Found Deceased OK - Aja Johnson, 7, Geronimo, 24 January 2010 - #2

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6angels...First let me say that I retired from a southern metropolitan police department in December 2009 after 37 years of service. If it sounded like I was lumping all Oklahoma LE together then I apologize. I did not mean for it to come across that way. I am well aware of budgets believe me! I am also aware that some call takers/dispatchers do not do their jobs as they should. I have seen them talk someone out of having a squad car come out to talk to a complainant when one should have been sent! You would think they were paying for the gas or something. I guess I was attacking the "MOOT POINT" statement more than I was the action or lack there of. Sorry if I upset you...

P.S. Now I will be afraid to drive through Oklahoma!
You know folks, she was probably dead all this time. Do you really think that he would feed her and keep her warm? I read that he despised & beat her. He probably drove to the place they were found & he put her right out of the car. Freezing weather probably killed her the 1st night. At least, I hope so. Her only escape.

He probably took longer to die and in much more misery. Freezing w/no food - I hope it was a long & drawn-out. 1st his feet & hands went numb and well, you can guess the rest. Probably at the end he hoped someone would rescue him. Probably praying.

So many of these missing child cases end tragically. What's going on? It used to be a rare occurrance for a child to be abducted - now it's everyday. I shudder to think of the terror these men put children through.
You know folks, she was probably dead all this time. Do you really think that he would feed her and keep her warm? I read that he despised & beat her. He probably drove to the place they were found & he put her right out of the car. Freezing weather probably killed her the 1st night. At least, I hope so. Her only escape.

He probably took longer to die and in much more misery. Freezing w/no food - I hope it was a long & drawn-out. 1st his feet & hands went numb and well, you can guess the rest. Probably at the end he hoped someone would rescue him. Probably praying.

So many of these missing child cases end tragically. What's going on? It used to be a rare occurrance for a child to be abducted - now it's everyday. I shudder to think of the terror these men put children through.


Paulette -
Lester made Aja eat jalapeno peppers for punishment

Lester would beat her black and blue (calls were made to the school and DFS with no reply)

Aja was on medication for ADHD - mom wasn't planning on spending the night so the meds were left at home. Grandma said that Aja would climb the walls without her meds.

Grandma said Lester 'hated' Aja.

NO, Lester wouldn't feed poor Aja, maybe some peppers! No, he wouldn't keep her warm, that's why she was outside the car, raw to the elements.

I asked in the beginning who would give her water and stop for potty breaks - she had just turned 7yo - Lester wouldn't do a thing for little Aja, nothing! He is one of the most sadistic, cruel, selfish, hateful, cowards I've ever read about - he preyed on the vulnerable...women and children! mho

This poor beautiful child! I am heartbroken over this case.
Oh poor sweet little Angel Aja....I felt this would be the sad ending given the history of this abusive coward

This is heartbreaking

My heart goes out to her loving Daddy who had full custody

IMHO her bio mom shouldn't have even been around her since she couldn't stop putting an abusive felon into their lives, a man who ended up murdering both of them

edited : cause now I see the state did have it so that visits were to be supervised...
what a tragedy
OH yes let's just lump all LE in Oklahoma together.

Sorry but THAT makes MY blood boil, maybe it shouldn't but MY husband is a LE in Oklahoma and puts HIS life on the line EVERYDAY to protect others.

This baby was failed and it started with her mother and the monster that killed her. THERE WAS a active investigation and LE WAS trying to find this precious baby unfortunately they did not get to her in time.

Was some mistakes made? I believe so as well as my DH believes so ( he did not work this case) but it was big talk around his department and departments ARE under staffed due to budget issues. OSBI and other departments WAS trying to follow up on tips . I wish she was found sooner and I wish her murder had not harmed her ( I'd give anything for that!!) but the fact is the blame lies with HIM as HE was the monster that took her life.

We are all angry ( I am as well My DH is as well) so maybe we need to take a step back and calm down before we start to lump all Oklahoma LE together and start to point fingers. JMO.

6angels- Speaking only for myself, but I am not lumping all Oklahoma LE in together (or any LE for that matter)...I am a very firm supporter of LE in general and feel most genuinely want to serve and protect our communities. But I do feel that communication is difficult at times with certain PD's,Sheriffs depts, and Federal agencies. Everone has their own way of working cases and when you try to bring them all together, frequently they either butt heads or cannot seem to communicate well enough to be on the same page. They all have their own issues and many are understaffed in LE across the country.

I only wish that this child had been found earlier, because I DO believe there was a slight chance that we could have found her alive.
The responsibility for her death certainly lays with Hobbs. But unfortunately- that no longer matters. All that matters is that we lost a beautiful, innocent life- and maybe we can all learn from this and try to coordinate better in the future.

Peace, 6angels. I understand your anger and frustration.

Oh poor sweet little Angel Aja....I felt this would be the sad ending given the history of this abusive coward

This is heartbreaking

My heart goes out to her loving Daddy who had full custody and who tried to get her away from this horrible situation, but the social services and the courts didn't help

IMHO her bio mom shouldn't have even been around her since she couldn't stop putting an abusive felon into their lives, a man who ended up murdering both of them

The poor Dad did everything right but the state didn't help him.

I must've missed something... what did JJ ask the state to do, that they refused to do?

Paulette -
Lester made Aja eat jalapeno peppers for punishment

Lester would beat her black and blue (calls were made to the school and DFS with no reply)

Aja was on medication for ADHD - mom wasn't planning on spending the night so the meds were left at home. Grandma said that Aja would climb the walls without her meds.

Grandma said Lester 'hated' Aja.

NO, Lester wouldn't feed poor Aja, maybe some peppers! No, he wouldn't keep her warm, that's why she was outside the car, raw to the elements.

I asked in the beginning who would give her water and stop for potty breaks - she had just turned 7yo - Lester wouldn't do a thing for little Aja, nothing! He is one of the most sadistic, cruel, selfish, hateful, cowards I've ever read about - he preyed on the vulnerable...women and children! mho

This poor beautiful child! I am heartbroken over this case.

Folks, we don't know the entire story yet. Lets try and be patient while more information emerges. Emotions are running high right now at this terrible loss....but the truth is, we just don't know yet. We may never know.

Lets just try (I know how hard it is) to be patient.

I must've missed something... what did JJ ask the state to do, that they refused to do?

From what I have read he had custody and a court order that Aja should not be around Hobbs.

the bio mom, like so many of these women, kept going back and forth with Hobbs, she had had Aja around him before. The social services had reports of Aja being beat and hurt by this man who would state he hated Aja

The court order to "keep Aja from Hobbs" was ignored by the bio mom who paid for it with her life (her choice) and also Aja paid for it with HER life, gone too soon, this didn't have to happen

Sweet Aja paid the ultimate price here
That is pretty much the opposite of what I have seen reported.

From Michelle Sigona, with emphasis added by me (and if you google the issue, you'll find other references):
Police say Tonya and Aja were visiting for the weekend, but Aja was not supposed to be in contact with Lester Hobbs and was supposed to have supervised visits only with her mother.​

ETA: This article is pretty detailed and describes how JJ came to send Aja off alone with her mother, despite the court's order that TH's visits were to be supervised.
Thanks...I missed that part where the visits were supposed to be supervised

I will edit my other posts but since people copy and paste them u could edit that too??

I thought that they didn't have supervised visits but I guess they did...this is really sad...I am just amazed that the bio mom took her back there

There is such a danger to kids when such a bad person is in their lives...I just get sick of seeing these moms put their abusive lovers/boyfriends/husbands over the safety of the kids (and in this case the safety of the mother too)
How did she end up unsupervised with her Mother? Who was supposed to be supervising?
How did she end up unsupervised with her Mother? Who was supposed to be supervising?

She told J.J. that she was taking Aja and her sister to a birthday party for a cousin.

J.J. was under the impression that she wasn't "with" Hobbs anymore, so against his better judgment he let her mom take her.
She told J.J. that she was taking Aja and her sister to a birthday party for a cousin.

J.J. was under the impression that she wasn't "with" Hobbs anymore, so against his better judgment he let her mom take her.

That is just so sad.
She told J.J. that she was taking Aja and her sister to a birthday party for a cousin.

J.J. was under the impression that she wasn't "with" Hobbs anymore, so against his better judgment he let her mom take her.

I just don't have the heart to fault her Dad in this. I truly believe he thought he was doing the right thing by letting her spend time with her Mom and sister. My heart breaks for him and the guilt he most probably will carry with him the rest of his life. :(
I just don't have the heart to fault her Dad in this. I truly believe he thought he was doing the right thing by letting her spend time with her Mom and sister. My heart breaks for him and the guilt he most probably will carry with him the rest of his life. :(

I totally agree with you Mich. :(
I agree. As a parent you want so badly to give your child the best life possible, and that includes being with her Mom and going to family parties. It's just such a horrible fact that this seems to happen over and over. I can't imagine having to keep my child away from the other parent, I could see myself "making an exception". Sadly, that's all it takes. How do you stop that? I don't know that I wouldn't do it myself, so how can I expect anyone else to?
On the night before the discovery of Tonya Hobbs’ body, she and Lester Hobbs were seen arguing by the older daughter, Miller said.

"(She) told me Lester was yelling at Tonya,” Miller said. "He had found the numbers of some guys in her cell phone, and became angry. He even called a few of them, and one turned out to be a cousin.

There could be your "motive" right there.

This article breaks my heart to read it.
Thanks...I missed that part where the visits were supposed to be supervised

I will edit my other posts but since people copy and paste them u could edit that too??

I thought that they didn't have supervised visits but I guess they did...this is really sad...I am just amazed that the bio mom took her back there

There is such a danger to kids when such a bad person is in their lives...I just get sick of seeing these moms put their abusive lovers/boyfriends/husbands over the safety of the kids (and in this case the safety of the mother too)

I'm with you. This case makes me feel spiritually and physically ill on so many levels. The existence of LH in their lives is just one of them. And yes, I'll fix your quote in my post.
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