Sheriff Scott Finkbeiner arrested Hot Spring County Arkansas

Hot Spring County Arkansas is my county. I don’t know what to make of this. SF has only been sheriff since January & had no prior experience when he was elected. He won because people wanted to see someone make some progress in reducing crime (primarily theft of property) and drug sales in the county and others who were running had previously held the position and failed to do so. SF won overwhelmingly in the general election and has been making arrests and seemed to have a lot of support from the local community for doing so.

However, there have been several things that makes you raise your eyebrows in suspicion too. Not the lease of which was when he disappeared from a Sheriff’s Conference in Little Rock and never accounted for his whereabout for that 22 to 24 hours. See the video of the LRPD body cam linked below. He’d been in office less than 3 weeks at the time.

The PDF linked below is the affidavit by the FBI officer. It would appear that some of the actions of the sheriff were audio recorded and support the statements from the confidential informant.

It’s a little hard to try to give the sheriff the benefit of the doubt if there’s an audio recording. The obstruction charge doesn’t concern me nearly as much as the alleged meth use and coercion of sex acts.

If these allegations are true, he sure had a lot of people fooled. Community response on social media for now is very mixed with some determined to support the sheriff and calling it a frame up and others saying they knew it all along and this is the tip of the iceberg.


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