Searching for Anna - #1

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RobinH said:
SherlockJr, I did tell C that you would help her find her dad, and she came back with a very resounding "NO!!!"

Also, in regard to a younger picture of C, I have exhausted all of my resources, still waiting for a call from 2 schools, but doesn't seem promising. Her uncles have retired from the company that I have connections to. I have considered asking C if I can call her mom or her sister, but have not done that yet.

I have also, NOT told C that if she IS Anna, someone that she knows could be facing prosecution..........I will NOT tell her that, and I know that she is so involved in her upcoming wedding right now, she is not thinking about that aspect of things.

If anyone is interested, here is a physical description of C. She is 5'8" tall, weighs about 140, she wears bifocal glasses, and I believe she told me that she wears a size 8 shoe.

I will be seeing her again within the next 2 days if anyone wants me to ask her anything.

I do not mean to pry as I know some things aren't meant to be posted or perhaps I may have missed something, but what does C think is being investigated on her behalf? I assume she is aware of websleuths. IIRC, it was posted that C did not have a computer, but surely someone she knows would have one and use of one is always available at libraries, cafes, etc....Is she not tempted to visit us? I guess patience is not one of my virtues. I would have to visit to know what people were thinking.

The more I look at the photos the more convinced I am that C is Anna. It is said that everyone has a twin in the world. If C is not Anna, she is her twin.

It pains me that C has had such a difficult family life, but I am so happy to see that she is moving ahead with a marriage and putting the past behind her. She sounds like a lovely person.
Dr. Doogie said:
It's confirmed: Annasmom and I will be meeting with the detective and one of his associates on December 5th in the morning. I will be preparing an outline of what we have uncovered: the mystery woman, the information from the tipster who saw Anna, and the report by Annasbro that he saw a couple try and lure Anna into their car. Hopefully, the added research capabilities of LE will help us move forward quickly in our search for Anna.
Incredible! Absolutely incredible! :)
Dr. Doogie said:
It's confirmed: Annasmom and I will be meeting with the detective and one of his associates on December 5th in the morning. I will be preparing an outline of what we have uncovered: the mystery woman, the information from the tipster who saw Anna, and the report by Annasbro that he saw a couple try and lure Anna into their car. Hopefully, the added research capabilities of LE will help us move forward quickly in our search for Anna.
The same day that C is getting married. :clap:
For most of the last 34 years, the Sheriff's department's unofficial position has been polite indifference. With the advances that we all have made here on WS, they are now truly interested and excited about the case. It is tremendously gratifying to see this "cold case" starting to become red-hot again. I tip my hat to Detective Jim Gilletti and his willingness to listen to what we have uncovered - it would have been much easier for him to continue the policy of putting Anna's case "to the bottom of the pile" where a solution would forever remain undiscovered.

I pray that this is the missing ingredient necessary to finally find Anna. Somebody somewhere knows the answer to the question of what happened to her. I am now more optimistic that we will find Anna than I have ever been.
RobinH said:
The same day that C is getting married. :clap:
I keep forgetting about the fact that C is getting married very soon. Whether or not she is Anna, please express our wishes for a long and happy marriage. With all of the stress involved in getting married, she has still been willing to entertain the possibility that she is Anna - this is a testament to the integrity and fortitude of C.
RobinH said:
If anyone is interested, here is a physical description of C. She is 5'8" tall, weighs about 140, she wears bifocal glasses, and I believe she told me that she wears a size 8 shoe.

I will be seeing her again within the next 2 days if anyone wants me to ask her anything.
I don't know if anyone remembers, but this height and weight exactly fit my guess at what Anna's size would be today. Also, remember that I amended the age-advanced picture from the NCMEC to include glasses. I do have a question for you, Robin. What is C's personality like? Does she have a sense of humor? Would you say she's smart? Do you know what her interests are? What do her hands look like? Long fingers or not so long? You're the only one who has seen her in person, so it would be good to get a personality description from you.
Annasmom said:
...Also, remember that I amended the age-advanced picture from the NCMEC to include glasses....
I know that you wear glasses - are yours bifocals or trifocals? I also seem to recall E wearing glasses last time I saw him - are his multi-focal lenses also? I do not recall Annasbro wearing glasses at anytime, but God seems to have blessed him with a better functioning body than the rest of us (48 years old and running marathons - Jeez! LOL!)
Dr. Doogie said:
I know that you wear glasses - are yours bifocals or trifocals? I also seem to recall E wearing glasses last time I saw him - are his multi-focal lenses also? I do not recall Annasbro wearing glasses at anytime, but God seems to have blessed him with a better functioning body than the rest of us (48 years old and running marathons - Jeez! LOL!)
I have worn glasses for nearsightedness since age nine and bifocals for quite a few years now; Anna's brother E has worn glasses since high school. By the way, I had another call from Detective Gilletti wanting to know the physical address of the farm on Purisima Creek Road. He and Sgt. Raffelli want to go and actually walk over the property and surroundings. I am SUPER impressed by their interest and by the time they are putting into our case.
Annasmom said:
I don't know if anyone remembers, but this height and weight exactly fit my guess at what Anna's size would be today. Also, remember that I amended the age-advanced picture from the NCMEC to include glasses. I do have a question for you, Robin. What is C's personality like? Does she have a sense of humor? Would you say she's smart? Do you know what her interests are? What do her hands look like? Long fingers or not so long? You're the only one who has seen her in person, so it would be good to get a personality description from you.
I have read parts of your manuscript, and I would have to enliken C to your mother, she is very sweet, kind, caring, but is NOT afraid to speak her mind if she has something to say. Her hands......I am going to see her again tomorrow and will send you a picture of her hands, they are very attractive, and she just recently had them manicured. Her fingers are certainly not short, but to say they are long, I am not sure. She is very smart and very well spoken. She is a lover and a sweetheart, she relays that just over the past 2 years she finally feels that she is being herself. Her and I had a very long conversation tonight......I will call Doogie with some potentially new information. She is VERY scared, and worried about you. It is hard for me to know what to say to her at times, however, I relay to her the messages you post here and tell her that you have been down this road before. I feel honored that she trusts me as much as she does.
mfmangel1 said:

In our seasonal mails and our holiday cards we are going to include Anna's picture's and info.

I sent out some in our Thanksgiving cards and will send out more in our Christmas cards. Anna's story will replace our usual, boring holiday letter.
LOL @ "usual, boring holiday letter"! One of my dad's co-workers always used to send out a detailed family newsletter with his Christmas Cards. They even included pictures of the family and their dog, and what activities each family member was involved in (including the dog!!) The dog was the only one that didn't have his own email address :D

Anyway, yes, I think it was your post I was referring to. I think it's a great idea!

christine2448 said:
LOL, that's me Gina, I do labels remember? And have been encouraging everyone to put labels for the missing on their packages, cards, etc. :)
Thanks Christine! I hadn't remembered your post about labels, but this is a great idea too. I probably did read your original post about it at some point, but my memory is starting to go ;)
A milestone came and went without my noticing: as of November 15th, our forum has been in operation for one full year. Thank you to all of the posters who have made Anna's case a personal quest - your dedication is truly awe-inspiring. A special thanks to the admins here at WS - we have been fortunate to avoid some of the tribulations that other forums have had over the last year and their firm, yet just, hand in dealing with those other situations has been a guiding light for us to not make the same mistakes here. Running a forum like this is both time and money consuming, yet this community continues to operate without ads or registration fees because of the good hearts of the admins.

We are perhaps on the brink of making major progress in our search for Anna (even if "C" turns out to be not a match). We have uncovered enough new information that had escaped previous investigations by local LE, the FBI and the private investigator that we have turned a cold-case hot again. And we have done this without the tools that they have at their disposal. All we brought to the table is a stubborn dedication that has surpassed the professionals in its productivity. My prayer is that this renewed interest by LE, coupled with our continued doggedness, will lead to the ultimate answer of what happened to Anna.

We, quite simply, would not be at this point without each and every one of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
yw doogie its the holidays and everyday i feel like were one step closer to finding out where anna is
Dr. Doogie said:
We, quite simply, would not be at this point without each and every one of you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.
Doogie, THANK YOU, for all you have done. I have only jumped in and outta here, trying to help when I can...but YOU, you deserve some kudos here buddy!

I want to tell you about Anna's music box, which I found with her stuff last week. It has been rusted up for many years and wouldn't play. I decided to see if I could fix it, so I took out the mechanisim, put it on a newspaper and sprayed it with WD40. All at once, it began to play and to crawl across the newspaper (because the wind-up key was moving). Now I have it completely repaired and back together. This is the song it plays:

Auf Wiederseh’n,

Lyric by John Sexton
and John Turner

Auf Wiederseh’n, auf Wiederseh’n,
We’ll meet again, sweetheart.
This lovely day has flown away;
The time has come to part.
We’ll kiss again like this again;
Don’t let the teardrops start.
With love that’s true, I’ll wait for you,
Auf Wiederseh’n, sweetheart.

(1949, Berlin, 1951 USA)
christine2448 said:
Doogie, THANK YOU, for all you have done. I have only jumped in and outta here, trying to help when I can...but YOU, you deserve some kudos here buddy!
I, too, want to thank you Doug and all you wonderful Websleuthers. With your gracious help and determined concern the icy hand that has gripped my heart all these years has loosened it's grasp. Anna would/will be delighted to learn that her family has grown so lovingly large.
I know some of you are waiting to hear what went on today, so I'll just post a brief note, and Doogie will write more extensively a little later. Three officers from the San Mateo Sheriff's Office met more than three and a half hours with Doogie and me today. They interviewed us together and then separately. We were fairly overwhelmed by the amount of preparation they had done and the amount of material they had already. They are now in possession of the BFH. They said that it was due to the work of Doogie and WebSleuths that they were where they are today in this case. Doogie and I were highly gratified by this compliment, and I think all of you should take this personally as both a gracious acknowledgment and a validation of all the work you have put into searching for Anna.
Our meeting with the detectives today went extremely well. They were very complimentary of the work that we all have done and specifically stated that it is what we have uncovered here that has caused the meeting to occur.

The detectives we met with are 100% dedicated to following up on the information that we presented to them. They had already scoured this forum and downloaded the information and documents from here prior to our meeting. They also fully explained their request in limiting what Annasmom and I can post here to avoiding any information that they provide us or specific lines of investigation that they are following. So, without going in to specifics, I can share that they are completely willing and eager to use all of the tools at their disposal to solve this case.

The last year of work that we have done has now culminated in this meeting. It has always been my hope that we could find enough information to allow LE to justify spending the time necessary to solve this mystery. Today, that wish came true. Thank you, WS, for getting us to this point!
This is such great news that LE is on the case again. I've said it before and I'll say it again -- our miracle is coming. I know LE has limited resources so this is a wonderful outcome.

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