OR - Militia members occupy federal building in Oregon after protest #2

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This is Jason Patrick. I don't think he's the man who was on the phone to his mom.


I think if it is, he gained weight. At least pictures on google show a much fuller face/body of him.
David guy back streaming around a campfire.

Jason Patrick

From January 5th


Former Bonaire man involved in Oregon standoff

13WMAZ and USA Today 1:44 p.m. EST January 5, 2016

A former Bonaire man is one of the self-styled militia members taking part in a standoff at a wildlife sanctuary in Oregon.

He is Jason Patrick, who is posting pictures and running commentary about the standoff and photos on Facebook.

Patrick agreed to an interview with 13WMAZ's Randall Savage.​

Is this the guy we saw today with the woman on the livestream?
Saw Finicum's daughter on the national news tonight referring to him as a martyr and Cliven Bundy on the local news stating how he was "murdered" and that their "work" would continue. :rolleyes:

This language constitutes Similarity #269 between these idiots and every other terrorist group.
This language constitutes Similarity #269 between these idiots and every other terrorist group.

Exactly. And they're not even after the virgins, but freedom, which they already have. Or should I say, had.
Jason Patrick

From January 5th


Former Bonaire man involved in Oregon standoff

13WMAZ and USA Today 1:44 p.m. EST January 5, 2016

A former Bonaire man is one of the self-styled militia members taking part in a standoff at a wildlife sanctuary in Oregon.

He is Jason Patrick, who is posting pictures and running commentary about the standoff and photos on Facebook.

Patrick agreed to an interview with 13WMAZ's Randall Savage.​

Is this the guy we saw today with the woman on the livestream?

IMO not the same guy. I think Jason Patrick is officially with the Bundy militia and the gentleman from earlier today is with some other imaginary militia.
David guy back streaming around a campfire.


These idiots around the Campfire are so so proud.."The world is Watching"..Yep..The world cannot help but what a "Train Wreck"...bet all terrorist talk like this ...There's something earily familiar to how Foreign Terrorist continue to spew.....

Welcome to the world of delusional conspiracy theorist mind works.....Yikes....totally off the grid of common sensical understandings....Were these guys brought up to THINK this way?? Sounds also similar to how "Supremacists Talked" back in the day....Totally living in some sort of warped bubble!!
Doesn't him being shot on his knees and/or unarmed and/or with his arms in the air go against everything he says he stood for? It seems like they really want to twist this to make it work for them.

Of course they do! Sadly, in their pathetic attempt to make him a martyr, they're only reducing him to a coward. Ironic.
Live, from inside the occupation: 'You're going to get to watch us die'

David Fry, a 27-year-old from the Cincinnati area, had been broadcasting developments at the refuge since he arrived in early January. On Tuesday afternoon, as tensions between occupiers and law enforcement mounted, Fry began a near-continuous livestream of events.

Though the hours following the arrests of the occupation leaders and the death of Finicum were relatively calm for those at the refuge, Fry drew thousands of viewers with his end-is-nigh rants, peppered with the occasional background conversation between militants.

"I spent 10 years in the army, defending this country," the unidentified man continued.

"Defending this country," Fry repeated. "And now look at this. We're defending the country again. But where's all the Americans? Where's all our supporters? We didn't get much, and now this is what it's come down to. You're going to get to watch us die, live!"

"And make sure you tell my daughter why I died," the man told Fry.

Fry continued to broadcast Wednesday afternoon, even as the occupation appeared to be winding down.

Though Fry described himself as a video gamer, he knew he had to make stand.

"I'd love to be sitting home playing video games right now," he said. "But this is a duty."
Saw Finicum's daughter on the national news tonight referring to him as a martyr and Cliven Bundy on the local news stating how he was "murdered" and that their "work" would continue. :rolleyes:


Who knows, maybe in a thousand years the story will have been reinvented so many times, his hero status firmly mythologised, and buildings erected for worshipping him. His followers might be called LaVoyists.
Jamie Wilson ‏@JWilsonreporter 3m3 minutes ago
Through attorney, Ammon Bundy is telling remaining occupiers in Burns to "Go home. Hug your families. Let us take it from here."

It's all well and good to tell them what to do, but how many of them are smart enough to really listen?

BBM~~~ People like these lived a life of "Paranoia" and given their forced isolations at the height of winter..yep..They use their peabrain to believe..THEY are in trouble..and YEP the LAW will getcha....What they did and have been doing goes way beyond demonstrations by peaceful protestors...These idiots brought guns to their claim..which is based on FALSE assumptions..unless you wanna speak to fellow deluded activists....Man...They all deserve each other in that isolated COLD place.

I agree they all deserve each other. I'd bet that if they were left isolated for any amount of time it wouldn't be healthy for any of them. Lock up a bunch of idiots with guns together and what do you think would happen?

But, once they end up leaving guess whittles will be coming..Civil suits for loss of wages by Government worker's unable to report to duty on that refuge..not to mention what I witnessed.."Destruction of Property" on a "NATURAL Habitat"...Boy..there's a cost monetarily for what they are doing..which of course will just add on to the Bill unpaid by the Bundy folks!!

How about charging them rent on top of everything else..

Saw Finicum's daughter on the national news tonight referring to him as a martyr and Cliven Bundy on the local news stating how he was "murdered" and that their "work" would continue. :rolleyes:


If they wanted to take someone out, it wouldn't have been the "Tarpman". I don't have a clue as to why Cliven Bundy's still walking free, or not up on some serious charges. I also wonder what these guys are smoking. It must be some really dangerous s#it...
Omg I just want this to be OVER. With no more loss of life.

I feel for the townspeople, the terroccupiers children, the refuge employees, the ranchers who sympathize but aren't crazy, the families of involved law enforcement, and even a little for these idiots who apparently don't realize how deluded they are.

ETA...and the local native Americans and the birders...and probably a dozen other groups I'm too inarticulate right now to name.
Somewhat O/T but I thought this was an interesting article.

Major conspiracy theories such as a faked moon landing cannot be true or they would have been exposed within a few years, a scientist has concluded. Dr David Grimes, an Oxford University physicist, worked out a mathematical formula to calculate the chances of a plot being leaked by a whistle-blower or accidentally uncovered.

Exactly. And they're not even after the virgins, but freedom, which they already have. Or should I say, had.

With all due respect, you misspelled it. Here, fixed.

"...they're not even after the virgins, but free stuff..."
Omg I just want this to be OVER. With no more loss of life.

I feel for the townspeople, the terroccupiers children, the refuge employees, the ranchers who sympathize but aren't crazy, the families of involved law enforcement, and even a little for these idiots who apparently don't realize how deluded they are.

ETA...and the local native Americans and the birders...and probably a dozen other groups I'm too inarticulate right now to name.

The birds themselves. I heard a piece on NPR yesterday about a refuge employee at a field station and what he did after being instructed to evacuate because of an armed militia headed his way. I was driving in traffic so I missed a few things but one thing I remember that one thing he did before leaving was to scatter food for the quail "that rely on it for their survival in the winter."

This took place a month ago.

I fully expect we'll find out there were a lot of innocent avian casualties of the Klown Kampout.
Simon Gutierrez (@sggutierrez): https://twitter.com/sggutierrez?s=09

Despite death of fellow protester, LaVoy Finicum, who was shot by police, no plans to leave. #fox12oregon

Small vigil begins for LaVoy Finicum, killed in confrontation with state police and FBI in #HarneyCounty#fox12oregon https://t.co/ig4atcnVKr

Several armored vehicles have rolled past the FBI checkpoint toward the wildlife refuge. #fox12oregon

Media told over loudspeaker to get out of the way or be run over. #fox12oregon

Three of the armored vehicles have come back out. No update from FBI or State Police. #fox12oregon
I wouldn't be surprised if some of the holdouts believe that Ammon Bundy's statement that they should go home is a government trick.

Nor would I be surprised if it turns out the statement is some kind of code for them to take a particular action.

We shall see.
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