OK OK - Jamison Family; Truck, IDs and Dog Found Abandoned, 8 Oct 2009 - #10

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When was the will drawn up and filed? Because it doesnt matter when it was settled-LE would have had access to it, and it is routine to view documents like a will to determine motivations for foul play or any other classification where a whole family has disappeared.
When was the will drawn up and filed? Because it doesnt matter when it was settled-LE would have had access to it, and it is routine to view documents like a will to determine motivations for foul play or any other classification where a whole family has disappeared.

Uh, we are talking about Oklahoma and as was mentioned before LE knew nothing about the will until someone from Websleuths let them know about it
^Cults don't have to be a single group. To be a cult, an organization just needs to have an abusive sicko leader consumed with his/her own power and/or making money.

Where is the Jamison's spiritual leader at this time? When one googles his name, nothing appears except for articles about the Jamison’s disappearance. Was he affiliated with any congregation? Is he still affiliated with them?
According to Intellius, there aren't any GB (Jamison's spiritual leader) who have ever lived anywhere close to Eufaula, OK. Where did this spiritual leader live? The articles state that he was a Eufaula pastor. Weird.
I dont understand why someone who took them into the woods and disposed of them wouldnt come back to the truck for the phones, the purse, the GPS...I mean the money would have been found eventually. And why not take the dog?

I mean one would think at a minimum the perp/perps would come back and check out the truck-what if the Jamison's had written something down that was incriminating?
Guys, please no naming people as persons of interest outside of MSM or LE statement, please do not post photos or location of people or property that are not clearly involved in this case, and please dont bait one another. Please make sure you link appropriately as well.
Guys, please no naming people as persons of interest outside of MSM or LE statement, please do not post photos or location of people or property that are not clearly involved in this case, and please dont bait one another. Please make sure you link appropriately as well.

Whoops. I am sorry about my post, Believe09. I just think it could be of interest that he isn't found in the Eufaula area any longer according to internet searches.

I dont understand why someone who took them into the woods and disposed of them wouldnt come back to the truck for the phones, the purse, the GPS...I mean the money would have been found eventually. And why not take the dog?

I mean one would think at a minimum the perp/perps would come back and check out the truck-what if the Jamison's had written something down that was incriminating?
Yeah, and if someone wanted to kill them r/t drugs or inheritance money, why wouldn't they just shoot them quickly and run/drive away? The area is uninhabited, so why risk making them wander into the forest where they might overpower their abductor?
^Cults don't have to be a single group. To be a cult, an organization just needs to have an abusive sicko leader consumed with his/her own power and/or making money.

Where is the Jamison's spiritual leader at this time? When one googles his name, nothing appears except for articles about the Jamison’s disappearance. Was he affiliated with any congregation? Is he still affiliated with them?

Pensfan, the spiritual leader you referenced is from the 7th. day Adventist Church in Eufaula. They had friends from that church who knew they were going to be looking at property. LE talked to them, and everyone from that church has been cleared.

As for the Vineyard Church, anything that's not mainstream Christian, meaning evangelical or charismatic, is looked down upon by some. I don't think we're talking Waco here or Jonestown, imo. Could be that if Sherilyn was manic, it manifested itself as compulsive religiousity, ya know? And perhaps she was consulting various religions in an effort to deal with the alleged spirits. Just a guess.

I don't think that info about the shoes is correct, at least not that I ever recall hearing about them not having their shoes on. I think they had spare pairs in the truck, and that's what was found.
I also want to mention something I noticed on the Jamisons container. Some of us were discussing the names of Sherilyn's cats. The name "cotton" was spray painted on the container. Colton's name could have easily been changed to "cotton."

Why was Colton rushed out of Dodge so quickly? Was it because of the "spirits?" I think not!

Little, I just re-watched the Disappeared video again last night, and they show a close-up of the word "cotton" on the container. Didn't appear to be altered IMO. Perhaps Cotton was one of the missing cats' names.

I was unaware that Sherilyn's son had been whisked away to anywhere. It was my understanding his dad had custody of him. If you have the time, would you please clarify for me? Tks in advance.
I have yet to find why LE thought the Jamisons were (are) "scammers."

I always thought it was due to the lawsuits and the s.s checks, JMO. I am definitly not as informed as I would like to be but I do think those are the things he used to draw his conclusion on the subject.
Little, I just re-watched the Disappeared video again last night, and they show a close-up of the word "cotton" on the container. Didn't appear to be altered IMO. Perhaps Cotton was one of the missing cats' names.

I was unaware that Sherilyn's son had been whisked away to anywhere. It was my understanding his dad had custody of him. If you have the time, would you please clarify for me? Tks in advance.

If the name on the container really did say "Colton", all you would have to do is put a slash at the top of the "L." Why would someone want to paint over the word, anyway.

The OCSN is down at the moment. I will get the link to Sherilyn and her ex's divorce when it's back up and running.
Sorry to double post, I always do it when I post before I get all the way though the catch up.

The neighbor on the mountain, who had concrete poured a few days before the Jamisons came up missing. Is interesting. How likey is it that randomly they are looking to buy land near someone who also happens to be building a container home ?

And the is a container home article in the truck the day they decide to look at the land? Did the neighbor see the issue or buy it? Did he give it to them? Did he know them already?

I wondered if they did not met already though the chruch group or roomate. I firmly believe there is a connection to that neighbor,and the people who were supposed to go up there that day or the roomate. I think finding where and when they bough that storage container might be they key in showing connections. Did LE follow up with the amount of concrete sold and used for the slab for the container and was the weather good enough to even pour a slab ?

I also dont believe Sherilyn to be of the god fearing sort. If she feared demons IMO it was because she was playing with the tarot type things. Which I have never seen someone who was god fearing do. Her journal indicates she was doing readings of some sorts.
All personal opinion.
I can tell you, Colton's dad asked for an "emergency custody order" in June 2009. It was to be granted within 10 days.
I think Bobby's mom and Sherilyn's mom know more than they're saying. Sherilyn's mother lived there from March to June of 2009. Bobby's mom lived there after that.

When did the "handyman" stay there? The mothers must have known about him.
Every time I watch that video, I pick up something new. From the incident between Sherilyn and the boarder, it says, "she picked up one of Bobby's guns.

How many guns did Bobby own?
Are they all accounted for?

In one of the dramatizations about the spirits, it says, Bobby asked the minister/advisor if there were special bullets he could buy to kill the spirits.

Would a man who owned more than one gun have ever asked a question such as that, even if he was delusional? I think not. Delusional doesn't mean that someone forgets everything they know.

Look at Sherilyn, she buys a gun from a guy off Craigslist or something. She doesn't go to a gun shop. Not saying that means anything, but it could indicate someone who was street wise or knew they couldn't buy a gun legally due to mental issues.

The family and friends insist something bad happened to the Jamisons. In one scene I caught his mom shaking her head no while describing a time when Sherilyn was very happy. Curious to say the least.

Anyone know when the Jamisons bought that lake house? Was it with money from the settlement of the car accident?

I just can't help but think either these people got knocked off in a drug deal gone bad or else they had connections, and got wind of the coming drug bust, and took off, and everything else was staged, and if that wasn't it, then I think it was Bobby who knocked off Sherilyn, and he and Madyson are in hiding somewhere.

Throughout the video, the mom always speaks of her son, daughter-in-law, and granddaughter in the past tense. I find that odd because even if a person suspects the worst, the occasional rays of hope are going to shine through until the fate of the missing is truly learned.

Someone asked when the boarder arrived. According to the video it was July of 2009, two months before they disappeared. Did the incident with the boarder really happen or was it invented as part of the staging.

As far as staging goes, if this was a staged disappearance, it reminds me of the staging at a certain residence in Boulder, Co.---overkill, and yet, I just can't believe the Jamisons had all their faculties about them. If they had, and this was staged, they would have made sure the house video cameras were turned off. I guess it could be an oopsy.

Someone said they didn't think Sherilyn was all that into God, but how do you explain all the religious stuff spray painted on that abandoned truck? Maybe she was a dabbler, a little Wiccan, a little 7th. Day Adventist, a little Vineyard, tarot, and so on. Looking for a religious home or trying to cover all the bases.
If the name on the container really did say "Colton", all you would have to do is put a slash at the top of the "L." Why would someone want to paint over the word, anyway.

The OCSN is down at the moment. I will get the link to Sherilyn and her ex's divorce when it's back up and running.

Hmmm. When was it painted over? There's a picture of it on the container in that video. I was trying to locate that pic, and got sidetracked by a bunch of other stuff on the video. I'll keep checking.

I've read the divorce papers. I just misunderstood you. I know the dad got custody due to the drugs. What do you think the chances are that neither Bobby's mother or Sherilyn's friend knew that?
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