Seaching for Anna - #2

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SherlockJr said:
Smile, I looked thru California business listings a long time ago and found no photography studio registered with the state. Kyresearcher I believe found some Kilroy names that may be associated.
It was a photography studio in San Francisco, now apparently defunct. I found a photo on e-Bay last year (not related to our search) credited to the same studio.
Dr. Doogie said:
Brody does somewhat resemble the police sketch of the Zodiac (see attached pics below) but not the physical description.
It should be pointed out that the police sketch of the Zodiac also resembles George Burns (the late comedian).


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how accurate is the sketch of the zodiac? it sounds like the zodiac resembles afew different people. i wonder if he has anything that is distingushing that would seperate him from other look alikes like something a witness remembered he did that might tie him to another case or something
smile22 said:
how accurate is the sketch of the zodiac? it sounds like the zodiac resembles afew different people. i wonder if he has anything that is distingushing that would seperate him from other look alikes like something a witness remembered he did that might tie him to another case or something
Has anyone ever seen one of the letters that the zodiac sent to the LE? It might be interesting to compare his handwriting to GB's.
kyresearcher said:
Has anyone ever seen one of the letters that the zodiac sent to the LE? It might be interesting to compare his handwriting to GB's.
GB rarely wrote anything himself - he dictated his writings to Walters who wrote it down. I did find one handwritten note by Brody (written while Margaret Kukoda was still alive, so early-to-mid 1967) and as I recall, the handwriting does not match Z's style.
do u think the Z used someone else to write beacuse he didnt want to get cought?
smile22 said:
do u think the Z used someone else to write beacuse he didnt want to get cought?
To Smile22:
I doubt it. The old Hell's Angel's saying of "Three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead" comes into play - the fewer people who know a secret, the easier it is to keep it.

To everyone in general:
I mentioned the Zodiac in my above posts because I was concerned that the mention of "George Waters" in the new movie would drag us off on a tangent of something that is undoubtably unrelated to Anna's case. Unfortunately, it seems to have had the opposite effect. People here obviously have the right to look into anything that they feel may be relevant, but I am absolutely convinced that the Zodiac has no relation to Anna's case. I believe that the time we spend looking into Z will only detract from our hard work that has brought us closer to discovering the truth about Anna's disappearance.
I have never posted here but this case has really intrigued me. I apologize if I am duplicating information or if the information is of no value - I haven't had the time to read all of the posts to see if this information is now moot.

I recently joined a newspaper archives site and found the following:

On 1/23/1953 a Margaret Kukoda, age 35, was arrested in Oakland, CA. She was a nurse.

On 9/11/1962 a George Brody, a member of the American Legion, was a pall bearer at a funeral in Lowell, Massachusetts.

On 8/3/1948 a George Brody is listed in Lowell, Massachusetts as working for the water company.

If anyone thinks there may be value to this I'm happy keep looking.
Maggie97 said:
I have never posted here but this case has really intrigued me. I apologize if I am duplicating information or if the information is of no value - I haven't had the time to read all of the posts to see if this information is now moot.
Welcome, Maggie97. We can always use the additional help.

Maggie97 said:
On 1/23/1953 a Margaret Kukoda, age 35, was arrested in Oakland, CA. She was a nurse.
Margaret was arrested and plead no contest to performing two illegal abortions on teenage girls. She was given probation. The real question about this incident is whether we can establish any connection to George Brody during this time period. Did he post bail or appear as a witness at her trial, etc.?

Maggie97 said:
On 9/11/1962 a George Brody, a member of the American Legion, was a pall bearer at a funeral in Lowell, Massachusetts.

On 8/3/1948 a George Brody is listed in Lowell, Massachusetts as working for the water company..
I believe that this Brody is the same one that we have found in an old high school yearbook - the picture shows that he is not Brody. Since we suspect that our Brody was from Massachusetts, it may be that this is the identity that he stole to become our Brody (we assume that "George Brody" is an alias).

Maggie97 said:
If anyone thinks there may be value to this I'm happy keep looking.
Please do keep looking into this and anything else that you may find. Even if you bring up things that we have already discovered, it is gratifying to see that our previous research can be duplicated by independent sleuthers - it helps us verify our work. Thanks!
Things have been a little slow on the forum lately, so here's a poem for you:


Briefly, everybody loved and lost at the ranch.
It was that gemmy piece of turf which everybody owned or wanted.
We were married in a treehouse near the mill,
Suspended over the creek,
Singing “Home On the Range.” Four months later,
Helicopters were ripping the air
And frogmen were picking apart the creek bed,
Looking for our lost girl.
The landlord didn’t wear a top hat,
Probably didn’t look like a Dickens villain,
But that is how I remember him. Every month
He wanted more money, wanted to evict everyone,
Schemed to make rental units from pigpens.
Richard planted a fuchsia
Which enchanted hummingbirds.
They hung their nests from his ears
And made bracelets around his wrists
As he watered the bush.
When that singer took money made from music,
Bought the whole place, moved into Richard’s house,
He wondered what had become of the hummingbirds
And the magic fuchsia. Everybody knows her face,
So he recognized her on the street.
But when he asked about his birds, she turned her back
And walked away without a word.
So much for the muse and social justice.
Annasmom said:
...When that singer took money made from music,
Bought the whole place, moved into Richard’s house,
He wondered what had become of the hummingbirds
And the magic fuchsia. Everybody knows her face,
So he recognized her on the street.
But when he asked about his birds, she turned her back
And walked away without a word.
So much for the muse and social justice...
Not to engage in TC bashing, but something dawns on me: Annasbro has probably been on more records sold in the last ten years than TC. And he doesn't have to worry about the "masses" invading his privacy or stalking him - well, maybe one or two of his old high school girlfriends... :laugh:
Yay! We are back up on the forum.

There is nothing new to report concerning LE's investigation into "C". We continue to wait for an update.

Meanwhile, there are rumblings of perhaps something new developing unrelated to "C". I am still trying to uncover what is happening and will update when I can. However, it may be nothing more than my imagination.
Yay! We are back up on the forum.

There is nothing new to report concerning LE's investigation into "C". We continue to wait for an update.

Meanwhile, there are rumblings of perhaps something new developing unrelated to "C". I am still trying to uncover what is happening and will update when I can. However, it may be nothing more than my imagination.

What I find so sad is that we'll know by the end of the week who's the baby-daddy of Anna Nichole Smith's daughter, but it takes months for Annasmom to find out if "C" is her daughter. Personally I find it hard to keep researching different angles with the results of "C" up in the air.

I'm dieing to know what the new developments are. Let us know asap...PLEASE :rolleyes:
I'm dieing to know what the new developments are. Let us know asap...PLEASE :rolleyes:

Me too, actually. I may be over-analysizing an innocent statement by someone (which is a distinct possibility), but it appeared that there is something happening out there that we are not aware of. I am trying to nail it down (one way or the other), so I probably shouldn't have mentioned it at all, but I just get too d*mn excited...
Me too, actually. I may be over-analysizing an innocent statement by someone (which is a distinct possibility), but it appeared that there is something happening out there that we are not aware of. I am trying to nail it down (one way or the other), so I probably shouldn't have mentioned it at all, but I just get too d*mn excited...

Arrrgggghhhh Doogie, you're driving us nuts with anticipation!!!


But I do hope you are having a good day!
I spent my Saturday reading the Rose Cole threads. I want to bring a section of that to Anna's thread. A former Synanon member was able to get membership at Websleuths to help answer questions concerning the Synanon. Last year they inqired if they knew the girl pictured, they posted a pic of Anna. This was her response:

That was a young girl born in synanon. These questions are not about the Cole girl in question so not comfortable in answering. We try and protect the privacy of those who lived there at an earlier time. I hope you understand. (however, if I understand her story, she testified against the organization on child abuse issues)

A few days later she was asked again about this picture. This time they had both Anna's pic and the girl getting her hair dryed.

Lots of little girls with blonde hair look the same. That little girl has a diffferent first and last name. My mom knows her parents. They married in Synanonn and had this child in 73, born on the Synanon property. Not the same person as you are looking for. Can't see how that is possible based on what you are telling me. I'm trying to honnor protection of people;s names of former synanon members so wil not divulge information but this can't possibly be the same people.

First of all, the picture of the two girls is dated 1974. I would believe that time frame finding a marriage record on the teenager in 1975.

If this member above is telling us this girl was born in 1973, she is way off. That is not a one year old standing there getting her hair dryed.

From e-mails I've received last year from Synanon members, they gave me the name of the younger girl. Again the name they gave me matches the name on her overalls, but this child was born in 1971. To me the child in the picture still looks older than 3 years old.

Do we want to look further into this girl?


I questioned the honesty of that particular poster as well (on the Rose thread). She kept saying she had to protect the privacy of other members, and couldn't/wouldn't give names...but when she posted her "biography", she used first and last names of several members. I always thought that was odd. And yes, as you said the dates appear to be way off in comparison of the age the child looks.
I agree that something is amiss concerning the dates in her story. Either the photo is not from 1974 or this is not the girl that she is identifying.
I can't find the original larger picture of above. My guess is the child looks about 5. I have a tall (46" 48lb ) 4 yr old, so my comparison is based on my sons stats. He's in the 95th -100th on both ht and wt. Where was Anna on the stats? It might be easier to compare that way.

I think the girl in the picture should be explored further.

Also, I wasn't sure where to post this so I guess here is as good as any. I've tried to compare Annas ears with those pictured. My late great Aunt told me long before DNA was available, ears were often used for comparison. For example, my son and his father both have attached earlobes. Which is less common than detached. Not sure if that's possible, but it might help eliminate or confirm someone before going further.

Also, the pic of "C". Her lips appear to be full. Were Anna's lips full? I was unable to tell from the pics available.

Praying for an answer to this mystery.
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