OK OK - Molly Miller, 17, and Colt Haynes, 21, Wilson, 7 July 2013 *MEDIA THREAD*

Transcript of Interview with Colt Haynes' Sisters, Part 7

Listen to the interview here:


Key to the participants:

H: Host
MHS: Colt's older sister
JHM: Colt's oldest sister

(This is a slightly cleaned-up version, edited for readability. The raw version has been kept intact in a separate file.)

H: Okay, so you're seeing what I'm saying. I'm not trying to...

JHM: Yes.

H: … get the man off with a free pass, but you do see what I am saying.

JHM: Yes. Yes.

H: Okay, good. (unintelligible) I did not want…

JHM: I mean, I see both sides of it. I do. I'm hoping, I'm hoping he didn't. I'm hoping that this is all some kind of elaborate ruse and that he's off running around somewhere, you know, hiding, because he wants to go play. I hope that. I mean, I hope everyone is doing everything they're supposed to be doing. I hope everybody's doing the right thing. And when I'm not finding that to be, to hold up, you know?

H: You're not finding that to be the case. Um, good. I mean…

JHM: I, yeah, I don't think so.

H: I just didn't want y'all, I just didn't want y'all to take offense to that because I am not here to offend y'all. I'm not here to say, oh, I don't think he, you know. That's not what I'm here for.

JHM: Yeah, yeah...

H: I am here to help. I'm here to get the word out.

JHM: Yeah, you're thinking maybe he's not trying to be a bad guy. He's trying to help somebody out of a pickle or, you know, trying to…

H: Or not even, not even trying to help family.

JHM: Yeah. I see, I see what you're saying, and the bottom line is, you know, I don't… I'm not here to try to prosecute anybody or go sue anybody. I just want to find Colt.

H: Right.

JHM: I just want to find Colt and Molly. When it comes down to it, I hope he is on the right side. I hope everybody is doing everything they can on the right side.

H: But it's not looking that way.

JHM: It doesn't look that way. It doesn't look that way.

H: I have spoken with some deputies and other people in private that have said that, you know, that they want to go on that property. They want to go search that house but, it goes back to that we just don't have anything to do it on. You know, but…

JHM: Yeah.

H: … if he's on probation, that's not exactly the truth. Well, you know...

JHM: Yeah.

H: … it's not, it's not a mystery. They can't just go walking, marching up on that man's property. That's something that his probation officer has to do.

JHM: Yeah.

H: You know, and he can do that, you know, fairly easy. Um...

JHM: Now, with all the, even though it is circumstantial evidence, with all of it that they do have, they should be able to search the property.

H: But, I mean, if you're the last known person with somebody and you're refusing to speak...

JHM: Yes.

H: … and people are saying that these things are going on, that these are things that he is saying, they don't need hard, concrete proof. That's not their job to get. Their job is...

JHM: No, there is so much circumstantial evidence that it should…

H: … to get, is to get probable cause.

JHM: Yes, probable cause. And they have plenty of probable cause.

H: You know, they can look at it and say, you know…

JHM: Plenty of probable cause.

H: They can look at it and say, is it probable that there was foul play? Yes, it is probable. It is probable that there was foul play. Is it probable that this individual was involved in it? Yes, he was the last one to, you know, he was the last one to be with them. Um, Molly's belongings were found in the vehicle. You know, with Colt's testimony, because it's not hearsay if it was said directly to somebody like it was over the phone, that's not hearsay.

JHM: Yes.

H: Um, that he said that he, that they were with this person, or that they were seen with this person, you have gone beyond the realm of circumstantials.

JHM: They have real strong evidence. They have ample evidence to, I feel like they do have ample evidence to pursue a search warrant. They are just choosing not to.

H: And, has there been evidence either way on what that is? On what that reasoning is?

JHM: No, they...

H: I set you up, I set you up pretty for that question, you know, to reply any way you want.

JHM: I haven't gotten a good answer as to why not. We don't have enough evidence is the big consensus. And everything we have is hearsay. Nothing, you know, we don't have any concrete evidence. We don't have any…

H: You know, that's it, the entire case is that, uh…

JHM: That's the story I get.

H: That's it. The entire case and the entire ordeal is a bunch of he said, she said.

JHM: Yeah.

H: According to them. According to them.

JHM: Yeah.
Transcript of Interview with Colt Haynes' Sisters, Part 8

Listen to the interview here:


Key to the participants:

H: Host
MHS: Colt's older sister
JHM: Colt's oldest sister

(This is a slightly cleaned-up version, edited for readability. The raw version has been kept intact in a separate file.)

(Lots of snips from this point to skip parts of the discussion that aren't giving us anything to brainstorm over, i.e. appeals to the public for information.)

H: Um, now, how soon after y'all didn't hear, you know, how soon after that night were searches conducted?

JHS: Um, it was a while before they actually got the search together.

H: Oh, okay, all right. Um, you've got to excuse me. I mean, I've just heard so much, so much new, you know, so much new tonight that it's kind of thrown me for a loop. Um, now, there is a current petition going on, going around for a warrant to be issued. Um, have you heard, you know, the potential, uh, success of that? Because I know as of today there's been a little bit of rumor or talk that, you know, that this isn't exactly best way to go with that. Have you heard anything about that by chance?

MHS: Um, well, I heard that we would probably be better off to get a grand jury, a petition to for the grand jury to investigate. But, at this point, I think we're willing to try anything.


H: Um, are y'all actively trying to put together a search or an investigation team for Colt?

MHS: Uh, like private investigators? Or are we talking like on the ground, trying to get on their property?

H: Both. Both.

MHS: Both? Well, I've talked to several people, but people just aren't as willing to help us. I don't, I don't understand why. It just seems that I get shut down every which way I turn. So…

H: Now, have the Millers seemed to have been helping y'all out a lot on this? Um, you know, with information and cooperation and things like that?

MHS: Oh, yeah.

H: Okay. All right. I was, you know, I can't imagine it being any different. You know, I really can't, because I understand that Colt and Molly were long-time friends, you know, along with Garrett and all them, that they were real close friends. You know, so I couldn't imagine anything like, we're not going to worry about, you know, anything like that. Um, so, if someone came along and said they would be willing to help, you know, as far… Is there, what information would (unintelligible) be able to help them in their search and help in their investigations as far as on the ground, trying to get on land, you know, following up leads and stuff like that? Because there's, one of the main complaints I heard from, you know, from different law enforcement, because these are small town police forces, that, you know, they don't have the manpower to follow up on every single lead as quick as everybody would like them to.

MHS: Right.

H: Um, so I, you know, I guess the benefits to having an outside investigation team would be able to come in and help out following up on leads. Um, is that, you said that wasn't a suggestion or any type of service anybody's offered to you.

MHS: Um, no. No, I…

H: And if somebody was to offer, is that something y'all would be willing to take, or would like to take?

MHS: Absolutely.


H: Um, how old, how old is Colt's son?

MHS: He just turned one.

H: That, that's what I was thinking. God...

MHS: On the 9th of October.

H: I just, I just don't...

MHS: On the 9th of October.

H: He just turned one on the 9th of October?

MHS: Mm-hm.


H: But going back to that night, was Colt at all aware of that area? Did, was he aware of his surroundings that night?

MHS: Um, I don't think so. I don't, not any time that I've known of that he's, you know, been down there in that particular area very much.

H: Okay, because one of the stories I've heard about the driver was that they could have chased him around all night and never caught him. You know, that he knew that area like the back of his hand.

MHS: Yes.

H: And I just, I didn't know if Colt was familiar at all with that area or not. And, from the ….

MHS: Not that I know of. I mean, he very well could have been, but not to any of my knowledge that he was.

H: Okay, how far from home were they that night?

MHS: Mm, well, Colt was living in Ardmore, so…

H: So, okay, for some reason I was under the, I've known you lived in Ardmore. For, for some reason, I just assumed, you know, he was living in Wilson. So that's what? About 15 miles?

MHS: Uh, somewhere around there, 15, 20, 25. Somewhere right in that particular area, yeah.

H: Okay, so, I mean, it might have took him a while to get home, you know, so the chances of him being seen, if he could have just gotten to a road, he'd be able to go either way. He'd have a fifty-fifty shot of going the right way he needed.

MHS: Right.

H: Um, you know, or even a creek. You know, go left, go right, one of the ways are going to be right. You've got a fifty-fifty shot of going somewhere to the nearest place.

MHS: Right. Now, had he headed south, I don't believe he would hit any road other than oil lease roads for approximately six miles.


H: Uh, now, weren't they between Highway 32 and Oswalt Road? You know, along Long Hollow and Pike Roads?

MHS: Oh, yeah.

H: Okay, okay. Yeah, that's probably about, what, ten miles separation on those?

MHS: It's pretty far, yeah.
Transcript of Interview with Colt Haynes' Sisters, Part 9

Listen to the interview here:


Key to the participants:

H: Host
MHS: Colt's older sister
JHM: Colt's oldest sister

(This is a slightly cleaned-up version, edited for readability. The raw version has been kept intact in a separate file.)

(Lots of snips from this point to skip parts of the discussion that aren't giving us anything to brainstorm over, i.e. appeals to the public for information.)

H: To your knowledge, has anybody been out to some of these oil rigs to see if they saw anything that night, saw people out there, you know, just saw someone that didn't look like they belonged?

MHS: Uh, not, no, I haven't heard anything but, then again people just aren't forthcoming with me, so I'm just getting lots of rumors and hearsay.

H: Okay, so you're not, so you're not getting a lot of direct information.

MHS: No.

H: And that's not right. Not right at all. Uh, now, you said that the nearest oil roads and nearest oil rigs would have been about six miles or so, give or take?

MHS: No, no, no, no. It would have been about six miles give or take to the nearest highway or blacktop.

H: Oh, okay.

MHS: Now, I'm sure there's oil lease roads and stuff all down through there. But, you know, then again, if they're disoriented and it's dark, you know, you're not really going to notice them.

H: Yeah.

MHS: You know, with all red dirt (unintelligible).

H: Now, um, is that creek out there, uh, does that, that probably runs through a lot of private property, doesn't it?

MHS: Yes, it does.

H: Um, are there any paths down there that you know of, that don't go through private property? You see what I'm saying? You know, where he could have found something, stayed off of private property? Were there any routes out of there where he would have been able to do that?

MHS: I have no idea. I have, I don't know anything about any of that down in there as to who owns what, and I just kind of moved away from down there and don't know.

H: Oh, okay, all right. I mean, I'm just trying to give a feel, you know, trying to give a picture of the situation that night. Um, man. I mean, I'm really having a tough time wrapping my mind around the lack of help y'all have had. I really am. And that's had me dumbfounded all night. Because these are questions that law enforcement should have been jumping to give y'all the answers to.

MHS: Oh, yeah.

H: And when did, you know, where was the last known location of my loved one?

MHS: Right.

H: Surely they've had people out there investigating, out there, you know, asking questions. You know, we know they've been running into people that haven't been very, you know, forthcoming or cooperative with law enforcement, but surely there's someone that has.

MHS: Right.

H: And it really seems that, for some reason or what, they're trying to push this case to the side and make it go away.

MHS: That's about how it seems.


H: Um, something I did want to ask, you know, I'm not asking you to go into the details or what those are, but do y'all get any type of regular updates on the progress of the case, either from the Millers or from law enforcement?

MHS: Uh, yes. Uh, from (unintelligible).

H: Okay, so they're not throwing you out of the loop.

MHS: No, no, no. We pretty much share everything we know with each other and, you know, as much as it doesn't look like it, we stay in pretty close contact. Um, you know, because this is the way we look at it, you know, if one of them's found, the other one is, you know, bound to be found too. So…

H: Um, something that just popped into mind. Uh, with his broken ankle, did anybody check with the hospitals, you know, in the immediate days to see if anybody with any type of leg injury had come in?

MHS: Yes. I called hospitals from, oh, I don't know, Wichita Falls, I don't remember where all. I bet I called 80 hospitals, in a big…

H: And nobody had come in with any type of, you know, ankle injuries or broken ankles.

MHS: Not anybody that matched his description.


H: Um, now has Sheriff R been in any contact, that you can disclose, been in any contact you, you know, trying to, you know…

MHS: No.

H: I'm sorry?

MHS: No, I have not. I have not talked to him at all.

H: Okay, so it seems like the head of the local investigation there in Love County really hasn't, you know, reached out to try to make contact with...

MHS: No.

H: Has anybody from the Love County Sheriff's Department done that, or… ?

MHS: No.

H: Oh, okay, so they seem to be keeping their distance from you.

MHS: Well, yeah, it would appear so.


H: If you could ask law enforcement any question without them getting upset or mad, or if you could make a request, you know, even to the Love County Sheriff's Department, would you have anything you would like to ask of them, or ask them directly?

MHS: Well, there's several, several things I'd like to ask. Like, you know, why you haven't arrested the suspect, brought him in? I mean, I know he asked for a lawyer, but they still could have asked him questions. I'm sure that his lawyer would have advised him not to talk but, you know, you could have at least tried, instead of cutting him loose immediately.

H: You know, try to show a little bit of a hand to, you know, maybe to get some information out of him.

MHS: Exactly. There's several things, you know, like why is it so hard to get a warrant?


H: Um, you know, why hasn't he been arrested? Why hasn't there, you know, at least been a search? You know, they say, well, under the Constitution, you know, the Fourth Amendment rights, you've got to yadda, yadda, yadda, and those are valid points. But he is under probation. Those warrants aren't needed. If his, uh, probation officer was in the neighborhood and said, hey, look, there's his house, I think I'm going to, you know, drop in for a random search, he could do that. He could do that in a heartbeat without any problems at all. So, the main question for them is, why haven't you done that?



And that's the end of this interview.
TIMELINE - most based on what has been reported by MSM.

June 28, 2013 - last time Molly's family actually spoke to her.

July 6, 2013 - Molly & Colt at a home in Ardmore, OK. LE checked with this home after the missing person's report was filed and resident stated they were fine then.

July 7, 2013 - Approximately 10:30 pm, a stolen 2012 purple Honda did a "doughnut" in front of a Wilson police officer and a pursuit entailed. The Wilson police officer pursued the vehicle to the Love County line. (Wilson is in Carter County). At that time, Love County LE took over the pursuit, but lost sight of the vehicle on Long Hollow Road and called off the pursuit. **it should be noted that according to locals, Long Hollow road is well known as a dead end road with a gate at the end. - reported by NewsOK on 9/14

July 8, 2013 - Molly Miller placed a 911 call at 12:57 am. The call lasted 5 seconds, but Molly never spoke. The call went to Marietta dispatch. The dispatcher did try to call Molly back, but she didn't answer. ***According to family, no officer was sent to the 911 hangup even though Molly's phone pinged off of towers at Pike Road and Long Hollow Road.

July 8, 2013 - Colt's family reports that he called several friends and said him and Molly were in a creek bed between Pike road and Long Hollow rd and that he had a broken ankle with the bone sticking out. They report that friends drove up and down the road yelling for him and honking their horn, while they had him on the phone, but he never heard the horn honking from his location.

July 8, 2013 - Molly's family report that Molly called some friends saying she was on Pike road and needed a ride.

July 8, 2013 - Molly's family report that, according to phone records, there were 33 text messages sent from Molly's phone overnight. However, Molly's family question if it was actually Molly that was sending the messages.

July 8, 2013 - Molly's family file a missing persons/runaway report with Wilson Police Department. Verified by Wilson Police Chief, Felix Hernandez.

On or about July 22, 2013 - Car was found abandoned in rough terrain in western Love County. Had run through a fence and over small trees and brush. Found not far from where chase ended. No blood or other signs of foul play on the car. - Reported by NewsOK on 9/14/13

July 26, 2013 - LE no longer consider Molly a runaway and changed her status to Missing Endangered - KTEN10

July 27, 2013 - search conducted starting at Black Gold Casino and heading down Oswalt Road. - KTEN10

August 2, 2013 - Massive two day air and ground search - Ardmoreite

August 7, 2013 - Another search starting again at Black Gold Casino.

September 11, 2013 - Officials met at Carter County Sheriff's office with Molly's family. David Seals, special agent with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation (OSBI) said they have tips that Molly & Colt are alive and well in north Texas, central Oklahoma and southern Oklahoma. He also stated that they also have tips that they are deceased. - KTEN10 9/21/13

September 24, 2013 - Search conducted near Pike road. Deputies stated when they got to the location, they found a 10' hole that was on fire. Tip came into Molly's family from a man that said he smelled a dead body. OSBI, local LE and Oklahoma Highway Patrol participated in the search and took samples. - KTEN10 9/25/13

October 4, 2013 - News9 reached out to the driver of the car for a comment. Request for comment had not been returned and driver had hired a lawyer. - News9 10/4/13

***I will probably find more to add and if I do I will edit, but I wanted to get the bare bones of this case up.
Media Coverage:

Jul 12, 2013: Wilson police searching for runaway

Jul 15, 2013: Wilson Police Search For Runaway Teen

Jul 25, 2013: Police Step Up Search For Missing Wilson Girl

Jul 25, 2013: Missing Wilson Teen

Jul 26, 2013: The Search for Missing Wilson Teen Continues

Jul 30, 2013: Search for missing Wilson girl continues

Aug 8, 2013: Community Organizing Additional Search For Missing Girl

Sept 11, 2013: Authorities Meet With Molly Miller's Family

Sept 13, 2013: Family of Missing Girl Speaks Out

Sept 14, 2013: Oklahoma girl's mysterious disappearance prompts massive search

Sept 15, 2013: Family of missing girl raising money for reward

Sept 25, 2013: Authorities Investigate Area Near Pike Road For Missing Teen

Oct 3, 2013: Family Of Missing Wilson Teen Speaks Out

Oct 4, 2013: Friends, Family Speak Out For Second Missing Wilson Teen

Nov 5, 2013: Family Of Missing Wilson Teenager Says Case Has Progressed

Nov 11, 2013: Law enforcement continues search for Molly Miller

Dec 2, 2013: Family offering $35,000 reward in hopes of finding missing teen

Jan 3, 2014: One Sought, One Arrested In Connection With July Car Chase Involving Molly Miller

Jan 3, 2014: Lone Grove woman arrested in connection with missing teen

Jan 4, 2014: Family Reacts to News of Warrants Issued

Jan 5, 2014: Woman arrested, fugitive sought in connection to Molly Miller case

Jan 5, 2014: Warrants issued in connection with Carter Co. case

Jan 6, 2014: Man surrenders to police, claims he has ‘no idea’ where missing persons are located

Jan 6, 2014: Search Begins For Man Linked To Disappearance Of Molly Miller

Jan 6, 2014: Woman arrested in connection with teen's disappearance, goes to court

Jan7, 2014: Nipp in custody

Jan 7, 2014: Man Connected With Molly Miller Disappearance Taken Into Custody

Jan 7, 2014: One Arrested In Connection With Molly Miller Case

Jan 7, 2014: Man wanted in connection with pursuit of Molly Miller and Colt Haynes arrested

Jan 8, 2014: Nipp arrested, then released on bond

Jan 8, 2014: James Conn Nipp Appears In Court

Jan 8, 2014: One day after turning himself in; A man suspected in connection to teens disappearance is released

Jan 10, 2014: While Authorities Still Investigate, Haynes' Family Members Speak Out

New leads in the disappearance of Molly Miller and Colt Haynes, who've been missing for well over a year, led investigators on Sunday to an area off of Pike Road, near Long Hollow Road in Love County.

Lead Civil Investigator Phillip Klein, Equisearch, units from KIC Texas, and an OKlahoma State Bureau of Investigation representative combed the area from 9 a.m. until sundown.

"We're following up on some credible tips that we have learned regarding the case," said Klein.

James Conn Nipp, believed by investigators to be the last person who saw Miller and Haynes, is now serving a 10-year prison sentence for leading officers on a high speed chase through Love County. Investigators say the two missing persons were passengers in the car he was driving, which was later found near Long Hollow Road.

The new leads bring new hope of closure to family members, but in order to protect the investigation, Klein could not answer all of our questions. When asked if they found anything during the search, he replied, "We're not releasing any information at this time," and when asked if this was the first time they'd searched this particular area, he said, "I have no comment. This is an ongoing search."

After the search, Miller's cousin, Paula Fielder, posted this message in the Facebook Group "Operation Find Molly Miller:"

"Today as everyone knows there was a search for Molly. It has been a very emotionally trying day. As of now we are unable to answer questions regarding what was found.

I want to thank everyone for your comments and prayers. Specifically I want thank Texas Equisearch, Oklahoma Citizens Militia, OSBI and Klein Investigations. The hard work, professionalism and compassion you showed our family today was heart warming. It reassured us our Molly is in the best capable hands. Again thank you and much love to you all."

UPDATE -- Monday Klein released this statement:

"Investigators with KIC Texas, Texas Equisearch and a representative with OSBI conducted an evidence recovery operation on Sunday, January 4, 2015. During the course and scope of the operation some evidence was recovered that may pertain to the Molly Miller case. The area searched was based upon multiple credible tips given to investigators over the past few weeks. To keep the integrity of the search, evidence recovered and possible suspects involved, investigators will be unable to comment further on the operation. However, we strongly suggest at this point in the investigation that any party that knows something will need to say something. If you know something, witnessed something, or participated in something and you have not reported it to authorities &#8211; now is your time to do so. Withholding information could lead to a criminal offense. We want to as well urge the public in the Love County area as well as surrounding areas that if you have a tip &#8211; please call the Molly Miller Tip Line at 580-798-8157. Your information will be kept anonymous.&#8221;
The gentlemen driving the car on the high-speed chase has 20 arrests in Oklahoma alone on various drugs and firearms charges. That's a pattern of behavior that should have resulted in a warrant for his house and car if that wasn't already done. I'm glad they are keeping her story out there, this was the first I had heard of it.
When Joe Russell was Sheriff for Love County they also have been shady things going around.
Before they found the car in Oklahoma city it has been wipe down on everything. If they can get
a warrant to search the Nipps property they are properly on that land. But some people in higher
postions are avoiding that, and it been proven that they have been around that area with the cell
phones ping. I have saw in past cases around the US that it can get search warrants to search house
and land. They was last seen with Con Nipp. Which that has along record on him. I have heard some stories that where the bodies can be so Im willing to help and search it needs some fresh eyes
on this case. SO please lets solve this case for the families. I also heard that while he was in Love County jail he even told some inmates that he knows what happen. Then also when Joe told the dispatcher that he wanted them tapes of recording at Moxely Lake.

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