Australia Samantha Murphy, 51, last seen leaving her property to go for a run in the Canadian State Forest, Ballarat 100km NW of Melbourne, 4 Feb 2024 #2

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I was really hoping to wake up to news she’d been found. I guess the search continues.
Vicpol still has deleted all press releases from all their sites, social media etc. I think it will be a matter of time, I'm suspecting if it is complex, sensitive, etc they are being cautious to get all correct.

I'm just thinking of everyone she knows, loves and her little world.
I've been frantically hitting refresh since learning about the police deleting all of her info from their website. I hope this means some kind of announcement is coming soon.

I read earlier some of you had noticed they removed this info yesterday? I noticed VPOL had removed her from their website before this. I've just now gone back through my web history to check when and it was on the 14th I wasn't able to find her on VPOL website.

Hoping there's an update today.
There you go, for the gossipers on what Samantha Murphy might have been through, she had her first kids with assistance from IVF.

IMO Sam wouldn't walk away from her children. Look how much she fought and endured to conceive them. Heavily involved in her children's activities within the community too. My heart breaks for her babies.
I have an issue with the photo of SM with the dog poo bag
If I was prepared to go for a run, I wouldn't have a dog poo bag with me (Unless I was taking my dog) , stop pick up the poo, dispose of it and wash my hands...then start my run! I'd see the poo and remind myself to dispose of it when I get home...
Also, the photo..why has this photo been posted, 2 seconds later would have shown her full attire... leggings, the photo her lower body is not visible..
she could have trousers, a skirt, thongs on...also, she is looking at something...the dog? is it a bag of poo? What's the timing? If she disposed of the poo and washed her hands and then headed off on her run then there'd be another CCTV s
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what do you mean?

Australians have to carry water in summer. It is impossible to go for a run without water, just like its impossible for someone in North America to survive being trapped outside in a snow storm.

Someone said that their husband did marathons without water, but marathons usually have water stands along the route.

If you run without water here, in summer, you will cramp up within minutes and collapse from heat stroke.

Its inconceivable she went running without water.
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Again, it was 13°c when she left for her run and 24°c by the time she should have finished.

Many runners in here also sharing they don't carry water with them
Yes exactly, it would be good if we could move on from the 'did she didn't she' carry a water bottle as it is completely irrelevant in finding out what happened to Sam and/or where she is. LE haven't told the public to look out for a water bottle or confirmed whether or not she carried one.
It is very annoying that the UK Daily Mail are still saying that Sam was seen jogging at 7.16am on the timeline of her disappearance on Sunday morning 4/2.

Many people are still believing this however this was ruled out nearly a week ago (it was a different jogger who came forward who was running in an opposite direction).

As far as we know, the "dog poo bag" photo from the home CCTV was the last proof of life?

Some outlets say she went on a 20km run, others saying a 10km walk.

I’m late to the party on this one, so still working my way through older posts, I am curious whether there has been a mention of other joggers (ie the one referred to here) and if they recall crossing paths with SM?
My sense is that LE information is being withheld, and then released in a controlled manner to either extract more information to build a bigger picture or give the illusion of the picture that is being built so that any involved party may feel they’re off the hook and let their guard down.
MM thanked the community for their help in his press conference, but not his family…not the aunty or uncle, or SM’s sister and her M&D haven’t seemingly gone there to support the children either. (An online news report said SM sister told the reporters to leave her parents home). My family would be all over me if my DH went missing. So have to wonder if there was some disagreement in the fam about something.
Every family is different. Not good or bad. Different
Yes exactly, it would be good if we could move on from the 'did she didn't she' carry a water bottle as it is completely irrelevant in finding out what happened to Sam and/or where she is. LE haven't told the public to look out for a water bottle or confirmed whether or not she carried one.
the relevance could be if there was a water bottle, and it was dropped or discarded, it could be a clue IMO. there is a real lack of clues.
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