Post-Verdict:Jose Baez-Sanctions? Florida Bar Investigation!

I'm not sure. Maybe? It sounds like he didn't follow through with the basic duties an attorney must do in a case. I'm not sure if it's a big enough violation of the standard of care that would count as a complaint. Anyone else know?

It was evident ,even in Cindy's depo with the State that she was lying.The computer searches didn't match what she was claiming. She embellished the lie under questioning from JB.
As with many of JB's "mistakes" it appeared deliberate on his part. It wasn't sloppiness. He didn't want to know what her records said or he couldn't use her lies.JMO.
I agree with you also, and will take it a step further by saying that had DC found Caylee's remains, that "someone" would have been employed to go to that site and not only remove the infamous duct tape, but, to take the skull right along with it.

Her little bones were already well on their way to being torn apart and scattered by animals.
Look how long it took CSI to plot and grid that area, inch by inch to retrieve what they did.

Small bones would not have stood out to anyone had they ever came across them in time, with the wild life, etc.
But, most certainly a skull would stand out and make you stop in your tracks.
The skull and blanket would have been gone for sure.

Not sure who would have gone to swampy area to do the final deed, but I firmly believe that there would have been a clean up job on someones to-do list; IMO.

And, that, would certainly call for someone to have their head on a plate before the Florida State Bar if that info got out.
Like others have said, someone is gonna talk, and oh boy, when they do.

Baez and team, for being so smug in the beginning, are sure being very quiet these days for some reason.

I have to say, and I'm not sure how this will come off, but if this is really how JB is, and no matter that he didn't get the opportunity to get to little Caylee first - the intent is bad enough - I find this behavior even more horrific than Casey's.
It wouldn't surprise me to find that information from Dominic Casey has some relevance in Mr. Baez's problems with the Florida Bar.

DC doesn't strike me as the sharpest tack in the box, and I will NEVER believe that a PI supposedly working for an accused murderer's parents, who was in the employ of the same accused murderer's attorney 30 days prior, was bumbling around in the same wooded swamp, within a few feet of where this child's remains were tossed because of some physic's phone call.

IMO, someone with SPECIFIC knowledge, not just a good vibe or two, directed him there.

But didn't Dominic already try that one with the Bar along with the fact Baez owned him 90K and hadn't paid him anything at all? And the Bar tossed it out..
But didn't Dominic already try that one with the Bar along with the fact Baez owned him 90K and hadn't paid him anything at all? And the Bar tossed it out..

It came up in a question a page or two back.
Yes - if he intended to put KC on the stand and produce evidence pointing to the molestation theory, but then later changed his mind, the opening statement assertion would be okay. I don't think he can get in trouble for his statements now, since there wasn't an objection preserving the issue for review post-trial - the only way that Baez could get in trouble for it is if one of the state's attorneys had evidence proving he introduced the molestation issue as pure slander, with no evidence to support it. Then that would be grounds for a complaint. If, however, he simply made the assertion, but wasn't able to back it up because of natural changes in trial strategy as the trial went on, that's not bad faith, so you wouldn't have much to stand on complaint-wise, despite how sleazy it was.

Things may differ in Florida as far as their ethics rules regarding trial conduct, but that's my understanding of the issue in Ohio.
I knew we would end up on the same page. Baez could virtually say anything in regards to an explanation of Caylee's disappearance and death. In regards to a Bar penalty over the opening statements I agree. Maybe that's why Baez did it. He new that he had little to lose personally, so lets gamble a bit. This jury sure did buy it. MOO.

ETA: I tried to pay attention to AZLawyer as this case progressed. She's great.
I knew we would end up on the same page. Baez could virtually say anything in regards to an explanation of Caylee's disappearance and death. In regards to a Bar penalty over the opening statements I agree. Maybe that's why Baez did it. He new that he had little to lose personally, so lets gamble a bit. This jury sure did buy it. MOO.

Yes, he could have decided for that reason - because he sure had tried everything else and it hadn't worked. There was nothing else to try except to admit his client was guilty...
Thanks for your take on this. The "suprise suprise" looked weird to me too but after the trial when I watched it again I asked myself "well did she look like this because Caylee really drown". Of course the answer in my mind was no - but I never could figure our why she looked weird like that. There was somehting in that look.

Yeah she's a con artist. She immediately thought "I may be able to use that excuse later because obviously my Mom is already willing to buy it." and then she stocked it away for the future... People like Casey read other people at lightening speed and are ready and willing to turn on a dime and adapt. I think Casey knew from very early on that she might someday use the drowning excuse if she was ever backed far enough into a corner.
Dear Casey, Let's use the drowning for trial. Who will ever know? Love, Mom Yep, with all the sneaky letter writing, a huge possibility!
I haven't had a chance to go back and read all the posts, so my apologies if this has already been brought up.
I am not an attorney, and realize I'm naive to the legalities of the court system and what is and isn't acceptable. But I can not believe what Baez has gotten away with, he got Casey Anthony off with a fictitious fairy tale of horror spun out of nothing but lies, and I truly believe he knew it was not true. This tale created by him and Casey Anthony to completely confuse the jury to plant false doubt. Oh, I don't excuse the jury by any means, they should have been able to see through it, there was plenty of evidence, circumstantial or not. Face it, not much else could be left after Casey's lying for over 6 months. She got rewarded not only for killing her daughter but for lying and covering it up. Or, maybe, just hopefully she's not feeling so good about life these days. JMO
Dear Casey, Let's use the drowning for trial. Who will ever know? Love, Mom Yep, with all the sneaky letter writing, a huge possibility!

Actually, the drowning idea from Cindy came up in the first week or so, when she did their Greta interview from their house.

She went as far as to say that someone drowns, many times, "they are brought back".
Cindy didn't believe that it had happened back then, but, it had certainly crossed her mind.

That was always another reason that I believed her parents knew what had happened, or Cindy did while keeping George out of the loop.
What better way to head off a rumor, or the trueth for that matter than to hit it head on and deny it if there were something more to "the drowning"??
Do you really think so? Wasn't he still saying Caylee was missing up until a day or so before the remains were found. To me it sounds like he had one plan and when the remains were found, another was invented.

In that jail meeting with FCA, something was going on. He is very upset in that video.

I try to keep an open mind. Sometimes I'll get on my soap box or get excited because another member posts a theory that takes me in a totally different direction. I'll go up thread and read some of my posts and wonder what was I thinking..or was I thinking....:floorlaugh:

I enjoy throwing out different views and really enjoy when another member disproves something I post, gives me actual proof. Some days I'll watch this drama unfold where somebody wants you to believe their idea "because I say so". I try my best not to offend anyone or start fights, thats not what this site is about, it's not what I'm about and thats why I enjoy coming here!...:seeya:

There are questions about this case that may never be answered so the best we can do is speculate. I have my own basic theory about what really happened but I haven't really figured out the whole idea yet, if I posted it on the theory thread I'd have to keep changing it...:waitasec:

Point being I appreciate everyones point of view and welcome it. I worked in a factory for years so no need to tip toe around me, I don't anger easily...pain meds help alot too...:crazy:

I spent alot of years wearing rose colored glasses, always seeing the best in people. Took some hard knocks but learned some valuable lessons. When I look at JB and FCA, I see two peas in a pod. I don't really believe anything that comes out of their mouth. I think both had self serving motives from the get go and Caylee was never a real issue with either one.
I think one of the biggest problems with this case is all the lies. Seems everyone lied about something, some told whoppers while others side stepped..Regardless alot of dancing going on. When I get lost I...stop...drop...and roll....:floorlaugh:

I go back to the beginning and remind myself where this whole thing started...with little Caylee....:cry:

I was watching the reports on missing baby Lisa last night and looked at my daughter and said...The mother knows what happened, whether it be an accident or she did something to her...she knows and as emotional as she is..she will soon fess up..sorry OT...:innocent:

I believe JB is a bad lawyer, to him this is just another venture in what will probably be a short lived career. He doesn't really care what the review board decides, he'll just go do something else, forensic expert, PR manager...whatever. Jack of all trades...master of none!
Thats why he pulled that unethical OS out of his back pocket, why he disrespects both Judges and the court system. He is a "one hit wonder". JB didn't win or prove anything and his defense was based on deceit, smoke and mirrors. As CA said in Dr. P interview..JB said he didn't care who he had to step on or hurt to win his case.

As far as FCA goes, if you go back and read through the timeline of events created by our very own WS sleuthers, it's like reading a story. I saw alot of what happened, what her motives were just from reviewing. It's hard for some to see the real evil in FCA. It's a face only Caylee saw unfortunately. I think she totally premeditated the killing, alot like your statement about JB. She started out with a plan to get rid of her parents and when the circumstances did her plan. I think thats why she could kill and then go on like nothing happened. She didn't block anything out, she was just comfortable with her decision...JMO
I haven't had a chance to go back and read all the posts, so my apologies if this has already been brought up.
I am not an attorney, and realize I'm naive to the legalities of the court system and what is and isn't acceptable. But I can not believe what Baez has gotten away with, he got Casey Anthony off with a fictitious fairy tale of horror spun out of nothing but lies, and I truly believe he knew it was not true. This tale created by him and Casey Anthony to completely confuse the jury to plant false doubt. Oh, I don't excuse the jury by any means, they should have been able to see through it, there was plenty of evidence, circumstantial or not. Face it, not much else could be left after Casey's lying for over 6 months. She got rewarded not only for killing her daughter but for lying and covering it up. Or, maybe, just hopefully she's not feeling so good about life these days. JMO

Hi Neesaki...Most of us aren't lawyers but it sounds like your full of common sense. I agree with your post. There has been comments made towards the fact that people are still talking about FCA, that if we ignore, she and JB will just fade away.

I believe this case is far from being over!

After comparing other court behavior, accused behavior allowed during trials, the OS, the list is endless, I myself can see how this trial could be considered a travesty of justice. There are things no one can go back and much as most people would love...BUT...I think whether we realize whats going on right now or not...the tide has turned. Each milestone we cross brings us a little closer to the truth. Even while this trial was going on there were people who watched and wondered how in the heck is this cr*p being allowed. We the midst of clean up time. This far worse than OJ's. I mean no disrespect by that statement. My point is the outcry over the verdict was so widespread and so loud and is still going on. My hope is that someone is watching and knows we need some sort of justice, there are things that were done during this trial that were illegal and have to be brought out. The jurors lack of deliberation, incorrect verdict, which we can do nothing about, still has a bad smell to it. I wish no harm towards these people and wish the public would back off so more of them would come forward and tell their story....JMO
My apologies if this has been mentioned earlier.

Wouldn't it be ironic if Baez lost his licence to practice law especially after getting her off. I know he didn't really (and we all know who to not thank for that) but it helps explain my post.

Sometimes Karma waits until it's really appreciated!
Hi Neesaki...Most of us aren't lawyers but it sounds like your full of common sense. I agree with your post. There has been comments made towards the fact that people are still talking about FCA, that if we ignore, she and JB will just fade away.

I believe this case is far from being over!

After comparing other court behavior, accused behavior allowed during trials, the OS, the list is endless, I myself can see how this trial could be considered a travesty of justice. There are things no one can go back and much as most people would love...BUT...I think whether we realize whats going on right now or not...the tide has turned. Each milestone we cross brings us a little closer to the truth. Even while this trial was going on there were people who watched and wondered how in the heck is this cr*p being allowed. We the midst of clean up time. This far worse than OJ's. I mean no disrespect by that statement. My point is the outcry over the verdict was so widespread and so loud and is still going on. My hope is that someone is watching and knows we need some sort of justice, there are things that were done during this trial that were illegal and have to be brought out. The jurors lack of deliberation, incorrect verdict, which we can do nothing about, still has a bad smell to it. I wish no harm towards these people and wish the public would back off so more of them would come forward and tell their story....JMO

BBM. Agree and agree. The fat lady hasn't sang yet, but I predict an opera before this deal is done!
Yes - if he intended to put KC on the stand and produce evidence pointing to the molestation theory, but then later changed his mind, the opening statement assertion would be okay. I don't think he can get in trouble for his statements now, since there wasn't an objection preserving the issue for review post-trial - the only way that Baez could get in trouble for it is if one of the state's attorneys had evidence proving he introduced the molestation issue as pure slander, with no evidence to support it. Then that would be grounds for a complaint. If, however, he simply made the assertion, but wasn't able to back it up because of natural changes in trial strategy as the trial went on, that's not bad faith, so you wouldn't have much to stand on complaint-wise, despite how sleazy it was.

Things may differ in Florida as far as their ethics rules regarding trial conduct, but that's my understanding of the issue in Ohio.

Why am I thinking that Judge S filed a complaint on the OS, must have been something else? Anyway...when JB made his OS and after the trial was over..what evidence did he introduce to back up his theory? Besides GA on the stand being asked if he did this? FCA always had the option as the accused NOT to testify so could this actually have any evidential value in supporting his OS? I would think one would cancel the other out...maybe thats not how the law works....:waitasec:

I'm probably forgetting something JB presented. His evidence on the drowning theory was weak at best...a picture of Caylee climbing the ladder, on the ladder inside the pool and a picture of a little girl standing in front of some sliding glass doors which someone claimed didn't have locks but if there was a stick laying in the bottom track of the door, the picture would not have shown this + I'm not totally convinced that little girl was even Caylee...

No need to beat that dead horse again!...:nono:.....:hand:......:slap:
Why am I thinking that Judge S filed a complaint on the OS, must have been something else? Anyway...when JB made his OS and after the trial was over..what evidence did he introduce to back up his theory? Besides GA on the stand being asked if he did this? FCA always had the option as the accused NOT to testify so could this actually have any evidential value in supporting his OS? I would think one would cancel the other out...maybe thats not how the law works....:waitasec:

I'm probably forgetting something JB presented. His evidence on the drowning theory was weak at best...a picture of Caylee climbing the ladder, on the ladder inside the pool and a picture of a little girl standing in front of some sliding glass doors which someone claimed didn't have locks but if there was a stick laying in the bottom track of the door, the picture would not have shown this + I'm not totally convinced that little girl was even Caylee...

No need to beat that dead horse again!...:nono:.....:hand:......:slap:

Judge S was not presiding Judge. Did you mean Judge Perry?

How much time FL's Grievance Committee is allowed to take to resolve complaints against JB (or any atty):

1. Up to 180 days to investigate the complaints
2. Up to 120 days to file its own formal complaint
3. Up to 180 days to file a report of the Referree's findings

Complaint isn't about DT's OS:

1. JB et al were legally entitled to present ANY "theory" of defense they chose, as long as it was in the best interest of their client.

2. The only restriction on what they could present was that JB et had to believe theoretically and on paper, at least, that their statements theoretically and on paper at least, were factually correct.

The problem there, of course, is that any and all information FCA related to them was, is, and will always be considered confidential, no exceptions.

3. Because of that confidentiality, no one will ever be able to prove that JB knew that FCA wasn't abused and that Caylee did not drown accidentally.

4. The DT didn't and doesn't have to CTA by pretending there was any possibility that FCA would testify in order to substantiate the OS's claims. As a trial strategy, they may have played games to suggest that she would testify (would be forced to by claims presented in OS, etc) but IMO, they never considered it as an option.

5. Typically a jury doesn't like and doesn't reward hearing claims made in OS that aren't followed through on, but I guess when they're just in a hurry to go home and GA seems to them like he just might, somehow, who knows, we're too rushed to explain it seem hinky, all bets are off, obviously.
Judge S was not presiding Judge. Did you mean Judge Perry?

I think I read a post yesterday that was talking about Judge S writing a complaint against JB but I'm confusing that with the OS. I'll have to go back and see if I can find it otherwise it will drive me nuts all day...:crazy:

Haven't had enough coffee yet!...:great:

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