Deceased/Not Found PA - Elizabeth “Beth” Capaldi, 55, last seen by husband, phone & car left behind, Sellersville, Bucks Co, 10 Oct 2022

What a gross apology of a man. And now he says "he doesn't know why he did it"! Oh really? We all know why. But I suppose he thinks that by saying that, it makes it sound a bit better for him - like it was unplanned or something beyond his control. Didn't fool the judge though!
Whine…whine…S Capaldi says to Judge “I don’t know why I did what I did.”

It is my opinion of course that he d@mned well knew WHY he did what he did. He was from the typical stupid husband club that thinks they are going to skate scot free for dissapearing their wives.

Where do these guys get such ideas? Hmmmm…I have, like many of you, gone through the databases of disappeared people from front to back many times. I am appalled at how many women are missing and the explanation given is “Husband/boyfriend went to bed and when he woke she was just gone”, “Husband/boyfriend says she went to store and never returned”, “Husband/boyfriend says she left him for another man and he never saw her again” and a favorite of mine where they think adding a little truth might make them look innocent is “Well we had a little argument and she left to clear her head and never came back”. Thousands of women and some men gone with no evidence and no body and a story from a spouse that stinks to high heaven. 9 times out of 10 they get away with it and the missing person gets added to the database. A few times like this LE actually does their jobs and looks into computers etc and finds compelling evidence. Enough to turn on the heat and hopefully get a confession. I guess the heat got too hot for old Capaldi. Thought he’d cook up a little deal to get out of a trial and out in 20…I’m glad he got the Judge he did. Go Judge Hillier.

This is all MOO and speculation of mine own of course.
Whine…whine…S Capaldi says to Judge “I don’t know why I did what I did.”

It is my opinion of course that he d@mned well knew WHY he did what he did. He was from the typical stupid husband club that thinks they are going to skate scot free for dissapearing their wives.

Where do these guys get such ideas? Hmmmm…I have, like many of you, gone through the databases of disappeared people from front to back many times. I am appalled at how many women are missing and the explanation given is “Husband/boyfriend went to bed and when he woke she was just gone”, “Husband/boyfriend says she went to store and never returned”, “Husband/boyfriend says she left him for another man and he never saw her again” and a favorite of mine where they think adding a little truth might make them look innocent is “Well we had a little argument and she left to clear her head and never came back”. Thousands of women and some men gone with no evidence and no body and a story from a spouse that stinks to high heaven. 9 times out of 10 they get away with it and the missing person gets added to the database. A few times like this LE actually does their jobs and looks into computers etc and finds compelling evidence. Enough to turn on the heat and hopefully get a confession. I guess the heat got too hot for old Capaldi. Thought he’d cook up a little deal to get out of a trial and out in 20…I’m glad he got the Judge he did. Go Judge Hillier.

This is all MOO and speculation of mine own of course.

BBM. Do you have a source for that statistic? Not arguing, just curious if there are studies supporting that data.
I can't understand that either. Enough of her remains have been located for DNA testing to determine positively that she is deceased. It is doubtful that all of her remains will ever be recovered. However, a post earlier in this thread said her status will not be changed to found to Found Deceased and the thread moved to Located, until all of her remains have been found.

This is similar to the case of Alexis Gabe. Alexis was positively determined to be deceased from DNA testing of the partial remains that were found. It is unlikely that all of her remains will ever be located. In her case, her thread was moved to Located, Found Deceased. I can't understand why the same wasn't done in Beth's case.

Edited to add: Now that he husband has been sentenced for her murder, the thread will probably be marked Guilty and moved.
The DA at the time said he will still be looking for any more remains, so the case is apparently still open I suppose.
he says he does not know why he murdered her.... not comforting! He could not have had any thought for his daughter either, IMO.
He knows why. Such a coward! He was having an affair, their house was over mortgaged, and he wanted to invest in a Comic Book store with his brother, and Beth said they couldn't afford that. Scum.
From the Bucks County Herald article on the trial:

In an emotional victim impact statement, their daughter said she has struggled every day since she lost her mother, who was like a best friend to her, the DAs office said. Making it harder for her is that her father was the killer in lied to her for several weeks about what happened to her.

“My mother is dead, and my father killed her,” Emma Capaldi said. “I have the love of friends, family, even strangers, but my own father took the person who loved me most.”

While she said she cannot help but feel grief and love for her father, the daughter said “he should never be free from prison to finally leave my mother’s memory in peace.”

I thought the husband led authorities to the various places of her remains. Sounds as if he didn’t divulge them all?
Apparently he threw some parts in a dumpster near his 'girlfriend's' apartment, so all her remains were not found, and probably won't be sadly. Thankfully her husband, the killer will be in prison for life. This case brought together many in the community, volunteering to search many areas, including some with dogs. New friendships were formed around this tragic event, including much support for their daughter.
This is a truly fascinating case in terms of investigatory work by LE. LE did everything right and solved the case in two months.
I lived in Lansdale for many years, and had just moved 20 minutes away, and this whole case was shocking. A couple of caring women began a Facebook page to follow the facts, get information, provide information, and help organize searches, while also keeping in touch with LE. Many of us 'knew' who the killer was not long after LE finally got to talk to her husband, and then do a search of their house, etc. HIs stories were all over the place, and his behavior to his own child was so cold, I thought it had to be him. There was plenty of bickering near the beginning on FB, between people who had been friends/family, and some who were a bit rabid with accusations. Definitely some odd ducks as well. While I was not at all surprised that he finally admitted to killing her, and took LE to one site, I was shocked and so sad at the angry/hateful way he killed her.
Now, we have another case in Horsham(about 1/2 away from the Capaldi killing), where I currently live, where a Mother strangled her 11 yr old son with his father's belt...Society is getting sicker and sicker:(

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