Prosecutor Juan Martinez releases new book, February 2016 - #2

Great work on pulling strands together, Hope4More and WingDing. I'm grateful for you sharing.

Regarding when Arias first thought of killing Travis, I've often thought it was as early as when he was dating Lisa. Maybe even before. The rage exhibited - the sheer frustration of knowing that she couldn't get what she wanted. The furnace of hatred was lit and stoked with each new perception of Arias being wronged. Cancun was a powder keg event - a source of further humiliation and risk of exposure for Arias.

I believe Arias thought of killing Travis early on as well. In fact, I think she had fleeting thoughts of killing him from time to time throughout most of their "relationship." I doubt any of those fleeting thoughts were serious enough that she was actually planning murder that far back in time, but I think Killer's mental premeditation and serious murder planning goes back considerably further than the physical acts of premeditation that have been documented. JMO.
I believe Arias thought of killing Travis early on as well. In fact, I think she had fleeting thoughts of killing him from time to time throughout most of their "relationship." I doubt any of those fleeting thoughts were serious enough that she was actually planning murder that far back in time, but I think Killer's mental premeditation and serious murder planning goes back considerably further than the physical acts of premeditation that have been documented. JMO.

I think she began hating him the day she snooped his phone and discovered her soon to be bethrothed was cheating on her, June 2007.

The dark thoughts she wrote about in the fall of 2007, IMO, were fantasies about killing Lisa.

The hatred she felt for Travis began oozing out in January 2008. It's there in texts, barely concealed. In February 2008, when she's fired from Mimi's and (I think) Travis told her to git, the hatred starts appearing in her journals.

I'm convinced all her journal entries from the beginning of March on were written after the fact, with the one possible exception of March itself. If she did write the March entries in March, that alone would tell me she was beginning to think murder and was writing every sweet thing she could think of to control herself, because otherwise there is no way to bridge what was going on or being said in texts with what she was writing.

By the first week of April...totally agree killing him was on her mind, though she hadn't quite gotten all the way there, IMO.
? Travis did go to OKC in March 2008. Some details:

1. He spoke to friends about wanting to take Mimi along for the roadtrip, as part of a group of folks travelling together.

2. That plan didn't happen for whatever reason, maybe because TA thought twice about it. OKC is PPL and flashy parties and everyone talking money. Mimi is Mormon aristocracy.

3. The killer went with Travis. She had been anticipating this roadtrip for months, planning for it, texting Travis about it. She and Travis on the road again, just the two of them, checking off things on the list.

4. The trip likely became much more meaningful to her as it approached because she (and Travis) knew by the end of February she'd be leaving Mesa within a month.

5. The "big" special singular road trip there and back was one of those killer's style fantasies. Yes, they stopped at a few places on the way and on the way back, but iirc, those stops added on a few days total to a trip that for Travis was centered on convention.

For Travis, stopping along the way was multi-tasking, living to the fullest, and as his desire to travel in a group with Mimi along indicated, had nothing whatsoever to do about wanting to spend special time with the .

6. Once they arrived, Travis largely avoided JA for the entire convention. He didn't take her (or anyone) to the executive director's dinner, from the killer's "understanding," because Chris and Sky would give TA "crap."

When he texted her it was to largely to find out where she was. He needed to know that because he was at various times trying to hook up with CL (who was sharing a room with the killer), trying to make his way to a gathering in Chris and Sky's room (the killer was SO not invited), and in general.....trying to not be anyplace where he might run into her. He didn't even want to give her his room number.

7. The night I'm pretty sure the met Ryan was the night TA was trying very hard to meet up with CL, who was trying with all her might as well, but who couldn't dislodge the killer who had attached herself to CL with crazy glue.

JA dragged CL to the party ( IMO she was snooping CL's phone during their shared room stay) keeping CL away from Travis AND giving herself a shot at lining up a replacement Travis.

What a gal.

BTW....the 1st day upon return from OKC is when the diamond ring and journal went missing, and when TA found his roommie's camera in his BMW.

I misunderstood your post (post #18) in this thread. I reread it, and now I understand what you were saying.. that Travis didn't go to a party, but she did and met Ryan. I suffer from dumbass syndrome sometimes, thanks for the info. I didn't think I had went completely off the rails in recalling Travis had in fact went to OKC. :eek:
Against my better judgement, JM's book has me sucked back into the details of the trial. Pfft!! :)

I wanted to listen to the day 25 cross examination that was posted on the previous thread, and figured what the heck, I'll listen to all three parts again.

The beginning of part one reminded me of how uncomfortable JM made me at the time, as he was trying to get Jodi to admit that Travis was uncomfortable with having the pictures taken in the shower, that she had to convince him, and that she had taken pictures of him shaving. Which she had not, that day, the bits of interview he was playing to show her lies were her actually talking about a previous encounter, that had occurred in January. She kept trying to tell him that her statements were relating to another day, and he would NOT let it go. She clearly says that she didn't like the shaving pictures, but he must have, as he used one as his Myspace profile pic. At the time, it seemed to me that he was just making an error, chasing the wrong point. It hurt me to listen to it. Now, with hindsight, all I can think is that he must have had another motive. He knows this case backwards and forwards, and there is NO WAY he would beat that horse without reason.

The possible reasons that I could come up with while listening this morning:

1) it was a good excuse to play and replay (and replay, and play one more time) the clip of her talking to EF, because she giggles and is just having a grand ole time talking about how he was uncomfortable being photographed in the shower, and 'felt gay'
2) He was just trying to amp up her argumentative superior nature to illustrate it for the jury.
3) He was hoping that, as an addendum to #2, that she would say something like 'That was obviously a different time, he couldn't have made it his profile pic that day because he was DEAD'

I'm sure this was discussed at length at the time, just curious about what you lovely folks think about that.

*I am just at the point in the book where he is talking about his approach to cross examining her. So if I am a page away from him addressing this in some way, please just tell me to chill out. :D

My take is she realized (now that her defense changed to self defense, not ninjas) how bad it sounded when she told Flores that she had to convince Travis to get in the shower and she would take pics. Premed!

So she tries convincing JM that she was talking about the shaving pic that had been on his MySpace or FB. He was having none of it. The jury got to hear over and over

A. It was Jodi who convinced Travis that taking pics in the shower was a great idea

B. She is now lying that it was a previous time which is not what she told Flores
That's real good Hope. It seems right on in many aspects.

A couple things that seem to stand out to me with JA is everything she does has a purpose and an alternate backup plan. So if something didn't quite go the way she wanted it to then she would use her backup plan.

She thought of herself as the puppet master with Travis and others being her marionettes.
I don't think she was ever sincere in being a Mormon so I think she treated all of Travis friends as one big puppet show. The main plot of the show was getting Travis into a long term commitment with her and when that began to fall apart any of the side players would do just fine. Like Ryan or guy on airplane.

She wasn't capable of sincerity to be able to make a real relationship work so no matter who it was with the end result was always the same failure of a relationship. Only this time it was different. She had graduated into a much more devilish person and with the more evil acts she did she began to enjoy it and gained confidence in thinking she was fooling everyone.
Like slicing tires, once, and then twice again.....Oh who could have done it? Isnt it amazing how sly I am in getting away with everything. I am so much smarter thane all these puppets. I just need to pull a few more strings here and some more over there.

We see her pathological escalation with the way she would report the Helio phone stolen. Going right to LE and not afraid to report phone stolen even while planning something much more devious. Same with the robbing of her grandparents gun. When they found out and reported it stolen she did not hesitate to still bring the same gun along. She was too cunning in her mind for that to even matter. She would just throw it away when done. No way LE would ever find out the same .25 caliber was used in Travis house to kill him. No, that wont matter (LOL).

She got bolder and bolder in her evilness. With Travis her attempted manipulation was to the extreme when she began faking she was talking to other people and letting him accidentally see the emails to get him jealous. He knew and suspected by then what she was doing but he played along in some of the cases to see how far she would take it before he dropped the bomb that he was onto her.

I think she was using the Helio to construct the phone sex tape. She wanted the tape to be mostly Travis egging on the whole thing and she was just an innocent player getting roped into it. She would use the tapes existence as a weapon to threaten travis that she would threaten to send it to his friends or Bishop. As well as some pictures she still had.
Her plan ebbed and flowed as her relationship with him went back and forth of being on the brink of the final end but then 1 more visit or 1 more phone call or 1 more email would happen. It was a constant see saw back and forth towards the end. She always had the hope that he would give up and take her back and they would live happily ever after. She was so obsessed she could not let him go. She had to keep trying. Her attempts got more and more bizarre with a lot of reverse physhcology since he was already mad at her so she used his madness in bizarre attempts to win him back. She was hoping it would break him and he would some day beg her to come back to him.

Finally when the writing was on the wall and she realized Travis was onto her fully and there was no recovery of her getting back into his life she made the decision that she would off him and she started to position the evidence she had to help make it look like it could not have been her.

The setup of the date with Ryan. The continued contact with PPL persons. The Journals and new journal entries that she would write in after the fact. Attending the memorial. Any sex tapes would show how he liked her and she was just an innocent girl being asked to do things for him. To her that tape was all one sided with Travis requesting everything from her and she obliging. She could not "hear" the real contents of what we heard. She could not hear how she was also the instigator on that tape. She could not hear herself egging him on to an extent as well. She blocked that out and could not see or hear that part. To her it was the perfect tape but to some of us it was so obviously snipped and cut and pasted together from different discussions to try to make him look much worse.

By then she was so delusional she thought everything she did was the perfect next chapter in this horror puppet show. Nobody knew what she was doing with his emails. Nobody knew that she had snuck into his house before. Nobody knew of their secret discussions. It was all so perfect it had to work. It would solve her obsession problem so she could turn to the next victim. It was the only way she could ever stop thinking of him. It was the only way she could close the chapter.

Unfortunately she did not see how many other people knew about her games and knew how she really was. If she had then maybe there was a chance she would have realized she would be caught. But her arrogance kept her from seeing that part. Her schemes always worked to her and so she thought this would work too. What she did not realize was all her schemes never really did work but people just would not tell her to her face that they knew of her kind and knew the things she was doing. Like the slicing of the tires. Nobody except Travis confronted her to tell her they knew she was the one who did it. So she always came away from her plans thinking she was puling everything off without anyone ever knowing. It added to her arrogance towards the end. She had a severe case of tunnel vision towards the end.

Sorry for the long post.

I agree with everything you said, especially the part that I bolded. :goodpost:
I think she had Brewer pretty much where she wanted him. She caused him a lot of grief, financially and otherwise, yet he never turned on her. As for specifically why Brewer for the gas cans, probably simply because she knew he had them, they were hers for the asking. It was only right that he should help her.

Do you think she actually told Matt she killed him? I highly doubt that. She may have said something like: "Hey Matt, guess what? I'm finally over Travis, really and truly! In fact, I'm on my way to see this great new guy right now, his name is Ryan Burns, and he's way better than Travis in every way (secret thought: he's alive, for one). I'm happy happy happy, and normal normal normal!"

Guys, JA actually didn't get to talk to Matt or Darryl. She only attempted to call Matt and Darryl right before she reached the check point.

See JM's cross on Day 25.
To whom she called starts at 3:14.00. Attempted calls to Matt and Darryl at 3:17:00
Sorry I don't watch David Lohr's since I like watching in HD.
She wrote a June 2-3 journal entry after the fact to establish a timeline, etc. The entry is available on juror 13's webpage, but a quick summary of the Matt portion-

She wrote she had met Matt and his friend Kareem at a specific restaurant (trying to remember which city), had tuna tartare, walked up the street a few blocks and sang karaoke, even naming the songs and how her singing was so powerful it changed the mood of everyone in the bar.

Meanwhile, as analyzed here awhile ago--of course, and in great depth :).....her whole story of that couldn't be true, start to finish.

To include , at the very time she is telling LE who she knows will be reading her journals what an incredible singer she is, a new account on Flikyr is opened using his name and photos of their travels are posted that Travis did not have in his possession.

Not that he would have been posting them anyway- why would he, and since iirc he was fairly involved text flirting about the same time.

IIRC Red Room in Santa Cruz?
#JuanMartinez is doing an online Q & A right now.…

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#JuanMartinez is doing an online Q & A right now.…

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Signed up and in the second I read this...think it might be over now? Well worth the read anyway!!!!
Guys, JA actually didn't get to talk to Matt or Darryl. She only attempted to call Matt and Darryl right before she reached the check point.

See JM's cross on Day 25.
To whom she called starts at 3:14.00. Attempted calls to Matt and Darryl at 3:17:00
Sorry I don't watch David Lohr's since I like watching in HD.

LOL. Thanks, Pocket. There goes one of my theories- poof! And she tried to call Darryl too, eh? I didn't remember that at all.

Sleuthing really does take a village. :)
LOL. Thanks, Pocket. There goes one of my theories- poof! And she tried to call Darryl too, eh? I didn't remember that at all.

Sleuthing really does take a village. :)

I think she was calling them to say 'Oh poor me, I got lost, been driving in the wrong direction, fun fun. Can you help me get back on the right direction to Utah': her attempt to add to her BS alibi.
#JuanMartinez is doing an online Q & A right now.…

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Oh good, judging by the Q&A, he will be looking into discipline JA support site for free release of his book (he already knew about it).
I think she was calling them to say 'Oh poor me, I got lost, been driving in the wrong direction, fun fun. Can you help me get back on the right direction to Utah': her attempt to add to her BS alibi.

Of course. :). The simplest answer.
LOL. Thanks, Pocket. There goes one of my theories- poof! And she tried to call Darryl too, eh? I didn't remember that at all.

Sleuthing really does take a village. :)

Truly great recall - PocketAccent. No hint of fog there at all.
Signed up and in the second I read this...think it might be over now? Well worth the read anyway!!!!

How does reddit work? If it's done, is it done for good or is there a chance Juan might go back and answer more of the questions posted there?
The killer's tweeter has posted JAII's link to JM's book. A website with an overseas server is one thing...a twitter account another.

Bravo to her fan club, who had her all her privileges revoked at Estrella, who alienated any and all potential anti-DV supporters who were simply uninformed, who are responsible for her waiting another 180 days for contact visits and having her cell tossed all the time because her keepers are pissed.

Oh. And for having an entire maximum custody block of murderers and other really angry warped prisoners pissed off at her because they had THEIR cells tossed and their bodies sniffed by dogs because of her.

Keep it up, y'all. I'm sure her keepers will be thrilled to know she's now linked to a massive copyright violation and JM's publisher is in hot pursuit. Good job!
How does reddit work? If it's done, is it done for good or is there a chance Juan might go back and answer more of the questions posted there?

It's a one time drop-in. He was only there for an hour. :(
I think she was calling them to say 'Oh poor me, I got lost, been driving in the wrong direction, fun fun. Can you help me get back on the right direction to Utah': her attempt to add to her BS alibi.

I think she was comfortable calling Darryl because he probably showed her in the past that he was concerned with what his ex thought of him and Darryl was more concerned during his testimony what his ex wife and those around him thought of his choices as far as the he chose to have a relationship with. It was more important for him to say she was such a responsible wonderful human being that all of a sudden changed. Getting to know what an evil person she is, I found that unbelievable. IMO he didn't fool me for one minute.

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