OH OH - Katelyn Markham, 22, Fairfield, 14 August 2011 - #3

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Thanks for that

But ya know, after thinking about it, I don't think anyones pointed out the weirdness that he knew right away that her cell phone was the ONLY thing missing.
I mean a cell phone is pretty tiny, it could have fallen behind something or down in a cushion.

I think that is weird the more I think about it
Thanks for that

But ya know, after thinking about it, I don't think anyones pointed out the weirdness that he knew right away that her cell phone was the ONLY thing missing.
I mean a cell phone is pretty tiny, it could have fallen behind something or down in a cushion.

I think that is weird the more I think about it

It is weird, but it depends on how neat Katelyn was. If she always put her phone in the same place (like some people do with their keys) then maybe that's how he knew.

I know if it was me, there's no way they would know if my cell was missing until they did a thorough search. I never put my cell phone in the same place unless it's charging. I would lose my old one constantly.

Unfortunately we don't know enough about Katelyn to really be sure of any of this. :banghead:
AgathaChristy, I totally agree with you, I find that very strange, plus I don't think he used the word missing I think he used the word "taken" when on the 911 call and mentioning the phone.....I will double check this.

correction: he does not say "taken" he says "the only thing not there"
Thanks for that

But ya know, after thinking about it, I don't think anyones pointed out the weirdness that he knew right away that her cell phone was the ONLY thing missing.
I mean a cell phone is pretty tiny, it could have fallen behind something or down in a cushion.

I think that is weird the more I think about it

I think there is a rumour that he phoned her cell (she's not there, left her purse and keys, makes sense he'd try to reach her) and didn't hear it. Or she might only put it one of a couple of places, he looked and assumed it was missing.
Since it does not appear that cell pings are factoring into the searches, I wonder if LE is simply having TES search all of the "obvious" places...it seems as though they are basically ruling out spots rather than zeroing in on anything...just a sad feeling to this search, for me, that there is really no direction or clues...JMO
SchoolgirlShamus, I came here to get caught up on this case. Thank you for the time you took laying out the information! :hug:
Just a quick note to thank you again for your welcome and your respectful interactions here! I really appreciate how everyone respects each other's opinions.
I just keep hoping they will find something that leads to Katelyn. This is just so sad. I'm afraid she's in a lake or river.
Just got home from the search. OH my goodness - is that ever hard work but so rewarding to put feet on the ground.

I now get why you wear long sleeves and pants! I brought the long sleeve shirt but didn't put it on - but should have! Our group was walking in brush up over our heads at times.

Very rewarding experience despite the somber nature of why you are there. I am really mad at how many people dump crap -- when you do a search like this, you see how little regard members of society have for the land we have been blessed to live on.

Since I can't tell you anymore - I will tell you that I spoke with Tim Miller to thank him for all he does and he gave me a big ole' Texas hug!!!!!!!!!! What a warm man, with eyes that show a soul that has seen pain, but is humble, warm, honest and just good people. (Yes, I 'read' eyes - they are truly the pathway to the soul!)

Everyone I met was truly amazing - even where I stopped for dinner on the way home. There were signs up everywhere and at this Skyline (where I took a mini bath! LOL) there were several fliers up and the gal who rang me out, her little sister knows Katelyn's little sis and the worry in her eyes will haunt me. She adores Katelyn and her baby sis and she said the family is protecting her as they are terrified and worried sick. It was humbling to speak to someone who knows the family and to see the heartbreak and worry. Very motivating to go back again as soon as I drench my body in Ben-Gay.

Anyway, did I mention Tim gave me a big ole' Texas hug?!?! :great:
My girlfriend's sister goes to Ai and, to the best of her knowledge, they are not questioning her fellow classmates. Lots of odd types and since Katelyn worked at the bookstore, she interacted with almost everyone. I heard she worked there the saturday she disappeared as a classmate (of my girlfriend's sister) recounted talking to her about some supplies or something. If she was Facebook commenting and messaging during the day, it stands to reason that she might have used a school computer, right?

I don't know if there is a connection but have they checked her school login for searched web sites and history.
Sounds like any searches tomorrow will be volunteers only, with TES going back to TX at least for now, according to FB.
Just got home from the search. OH my goodness - is that ever hard work but so rewarding to put feet on the ground.

I now get why you wear long sleeves and pants! I brought the long sleeve shirt but didn't put it on - but should have! Our group was walking in brush up over our heads at times.

Very rewarding experience despite the somber nature of why you are there. I am really mad at how many people dump crap -- when you do a search like this, you see how little regard members of society have for the land we have been blessed to live on.

Since I can't tell you anymore - I will tell you that I spoke with Tim Miller to thank him for all he does and he gave me a big ole' Texas hug!!!!!!!!!! What a warm man, with eyes that show a soul that has seen pain, but is humble, warm, honest and just good people. (Yes, I 'read' eyes - they are truly the pathway to the soul!)

Everyone I met was truly amazing - even where I stopped for dinner on the way home. There were signs up everywhere and at this Skyline (where I took a mini bath! LOL) there were several fliers up and the gal who rang me out, her little sister knows Katelyn's little sis and the worry in her eyes will haunt me. She adores Katelyn and her baby sis and she said the family is protecting her as they are terrified and worried sick. It was humbling to speak to someone who knows the family and to see the heartbreak and worry. Very motivating to go back again as soon as I drench my body in Ben-Gay.

Anyway, did I mention Tim gave me a big ole' Texas hug?!?! :great:

Thank you so much for what you and all the others are doing. God Bless you. Are they searching again tomorrow?
Thank you so much for what you and all the others are doing. God Bless you. Are they searching again tomorrow?

My understanding is it is back to "local led" searches and TES might be returning. Just like in the news, I heard conflicting statements on that, so I will just wait to hear it from their site or out of their mouth!
This sound horrible but I wish LE would start checking dumpsters as soon as a person goes missing. Those have been used so frequently lately. I'm afraid the next place they will search is the landfill.
I was recently reminded of the the Alicia Ross - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia murder case and was struck by the similarities. Boyfriend last to see woman, early reporting, everything left at home, not officially named but boyfriend made comments about being the main suspect, a refusal to take a polygraph. A neighbour did it. To be honest, I think that case is probably the reason I haven't jumped on the JC Did It train.
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