Retrial for Sentencing of Jodi Arias - Day 10

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I like his(or hers) mystical food/fashion connections.

Me too. All these cases we follow/WAT follow are sad, but to lighten the mood with a "funny" is always appreciated by me. I'd rather chuckle/lol than cry. It really helps me with the "funny" stuff. JMO. I DO know the content is serious, but the delivery can be appreciated.
Sorry about 3 hours behind on the posts, but...

That is going to be a shock to all those jurors who have been writing that on their note pad for hours. LOL

I would love to see the jurors start ripping up all their notes when JM starts cross on this sexpert/textpert!! :laughing:
KN-time. I like that.

JSS: Mr. Nurmi, how long will you need for your first witness?
KN: 2 weeks, your honor, KN-time.
JSS looks down, furrowed brow, spins the wheel on her cardboard Nurmi-calc, then looks up "that would be July, 23, 2016, correct?"
KN: Correct, your honor.

Your post is an absolute scream LOL
Just an idle thought - each of us has a hinky meter. For some of us it's more astute than others. Many people will never get close to a psychopath because they can just sense something isn't quite right - like the hair on the back of your neck raising or you noticing their eyes look 'dark' or cold. I've even heard some say they had a literal instinct to run. Others though will ignore, or sometimes not even have, such a gut reaction. It's those people who become a psychopath's victims.

The way a psychopath operates is by appearing, superficially, immensely charming, reasonably intelligent, friendly, gregarious, warm. It's a facade, of course, that will show cracks as soon as the psychopath faces any hostility or calling them out for their behavior. But it's the facade that allows a psychopath to entrap people initially - the more successful the psychopath, the longer victims remain friends, coworkers, and lovers. The least successful have extreme difficulty maintaining any relationships and employment.

Jodi is not a successful psychopath. The 'best' ones make you question your own reality instead of you being able to see a literal web of lies. She doesn't deceive well. She isn't well-versed at evoking sympathy. She isn't even likable - and many 'good' psychopaths can be difficult not to like, at least at times. Until you know better of course. ;)

You hear stories about Travis...he was charming, likable, gregarious - but any comparison to a psychopath would have to stop there. He did for others. He spoke about others. He gave to others. The mark of any psychopath, 'good or bad', begins and ends with me, myself, and I. They are perpetual victims and masters of the universe, both in one, constantly.


Thank you for this most excellent post!

It is a point that would be well worth bringing to the attention of the jury, if there was a way to do so.

To me it is glaring that Arias, for all of her 28 years before incarceration, has virtually no one coming forward to speak for her. Never mind testifying on her behalf, but look at the absence of comments through the press or social media.
Sorry about 3 hours behind on the posts, but...

I would love to see the jurors start ripping up all their notes when JM starts cross on this sexpert/textpert!! :laughing:

I think all their notes, and the one question, say HELP!
I can't imagine this retrial phase will be completed this year. how sad that the Alexanders will have to endure another holiday season smack dab in the middle of this mess.
In other news, I got in a bonafide twitter war this morning with a person on the prosecution side of the fence. :loveyou:
I can't imagine this retrial phase will be completed this year. how sad that the Alexanders will have to endure another holiday season smack dab in the middle of this mess.
In other news, I got in a bonafide twitter war this morning with a person on the prosecution side of the fence. :loveyou:

I saw it lol.
:gaah: Another 2 day delay this week ... and the reason is "top secret" ...

:gaah: This has got to the longest Sentencing Phase in history !

Seriously, has anyone ever seen a trial/sentencing phase drag on this long ?

This is certainly one for the record books !

I can't imagine this retrial phase will be completed this year. how sad that the Alexanders will have to endure another holiday season smack dab in the middle of this mess.
In other news, I got in a bonafide twitter war this morning with a person on the prosecution side of the fence. :loveyou:

The prosecution side?? This trial, or just in general?
I can't imagine this retrial phase will be completed this year. how sad that the Alexanders will have to endure another holiday season smack dab in the middle of this mess.
In other news, I got in a bonafide twitter war this morning with a person on the prosecution side of the fence. :loveyou:

KCL, every time I see one of your tweets/posts about "limits" I try to think of how that could be done without violating settled constitutional law. Maybe a separate preliminary hearing with a separate jury to say "yes or no" on any allegation that would constitute defamation if false and if the victim were alive? And have the hearing under seal unless the jury says "yes," at which point it would be released?

Just brainstorming.
@jeffgoldesq: #JodiArias. The word "emergency" is not used in legal matters usually. Legal issues are are sometimes "emergent" as with the COA stay.
What, if any, is the reason for not being able to say where something was read? Thanks in advance.
BK doesn't think jurors were outraged or even upset by today's testimony . Thinks JM has a lot of clean up work to do to deidefy this witness.
KCL, every time I see one of your tweets/posts about "limits" I try to think of how that could be done without violating settled constitutional law. Maybe a separate preliminary hearing with a separate jury to say "yes or no" on any allegation that would constitute defamation if false and if the victim were alive? And have the hearing under seal unless the jury says "yes," at which point it would be released?

Just brainstorming.

I appreciate the brainstorming. I don't have answers or solutions but I think opening the door to conversation and outright shouting from the rooftops of how this violates and revicitimizes victims is a start. Otherwise it just grows and grows as it has unchecked like a malignant tumor in the courtroom.

(to others I'm talking about victims being trashed and revictimized in court by attorneys willing to bring witnesses to state as fact information ONLY gleaned from the sick mind of a sociopathic killer who's a known pathological liar on trial for their life)
What, if any, is the reason for not being able to say where something was read? Thanks in advance.

You just can't copy and paste here the way you can with tweets when it comes to pay sites like Beth Karas'. Sharing information that you learned there is fine as long you don't quote the whole thing or paraphrase everything. The only reason people shared they'd learned some info from Beth Karas is because people asked for a source for what they were saying.
I don't like nuggets, show me the gold. :laughing:

LOL it just went on for a few tweets with someone trying to insult me for a variety of things. She'd gotten on my nerves a few days ago for keeping me involved in another twitter argument she was in related to the Hughes. This is a person who likes to argue on twitter and I didn't give it to her so she blocked me. That's the cliff notes. ;)
I can't imagine this retrial phase will be completed this year. how sad that the Alexanders will have to endure another holiday season smack dab in the middle of this mess.
In other news, I got in a bonafide twitter war this morning with a person on the prosecution side of the fence. :loveyou:

Aw, KCL I am sorry. Tell us more. Inquiring minds and all that...
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