OR Sharon Ryan, 17, raped/murdered, found in parking lot,Portland, 16 Dec. 1976

Actually it appears the cause of death was strangulation with her own jeans, although she did have cuts on the left side of her throat. Possibly a left handed individual?
That even strengthens my suspicion more this was an unplanned impulsive attack.

Cant say what the cuts were without more information.
I agree that the attack seems to have been impulsive and a random crime of opportunity.

Even if the killer might have met or known Sharon before, the circumstances of her suddenly leaving home for a dozen eggs at the store could not possibly have been part of the killer's "plan".

It would seem that the killer did not have a vehicle, or he would have used it to abduct and transport his victim.
The body recovery site and the murder/assault site, are likely one and the same, from what I read she wasn't far from the parking lot, but was in an isolated area

Abducting and assaulting a victim near a parking lot is high risk, especially with the chance of someone hearing screams

Its also apparent from the crime scene info (eggs on the ground) that direct physical assault was the means of procuring the victim, in other words, she was most likely grabbed, whether or not there was an interaction prior with the offender remains unclear, as does manner of initial contact.

Was she seen on the way to the store and he lay in wait, was he in the store and followed her, or did he just see her coming out and decided to act? We don't know.

The covering of the victims body, with plant material also tells me this wasn't planned, he did however try to delay her discovery by hiding the body, with what was available.

Though very common its also telling, it could be a sign of some type of remorse, which could indicate he may have even known the victim in some capacity, but what to an experienced,eye it most likely means something else ....hes likely from the area (Lives or Works)

The cuts to her neck could've been an attempt to kill the victim, it could also have been a means of control if hes holding a knife to her throat , i cant say without further info, but if it was , obviously that didnt work, therefore he resorted to strangling her with what he had on hand .

I wouldn't doubt hes most likely been interviewed by LE already, but theres not enough to pin him to it.

Those around him probably have their suspicions, he may have even confessed to someone.

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