GUILTY OH - Steubenville Rape Case, 11 Aug 2012 #1

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About the kid cracking jokes in the video, whose lawyer claims he is so ashamed now? Have a look at his twitter. He is still spewing the same type of stuff that he was saying in the video. Such as "Hickory Dickory Dock, that girl's too dead for my c**k." He's a real charmer, that one.
About the kid cracking jokes in the video, whose lawyer claims he is so ashamed now? Have a look at his twitter. He is still spewing the same type of stuff that he was saying in the video. Such as "Hickory Dickory Dock, that girl's too dead for my c**k." He's a real charmer, that one.

His parents need to have him checked out to see if he's a psychopath. One of the conditions of psychopaths is the inability to empathize. If I was that kid's father I'd be mortified and crying every day. The cops say that they handled it as best they could. I don't know if that's true or not, but I wouldn't doubt that they ran into a wall of silence with everyone associated with the crime or school. JMO
His Facebook & twitter were hacked by the truth seekers.

Has Anonymous been tweeting on his account for the past few days? On Jan 3 he said he had to create a new account because people were hacking him. I'm talking about tweets on this new account. He is still at it.
I actually DID watch the video all the way through. Once. What stood out to me was the way MN kept grabbing/tugging at his "junk" while he was talking about the rape. I seem to be the first to mention it here. Maybe it's something so obvious that anyone viewing the video would see it, and nobody has felt it needed to be pointed out, but there are a few posters who either did not watch it at all, or only watched a bit of it before becoming disgusted. Sorry if this is inappropriate.

I watched the entire video and yes, I did notice that he was tugging his junk as if what he was saying was actually turning him on. I can say that I'm very glad and thankful that this punk is not my grandson, and I can say that he should be very glad and thankful that he isn't my grandson.
OK... I have been wanting to post this "fact" for some time, but needed to find a MSM link to support it. Last week, I read that the photo of the blue-shorts girl being carried was not taken on the night in question, and the subject is not the current victim. I am still not 100% sure, but I believe this indicates that.
This quote is part of the apology issued by C.S. in response to his involvement in this. The part I wanted to bring to the forefront is bolded. The photo that is circulating of the young lady in the blue shorts and grey shirt, being carried by two boys, one holding her feet and the other her arms IS NOT a photo from the August party from which the charges stem. The girl in the photograph IS NOT the victim in this case. This photo was in circulation among the students of Steubenville High School, and was initially being cited as a photo of a DIFFERENT girl at a DIFFERENT party, to show that this was not the first time that boys have mistreated an intoxicated/unconscious girl. That somehow got lost in the furor over this case, and is now being cited by several sources as being a photo taken of THIS VICTIM at the August party, and it seems many of our members have been mistakenly perpetuating inaccurate information.

Of course, it is possible that his words mean that he took this photo at an earlier party the same evening, at which (he claims) NO sexual assault took place, and that it IS a photo of the victim, and I am mistaken. Of course, if this photo was taken EARLIER that evening, and is indicative of the victim's condition at THAT point, it is pretty powerful evidence that she was incapacitated by drugs and/or alcohol well before the sexual assaults took place.

This witness who was being the comedian in the video made several statements throughout the video about her being violated in different ways and carried around.

At the 1:18 "There's a naked picture of her, a wang in the butt**** and she's not moving.
At the 9:05 mark he states "You didn't see how they carried her out".

There was more than one party going on that night.

My thoughts are that it is the victim being carried and that she was sexually assaulted several times that night.

Saccoccia, pronounced SOCK-otch, told the principal and school superintendent that the players who posted online photographs and comments about the girl the night of the parties said they did not think they had done anything wrong. Because of that, he said, he had no basis for benching those players.


Approached in November to be interviewed about the case, Saccoccia said he did not "do the Internet," so he had not seen the comments and photographs posted online from that night. When asked again about the players involved and why he chose not to discipline them, he became agitated.

"You made me mad now," he said, throwing in several expletives as he walked from the high school to his car.

Nearly nose to nose with a reporter, he growled: "You're going to get yours. And if you don't get yours, somebody close to you will."

BBM. This is exactly why the principal, superintendent and coach need to lose their jobs. If they haven't go enough decency and intelligence to see that something very wrong occurred, they have no business being a position working with kids.

I just find it utterly astounding that they saw nothing wrong. And then for the coach to threaten the media by saying ""You're going to get yours. And if you don't get yours, somebody close to you will" is even more appalling.

In one of the articles I read about this, one of the comments alleges that the victim had previously dated a boy name CS and then broken up with him. He allegedly planned his revenge on her by luring her into this mess and was a witness and participant with lots of evidence to prove it. However charges against him were said to have been dropped because a local influential business man (Mr T.) along with CS's father and the sheriff met at a local pasta restaurant to take care of the problem.

I can't confirm any of this and only read it in the comments section of one of the articles about this case but it is a very interesting allegation and I wonder how much truth is to it. I took a screen cap of the comment because it stood out to me.
His parents need to have him checked out to see if he's a psychopath. One of the conditions of psychopaths is the inability to empathize. If I was that kid's father I'd be mortified and crying every day. The cops say that they handled it as best they could. I don't know if that's true or not, but I wouldn't doubt that they ran into a wall of silence with everyone associated with the crime or school. JMO

I agree. He does seem to have some type of personality or conduct disorder, in my non-professional opinion. Even when others tried to raise some empathetic feeling in him, he just couldn't do it. (What if she was my sister? She's not.)

I would be devastated if it were my son.
Eeeek!!! I grew up back there. In fact, I have relatives on both sides of the Ohio River. One of my cousin's sons plays for Big Red, but has a very supportive, involved family. They are devastated that what so few could do to destroy the school and the innocent kids that are accounted for and spend their weekends hunting and being sportsmen, like my cousin's son. It has caused a divide in the family from each side of the river.
Wall of silence? You betcha. In my own opinion, the youth on the youtube vid seems to me to be fueled by both coke and alcohol. Deep into the game, it's the trickle down.I am just happy that I do not know any of the people that caused this scandal......
Eeeek!!! I grew up back there. In fact, I have relatives on both sides of the Ohio River. One of my cousin's sons plays for Big Red, but has a very supportive, involved family. They are devastated that what so few could do to destroy the school and the innocent kids that are accounted for and spend their weekends hunting and being sportsmen, like my cousin's son. It has caused a divide in the family from each side of the river.
Wall of silence? You betcha. In my own opinion, the youth on the youtube vid seems to me to be fueled by both coke and alcohol. Deep into the game, it's the trickle down.I am just happy that I do not know any of the people that caused this scandal......

At times, he appears to be on mesc, which causes you to think anything and everything is crazily funny. There are parts of the video where that seems not to be the case. But, in my experience, insane laughter over that which is not even slightly funny is the result of being under the influence of mescaline (which the red face and uncontrollable laughter supports) or of being a complete psycho. I'm open to either conclusion and, ironically, hoping that he was messed up on mesc.
Every time I see the face of the kid in the video, the one who thinks he is soooo funny, I can't help but think of a braying jackass. There is something seriously wrong with him and i doubt this will be the last time he gets in trouble.

It is sickening how some schools, coaches and others allow athletes to get away with such repulsive behavior. I remember my high school days and the coach's son was in my classes. The teacher blatantly favored him and his athlete friends. They even created an English class called "Recreational Reading" for the athletes so they could get the English credit they needed. the coach taught it and all they did was read 2 comic books or something equally simple. No one but the athletes were allowed to take that class. In other classes the teachers gave the athletes credit on test for blatantly wrong answers such as "what was the first national magazine?". The coaches son answered "Playboy" and she gave him credit for it. The jock were rude, disruptive and allowed to behave however they pleased.

I have never been into athletics and I worked in the school library in my spare time. The principal and coach would make attendance at pep rallies mandatory. They even wanted us to pay to go to the pep rally. I protested and said I would prefer to go to the library and read, study or work there instead of going to a pep rally. I got sent to the principal's office for refusing to go to the pep rally. The principal got furious at me for that. I have a smart mouth and I told him I came to school to get an education, not to cheer on a bunch of ill mannered, idiotic jocks. He told me I could either go to the pep rally or be suspended and I said "Great!! suspend me, I am outta here." and walked off campus and called home for a ride.

I went a high school where jocks were allowed to rule the school and hated it so I decided to attend summer school, take correspondence courses in addition to going to high school so I could graduate early, at age 16, because I wanted to get the heck out of there as soon as possible. I graduated in December, started work and didn't even bother to attend my high school graduation.

There are good coaches and good athletes but unfortunately there are also quite a few very sick and abusive people in charge as well. I am sure there is much more ugliness that has been swept under the rug in the past for these athletes.
Many people have asked if the fact that the two are being tried as juveniles could change. DeWine says that once the judge decides they are being charged as juveniles that cannot be reversed.

When it comes to stories that have developed from the case and it's investigation on social media, DeWine says there are rumors that are going around the county that are flat our (sic) wrong.

"Only two people have been charged so far and that's because that's the state of the evidence and that's what the evidence found," said DeWine.
I am fairly certain the N<modsnip> twitter accounts are fakes. There is no way his lawyer would be letting him tweet those things.
Charging someone close to 18 as a juvenile ensures a "slap on the wrist." I believe the most they can be kept in custody is until they turn 18 or 21.
They're both 16, or were at time of the assault. I learned tonight that Ohio statute would bump it up to criminal in instances involving either a gun or gang-related.
It will be interesting to see what comes out of an FBI and/or DOJ analysis of the investigation and the evidence.

I know I am a broken record, but locals where did these kids get the alcohol and the substances they were using? Surely there is some kind of intel regarding that.

McNamara said the video had been recorded in the pre-dawn hours following the parties. N<Modsnip>was drunk, "but that's not a justification or excuse," his lawyer said.

The drinking age in Ohio is 21 correct?
You guys have probably already posted this stuff:

At an October hearing, witnesses say they saw the girl stumbling, vomiting and eventually unconscious, having to be carried by the hands and feet. One of the witnesses said she didn't respond when MN performed a sexual act on her in the basement of another student's home.
Kind of corroborates MN's video comments imo. So sworn witnesses testified in October as to the state of the victim and how she apparently did NOT give consent to one of the accused for the sex act performed on her.
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