OK OK - Webbers Falls, Wht/NtvFem 30-40, UP9183, uterine hemorrhage, scars, bracelets, clothes, Apr'06

A misscarriage can bleed quite a lot without trauma as well. My sister in law was close to death when my brother found her bleeding in their cabin in the woods. My brother had gone to work and left her there to rest and enjoy the fresh air. She suddenly just felt a sharp pain in her stomage and the blood started pouring. This was before cellphones and she concluded that she would not make it to her grandmother's house a couple of hundred meters away so she just lay down in bed hoping for it to go down or someone coming. I don't know how long she had been there when my brother came home but he said that the blood in the cabin made him first believe she had been murdered until he found her. He rushed her in their own car as he was too scared to wait for an ambulance. The doctors said that was the right choice as she was close to death when they arrived. She fully recovered but could easily died that time.

It is strange that she has not been identified though but I am just saying that it mustn't be a crime that made her bleed.
I wonder why they think she might be of Greek descent. Genetic markers in the DNA?
I'm positive that someone else can do a better job than this, but I'll put it here as a jumping off point...


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This is my first post so I hope I do not offend anyone or break any rules

This is a rather left field idea but what about http://www.nampn.org/cases/khanna_sangeeta.html
Sangheeta Khanna for this DOE
she disappears in Canada 10 days before this lady is found in Oklahoma
she matches/near matches on a variety of areas eg age, weight, hair colour
there is this doubt over the Jane Does ancestry and a large variety of ethnicities eg asian, greek, hispanic have been suggested
some photos of her in full indian dress and makeup emphasise darkness of her skin but less formal photos show she had light indian skin and the combination of exanguination and death could produce extreme pallor:
photos of Sangheeta show double pierced ears, multiple rings being worn, which are mentioned in the DOE descriptors although jewellery was absent from the scene
Clothing has similar descriptors eg white top and blue/white stripe trousers?

There is evidence that she had been tricked into meeting someone then abducted. There was a person of interest in the case, and CCTV suggests that she was driven off in his van: and that he made a 3-4 hour journey overnight when his cell phone was switched off. Searches have taken place for her body in Canada. There were some suggestions that she had been having a relationship with this individual - could an early pregnancy (not disclosed to family and hence not on her descriptors) have been a trigger for an abduction/planned killing? was she abducted and passed on to others to be killed elsewhere?

Problems with the identity include the DOEs calf scar, not mentioned on Sangheetas description, (though it does mention Sangheeta walked with a limp, possibly due to polio and post polio surgical corrections eg contracture release could have been performed) The biggest issue is the distance between the cases, but I thought I should post my speculation and meanderings on here to be advised by those with experience: does anyone think this would be worth submitting?

I will try and put the images of Sangheeta and the Jane DOE below for comparison and would appreciate anyones thoughts



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I found a youtube video of this Jane Doe. The video has pretty descent information. I hope this poor woman gets identified. [video=youtube;Or-CqQNYUFQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Or-CqQNYUFQ[/video]
I wonder why they think she might be of Greek descent. Genetic markers in the DNA?

I wondered about that too. Do they really mean Greek or could it be Creek. In the Doe file the header is also wrong. Unidentified Male.

(Creek) Nation. The Muscogee (Creek) Nation is a federally recognized Native American tribe based in the U.S. state of Oklahoma.

Muscogee (Creek) Nation - Wikipedia
She looks very Native or Latina from a place with heavy Native heritage (Guatemalan?) to me. Also maybe Southeast Asian. I wonder where they got "Greek" from...isotope analysis I guess. Which makes me believe she was not Greek at all. Just like Evelyn Colon was "Croatian"...

I guess if she died from an illegal abortion, it would be kind of visible (trauma to the cervix and possibly uterine wall). A natural miscarriage potentially in rare cases can also lead to heavy blood loss, especially if it was a second trimester loss.
Edit: Ah I see they say first trimester...
She looks very Native or Latina from a place with heavy Native heritage (Guatemalan?) to me. Also maybe Southeast Asian. I wonder where they got "Greek" from...isotope analysis I guess. Which makes me believe she was not Greek at all. Just like Evelyn Colon was "Croatian"...

I guess if she died from an illegal abortion, it would be kind of visible (trauma to the cervix and possibly uterine wall). A natural miscarriage potentially in rare cases can also lead to heavy blood loss, especially if it was a second trimester loss.
Edit: Ah I see they say first trimester...
But if it was a miscarriage why would they leave her body on the side of the road she had no visible injuries so that would rule out a blow to the abdomen right?
That and an illegal abortion is the only other illegal action I can think of in this situation that would've caused her to hemmorage
If she had drugs in her system (which I HIGHLY doubt )that would've shown in her system right?
She had only been deceased for a couple hours
Heartbreaking such a sad situation I just want to see her go home to her family
Called ocme and tried to get them to add her to the dna doe project (which they hadn't heard of) I explained what they do and was told that her dna is already in a system

Thank you for that effort. Cases though can't be simply added to DNA Doe Project. Police has to request it and to approach them bearing in mind that it involves complicated lab processing and hard genealogy work.

When police stated that her DNA is in the system, they mean in CODIS and NamUs.

Maybe request their email address and name of the person you have talked to so you can email them details of that whole process so they can read up and digest all information?
Thank you for that effort. Cases though can't be simply added to DNA Doe Project. Police has to request it and to approach them bearing in mind that it involves complicated lab processing and hard genealogy work.

When police stated that her DNA is in the system, they mean in CODIS and NamUs.

Maybe request their email address and name of the person you have talked to so you can email them details of that whole process so they can read up and digest all information?
Im terrible at writing emails (its something im working on) Would you by any chance be willing to do it?
Police has to request it
I contacted the ocme, they told me the DNA was in the system did i contact the wrong agency?
Either way i feel nervous about reaching out to LE/ OCME in general again since i already called once

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