GUILTY PA - Jennifer Daugherty, 30, Held Captive, Tortured To Death, Greensburg, 11 Feb 2010 *appeal 2022 denied*

Texas Mist

Retired WS Staff
Dec 17, 2008
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GREENSBURG (KDKA) ― The body of a teenage girl was reportedly found in a garbage can outside of Greensburg Salem Middle School this morning.

According to Greensburg Police, a man left his truck in the parking lot overnight and when he returned this morning he found a garbage can shoved underneath.

Authorities say inside the garbage can was a girl's body with a garbage bag over placed over the head.

Police say they do not know the young woman's identity.
They initially thought they knew the identity of the girl, but that girl was found alive.

Police are planning a news conference for this afternoon.

a little more here
GREENSBURG (KDKA) ― The body of a teenage girl was reportedly found in a garbage can outside of Greensburg Salem Middle School this morning.

According to Greensburg Police, a man left his truck in the parking lot overnight and when he returned this morning he found a garbage can shoved underneath.

Authorities say inside the garbage can was a girl's body with a garbage bag over placed over the head.

Police say they do not know the young woman's identity.
They initially thought they knew the identity of the girl, but that girl was found alive.

Police are planning a news conference for this afternoon.

a little more here

anyonelse's hinky meter go off?
From the link above, BBM: "The body is being sent to Pittsburgh for an autopsy. At this time, police say they believe foul play could possibly be involved."

Ya think?

This poor child - I hope she has her name soon and they catch the perp, quickly.

Who is missing from that area? I haven't seen anything in the missing thread, but honestly there are so many threads right now, I haven't even read the opening post on a lot of them :(

Prayers for this young woman,

This is 5 miles from where I work. The school is in the middle of town in Greensburg right above the County Courthouse...very disturbing!

I did not see or hear of anyone in the local area reported missing.
Why would the guy leave his truck at a school all night? Hopefully, he's a teacher/coach who couldn't start it so he left it there and got a ride home. Hopefully, he has an airtight alibi or I'm going to be very hinkified.
Why would the guy leave his truck at a school all night? Hopefully, he's a teacher/coach who couldn't start it so he left it there and got a ride home. Hopefully, he has an airtight alibi or I'm going to be very hinkified.

I read one article that said he left it there because of the snow...let me see if I can find it again.



Greensburg police said that a man parked his car at Greensburg Salem Middle School on Wednesday night to make room for snow plows that were going to be clearing his street. He retrieved his car at about 6:30 a.m. and found the garbage can under his vehicle.
Thats awful! I grew up near there. I wonder if they had school all week. I know a neighboring school district has been off this whole week.
my hinky meter went off right away.
but then i started thinking 'why would he let himself be caught red handed with the body'.
oh and im hoping, for the family's sake, they didnt go to them about the girl they thought it was and said 'we believe your daugther has been murdered.'
can you imagine?
I wonder how much the wind has been blowing there ? A big gust of wind could have rolled the trash can and lodged it under the truck ...This is disturbing !
a little more info


"The body was wrapped in plastic and put in a garbage can. It's being investigated as a homicide," said Greensburg police Capt. George Seranko.

The body was left in the can for placement into a body bag. It is being taken to Cyril H. Wecht and Pathology Associates in Pittsburgh for an autopsy.

Police have blocked traffic on North Main Street. City police and Westmoreland County detectives will hold a news conference later this morning.
The guy could be telling the truth. We have just had our 2nd snow storm here in 5 days. We have over 2 feet of snow, and for PA this is very rare.

The town of Greensburg was having residents that live in townto move their vehicles to other locations so they can plow the roads.

We also had a blizzard warning yesterday until 4am this morning.
The guy could be telling the truth. We have just had our 2nd snow storm here in 5 days. We have over 2 feet of snow, and for PA this is very rare.

The town of Greensburg was having residents that live in townto move their vehicles to other locations so they can plow the roads.

We also had a blizzard warning yesterday until 4am this morning.

Was it really windy ? TIA
a bit off topic.....
but i feel really lucky. we only got like 3 inches of snow last night when it was supposed to be a big storm.....

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