Sacred Mediicine Wheels-Are there links to Zodiac and American Indians? Discussion.


Former Member
Jun 14, 2012
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When trying to solve the 18 letters that were left over from the 340 solution, I had already been thinking to myself that the Zodiacs 'CR' (compass rose) symbol was important in some sacred way. I realized that I had seen the Hopi Medicine wheel some time recently when doing some research related to a dream I had as a child. I knew that the Celtic cross and the Hopi medicine wheel (resembling a celtic looking cross) could be somehow connected. I had already found that Zodiac marked a particular area (real sneaky like) when refering to '0' in score with the SFPDin a few letters. I already thought that the Four Corners compass was a dead on comparrison, but noticed that the Four Corners emblem with four colored dots, was a color wheel in reference to the SW quadrant , if of course you use these clues in conjunction with anogram solutions like the one, I thought,made logical sense with that particular CR key. The anogram solution: I MEET THE HOPI TRIBE
EBEORIETEMETHHPITI the left over letters which anogram the 'I MEET THE HOPI TRIBE' solution Most defenitely fits the CROSS HAIR,CELTIC CROSS, COMPASS ROSE theme, especially since the particualr key when layed over the Four Corners CR suggests the SW area(Hopi Indians).
Somehow, I think the layered maps can somehow refer to stones or markers in a way that the crimes were committed to mark or peg these locations. This is just a hunch so far, but something I think is slowly establishing itself when trying to understand all of the layers and the meanings behind each layer.It is already evident that the Vallejo murders mirrored the SF murders, and that radian distances were the same.
Somehow, the Medicine wheel is what I think connects Zodiac, his symbols,keys,codes and language. But what is odd here, is he clearly leads us in the NORSE direction of the theme. (see more about Sacred Medicine Hoops,Wheels, and Circles here):
[ame=""]Medicine wheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame] picture of Hopi Medicine Wheel similar toZodiacs CR.
When thinking of the Norse/Celtic connection of the matter (remember Zodiac mentions NORSE and SLA as meaning KILL) I lean towards the story of ValHalla, the Hall of the Slain. Here the story of a hall of warriors comes into play. Several complex knots were left at a few of the crime scenes,. What exactly they were, I do not know, but what comes to mind here, to me, is the Valknot when I think celtic. What would he be saying with complex nautical knots? Maybe he thought he was some kind of god, thus maybe he even felt he was a god to the Hopi as well? This is speculation on my part.
Stone Henge always fascinated me and I always wonder, if in his (Zodiacs) layers, somehow he is refering to stone henge in some way as well. This idea has some potential, but I haven't really leaned into that research yet to see if there is some connection. As I continue working on map layers, I eventually have to do some calculations to see if there are any relations there, especially since he did mention Norse in one of the letters. The apparent link, if there is one, would be sacred stone geometry, maybe even magic. This could defenitely be linked to solstices, but I am still trying to work the lower layers of the puzzle.
At least the Stone Henge has some relation to the Sacred Medicine Wheel.
See more on Stone Henge: [ame=""]Stonehenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

My POI has an interest in the Hopi, as he saw I do, I am fascinated by them and always have been,. I had dreams about them as a child . He borrowed a book I have on them, but I had to prod to get it back. If my POI is the Zodiac, he seemed to want to know what I was eduacated with, as he read the whole book. The Hopi Survival Kit. He had already mentioned he knew about them.

Oregon may have some clues. AN Article I found linked to Medicine wheels/stone formations found in Oregon.
I mostly am concentrating on an area in the SW quadrant of a natural Zodiac CR found in oregon that takes up a good portion of the Central to NE area of Oregon (My POI has a TREASURE near there he s supposedly hunting for) NoteL A Long Ended Treasure Hunt at that. The Area of Harney County. This location I am interested in is in Ochoco forest(pines). I had seen another article about stone circles found up near there, but still am unable to find that story. working on it.
This Topic can probably go alot farther in that stone formations , Medicine wheels and Magic circles can all mean something to the Zodiac. There is alot to specualte on, and the evidence he left behind hold alot of clues linked to this topic of discussion. I seem to think the area in Oregon , besides the Zodiac links I have already made, may be something of a sacred place.
I am not sure yet if Mt. Diablo has any past sacred activity of significance. I am slowly climbing the ladder of clues.
Using the Pythagorean theorem, don't think of the triangle in a flat dimension but rather in Underworld terms. The apex is where the sipapau is and the other 2 points are descending, rather than lateral.
When trying to solve the 18 letters that were left over from the 340 solution, I had already been thinking to myself that the Zodiacs 'CR' (compass rose) symbol was important in some sacred way. I realized that I had seen the Hopi Medicine wheel some time recently when doing some research related to a dream I had as a child. I knew that the Celtic cross and the Hopi medicine wheel (resembling a celtic looking cross) could be somehow connected. I had already found that Zodiac marked a particular area (real sneaky like) when refering to '0' in score with the SFPDin a few letters. I already thought that the Four Corners compass was a dead on comparrison, but noticed that the Four Corners emblem with four colored dots, was a color wheel in reference to the SW quadrant , if of course you use these clues in conjunction with anogram solutions like the one, I thought,made logical sense with that particular CR key. The anogram solution: I MEET THE HOPI TRIBE
EBEORIETEMETHHPITI the left over letters which anogram the 'I MEET THE HOPI TRIBE' solution Most defenitely fits the CROSS HAIR,CELTIC CROSS, COMPASS ROSE theme, especially since the particualr key when layed over the Four Corners CR suggests the SW area(Hopi Indians).
Somehow, I think the layered maps can somehow refer to stones or markers in a way that the crimes were committed to mark or peg these locations. This is just a hunch so far, but something I think is slowly establishing itself when trying to understand all of the layers and the meanings behind each layer.It is already evident that the Vallejo murders mirrored the SF murders, and that radian distances were the same.
Somehow, the Medicine wheel is what I think connects Zodiac, his symbols,keys,codes and language. But what is odd here, is he clearly leads us in the NORSE direction of the theme. (see more about Sacred Medicine Hoops,Wheels, and Circles here):
Medicine wheel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia picture of Hopi Medicine Wheel similar toZodiacs CR.
When thinking of the Norse/Celtic connection of the matter (remember Zodiac mentions NORSE and SLA as meaning KILL) I lean towards the story of ValHalla, the Hall of the Slain. Here the story of a hall of warriors comes into play. Several complex knots were left at a few of the crime scenes,. What exactly they were, I do not know, but what comes to mind here, to me, is the Valknot when I think celtic. What would he be saying with complex nautical knots? Maybe he thought he was some kind of god, thus maybe he even felt he was a god to the Hopi as well? This is speculation on my part.
Stone Henge always fascinated me and I always wonder, if in his (Zodiacs) layers, somehow he is refering to stone henge in some way as well. This idea has some potential, but I haven't really leaned into that research yet to see if there is some connection. As I continue working on map layers, I eventually have to do some calculations to see if there are any relations there, especially since he did mention Norse in one of the letters. The apparent link, if there is one, would be sacred stone geometry, maybe even magic. This could defenitely be linked to solstices, but I am still trying to work the lower layers of the puzzle.
At least the Stone Henge has some relation to the Sacred Medicine Wheel.
See more on Stone Henge: Stonehenge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

My POI has an interest in the Hopi, as he saw I do, I am fascinated by them and always have been,. I had dreams about them as a child . He borrowed a book I have on them, but I had to prod to get it back. If my POI is the Zodiac, he seemed to want to know what I was eduacated with, as he read the whole book. The Hopi Survival Kit. He had already mentioned he knew about them.

Oregon may have some clues. AN Article I found linked to Medicine wheels/stone formations found in Oregon.
I mostly am concentrating on an area in the SW quadrant of a natural Zodiac CR found in oregon that takes up a good portion of the Central to NE area of Oregon (My POI has a TREASURE near there he s supposedly hunting for) NoteL A Long Ended Treasure Hunt at that. The Area of Harney County. This location I am interested in is in Ochoco forest(pines). I had seen another article about stone circles found up near there, but still am unable to find that story. working on it.
This Topic can probably go alot farther in that stone formations , Medicine wheels and Magic circles can all mean something to the Zodiac. There is alot to specualte on, and the evidence he left behind hold alot of clues linked to this topic of discussion. I seem to think the area in Oregon , besides the Zodiac links I have already made, may be something of a sacred place.
I am not sure yet if Mt. Diablo has any past sacred activity of significance. I am slowly climbing the ladder of clues.


The notes also include the Pigpen cipher, devised by the Freemasons, and it may not be coincidental that the abbreviation AVM seen in Latin letters on the Kensington stone also appears (for AUM) on many Masonic gravestones; Wolter and Nielsen in their 2005 book even suggested a connection with the Knights Templar.
[ame=""]Kensington Runestone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/ame]

Also the Mormons believe that American Indians are Laminites, a lost Tribe of Israel, which may be the masaw connection.
Using the Pythagorean theorem, don't think of the triangle in a flat dimension but rather in Underworld terms. The apex is where the sipapau is and the other 2 points are descending, rather than lateral.

Wow, last nite I had a dream and on the chalkboard was the word VORTEX.
I was just thinking about this. What if he killed people and forced them(through torture) like the church killing for instance, and demanded the victim surrender the soul? The what if he was burrying each at a different elevation? Sort of like Medicine wheel, but made of the victims soul. or blood?
Just a thought. I have no idea. Nite all, its been a long day.
Also the Mormons believe that American Indians are Laminites, a lost Tribe of Israel, which may be the masaw connection.[/QUOTE]

*Interesting. I too believe this in a way. Masaw backwards is ...WAS/AM and the Blue star is the star of David, as he told them....from I AM THAT I AM.
I used to dream of an old indian with a thin black bandana who takes me to this arched doorway . He mentions the number 3. He then walks me down some crude stone stairs and eventually I am exposed to the sun. At a certain highth, I see an eagle soaring towards the sunset, and he lands on a rock on my trail. I then discover the rock is balanced just right that it can easily be moved and when I move it there is water flowing with silver in it, and a stone in the pocket of water. It looks black.
I used to bounce up and down in the dreams, like I was an astronaut in a suit, as i could see through what seemed like a helmet.
I had the dream 3 or 4 times and then never again, the last time I was around 12 or 13. I have always felt a connection since. I even wanted to visit them this year in the winter when it gets gold up here, but I am not prepared to take such a trip. or do i have the funds, but if I did, i would defenitely go visit them, I need the spiritual healing that they know of.

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