SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton *Guilty* #42

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But FWIW Bland has also vehemently defended the innocence of his friend who was accused and then convicted of murder - which all took place on video - so I try to take what he says with a big helping of salt.

His characterization that Harpootlian and Griffin “threatened” jurors at the presser that they better get attorneys was totally over the top IMOO. I did not hear anything that sounded like a threat whatsoever but JMOO.
I am leery of Bland due to the way he seems to want to desperately insert himself in this case. I feel like he’s been on all the podcasts pontificating endlessly and pretending to have insider info. I also read something about the way he tried to manipulate the settlement discussion/amount for the Satterfields. I can’t remember where I read it now but all that to say he doesn’t strike me as an honest broker in all of this. I wish the jurors had picked a diff lawyer. JMO
Oh, thank you for this.

I still wonder about some of the other very personal details of jurors she shared though. Did any juror who spoke to media talk about their difficulty in being a juror, the financial hardship it would cause, how they were way behind in child support payments, and that they had a bad history with the mother of their children?

I genuinely ask, as those are just one of the stories she shared about a juror in the book. In another, she revealed where a juror worked & for how long; another she shared some of the driving history of a juror who was having difficulty coming to trial and what they needed to do in order to comply with their law and not ruin their driving history. It seems like a bunch of details that, in my opinion, don’t further the story so I don’t know why such personal stuff was included.

The convos btwn Judge Newman & jurors in his chambers also seem very personal in nature, but I’m not sure if the jurors knew their convos would be published. Maybe they did and gave an ok to do so.
Wow. I have been wondering what she could’ve possibly said in the book that would rile these jurors to open Pandora’s box!! So she shared personal info about jurors? Wow wow wow. It seems like the clerk got drunk off the media attention! Others have said her book is self-aggrandizing and based on her interviews I can totally see that. I haven’t read it and don’t plan to. But she took liberties she had no right to by including jurors personal info. That’s outta line imo!

Murdaugh's attorneys have to prove jury was 'substantially prejudiced' | Elizabeth Vargas Reports​

Sep 5, 2023 #VargasReports
In a bombshell news conference, attorneys representing Alex Murdaugh demanded a new trial, claiming a court clerk told the jury not to trust Murdaugh's testimony. Former homicide prosecutor Matt Murphy and legal contributor Jesse Weber join NewsNation's "Elizabeth Vargas Reports" to discuss how likely a new trial is, and what may happen if it is granted.
>> Murdaugh's attorneys have to prove jury was 'substantially prejudiced' << This is the opinion of my trial-attorney hubby. He says that even if all the accusations are true, would the verdict have been different? His opinion is that defense has a very thin, virtually impossible claim for a new trial. [Only an opinion.]
My feeling is that by the time we get to a hearing and all these jurors are brought in one by one we’re gonna get a totally different picture. As the defense has contended, the jurors who spoke out did so after reading the book and being upset by it. So the next question is, are they just being vindictive?

I understand that jurors could be intimidated in a courtroom. It’s very scary. I’ve been there. That’s the excuse for them not speaking out during the trial! But boy if they were too intimidated to come forward then are they in it now! They will be doing it now in open court in front of the world under the suspicion of misconduct! I feel like the 2-3 jurors who “talked” seem like they have some kind of personal issue with the clerk. And now all the rest of the jurors are going to be dragged in! What a shame! JMO
I don't have a lot of admiration for EB, he sure does love to hear himself talk. I believe he's using this as his opportunity to 'shine'. Maybe he wants the fame and attention of Mark Tinsley??

I am glad that the jurors have an attorney if they feel they need one though.


The best deal found for advertising is the free sort.
I’ll watch any interviews any of the jurors might give now but I really want to hear them answer questions on the stand under oath before I make up my mind whether any of the things in the defense motion are factual.

What we have heard is what supposedly happened second- and third-hand, or through media filters. This is so shocking and seems so out of character for the accused -- let's be patient! OMO.
>> Murdaugh's attorneys have to prove jury was 'substantially prejudiced' << This is the opinion of my trial-attorney hubby. He says that even if all the accusations are true, would the verdict have been different? His opinion is that defense has a very thin, virtually impossible claim for a new trial. [Only an opinion.]
Agree Lets, I don't think they are going to find proof of 'substantially prejudiced', but it's a shame to have to even be going through all this mess. :mad:

BUT, she has categoricly DENIED these allegations. The investigation shall bear it all out in the end as to wheher or not any tampering has occured (I posted the link to her denial earlier).

As much as "Bland" may be accused of making a fool of himself, I am glad that the other jurors are seeking out counsel - as is their right.

He may not be the only one to end up looking "foolish" at the end of the day as there is a whole lot of people speiling about "Becky with the good hair" on this as if she were guilty without so much as an investigation having yet been done. It's not illegal to write a book. Full stop. She isn't the first to do so and she won't be the last. That has zero to do with whether or not she tampered with a jury or not.

I wonder, what are your thoughts on the presser where DH flat out stated that while at Mosul he watched the Clerk pull a juror to the side and talk to her despite the Judge having advised that there was to be no conversations at Mosul? YET, DH never spoke up or out, never said a word until that presser? Sly. How very ethical of him n'est pas? How absolutely foolish of him that is too - he's now made himself into a witness too if that statement in the presser was factual as far as I'm concerned so should be removing himself from further statements and/or activity on behalf of AM.

Given the foolishness exhibited by the Defence lawyers on this matter and others (using the guise of attorney/client privledge to act as interediaries for media interviews) I'm going to sit back and see what occurs with the investigation and let the chips fall where they may.
IMHO: Sound thinking and excellent post!!!!!

BUT, she has categoricly DENIED these allegations. The investigation shall bear it all out in the end as to wheher or not any tampering has occured (I posted the link to her denial earlier).

As much as "Bland" may be accused of making a fool of himself, I am glad that the other jurors are seeking out counsel - as is their right.

He may not be the only one to end up looking "foolish" at the end of the day as there is a whole lot of people speiling about "Becky with the good hair" on this as if she were guilty without so much as an investigation having yet been done. It's not illegal to write a book. Full stop. She isn't the first to do so and she won't be the last. That has zero to do with whether or not she tampered with a jury or not.

I wonder, what are your thoughts on the presser where DH flat out stated that while at Mosul he watched the Clerk pull a juror to the side and talk to her despite the Judge having advised that there was to be no conversations at Mosul? YET, DH never spoke up or out, never said a word until that presser? Sly. How very ethical of him n'est pas? How absolutely foolish of him that is too - he's now made himself into a witness too if that statement in the presser was factual as far as I'm concerned so should be removing himself from further statements and/or activity on behalf of AM.

Given the foolishness exhibited by the Defence lawyers on this matter and others (using the guise of attorney/client privledge to act as interediaries for media interviews) I'm going to sit back and see what occurs with the investigation and let the chips fall where they may.
Plus there were 3 or 4 court bailiffs that accompanied the jury to Moselle. It was their job to keep discussions from happening and I believe they took that job seriously. Did all of them miss it too? Not likely IMO.
Wow. I have been wondering what she could’ve possibly said in the book that would rile these jurors to open Pandora’s box!! So she shared personal info about jurors? Wow wow wow. It seems like the clerk got drunk off the media attention! Others have said her book is self-aggrandizing and based on her interviews I can totally see that. I haven’t read it and don’t plan to. But she took liberties she had no right to by including jurors personal info. That’s outta line imo!

She even included comments about how the “egg lady” juror drove Judge Newman crazy…she also tied that the Facebook post (which she makes it sound like the aftermath of was the fault of the juror). So she says Judge Newman was driven “bananas” by that juror.

Even if that was his thoughts on that juror, publishing what the Judge’s opinion about a specific juror seems a bit inappropriate to me.

having an opinion is normal, we all have them.
but that doesn’t mean they should be published in a book.
Eric Bland said most of the jurors are going to say the complete opposite of what the affidavit jurors said

That clip is cued up in this video.

He says, "I can't reveal attorney client privilege, I represent 2 jurors, but I am pretty sure that what you're going to hear from some of the jurors, if not most of the jurors, except the ones that Joe is representing, is directly the opposite of what DH said from the microphone on Tuesday."

My personal musings on "Behind the Doors of Justice" and the latest Murdaugh developments: In a nutshell, I believe we need to wait to learn more.

I bought Miss Becky's book the minute it was announced and read it in one day, although I was surprised if she checked with the appropriate officials and legal counsel, that she was told she could write such a book, if for no other reason, because of the potential for what has happened. Every word and every description could be taken literally and out of context. Quotes in writing lack the intonation with which they were uttered, leaving them loose for interpretation. "Doors of Justice" is just Miss Becky's story -- the tone of the book is simple and a personal narritive not a journalistic endeavor. I think Miss Becky was naïve, has no experience with publishing, and was ill advised on this.

As I wrote sometime back, I enjoyed reading her account but as many have posted, IMHP, this was not a sophisticated tomb. It was very poorly edited, with all kinds of errors that you might expect in a first-timer's self published edition. I also question the expereince of the lawyer who they say reviewed the text prior to publication. All this makes me actually question whether some situations as she described them can be taken literally.

For example, I think looking back she may have thought she saw "he's guilty" in the eyes of some jurors at Moselle -- maybe she wrote that as a romantic notion, like a Southern novel, to think the jurors were so connected with each other they could communicate through their eyes -- but with Judge Newman, several bailiffs, law enforcement, and counsel present, I hardly think the jurors had the motivation or opportunity to be chatting about Moselle in the van or giving each other eye signals. It sounds like everyone there was walking around shell-shocked.

IMO, the defense may have a wisp of smoke, but they have certainly exaggerated "her book deal" as a motivator, which I think undermines the validity of some accusations -- BH and her co-author personally underwrote their self-publishing. There was *no* fat book deal from a big publisher as defense is stating.

BH has been described as a very spiritual person (in the long run, accountable to the "judge upstairs"), as well as warm, intelligent, organized, professional, experienced, giving 200% to her work -- and, IMHO, she certainly comes off that way, so these accusations seem very much out of character and to me, don't fit with her many years of experience in the court system.

EB says he's not charging, but what an outcome for the jurors who have to spend their own money for legal counsel because as good citizens, they gave their time and good conscience by serving. As far as JMc, is he an objective choice, being a DH buddy and former partner? I honestly don't know.

Last night on Court TV, Vinnie Politan had a West Coast trial attorney on his a panel, who stated she had often found that what is relayed by a person in an affidavit is not what they will say when under oath, on the record in court. Only time will tell. A court appearance with these jurors under oath will not come soon enough.

I am also wondering if there is any way "the machine" that's been operating in Lowcountry for several generations could be involved in this -- how would that work? Are there "actors" (DH's word) in this who need to pay back a debt or who would enjoy a little something through Zelle toward their rent?

[I hope I haven't broken any rules here -- tried to be very careful.]

Apologize for this missal -- just felt the need to unload! Have enjoyed the many substantive postings you all shared over the last few days. This is only my opinion.
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That clip is cued up in this video.

He says, "I can't reveal attorney client privilege, I represent 2 jurors, but I am pretty sure that what you're going to hear from some of the jurors, if not most of the jurors, except the ones that Joe is representing, is directly the opposite of what DH said from the microphone on Tuesday."

This is a *very* interesting dialogue between JMcC, EB, and Vinny -- recommend a watch.

BUT, she has categoricly DENIED these allegations. The investigation shall bear it all out in the end as to wheher or not any tampering has occured (I posted the link to her denial earlier).

As much as "Bland" may be accused of making a fool of himself, I am glad that the other jurors are seeking out counsel - as is their right.

He may not be the only one to end up looking "foolish" at the end of the day as there is a whole lot of people speiling about "Becky with the good hair" on this as if she were guilty without so much as an investigation having yet been done. It's not illegal to write a book. Full stop. She isn't the first to do so and she won't be the last. That has zero to do with whether or not she tampered with a jury or not.

I wonder, what are your thoughts on the presser where DH flat out stated that while at Mosul he watched the Clerk pull a juror to the side and talk to her despite the Judge having advised that there was to be no conversations at Mosul? YET, DH never spoke up or out, never said a word until that presser? Sly. How very ethical of him n'est pas? How absolutely foolish of him that is too - he's now made himself into a witness too if that statement in the presser was factual as far as I'm concerned so should be removing himself from further statements and/or activity on behalf of AM.

Given the foolishness exhibited by the Defence lawyers on this matter and others (using the guise of attorney/client privledge to act as interediaries for media interviews) I'm going to sit back and see what occurs with the investigation and let the chips fall where they may.

just curious, did you read the book?
She talks about how when leaving the property all their emotions just spilled out and everyone started talking.
She writes how the jurors felt seeing different things there. Sure, she “categorically denies” the allegations but then what? We should think her book is a work of fiction? I’m confused.

The Ethics Commission specifically said “please be advised that you are prohibited from using any confidential information, as that term is defined in Section 8-13-100(7), in furtherance of your own economic interest.”

Section 8-13-100(7) states:

  1. "Confidential information" means information, whether transmitted orally or in writing, which is obtained by reason of the public position or office held and is of such nature that it is not, at the time of transmission, a matter of public record or public knowledge.

That brings up several questions for me, at least -

-Was the jury riding to/from the property on the record?
-Were the conversations when the jury ate breakfast each day captured by the Court Reporter?
-Were any (or all) of these instances obtained by the reason of her public position?

As far as I know, a regular member of the public could not hear what jurors said on the way from the jury visit, or what was discussed at their jury breakfast every morning, or listen to the private conversations in the Judge’s Chambers. All of these - and more - are shared within the book.
My personal musings on "Behind the Doors of Justice" and the latest Murdaugh developments: In a nutshell, I believe we need to wait to learn more.

I bought Miss Becky's book the minute it was announced and read it in one day, although I was surprised if she checked with the appropriate officials and legal counsel, that she was told she could write such a book, if for no other reason, because of the potential for what has happened. Every word and every description could be taken literally and out of context. Quotes in writing lack the intonation with which they were uttered, leaving them loose for interpretation. "Doors of Justice" is just Miss Becky's story -- the tone of the book is simple and a personal narritive not a journalistic endeavor. I think Miss Becky was naïve, has no experience with publishing, and was ill advised on this.

As I wrote sometime back, I enjoyed reading her account but as many have posted, IMHP, this was not a sophisticated tomb. It was very poorly edited, with all kinds of errors that you might expect in a first-timer's self published edition. I also question the expereince of the lawyer who they say reviewed the text prior to publication. All this makes me actually question whether some situations as she described them can be taken literally.

For example, I think looking back she may have thought she saw "he's guilty" in the eyes of some jurors at Moselle -- maybe she wrote that as a romantic notion, like a Southern novel, to think the jurors were so connected with each other they could communicate through their eyes -- but with Judge Newman, several bailiffs, law enforcement, and counsel present, I hardly think the jurors had the motivation or opportunity to be chatting about Moselle in the van or giving each other eye signals. It sounds like everyone there was walking around shell-shocked.

IMO, the defense may have a wisp of smoke, but they have certainly exaggerated "her book deal" as a motivator, which I think undermines the validity of some accusations -- BH and her co-author personally underwrote their self-publishing. There was *no* fat book deal from a big publisher as defense is stating.

BH has been described as a very spiritual person (in the long run, accountable to the "judge upstairs"), as well as warm, intelligent, organized, professional, experienced, giving 200% to her work -- and, IMHO, she certainly comes off that way, so these accusations seem very much out of character and to me, don't fit with her many years of experience in the court system.

EB says he's not charging, but what an outcome for the jurors who have to spend their own money for legal counsel because as good citizens, they gave their time and good conscience by serving. As far as JMc, is he an objective choice, being a DH buddy and former partner? I honestly don't know.

Last night on Court TV, Vinnie Politan had a West Coast trial attorney on his a panel, who stated she had often found that what is relayed by a person in an affidavit is not what they will say when under oath, on the record in court. Only time will tell. A court appearance with these jurors under oath will not come soon enough.

I am also wondering if there is any way "the machine" that's been operating in Lowcountry for several generations could be involved in this -- how would that work? Are there "actors" (DH's word) in this who need to pay back a debt or who would enjoy a little something through Zelle toward their rent?

[I hope I haven't broken any rules here -- tried to be very careful.]

Apologize for this missal -- just felt the need to unload! Have enjoyed the many substantive postings you all shared over the last few days. This is only my opinion.
I was a bit surprised too, until I read the letter she wrote to the Ethics Commission and their reply to her.

She had asked about a book focusing on high profile cases in the state in general, and “the process” of those cases. She did not ask about any particular case and made it sound like it would feature several.

Their whole opinion was centered around a book that is vastly different than what it ended up being. They may have said “ok” to that scenario but her book, obviously, focuses on one single case entirely. Her mention of having this idea for the book and starting “4 months before January”, the start of the trial, also makes one wonder why she represented the book the way she did when her own words say she already decided it was a Murdaugh specific book (she mentions this in Impact of Influence Episode 140).

In one of my above posts I tried to further explain how their “are prohibited from using any confidential information, as that term is defined in Section 8-13-100(7)” line, as IMOO much of her book details “confidential information” - per their definition - that she would not have obtained if she was not the Clerk.
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