Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

Well, not that I'm condoning Baez, but lawyers are a bit like cops - disgruntled persons can file all sorts of baseless complaints. Depending on the area of law, it's not unusual to have a handful of complaints that haven't gone anywhere because there's no merit to them.
My father had a very long career defending some pretty bad people and only got one letter of reprimand. I still have the letter! So no, IMHO, all these complaints are highly unusual.
Oh, you know it's bogus and I know it's bogus, but who will testify otherwise?

In court during the sidebars ,everyone referred to it as a theory .I don't think they ever claimed Casey told them that.
Didn't CM say we'll probably never know what happened ? or something like that?
i wonder if its all the inapproriate hugging,ect between jb and fca? the ( imo) bogus intro of ga sexually abusing fca, and she didnt even bother to go to stand and testify for herself and this lie? the wild goose chase he led TES, law enforcement, if he already knew caylee had just drowned? i just dont know, but i hope they DO nail him, some how, some way...ANY way
I will just be livid if no probable cause is found. And I keep typing it "probably cause" for some reason. I think Baez would say it like that, LOL.
In court during the sidebars ,everyone referred to it as a theory .I don't think they ever claimed Casey told them that.
Didn't CM say we'll probably never know what happened ? or something like that?

Yeah, and the Pinellas 12 bought a THEORY hook line and sinker! No actual proof, just a dang theory!!! ARGH!!!!
This is where I am going with my questions. They were terrified to put her on the stand in my opinion. Not just for the damage it would do to her but the damage it would do to them. I personally think given the fact that Cheny M is the one that filed it, it had more to do with THEM instead of HER.

Your brain is working fine, just as usual :)

I'm still waiting for the lot of them to turn on each other. It will happen.
Yeah, and the Pinellas 12 bought a THEORY hook line and sinker! No actual proof, just a dang theory!!! ARGH!!!!

I am not a lawyer but I have to think that most would be appalled that Baez got away with an opening statement like that without backing it up.

I'll give him credit. It worked. It was sleazy and underhanded and everything despicable that I can think of but it worked. .......:behindbar
That issue involved allegations that Baez directed investigator Dominic Casey to "walk away" if he found Caylee's lifeless body during a 2008 search — and then contact Baez rather than law enforcement.

Okay, guys - tell me. If this is true, what do you think Jose would have done had he actually been informed of where Caylee was? Why did he want to get to the body first? Do you think he would have taken off the duct tape, got rid of it completely? Anything else?

Is he really capable of this?? Is this standard procedure for defense attorneys?? Is this a dirty little secret no one talks about? Because I can't see him, pretty much a totally inexperienced attorney, putting his career on the line for this. Somehow this would have come out had he done something to tamper with the evidence.
Okay, guys - tell me. If this is true, what do you think Jose would have done had he actually been informed of where Caylee was? Why did he want to get to the body first? Do you think he would have taken off the duct tape, got rid of it completely? Anything else?

Is he really capable of this?? Is this standard procedure for defense attorneys?? Is this a dirty little secret no one talks about? Because I can't see him, pretty much a totally inexperienced attorney, putting his career on the line for this. Somehow this would have come out had he done something to tamper with the evidence.

Had they gotten rid of the duct tape they would have claimed Caylee drowned at that point because there was no proof to prove otherwise. jmo
Okay, guys - tell me. If this is true, what do you think Jose would have done had he actually been informed of where Caylee was? Why did he want to get to the body first? Do you think he would have taken off the duct tape, got rid of it completely? Anything else?

Is he really capable of this?? Is this standard procedure for defense attorneys?? Is this a dirty little secret no one talks about? Because I can't see him, pretty much a totally inexperienced attorney, putting his career on the line for this. Somehow this would have come out had he done something to tamper with the evidence.

Didn't this come out a long time ago as a possible Bar complaint?

He's pulled so many tricks ,I would lean toward "yes,he would".

He smeared GA and RK ,knowing they were lies. Jesse Grund,also. He was passing letters to and from the Anthony's for Casey, to bypass the inspection required of all mail .
He lied to HHJP about what he instructed the DT experts to supply in their reports.LIED in court!
If it looks like an unethical duck and quacks like an unethical duck...........................
This is where I am going with my questions. They were terrified to put her on the stand in my opinion. Not just for the damage it would do to her but the damage it would do to them. I personally think given the fact that Cheny M is the one that filed it, it had more to do with THEM instead of HER.

Your brain is working fine, just as usual :)

Ok, now I know where you are for sure. I think the decision not to have FCA testify was decided early on. Think about this...FCA dug herself a hole she couldn't possibly climb out of that first day at Universal before JB ever entered the picture. At that moment in time she had locked herself into a story that was easily disproved. I think her not testifying was a no brainer for CM. Can you imagine how many charges of perjury she would have after Jeff and Linda got done with her. She may think she's a good liar but shes not and JB is not a good lawyer. That she proved in the jailhouse videos and he has proven over and over again.
But in order for JB to present his OS, it had to appear she would testify. I think FCA knew the game plan way back when CA brought up the media yelling match between GA. CA told FCA they were saying that Caylee drown in the pool and FCA put her head down and mumbled surprise..surprise..Of course it can't be proven unless FCA admits it but thats what her hand on her face moment was about. I'm not totally sure about the timeline so it might not support the theory. Now I have to go watch the video again with fresh eyes.
I'm not sure if anyone has suggested this but if we could find out when the first time JB said...something like when you hear my OS..everyone will understand. We know from that date the game plan had already been set. Seems to me he was saying this early on but I could be wrong.
My brain is tired today but what about the opening statement. JB knew when he accused GA of molestation, he would have to prove it during trial. There was absolutely no evidence besides asking GA if he had done this. If JB was going to present this theory you would think he would have intended to put FCA on the stand. The competency hearing was JB's dog and pony show put on to show he as FCA lawyer had doubts about his client being able to testify, covering his behind in case his OS came into question. I have brought this up before, before a DT puts their witness on the stand they have practice sessions, run through the testimony until the accused knows her testimony frontwards and backwards. I don't know if any proof exsists that JB did this with FCA.
What JB did with his OS was risky. Would this fall under the misrepresentation? You would think someone would want to address this issue otherwise as was discussed on HLN at the time, everyone will start pulling this kind of stunt...
A lawyer can say what ever they want in their OS. It's not evidence. Putting KC on the stand to support his molestation story would have been a disaster IMO. Most juries don't care for statements that are made by lawyers but not supported by evidence. This jury was an exception. Apparently they swallowed it whole. MOO.
A lawyer can say what ever they want in their OS. It's not evidence. Putting KC on the stand to support his molestation story would have been a disaster IMO. Most juries don't care for statements that are made by lawyers but not supported by evidence. This jury was an exception. Apparently they swallowed it whole. MOO.

You cannot state whatever you want in your opening statement - you may only argue positions which, in good faith, you believe you can back up with evidence during your case. It's up to opposing counsel to object to a questionable argument, and then a sidebar discussion will ensue where the judge will decide whether it's permissible.
Okay, guys - tell me. If this is true, what do you think Jose would have done had he actually been informed of where Caylee was? Why did he want to get to the body first? Do you think he would have taken off the duct tape, got rid of it completely? Anything else?

Is he really capable of this?? Is this standard procedure for defense attorneys?? Is this a dirty little secret no one talks about? Because I can't see him, pretty much a totally inexperienced attorney, putting his career on the line for this. Somehow this would have come out had he done something to tamper with the evidence.

I would put NOTHING past this team that she had on her side.

For starters, look how fast they had their little group interview on Suburban Drive, whining about wanting "in", and being refused.
The day that Caylee was found, while everyone was eating crab cakes at the Ritz, someone made a phone call to the bug guy in Nebraska.
Henry Lee stood in that group picture with the microphones shoved in their faces, along with Linda Kenny-Baden and who else??
They knew it was Caylee before the entire CSI team was dispatched and the area mapped out.
In fact, didn't they file an emergency motion to be allowed in, and it was denied on the grounds that the body had not been identified yet?

Then, not to rain on anyone's parade, but, I also remember the guy that was on trial for murdering his girlfriends baby, also filed grievances against Baez for showing up late to one of his hearings or the actual trial itself, cause he was busy with Ms. Thang.
He was convicted on those charges, and, I've never heard how that turned out.

Maybe the bar has been sitting on a lot of things and will tie them all together with a nice red bow.
At this point in time, I don't care how they get their man, I just hope that eventually he gets knocked down a few pegs; and something sticks and shuts him up, say, much like, oh I don't know, "duct tape"???
You cannot state whatever you want in your opening statement - you may only argue positions which, in good faith, you believe you can back up with evidence during your case. It's up to opposing counsel to object to a questionable argument, and then a sidebar discussion will ensue where the judge will decide whether it's permissible.

Was the state aware that drowning would be in JB's opening statement and the part about GA? Was HHJP aware? jmo
You cannot state whatever you want in your opening statement - you may only argue positions which, in good faith, you believe you can back up with evidence during your case. It's up to opposing counsel to object to a questionable argument, and then a sidebar discussion will ensue where the judge will decide whether it's permissible.

Sorry,I guess I was being a bit broad in my post. Ok,good faith in regards to JB's OS. How to we know if KC told him about this so called molestation or not. Attorney client privilege prevents anyone from asking right? Although the prosecution could have objected during JB's OS, maybe they felt that letting him dig in deeper with his BS would work out better for their case. I feel that unsupported statements by consul will usually anger a jury. It's a shame it didn't in this case. MOO.
I would put NOTHING past this team that she had on her side.

For starters, look how fast they had their little group interview on Suburban Drive, whining about wanting "in", and being refused.
The day that Caylee was found, while everyone was eating crab cakes at the Ritz, someone made a phone call to the bug guy in Nebraska.
Henry Lee stood in that group picture with the microphones shoved in their faces, along with Linda Kenny-Baden and who else??
They knew it was Caylee before the entire CSI team was dispatched and the area mapped out.
In fact, didn't they file an emergency motion to be allowed in, and it was denied on the grounds that the body had not been identified yet?

Then, not to rain on anyone's parade, but, I also remember the guy that was on trial for murdering his girlfriends baby, also filed grievances against Baez for showing up late to one of his hearings or the actual trial itself, cause he was busy with Ms. Thang.
He was convicted on those charges, and, I've never heard how that turned out.

Maybe the bar has been sitting on a lot of things and will tie them all together with a nice red bow.
At this point in time, I don't care how they get their man, I just hope that eventually he gets knocked down a few pegs; and something sticks and shuts him up, say, much like, oh I don't know, "duct tape"???

Nilton Diaz

In the Pokey for another 10 years at least (2022)

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