SC SC - Johnny Lamar Brown, 44, Myrtle Beach, 3 Aug 2012 - #2

There is one other thing you can do when you encounter a brick wall - :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::
All right, people, I need to rally the troops!:great::great: This is what I have been thinking. If you look at both pictures that we have, I don't think you would know that they were of the same person. In the face pic, he looks like a 45 year old man, typical, average, maybe a little pissed off that he's getting his pic taken. In the car pic, which I still maintain he is crying in, he does NOT look like a 45 year old man, he looks more like a goofy, 25 year old, not standing assertively like a 45 year old who is sure of himself would. His skintone seems a lot darker in the face pic as well. Since we are unable to get any more pics :banghead:, I feel that someone who saw the face pic and was looking for him would drive right past Car JB without even looking twice. For myself and my own conscience, I am going to make a new poster (Heaven help us all) with both pics so people know his posture. I know the family thinks he got a job in SC, but, I believe he is out in the country travelling with truckers as some have suggested. Because of that, I am going to focus on truckers, I will research how to get the word out in that community more. I am going to share this new focus on our FB page and maybe we can get some people motivated. I am calling on all of you in all these different states to get his flyer out in your local truckstops and whatnot. Even those of you in TX or IN - he is just as likely to be there as anywhere else. Please , if you haven't been to the FB page, just stop in once and share his pic on all your friends timelines. Some of you have thousands of friends in every state! Please let's not get discouraged and let's get his face out there and let's get him home before Christmas!:rocker::rocker: OK - exit soapbox! :blushing:
Maureen... can I just say I love you??? :heartbeat: Thank YOU!!!! I just posted a reminder about JB on my FB. I do hold on to the hope that he is still alive and somewhere out there, because if he had OD'd or been hit by a car, or any other awful thing, his body would have been found in Myrtle Beach. We do not have that! He is out there somewhere..... I just can't figure out why he can't get through to his family. Someone, somewhere, surely would help him with that??? I will never, ever, ever, look past a homeless person without wanting to help them!!! (Of course... I have done that for a long, long, time..). Praying SO hard for Johnny! :please:
Hmmm to quote Britney Spears...Oops, I did it again! I made a lovely poster but now I don't know how to share it!! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh: So, if you all could come to Lynchburg and take a peek at my laptop.... I tried to save it publically so if you googled JB you would find it. Interestingly enough, my old poster for him comes up!:floorlaugh: Maybe if I go back and reread previous posts, I'll remember what I did. I think I can email it, I'll try to send it to Nonni, she got my last one- what a doofus I am!:seeya::seeya:
I'm sure this has been discussed, but was his family ever cleared by LE? Were the sightings confirmed, etc?

I'm posting Johnny's pic on my FB wall now. Praying the right person sees it that will bring him home.
I'm sure this has been discussed, but was his family ever cleared by LE? Were the sightings confirmed, etc?


Yes, Dilly, it was confirmed, Peekerfoo is one person who saw him but didnt realize it was him cuz he was wearing different clothes. I think I figured out my poster, but, now it is smooshing all the words together and hiding them under the pics, might be time to take a break. Apparently, I can share documents publically using Skydrive? I'll try to unsmoosh it tomorrow and try again. Its not smooshed on my computer but is when I share it...AAAArrrrghhh
Morning friends. Just checking in on the thread. Still no word on Johnny here in Cartersville, but still looking.
Morning friends. Just checking in on the thread. Still no word on Johnny here in Cartersville, but still looking.

Morning, Nonni!

Hope you are beginning a wonderful and peaceful weekend.

Let's hope we can give thanks this week that Johnny is hope for the holiday :prayer:
All right, people, I need to rally the troops!:great::great: This is what I have been thinking. If you look at both pictures that we have, I don't think you would know that they were of the same person. In the face pic, he looks like a 45 year old man, typical, average, maybe a little pissed off that he's getting his pic taken. In the car pic, which I still maintain he is crying in, he does NOT look like a 45 year old man, he looks more like a goofy, 25 year old, not standing assertively like a 45 year old who is sure of himself would. His skintone seems a lot darker in the face pic as well. Since we are unable to get any more pics :banghead:, I feel that someone who saw the face pic and was looking for him would drive right past Car JB without even looking twice. For myself and my own conscience, I am going to make a new poster (Heaven help us all) with both pics so people know his posture. I know the family thinks he got a job in SC, but, I believe he is out in the country travelling with truckers as some have suggested. Because of that, I am going to focus on truckers, I will research how to get the word out in that community more. I am going to share this new focus on our FB page and maybe we can get some people motivated. I am calling on all of you in all these different states to get his flyer out in your local truckstops and whatnot. Even those of you in TX or IN - he is just as likely to be there as anywhere else. Please , if you haven't been to the FB page, just stop in once and share his pic on all your friends timelines. Some of you have thousands of friends in every state! Please let's not get discouraged and let's get his face out there and let's get him home before Christmas!:rocker::rocker: OK - exit soapbox! :blushing:

When you said FOCUS something clicked in my head. I think that's the way to go, Maureen. If each person could focus on just one thing they think is important I think it might really help. If you focus on truckers, and let's say I focus on homeless shelters in SC, and someone else focuses on another topic or area we may be able to get more done that way. If we had one person who would drop an e-mail once a week to NG, JVM, AMW etc that would be great and that would be that person's only mission. They don't have to live near-by to do that. If anyone wants to pick ONE thing they can do to help just post it here so we don't duplicate. It can be anything at all. Most things can be done via the internet. What do you think?
When you said FOCUS something clicked in my head. I think that's the way to go, Maureen. If each person could focus on just one thing they think is important I think it might really help. If you focus on truckers, and let's say I focus on homeless shelters in SC, and someone else focuses on another topic or area we may be able to get more done that way. If we had one person who would drop an e-mail once a week to NG, JVM, AMW etc that would be great and that would be that person's only mission. They don't have to live near-by to do that. If anyone wants to pick ONE thing they can do to help just post it here so we don't duplicate. It can be anything at all. Most things can be done via the internet. What do you think?

I'll focus on calling the Cartersville PD once a week. This is a great idea Peek.;)
When you said FOCUS something clicked in my head. I think that's the way to go, Maureen. If each person could focus on just one thing they think is important I think it might really help. If you focus on truckers, and let's say I focus on homeless shelters in SC, and someone else focuses on another topic or area we may be able to get more done that way. If we had one person who would drop an e-mail once a week to NG, JVM, AMW etc that would be great and that would be that person's only mission. They don't have to live near-by to do that. If anyone wants to pick ONE thing they can do to help just post it here so we don't duplicate. It can be anything at all. Most things can be done via the internet. What do you think?

That is such a wonderful idea and I support it very much.
I cannot take on another thing at this time, but will continue to monitor Johnny's thread.
Prayers for Johnny to be found with your continued efforts.
Cartersville LE have nothing new to report, and referred me to Myrtle Beach LE. i should have expected that. :(
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Praying for Johnny and his family today. He is still listed as missing on the CUE website. If he can communicate, maybe he will get in touch with his family for the holidays.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Praying for Johnny and his family today. He is still listed as missing on the CUE website. If he can communicate, maybe he will get in touch with his family for the holidays.

Wouldn't that be wonderful? A real Thanksgiving blessing.
Wouldn't that be wonderful? A real Thanksgiving blessing.

As our family gathered together from long distances for Thursday's celebration, we did the "blessings 'round the table" where young and old worry over what they will declare they "are most thankful for this past year." When I gave my thanks for family it included my WS family!

Even though I celebrate all of the unearned blessings I received in this past year, I stutter-step because I am keenly aware that all families have not been able to revel, as I do, in their unity.

I so wish for the return of not only Johnny Lamar Brown, but all those who are lost to their families. Nevertheless, it appears the Lord has left me with an abundance of future blessings to pray for and I am disheartened that the return of JLB is still one of those at the top of my list!!

I wish I could express what my grateful heart wants to say to all of you who have been so generous, diligent and pure in your efforts to try to help Johnny and his family. I admire your empathy, emotions, organizational skills, energy, intelligence, selflessness ~ and, even in the face of criticism and rejection, your perseverance to help someone in need.

I am humbled and thankful ~ but still have the nerve to wish to be even more thankful next year. I pray that Johnny (and hundreds of others) will be found.
New pic of JB, courtesy of Julie Adams via Nonni Brenda- shared with permission of the family - gotta love that sweet smile!


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New pic of JB, courtesy of Julie Adams via Nonni Brenda- shared with permission of the family - gotta love that sweet smile!

Great to have a new photo, well done NonniBrenda and Maureen for posting it here.
I would not recognise this photo as being JLB from the two previous photographs, he looks totally different to my eyes.

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