OK OK - Sharon Marshall, 20, multiple aliases, OKC, 1990 - ID'd as Suzanne Sevakis - #1

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I am re-reading threads as some information about Kevin Brown I will post what I find,Sence the photo of the ROTC uniform with sharon in a prom dress..........Georiga is where I would frist look,and did do background checks the Brown name not easy to follow up on.
I should think Matt would know the answer to that question concerning a Boyfriend that died.
I am glad the case is being talked about and re-examend as to facts that WS can find, with new information on the web added everyday for background checks .....some new information is bond to come up!
Thanks for getting back on track:woohoo:
:doh: You know Poppytails,I dont know HOW! Why dont you tell us,sence I mentioned no names in my posting,
I put this photo of kevin and sharon .....Im not real used to putting photos on ......
:doh: You know Poppytails,I dont know HOW! Why dont you tell us,sence I mentioned no names in my posting,

Most of us know who is in contact with FDF. It's no secret. Best to return to the topic of Sharon now, and leave the rest to be handled privately.
While a search engine took me to this site the book I have not read there is much information on this subject......
Sence we are at a stage now that Sharon Marshall and her Son is the topic:
The post that I just put up for the news clipping indicated at the on-set after the Hit and Run that Sharons;Son was abanded at the hospital ?
that is something I have heard before,In Matts book FDF was the one that made arragments?for Foster care and the State takeing micheal ?
it seems this needs to be talked about !
The more likely story I believe appers in the paper!
I agree totaly shareing information that may be relaid to FDF puts a stop on any good information that may bring any of us at WS that much closer.I think its a good thing for some other person to stand up for that kind of slamming of honest people that have a Heart and want to know the truth about Sharon Marshall and her Son,and may have leads we all can help to check out and cant becouse FDF is still watching every move thats made into discovering the true idenity of Little Sharon just as he did in the short life Sharon had.That only leaves the speculation of the thrid person theroy the FBI and other law enforcement suggested I have found several satements where-in,FDF makes a statement (I will protect whom I have to Protect)ref:Court tv tapeing...........added speculation that finding the true idenity will lead FDF to the Providel Hot Seat and whom ever was or is his liasion.
Thanks Tuffy (and Marie!) for getting this back on track. What are the courtTV statements that FDF made that you are talking about? That sounds promising to look into. Are there theories about who the liasion is for Floyd?

(btw: I hope everything is going okay with the investigation into your (Tuffy) son's murder - I just re-read the past few pages to get back on track and must have missed that the first time around. If there's anything we can do to help you out with that please let us know and maybe start a thread for him. Hope you're doing okay...)
Thank you for the shout out about my son ,thats something no one ever get passed or over I am Ok! it has been several years now.........as far as WS looking into the matter concerning my Son,when the PD set down ..........every friend he had and his brothers did their own looking around and found more information then the PD as in his bank records and the time of the with- draw from the bank family and friends found more information even to the last customer he saw that day.The point is unless you have positive proof ...Well you know that one! The family was asked to stop looking into the Homicide.
Court TV I have viewed that tape so much and will try an recored the audio that anyone can hear his comments....
to FDF drop in words and tones I have learned early to read lips (hearing loss )and I pay more attion to how something is said Not that difficult to explain over the telephone I hear better yet still have to gage tone and this makes me hear the flux in a persons voice with that in mind ......

Example:FDF Speaks (The most noble thing I ever did was to take.........(a very noticeable pause) then repeats the word (take) and says Micheal
I believe he was going to say Sharon and realized were his foot was and seeing the tape again takes on a different lite.....

Example:FDF Speaks(I did not Kill that girl in Florida ! and I know who did (He) would make Dalanger look like a saint......FDF adds (HE) has killed before and will kill again......I will protect whom I have to protect and I don't care what you MF think about me...........
look at the tape again do not take my word for it!
Assuming seems to be something this guy counts on!
I know thios sounds like a real stab in the dark and feel free to call me a random idiot...... but what if Sharons natural mother was one of Ted Bundy's victims and Flloyd and Bundy knew each other. I don't really know that much about Flloyd and never claimed too but i would not put selling a baby past Bundy. Especialy if the baby was at the crime scene when the murder was commited :twocents:
Am getting a bit lost here as to who is saying what, but I agree it would be nice to have a seperate thread on the
Sharon Marshall/Suzanne Davis years in the early 70s....to focus on where it began with her and Floyd....I don't think he could have traveled too far to get her....he seems to have trecked through the same states time and again.....
The court tape i believe gives indication to a third person,i tried to copy to my PC so i could edit out the commercials.i just wanted someone on WS to view that Court Tv again and listen to what FDF says.
IF......his last known whereabouts is a halfway house and then Oklahoma the indication that he may have teamed up with someone
.FDF we already know is a depended person Dial ,from early years,the PD said he was not all that bright!
Only makes sense FDF ability to skirt the law from 1973 to 1994,someone else was giving the orders he seemed to fear Dial,and maybe whom ever FDF teamed with Keep in mind FDF has a child that is not His ...........and stays out of trouble!!!
then when FDF is in custody FDF makes the above posted statements.
IF FDF knew a Dillnger Type person before Custody he has not done anything about it re:He has killed before! (see above statement) Here is a guy that knows about someone being killed and says and or does nothing while FDF is in a safe place He talks.......just a conclusive theory
As for Bundy,I would have to find and read about this guys where abouts ,was not Bundy in California?
Going to the same States: Returning to Oklahoma after fleeing in 1976 in when Suzanna is about 13,The reason (I theory this is that school photo thats dark and (SUE DAVIS) at bottom of photo,would make using this name again when she is older most likely in Oklahoma,a place (Sharon) remembers and most likely knows class mates or whom ever,returns again to Oklahoma and is killed in Oklahoma.
Interesting point about that photo of Sharon with the dark hair labeled "Sue Davis" - in it she does look strikingly different. Her hair had never been so short or dark before. What does it mean? Was she hiding something or just perhaps being a bit rebellious? Does anybody know when/where that photo was taken?
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