OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs and Dog Found Abandoned, 8 Oct 2009 - #10

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Well, the one did have the "living in a storage bin" article, n'est-ce pas?

That it did.
wfgodot- on your next Walmart chip run, would you check out the current price of an AD on the stand? I wonder if it might match up with a receipt or sumptin...
That it did.
wfgodot- on your next Walmart chip run, would you check out the current price of an AD on the stand? I wonder if it might match up with a receipt or sumptin...

Is there a receipt or sumptin?

This would not be helpful now but it just hit me how a phamacy customer card would have been helpful in the first few days.

I shop at them often and it always shows me how much I spent for the year. Plus it will show credits I earn for store points..all one would need to show what I had spent recently in that store would be my phone number and from that the card number shows up and other investigators could find out what I bought. Maybe one could find out online. Too late for this cse unless they are alive and still usng their phone number for the instore discounts.
I am late to the party here-why couldnt their weight loss and behavior be explained by drugs, not to mention the alleged hallucinations?

Drugs were found in the truck, correct?

Can someone provide a MSM link that indicates the family was partially living in a storage container/box, please? Let's start chipping away again on what is rumor and what is fact.

Is there a receipt or sumptin?

This would not be helpful now but it just hit me how a phamacy customer card would have been helpful in the first few days.

I shop at them often and it always shows me how much I spent for the year. Plus it will show credits I earn for store points..all one would need to show what I had spent recently in that store would be my phone number and from that the card number shows up and other investigators could find out what I bought. Maybe one could find out online. Too late for this cse unless they are alive and still usng their phone number for the instore discounts.

Soul- yes! Remember way back when, I was inquiring about the pharmacy(s) listed on the prescription bottles in the truck?
I think certain controlled substances such as narcotics- may be kept in a database longer than others- and maybe we can still access that online.

I completely forgot to see if there was a specific card attached to the keys. Excellent thought.
I am late to the party here-why couldnt their weight loss and behavior be explained by drugs, not to mention the alleged hallucinations?

Drugs were found in the truck, correct?

Can someone provide a MSM link that indicates the family was partially living in a storage container/box, please? Let's start chipping away again on what is rumor and what is fact.


Yes- the weight loss and behavior could easily be explained by drug use, imvho. There was prescription medicine found in the truck- but allegedly no illegal drugs.
I've always been curious about the possibility of some shake and bake going on, however... which is often a by-product of OTC drugs as well as some prescription meds.

There is nothing in MSM that I know of that points toward the Jamison's living in a storage container. Just that they had a storage container located at their primary residence. But the contents of that storage container are unfortunately now allegedly...in another storage container. SO you see the problem.

Welcome to the Jamison's case, believe09! Please don't run far far away! We need all the help we can get!
(Be prepared to use 'allegedly' often. )
The only drugs that ere found in the truck were prescription for Bobbys back. The were not partiaclly living in the storage continer,and as I understand it ,the contianer was being used like a shed.

I think alot of speculation has started to be mistaken as fact The speculation is there may have been drugs involved. No evidence of it was found.

They were planning on turning their storage container into a home. Seemed to be a newer idea ,and from the article of storage contaner homes they had in their truck,it seemed they dreamed of making it into a nice do up. It does not appear they were planning on dumping a metal box into the woods and live like heathens . They were living in their nice lake home and the storage container was in their yard.

I guess the weightloss could have been from drugs. Without any drugs being found it is hard to believe that if it was from drugs they wouldnt leave some here and there do to them not being the most tidy of people. Not to mention drug pipes .bowls. baggies etc. that would be evidence and was not found.

The conversation alledged to have happened from the Brandon guy is the wrench .

They had thousnds of dollars, and no drugs in their home or truck. It does not fall in line with any drug addict I have even known.
The only drugs that ere found in the truck were prescription for Bobbys back. The were not partiaclly living in the storage continer,and as I understand it ,the contianer was being used like a shed.

I think alot of speculation has started to be mistaken as fact The speculation is there may have been drugs involved. No evidence of it was found.

They were planning on turning their storage container into a home. Seemed to be a newer idea ,and from the article of storage contaner homes they had in their truck,it seemed they dreamed of making it into a nice do up. It does not appear they were planning on dumping a metal box into the woods and live like heathens . They were living in their nice lake home and the storage container was in their yard.

I guess the weightloss could have been from drugs. Without any drugs being found it is hard to believe that if it was from drugs they wouldnt leave some here and there do to them not being the most tidy of people. Not to mention drug pipes .bowls. baggies etc. that would be evidence and was not found.

The conversation alledged to have happened from the Brandon guy is the wrench .

They had thousnds of dollars, and no drugs in their home or truck. It does not fall in line with any drug addict I have even known.

The thing is though, Soul...are we confident in what was found in either the truck OR their home? Or the storage container for that matter? It appears there's nothing left in evidence.
So while I wholeheartedly agree that it doesn't look like there was anything to indicate significant drug or substance abuse- seems we'll never know.

Nothing matches up with anything. I can't get away from the thought that something is very dirty here- as in a LOT of cooks in the kitchen. No pun intended.

How in the heck does LE just...hand over $30+K found in a vehicle during the course of an open investigation, kwim?? Forget the dang phone that allegedly took a bath...that's a LOT of cash.
How do we know it didn't start out as $50K? Or $100K?

There's no way to know anything- because LE didn't hold onto any evidence. Soooo frustrating. :banghead:
Looking at the photos again that was posted in the link, I notice the girl has the blond hair and full set of teeth with no marking on her face yet the last photo taken of her, she is missing teeth, has bruise and red mark on face, that does not look too good
Working on the assumption that they are dead, where would the bodies be? As they have not been found there with the truck, they would have been removed or buried, was there any heavy equipment near by as there are signs that there had been at one time?
Were any GPR runs made to indicate buried bodies?
Seems to be tracks going to the wrecked vehicle and back in the wide shot of the area at the gas well, why?
In the photo of the gas well and someone in a red shirt is walking to the trees, there is a mound of dirt to the left of well. It is appears to be rather fresh digging.
If not buried, how did they get off the mountain, if dead in the back of a pickup covered by tarps, if alive, then one to control and one to drive, the vehicle would have to be big enough and tuff enough to be able to go in the area and transport them out
Now if the perp knew the gas wells, might indicate that once worked for Chesapeake or in the industry at one time and would know some good spots to dump a dead family in the mountains because they worked up there, which leds me back to Middle Mountain and Poteau Mountain as they seem prime areas for dumping bodies now days. Perhaps there was some heavy equipment at the location that he took the bodies to bury them
Soul- yes! Remember way back when, I was inquiring about the pharmacy(s) listed on the prescription bottles in the truck?
I think certain controlled substances such as narcotics- may be kept in a database longer than others- and maybe we can still access that online.

I completely forgot to see if there was a specific card attached to the keys. Excellent thought.
If the Jamisons were extreme users of narcotics, their insurance company may have mailed out their narcotic payment records to their primary care doc, ER docs, and and/or ER nurse practitioners hoping they would stop prescribing narcotics to them. (Some abuser hit every ER in town multiple times/month with narcotic-seeking behavior.) Otherwise, the HIPAA Privacy Rule prohibits pharmacies, hospitals, doc offices, and insurance companies from sharing such patient information. This info will not be found online.
That it did.
wfgodot- on your next Walmart chip run, would you check out the current price of an AD on the stand? I wonder if it might match up with a receipt or sumptin...
Okay, no AD at the My-AM-uhh WalMart. Probably would be more available at lake locations like Eufaula and Grove though, as the swanky Tulsa crowd weekends there quite a bit.
The only drugs that ere found in the truck were prescription for Bobbys back. The were not partiaclly living in the storage continer,and as I understand it ,the contianer was being used like a shed.

I think alot of speculation has started to be mistaken as fact The speculation is there may have been drugs involved. No evidence of it was found.

They were planning on turning their storage container into a home. Seemed to be a newer idea ,and from the article of storage contaner homes they had in their truck,it seemed they dreamed of making it into a nice do up. It does not appear they were planning on dumping a metal box into the woods and live like heathens . They were living in their nice lake home and the storage container was in their yard.

I guess the weightloss could have been from drugs. Without any drugs being found it is hard to believe that if it was from drugs they wouldnt leave some here and there do to them not being the most tidy of people. Not to mention drug pipes .bowls. baggies etc. that would be evidence and was not found.

The conversation alledged to have happened from the Brandon guy is the wrench .

They had thousnds of dollars, and no drugs in their home or truck. It does not fall in line with any drug addict I have even known.
Weight loss is a symptom of depression.

The wife had bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by recurring episodes of depression and hypomania. Bobby had a diagnosis of Major Depression.

Also, weight loss is frequently a warning sign of psychosis in patients predisposed for psychosis. Psychotic individuals (especially paranoid ones) may experience significant weight loss.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse
Weight loss is a symptom of depression.

The wife had bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is characterized by recurring episodes of depression and hypomania. Bobby had a diagnosis of Major Depression.

verified psychiatric mental health nurse

I think we can agree that weightloss isnt only indicative of depression-it can be a symptom of depression, sure.

It can be a symptom of drug use of many kinds.
Soul, from your post:

They were planning on turning their storage container into a home. Seemed to be a newer idea ,and from the article of storage contaner homes they had in their truck,it seemed they dreamed of making it into a nice do up. It does not appear they were planning on dumping a metal box into the woods and live like heathens . They were living in their nice lake home and the storage container was in their yard.

This is the MSM link I am missing. I can see perhaps why people are inferring they were planning on living in it, I guess. I am missing the back up that indicates this is a known fact.

If we set it aside as a rumor, from my spot here I see something far simpler than demonic possession and mental illness run amok.

Somehow, imo, they were lured from the truck. I dont know why their dog was left behind, unless the dog did not react favorably to whomever may have lured them from the truck.

To me, it looks like they may have expected to return to the truck. I look forward to spending more times on the details that have brought you all here to this point, though. What grabs me here is the child, tbh. She and the dog for sure did not have a say in any of this.
Sure, but the article with the investigating officer's interview stated that there were no signs of illegal drug abuse.

At least inside of the truck-perhaps they took whatever it was with them. JMO. I mean I dont see the kind of people you see every day, Pens, who have profound mental illness. The people I have seen may have underlying profound illness, but it is driven by the use of illegal drugs.
IMO, mental illness is the most simple of all the explanations. Between 20-30% of Americans, who are the age of Bobby and his wife, had a mental illness last year.
• 8.4 million American adults had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year.
• 2.2 million American individuals made plans to commit suicide last year.
• One million Americans attempted suicide last year.
In addition, unemployed adults are twice as likely to have serious thoughts of suicide compared to those who are fully employed. :(

This is the MSM link I am missing. I can see perhaps why people are inferring they were planning on living in it, I guess. I am missing the back up that indicates this is a known fact.

[Sheriff] Beauchamp said the family had gone to look at two 40-acre plots of land for possible purchase and had plans to move a shipping container onto some rural land and make a home out of it.

It's from a Daily Oklahoman article that now costs $$ to access, but this is directly quoted from it.

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