Peru - Stephany Flores, 21, murdered in Lima hotel room, 30 May 2010 #7

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Just what does he deserve? I don't mean the things running thru our minds.
The death penalty, life in prison (under humane conditions) or 10 years in the Peru prisons.(20 years out in 1/2 that time).
Whats the difference between him and the rest of the monsters we sleuth about in here every day?

he deserves what he is gonna get. and eventually your not gonna see juron again., alive.

i doubt the Peruvians are gonna place him anywhere but in one of their fine state institutions called the gates of hell. how long hardly matters.
So he 'didn't want to kill her'?

He broke her neck. He brutally beat her.

He removed her pants!

He needed to remove her pants?

Because she "intruded into his personal life and found out about Natalee Holloway?"

What a lying liar who lies.

I hope they throw the book @ him and he gets the maximum sentence possible in the worst prison possible.
I'm hoping that the Peruvian judges will take into account that the Sloot lies for the sport of it based on all the lies he has told to media in Natalee's case.
Wow!!!!!!!! It didn't take the Peruvians long to get a confession. This is the best news I've heard in a long time.
I was glad to see this morning that Joran has confessed.

I do believe this is why he killed Stephany. It makes no sense to us logical minded people that he would kill someone over just looking him up on a laptop but then we aren't talking about a logical minded person when it comes to Joran.

Joran seems to explode into an explosive rage if things do not go his way. He was at the casino for 2 weeks and I am sure hobnobbing among the gamblers. Evidently no one had approached him as being THE JORAN Van Der Sloot that was the number one murder suspect in Natalee Holloway's case. He thought since Stephany was scoping out his name on his laptop she would expose him to the casino and others she and he knew.

I find him very capable of killing someone over this. Imo, no one messed up things for Joran and if they did then there was hell to pay.

Stephany must have sensed something was wrong with this man to put his name in to search it. Instead of searching his name I wish she had run like hell and got away from him.

With him bludgeoning her so brutally I felt he killed her in a rage. He then took her money from her after she was dead.

Joran is a ticking time bomb with the fuse always lit. One spark of things not going his way can throw him into a murderous rage. He cares about no one but himself.

That is why I feel there may be other victims in other countries that have had the misfortune of crossing this psychopath's path.

morning all, just got up and gotta get to work so sorry if this has already been asked :/
but, why would jvds really care if she saw something on google about him and nh? thats old news that he himself has hashed and rehashed...i would think he would have just lied to her like he has lied to everyone else about it?? i think he wanted her for the money she had and money he thought she had access to... i also sorta think she may have been the better poker player - he had lost his money... doubt this sat very well with him for her to have potentially had control over herself and her money to just walk out and leave him broke all because of some nh news on google... so - it looks like i just did a 180 on myself, eh? LOL
never mind my first opinon... :) i really need some coffee now![/Q

if your asking if his story makes sense? the answer is, no. its all a lie. and the Peruvians KNOW IT and they are gonna bring him down

nice to meet ya costal pilot - and thanx for your insight on figuring out what i was getting at, lol, as i didnt really realize it until i read your post, duh... im not too quick this morning :/ i would really like to hear what he has confessed to... he is a seasoned liar and he has to have some reasoning for his "confession"... im hoping its because the peruvians aren't gonna put up with the sorta crap that the cushy le systems put up with.... but im braced for the worst and many more lies from jvds...
His story makes no sense. Why were her pants off? I still think he intended to rape her... saw that she was menstruating and got upset.
So, Joran kills Stephany because she had the audacity to use his computer without his permission. Why then are her jeans removed and her purse empty (as per her father). C'mon now, expect us to believe that? But at least they got him to admit to the murder. His motive though is a lie.
I was glad to see this morning that Joran has confessed.

I do believe this is why he killed Stephany. It makes no sense to us logical minded people that he would kill someone over just looking him up on a laptop but then we aren't talking about a logical minded person when it comes to Joran.

Joran seems to explode into an explosive rage if things do not go his way. He was at the casino for 2 weeks and I am sure hobnobbing among the gamblers. Evidently no one had approached him as being THE JORAN Van Der Sloot that was the number one murder suspect in Natalee Holloway's case. He thought since Stephany was scoping out his name on his laptop she would expose him to the casino and others she and he knew.

I find him very capable of killing someone over this. Imo, no one messed up things for Joran and if they did then there was hell to pay.

Stephany must have sensed something was wrong with this man to put his name in to search it. Instead of searching his name I wish she had run like hell and got away from him.

With him bludgeoning her so brutally I felt he killed her in a rage. He then took her money from her after she was dead.

Joran is a ticking time bomb with the fuse always lit. One spark of things not going his way can throw him into a murderous rage. He cares about no one but himself.

That is why I feel there may be other victims in other countries that have had the misfortune of crossing this psychopath's path.


I'm sure that even his daddy wouldn't have been able to help him out with this one. I can't see any way that the Dutch get involved in helping with any more than the minimum requirements.

His parents obviously have made some serious mistakes with this kid and now they and him are paying for it.
completely random info, I had thought maybe his name translated to something like "from the sl.t" or similar but it actually means "from the ditch/drainage/waste ditch"
I heard on Fox News that they will be doing a recreation of the murder later today. I wonder if this will be videotaped and released to the media.
Wow, her fingerprints would have to be on the computer.

He'll have a problem with the without his permission.

I have a feeling that her prints ARE on the computer, for whatever reason. Then he had a couple of days on the run to think of a good defense if he got caught. I'll look for the link, but didn't the person who gave him a ride to the Chilean border say he kept opening/closing his laptop? Possible scenario: he knew her prints were on there and didn't want to erase them with his own prints. So he would open it to use it, then close it after second thought about the prints. Also, if there was evidence about Natalee, he would've ditched it, not carried it around all this time. JMHO.

ETA: Here's a link:

"...He didn't have a cell phone but he had a laptop
that he would take out, handle and then put back."...
I woke up this morning to this news and I thought I was still sleeping/dreaming! I hope it is swift justice from here on out! Rest in Peace Stephany and Natalee!:angel:
Well, this is wonderful news as I didn't see it getting to a confession.

Now I need to see the video of Joran leaving the room at 8:00 AM and going for coffee and returning with 2 cups of coffee and bread because this would have been the only time she was alone in order to have access to his computer.

If she was killed once he came back with the coffee, what the heck were they doing in the room for 3.5 hours that ended with her black pants being removed?

Actually the more I think about it, I go back to days ago when I wrote it really doesn't matter why he killed her, or how he killed her, what matters is Stephany went in the room and never came out and was found dead 3 days later.
I believe she used his computer, I don't believe she googled him. If she was worried enough to google him, I believe she would have left. She may have used his computer to send an email or to check for an email. I can see him flying into a rage because she touched something of his. This makes more sense then him killing her, then going for coffee, coming back waiting a while with a dead body, then leaving. Really, he is such a liar that there is no telling what happened. He looked so calm when leaving the room, really anything is possible.
I'm sure that even his daddy wouldn't have been able to help him out with this one. I can't see any way that the Dutch get involved in helping with any more than the minimum requirements.

His parents obviously have made some serious mistakes with this kid and now they and him are paying for it.

We all know from his past lies that in them lays a "tidbit" of truth. No, I don't believe it was the computer or what she found on the computer. I don't believe she would arbitrarily just use his computer without his permission. His "tidbit" of truth is that he confessed and the fact of her turning her back to him and walking off to leave would have enraged him. However, the lie is the computer (unless he did show her something to scare her). I believe, however, there was another reason why she was getting the heck out of there. JMO
Hello - this is my first response as an official member. I found you guys around the time of the Denise Amber Lee case, and know this is a most fantastic forum. I admire all the hard work and effort you all put forth! I decided to join because the Kyron Horman case hits home, as a Portlander, and I would like to be able to contribute in any way.

I am also pretty excited by the events of today re Joran(!), but have to agree that a confession is a little anticlimactic. His reasoning doesn't add up given that, even if he left the room Stephanie would at most been able to do a simple google search (who wouldn't - I do that when I meet a guy and know hs name, though in the privacy of my own home) - and claiming that those search results invade his privacy is ridiculous. He's never backed down from talking about who he is with anyone before. She would have had to quickly stumble upon his own more private information, unless he showed it to her himself, with the intent of scaring her. I think that is possible, but a little bit "made for tv" given the 5 years to the date Holloway anniversary. But he seems to appreciate the fame he's gained in the way only a sociopath could.

I am on the boat that this was robbery and desperation - maybe even knowing he was going to soon be run into a corner regarding the Natalee investigation. She won money that night? Or did she lose? In any case, they may have discussed gambling woes and he offered her his computer. She ended up in his room, I think under the influence of something or feeling submissive due to owing him something as a result of her money issues and him offering help of some kind (her body language in the video).

At minimum, even if this sicko had nothing to due with Natalee's death (which I most definitely think he is responsible for), he has been getting more and more perversely deviant and obsessed with fame, and the Holloways (GVS interview, PDV interview, extortion). I don't think the coincidence of the date Stephanie died can be lost on anyone at this point. My main concern going forward is that he may use the media, the last 5 years, and some sickness to reduce jail time and make himself as much of a victim as he can.

Welcome to WS, Didion!!
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