Other Possible Victims of Melissa Huckaby?

I imagine that the family has been ordered to get Melissa's daughter an official physical exam and to have her talked to by a therapist. I can only imagine the horror going through the minds of the preschool teacher and the parents of other students, not to mention the Sunday School kids' parents. Then there's the other drugged child. Maybe M. was talking about that trying to set up suspicion on someone else, like, " I was questioned, but see, it wasn't me".
I'm still waiting for Kron to put up a video about the case of the other girl being confirmed.
Hi FC, I have been thinking the same thing as you. The crime was done in a disorganized manner acc to LE. There might be killers that are always disorganized, I don't know. But IMO she was way to exuberant in whatever she did to her causing an injury which led to death. A puncture wound I think as LE said they knew the spot where the killing took place.

I did read on another thread here there were 2 other children molested by MH = that makes 3 in total that we know of.

It might be profunctional to search for reported molestations instead of deaths, as I think she is a serial child molester. That part must have happened before IMO if she would graduate to the use of an instrument! That is so abnormal for a gal to do.

I agree with your post. After my eyes fell out from viewing posters of missing children all night I didn't find any other known case that fits Sandra's profile.
In fact, the majority of the missing kids in CA are parental abductions followed by the mid teen group of suspected runaways.

That leads me to believe that you are probably correct in your assessment that MH could be a serial child molester.

This small town has been in the news recently with the kidnapping, torture case of young Kyle and now Sandra's murder.
The Tracy 60 are still out there.
How does one small town become so infested with people who live to hurt children? But most important, what is being done to exterminate it before another child is murdered or tortured and molested?

drumstick, I so far have come to the same conclusion you have about possible related cases.
(CNN) -- Police are searching for any other alleged victims of a Sunday school teacher accused of raping and killing an 8-year-old girl from Tracy, California.

Melissa Huckaby is charged with killing 8-year-old Sandra Cantu, who was a friend of her own daughter.

"We are asking the public if they have any indication that any of their children may have had inappropriate contact with [the suspect] to contact us," Tracy Police Sgt. Tony Sheneman said Tuesday evening. "There has been no indication that this has happened. But she is a Sunday school teacher and did have contact with children, so that is why we are asking."

Respectfully snipped...

Melissa took her daughter to mother Judy Lawless' Cypress home and separated from Johnny Huckaby in August 2004, according to the divorce file.
On Jan. 19, 2005, after almost a year living with her mother, Melissa Huckaby filed for divorce, citing irreconcilable differences, court records show.

I just wanted to add to this and I'm not sure where to put it...

According to this report, Melissa claimed Child Abuction, Domestic Violence, and Alcohol Abuse in the divorce papers which resulted in Mr. Huckaby having limited visitation with supervision only.

It's near the end of this video.
(CNN) -- Police are searching for any other alleged victims of a Sunday school teacher accused of raping and killing an 8-year-old girl from Tracy, California.

Melissa Huckaby is charged with killing 8-year-old Sandra Cantu, who was a friend of her own daughter.

"We are asking the public if they have any indication that any of their children may have had inappropriate contact with [the suspect] to contact us," Tracy Police Sgt. Tony Sheneman said Tuesday evening. "There has been no indication that this has happened. But she is a Sunday school teacher and did have contact with children, so that is why we are asking."


Thank GOD police are searching for other victims! I do hope the media picks up on this in other areas that she lived!
MH would have been about 14 in 1995. I believe she is 28 now. I think her bday is posted in the Astro thread.

It is thought that Ted Bundy actually began killing when he was a young child. I don't think that MH's age at the time of the crime should immediately rule out her involvement.
It is thought that Ted Bundy actually began killing when he was a young child. I don't think that MH's age at the time of the crime should immediately rule out her involvement.

I have an interesting story about that. My sis lived a street over from Bundy's family and he was her newspaper boy. A little girl who used to follow him around like a puppy dog disappeared and was never found. Curiously my sister's street was paved over in the days after the disappearance and it was always suspected that Bundy killed her then buried her in that street. I believe Bundy would have been around 12-13yrs old at the time.
I don't doubt for a moment there are MORE VICTIMS of Ms. Huckabee... I would first look at her own daughter....

I pray that these children will come forward.... to their parents or someone they trust... so the cycle can be broken....

thank you for starting this thread.....
Bundy was 14:


Did Ann Marie Burr and Ted Bundy cross paths in the same Tacoma, Washington neighborhood?
Like the recent Elizabeth Smart saga, the kidnapping of 8-year-old Ann Marie was a national fixation back in 1961. Below the radar of suspicion was 14-year-old paper boy Ted Bundy, the kid from the next block.
Ever since Bundy died in Florida’s electric chair, detectives, writers, and armchair sleuths have debated his involvement in the Burr case. Was the proximity of the future monster to the missing angel an eerie coincidence become urban legend? Or a spicy twist to a cold case?
And does the key lurk in Bundy’s childhood, a gothic tale of secrecy, denial, and possible incest…

And Donald Burr is convinced he saw young Ted Bundy in a construction ditch on a nearby street the morning his daughter disappeared. Bob Keppel today insists “the story gets better and better over the years with him and Ann Marie.”
The Sgt. is on Fox asking any other parent's whose children may have had contact with Melissa to gently question their children and they are asking any victims to please come forward.

He also said that if they believed anyone else was involved with this crime...either before, during or after the fact, they would have been re-miss not to take them into that custody at that time. Melissa acted alone in this act.
He also said that if they believed anyone else was involved with this crime...either before, during or after the fact, they would have been re-miss not to take them into that custody at that time. Melissa acted alone in this act.

He has been repeating this over and over again, I wish people would listen.
The Sgt. is on Fox asking any other parent's whose children may have had contact with Melissa to gently question their children and they are asking any victims to please come forward.

Will someone with expertise - please list some 'gentle' questions to ask our children?
The Sgt. is on Fox asking any other parent's whose children may have had contact with Melissa to gently question their children and they are asking any victims to please come forward.

Will someone with expertise - please list some 'gentle' questions to ask our children?

Pardon me for jumping in on this one, I am not an expert, but am a parent and abuse survivor myself. Parents can ask children to show on a doll-when you were with MH, did she hug you or touch you? If yes, ask where. You can also ask point blank about certain body parts, including ones that may not be off limits, like shoulder or back or elbow throughout the conversation. Even questions like "Do you like MH? Etc. I hope that parents know their kids developmentally and what sort of language is appropriate to use.

P.S. This type of stuff should be talked about every now and then throughout their life--letting them know what is OK and what is not....even my girls' doc tells them at every physical about this sort of thing.

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