Found Deceased PA - Jacob Lipp, 27, Pittsburgh, 16 Dec 2012

After much searching I came across these comments:

did she have something to do with Jake? ??

June 9, 2013 15:35:01

For The Murder of Jacob Lipp. R.I.P Jake

April 6, 2013 18:08:28

On this website which seems to be a hate page? for some girl named Shannon so take it for what it is.
It also says she worked(s) at McDonald's. Weird coincidence.
Reading through Facebook pages there is a link between her and Jacob. She did know him it would seem. I'm not saying the above is true in any way. I just found it interesting. I thought he was still classified as missing when those anonymous comments were made.
I wasn't going to post anything but I've been following this thread since he went missing, checking for updates. I made an account just to comment since I knew Jake through his cousin, albeit not extremely well I wanted to share my memories of him. If I'm breaking any rules let me know, after seeing the concern for him here I thought some of the people reading might like to know more about him.

When I met him I was 21, I had just broken up with my first long term boyfriend who was abusive and I was a mess, I had a really hard time trusting people. The first time I met Jake he showed me a backpack of bracelets he carried to hand out to new friends he made. He asked me what my favorite colors were and the next time I saw him he had made me one with them. He was just so disarmingly sweet and friendly.

One night I went to my one and only rave ever with him and his cousin. I'm not really into partying and I was starting to feel bad so Jake walked me to the car. I don't remember how we started talking but I told him about my ex abusing me and why I had to leave, my eating disorder and every other horrible thing I hadn't ever been able to tell anyone. In return he told me about how he overcame a drug addiction that almost killed him and it was the first time I felt like someone really understood how I felt. We spent three or so hours like that, just opening up about everything terrible that happened in our lives. I was ready to close myself off to everyone but having someone to open up to and share my darkness with, while taking some of theirs in return was what I needed. He talked a lot about how people need to have more universal love for one another and how it's okay to love each other, non romantically because we're all in this together. That's the lesson I try to keep and carry on the most.

When we got back that morning he came inside, so excited to show me the pictures he had taken of the sun rising. He kept telling me he just couldn't believe how beautiful the sunrise was. At the time I thought he was crazy but he was right, we live in such an incredible, beautiful world.

I regret never telling him how much that night just talking and unloading darkness meant to me, I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life. When I want to shut people out or stop caring I remind myself of how open he was to share his pain with me and how much it meant. I try to remember what he said about loving people more and I really try to live that. He was more than a victim of an accident, he was a very kind person with a very pure and loving spirit. Even though we never became particularly close I'm eternally grateful that he was in my life when I needed him to be. I pray he's found a beautiful place in paradise.

I'll probably delete this at some point because I'm not sure if it's against the rules but I just wanted to share that story.
Lunarian - :wagon:

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Thank you for sharing your memory of "Jake". Thank you for caring enough to share him with our little community. We do care. We become connected to the lost and missing. Your story particularly touched my soul. He was a beautiful soul from your words - and so are you! We need to all remember that we all have stories, we almost all have wounds, and if we could each reach out even just a little, we could make someone's day - maybe even world - a better place.

I wasn't going to post anything but I've been following this thread since he went missing, checking for updates. I made an account just to comment since I knew Jake through his cousin, albeit not extremely well I wanted to share my memories of him. If I'm breaking any rules let me know, after seeing the concern for him here I thought some of the people reading might like to know more about him.

When I met him I was 21, I had just broken up with my first long term boyfriend who was abusive and I was a mess, I had a really hard time trusting people. The first time I met Jake he showed me a backpack of bracelets he carried to hand out to new friends he made. He asked me what my favorite colors were and the next time I saw him he had made me one with them. He was just so disarmingly sweet and friendly.

One night I went to my one and only rave ever with him and his cousin. I'm not really into partying and I was starting to feel bad so Jake walked me to the car. I don't remember how we started talking but I told him about my ex abusing me and why I had to leave, my eating disorder and every other horrible thing I hadn't ever been able to tell anyone. In return he told me about how he overcame a drug addiction that almost killed him and it was the first time I felt like someone really understood how I felt. We spent three or so hours like that, just opening up about everything terrible that happened in our lives. I was ready to close myself off to everyone but having someone to open up to and share my darkness with, while taking some of theirs in return was what I needed. He talked a lot about how people need to have more universal love for one another and how it's okay to love each other, non romantically because we're all in this together. That's the lesson I try to keep and carry on the most.

When we got back that morning he came inside, so excited to show me the pictures he had taken of the sun rising. He kept telling me he just couldn't believe how beautiful the sunrise was. At the time I thought he was crazy but he was right, we live in such an incredible, beautiful world.

I regret never telling him how much that night just talking and unloading darkness meant to me, I think I'll remember it for the rest of my life. When I want to shut people out or stop caring I remind myself of how open he was to share his pain with me and how much it meant. I try to remember what he said about loving people more and I really try to live that. He was more than a victim of an accident, he was a very kind person with a very pure and loving spirit. Even though we never became particularly close I'm eternally grateful that he was in my life when I needed him to be. I pray he's found a beautiful place in paradise.

I'll probably delete this at some point because I'm not sure if it's against the rules but I just wanted to share that story.

Lunarian, Thank you for sharing your story. I find myself thinking of him often. I'll always wonder what happened and wish I had one more chance to see or talk to him. He had a funny, passionate, and caring personality. Definitely someone who could easily leave a mark on you.
When I met him I was 21, I had just broken up with my first long term boyfriend who was abusive and I was a mess, I had a really hard time trusting people. The first time I met Jake he showed me a backpack of bracelets he carried to hand out to new friends he made. He asked me what my favorite colors were and the next time I saw him he had made me one with them. He was just so disarmingly sweet and friendly.

I just saw your post, Lunarian...what a beautiful post...thank you so much. That part I quoted stood especially out to me, what a wonderful sweet soul he was.
I wonder where he was found? And what happened to him? Rest in peace, Jake.

I read in another forum comments while researching a currently missing person that he was found in the river in Beaver Falls, PA. I have been unable to find any news articles confirming this. But if this is true something isn't adding up. The Beaver river flows through there and dumps into the Ohio, downstream from Pittsburgh. There is a dam in New Brighton and also one in Beaver Falls. It would not be possible for a person to fall in the river in the city and end up in Beaver Falls. I don't understand why there isn't more investigation or information about this.
I read in another forum comments while researching a currently missing person that he was found in the river in Beaver Falls, PA. I have been unable to find any news articles confirming this. But if this is true something isn't adding up. The Beaver river flows through there and dumps into the Ohio, downstream from Pittsburgh. There is a dam in New Brighton and also one in Beaver Falls. It would not be possible for a person to fall in the river in the city and end up in Beaver Falls. I don't understand why there isn't more investigation or information about this.
Found this in the comments section at the following link...
It is all I've been able to find.

I spoke to jake lipps mom today and she said this:
We take everything one day at a time. We talk about Jake as much as possible to put everyone at ease that we can and want to talk about him. Talking about him keeps him here with us in the present. We never really got definitive answers. We could only guess at what happened after the girlfriend stranded him in the strip district, so drunk he couldn't function properly (this we know from talking to the bouncer from that night). We also know from security cameras that he walked in the direction of the rivers. We assume that in his drunken state that he walked right into the river and because the girlfriend never said anything about the nights events, we thought he was just staying with friends. I only started to worry after he missed 2 days of work, that was not like him. He was found in December of 2014 in Beaver falls, on the river bank. We were not notified until January 2015. We then had to wait months not telling anyone because of investigations and forensics and more DNA testing that had to be done. Nothing was found to suggest any wrong doing or exactly when or how he died. We are just thankful that we were able to put him to rest and are not still waiting, wondering where he is. I thank God for giving him to me for 27 years here on this earth. I live with him now in my heart and thoughts everyday. We had the Celebration of Life service for him on his birthday to try to help his friends and some family that I believe needed something to help with getting closure. I hope knowing more of what we believe happened, can help you and others in getting what closure you might need. Thank you for being Jake's friend and thank you for caring.
Jacob "Jake" Lipp, 27, is missing from North Huntingdon, Pa., last seen Dec. 16, 2013, in Pittsburgh by his girlfriend. Lipp and his girlfriend were at Static Bar when they got into a fight and the girlfriend drove off, leaving Lipp at the McDonald's on Penn Avenue around 3 a.m. She came back to get him and he was gone. He has not been seen since. Lipp is 5 feet 6 inches, 160 pounds with black hair and brown eyes.

I read in another forum comments while researching a currently missing person that he was found in the river in Beaver Falls, PA. I have been unable to find any news articles confirming this. But if this is true something isn't adding up. The Beaver river flows through there and dumps into the Ohio, downstream from Pittsburgh. There is a dam in New Brighton and also one in Beaver Falls. It would not be possible for a person to fall in the river in the city and end up in Beaver Falls. I don't understand why there isn't more investigation or information about this.

I have found a few articles to support that he was found on the banks of a river in Beaver Falls as well. However, I can find zero articles saying anything else. Nobody has said what condition he was found in, a cause of death, nothing. I find that extremely odd that a person who was on the news as missing would be found deceased and it gets no media coverage. Something with this case has never sat well with me and, at the very least, the family deserves to know what happened to him and how he ended up there.
I have found a few articles to support that he was found on the banks of a river in Beaver Falls as well. However, I can find zero articles saying anything else. Nobody has said what condition he was found in, a cause of death, nothing. I find that extremely odd that a person who was on the news as missing would be found deceased and it gets no media coverage. Something with this case has never sat well with me and, at the very least, the family deserves to know what happened to him and how he ended up there.
Sadly, we consistently have about a case every month of a young man going off on his own after partying and ending up in water.

Jacob like most of them clearly had friends who cared about him and would have helped had they known but you just can't keep track of everyone all the time. Circumstances and male instincts sometimes just align in a certain way to have this result. It happens often enough there should really be something to raise awareness of it but all I've ever seen is the "smiley face killers" urban legend. Someone could do better.

Partying and deep water do not mix
Sadly, we consistently have about a case every month of a young man going off on his own after partying and ending up in water.

Jacob like most of them clearly had friends who cared about him and would have helped had they known but you just can't keep track of everyone all the time. Circumstances and male instincts sometimes just align in a certain way to have this result. It happens often enough there should really be something to raise awareness of it but all I've ever seen is the "smiley face killers" urban legend. Someone could do better.

Partying and deep water do not mix

I don't know if I subscribe to the Smiley Face Killer theory though. While I will never disagree, there are numerous cases throughout the country that are eerily similar, there is no conclusive proof that one "cell" or "group" or whatever you want to call it, is responsible. To me, that theory is more of a bandaid or blanket to cover up when a person goes missing, dies and nobody can say why or how. I also don't think he fell into the Allegheny River downtown and ended up on the banks of the Beaver River either. Beaver flows down into Allegheny, dismissing the theory that he flowed down and ended up there. I think he met up with some people, maybe just one (not sure) and something happened where they ended up leaving him on those banks. How else does it explain ended up (a 50 minute drive) away from where he was last seen?
I don't know if I subscribe to the Smiley Face Killer theory though. While I will never disagree, there are numerous cases throughout the country that are eerily similar, there is no conclusive proof that one "cell" or "group" or whatever you want to call it, is responsible. To me, that theory is more of a bandaid or blanket to cover up when a person goes missing, dies and nobody can say why or how. I also don't think he fell into the Allegheny River downtown and ended up on the banks of the Beaver River either. Beaver flows down into Allegheny, dismissing the theory that he flowed down and ended up there. I think he met up with some people, maybe just one (not sure) and something happened where they ended up leaving him on those banks. How else does it explain ended up (a 50 minute drive) away from where he was last seen?
The Smiley Face Killers "theory" is clearly ludicrous. I'm not familiar with the currents of the rivers around Pittsburgh but although a river can definitely carry a body for miles and miles, if he was found upstream from where he disappeared then obviously there's something unaccounted for that happened. From the bit of reading that I did it sounded like he participated in the modern "hippy" style culture in which people can definitely drift around a bit unaccounted for. I find it particularly telling that no one was especially concerned about him until he missed multiple days at work. Probably his girlfriend was his primary person to touch base with and since they'd fought she assumed that was why he hadn't.

If his body was in fact found upstream then I guess the most likely explanation is that he connected with some other people and went to an after party where he went in. People can be reluctant to offer up statements about accidental deaths that occur related to illegal party activity but maybe someone who knows something will read this thread and anonymously make a report that sheds some light - or even post here some key piece of info.
Jake looks like a lovely kind soul, It would be nice if we knew if it was an accident etc (I presume it was).

RIP Jacob

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