SIDEBAR #19- Arias/Alexander forum

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I so want to hear from Matt and Bobby!!!
Matt might not be too much help...groan. But I would really love to hear from Bobby. Jodi's stalking seems to have "bloomed" with him. It's like she was training all those years for what she ultimately put Travis through. I bet his story would be very interesting. He apparently moved away because of her. And then she followed him! Eesh.
Ok, seriously OT: Omg, is anyone watching Breaking Bad? Omg, I seriously love it... :rockon:
Though can't say I'll love the ending, :facepalm:
Don't you spoil anything for me I can't watch it yet! But my facebook is going crazy and I hear it's something. I cannot wait to watch it. Me and my husband were actually just talking about it lol.
Have you noticed how you go without hearing about Jodi, and something reminds you (mine was a commercial with a man holding a cup like Jodi did; and then there was one that has a pug like Napoleon running on a beach),and I think of Travis, not Jodi, when something triggers a memory. I think of what she's done to him and I hate her more.

I hate her for leaving him so exposed like she did. I hate her for being the "ax" murderer" that Travis wrote about, and I hate her for the terror that Travis went through as he tried to get away from her.

I hate her for every word out of her mouth because everyone of them will be a lie about Travis.

On a happier note
Does anyone remember spoolies curlers? and the dreaded Toni home perms that came with the start of school? Burnt frizzy ends and you'd look at others and think at least mine is not that bad.

Love Breaking Bad.
I'm watching 9/11 Emergency Room on TLC. I've never seen this program before; it is about treating the injured on September 11.

Hard to watch, but fascinating as well, bringing back so many memories of that day. I remember having the TV as soon as my sister called me and told me what had happened. The news coverage after the towers collapsed mentioned medical personnel being prepared for an onslaught of injured, but the expected numbers did not materialize.

This program brings to light just how many people were injured and were seeking help even before the towers collapsed. A triage area was set up in the shadows of the towers and was obliterated when the south tower fell. Some of the injuries were horrific; one woman was almost cut in two by landing gear that fell on her and almost sliced her in half. Many people had serious burns from the jet fuel.

My next door neighbor was in the Coast Guard at the time and helped to evacuate people from lower Manhattan. He said that it was a terrifying day where everything was sheer pandemonium. So many people rose above and beyond the call of duty that day and for many, many long days afterwards.

I saw this program too. Really interesting to see the drills we practiced put into action. A couple of the ER docs, Paramedics drove up from Delaware to assist. I can't say I miss that type of adrenaline rush. They looked big time stressed. I think that regional support has changed so that more carry pain meds so running out will not be an option. I really admire them. Truly. Heroes. JMV
Don't you spoil anything for me I can't watch it yet! But my facebook is going crazy and I hear it's something. I cannot wait to watch it. Me and my husband were actually just talking about it lol.

My DH is kind of bad about that, the whole spoiling thing, and I'm always scolding him, lol. But don't worry MeeBee, I seriously hate spoilers, for myself and others, so I won't spoil it for you. :seeya:
Hi all, I'm stopping by to see whats new. Nothing I guess. I do know if Bobby writes a book I will probably buy it. I dont want facts or fiction we already know, I want the juicy unknown.:floorlaugh: I would still love to know what her father was talking about when he said he didnt know why she had to have all that surgery on her breast and her bottom. I'm almost certain it was in a paper. The tapes I have a hard time hearing, feel more like I "saw" the word bottom (part of my post just disappeared!!!!). Try again~ I think a man would be more apt to let things out than a woman. IMO. I've thought maybe Travis threatened to let something out if she didnt stop harrassing him. Just seems there has to be more.IMO. I'll probably never know if I am right.:floorlaugh:
My DH is kind of bad about that, the whole spoiling thing, and I'm always scolding him, lol. But don't worry MeeBee, I seriously hate spoilers, for myself and others, so I won't spoil it for you. :seeya:

I was just joking, lol. I know the sleuthers are better than that.

And can I say WOW!

No other show I have ever watched brings out these kinds of feelings in me. So good!
Hi all, I'm stopping by to see whats new. Nothing I guess. I do know if Bobby writes a book I will probably buy it. I dont want facts or fiction we already know, I want the juicy unknown.:floorlaugh: I would still love to know what her father was talking about when he said he didnt know why she had to have all that surgery on her breast and her bottom. I'm almost certain it was in a paper. The tapes I have a hard time hearing, feel more like I "saw" the word bottom (part of my post just disappeared!!!!). Try again~ I think a man would be more apt to let things out than a woman. IMO. I've thought maybe Travis threatened to let something out if she didnt stop harrassing him. Just seems there has to be more.IMO. I'll probably never know if I am right.:floorlaugh:

Ok, if she had her butt done it would explain so much. Her butt seems so unnaturally large and weird looking to me, especially for someone who was so thin. There's a picture of her with Desiree Freeman and it just looks bizarre. She got her butt done! Wow!
Ok, if she had her butt done it would explain so much. Her butt seems so unnaturally large and weird looking to me, especially for someone who was so thin. There's a picture of her with Desiree Freeman and it just looks bizarre. She got her butt done! Wow!

I must really be missing something here. What's this all about guys? Please...:please:
I must really be missing something here. What's this all about guys? Please...:please:

I took Nore's comment about the dad not understanding why she got all that surgery on her breasts and bottom to mean that she also enlarged her booty as well as her breasts. Take a look at that picture, tell me that is not a fake butt.

^The above post is speculation lol.
I took Nore's comment about the dad not understanding why she got all that surgery on her breasts and bottom to mean that she also enlarged her booty as well as her breasts. Take a look at that picture, tell me that is not a fake butt.

^The above post is speculation lol.

What picture? You mean the one from the trial?
There was a long stretch from May 29th to June 22, IIRC.

AZ Family tweeted that her account was closed on May 8th:

AZ FamilyVerified account ‏@azfamily
#JodiArias' Twitter account (formerly @JodiAnnArias) has now been deleted.
6:44 PM - 8 May 13

It was reopened a few days later. I think perhaps Donavan Bering was getting into some hot water over her contact with CMJA and this downtime may have been when CMJA was trying to find another person to tweet on her behalf?

Youtube shows some of her tweets before they were deleted. The description of the video also gives some good information

11 days, no tweets. :D Something is up...........
Seems like there'd be a scar under each cheeck if she had that done, we do have pics of that region - anyone wanna volunteers to check? lol

WAT posted that there may be a live stream for JM's closing argument in the Richard Chrisman trial today, court starts at 10:30 a.m. AZ time (12:30 Central, 1:30 Eastern, not sure about European times zones lol).
Seems like there'd be a scar under each cheeck if she had that done, we do have pics of that region - anyone wanna volunteers to check? lol

WAT posted that there may be a live stream for JM's closing argument in the Richard Chrisman trial today, court starts at 10:30 a.m. AZ time (12:30 Central, 1:30 Eastern, not sure about European times zones lol).

Not necessarily. Doctors are good about not leaving too obvious a scar. Sometimes there is no scar depending on the quality of the doctor and the type of surgery. I have googled pics of butt implants (don't judge me) and the scars are not visible. I don't see any scar on her breasts either, although those are poor quality pictures, so it probably wouldn't help anyway.
Not necessarily. Doctors are good about not leaving too obvious a scar. Sometimes there is no scar depending on the quality of the doctor and the type of surgery. I have googled pics of butt implants (don't judge me) and the scars are not visible. I don't see any scar on her breasts either, although those are poor quality pictures, so it probably wouldn't help anyway.


Yeah, that lay-down shot (where you might be able to see them) is too dark to see the scar under the implant, the back side pic is lighter (and closer to the lens) but it's way too early in the day to stare at those.
There's one week before the next case management hearing. So far, we have not seen any objections filed to the DT motions to limit media coverage or change of venue. Likewise there has not been a response to the renewed request to sequester jurors/indvidualized voir dire.

I would expect to see David Bodney file an objection to the motion to limit media coverage.

Should we be expecting a prosecution response to other motions/requests in front of the judge?
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