LE said at the presser that they think they know where he is (which I interpret as, yes...they know exactly where he is). So, why the does missing FB page for baby Elaina say that he is wanted by police and to call 911 if you see him?

In my opinion, I think that after AS's dad was on the news after her arraignment saying that they didn't know where SK was everyone took that as the police were trying to find him.... But the police stated that they were pretty sure they knew where he was... IMO
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