SIDEBAR #20- Arias/Alexander forum

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gcharlie- are you trying to give me a heart attack with that video??? :scared:

He does seem to get great joy in killing all those animals. I have seen the pictures, made me sick. Tough men, hunting in their little commando outfits, with those big guns LOL!

I grew up in Texas and went deer/dove hunting a few times and we actually ate the meat. This guy, IMO, takes animal killing to a sick level. We never dressed up like commandos.

It is amazing how many news outlets are carrying this story. How embarrassing for his wife.:moo:

OMG I had to stop the video at about 2:00 because miss "poster girl for misrepresentation in the media" is lashing out against JM, Dr. Drew, NG, and JVM. Such bull coming out of St. Violette's mouth!!! :scared:

I'm going to watch this video a little at a time because my blood pressure is going sky high in just 2 minutes.
She just needs to validate what she did at the trial- all her lies are true for her- even now. What a moron and a liar &&^^%%$## :banghead:

Of course, no one wanted to "defend" missy :jail: and her lies about "abuse"- they knew it wasn't abuse!!!! :banghead:

YoN, I don't even have high blood pressure, but mine was soaring watching the first ten minutes of ALV.

The incredibly sad thing about this is that fraudulent claims of DV are very real and very serious, most notably in child custody cases and self defense in murder charges. I saw some stats saying more than three in ten DV claims in child custody cases are fraudulent. The false allegations do a tremendous disservice to real victims of domestic violence and make it harder for their voices to be heard, taken seriously and given the support that they need.

ALV has a perfect platform to address this topic, and present how she assessed the case to arrive at her conclusion that it was a valid claim, yet from what I have watched so far, she is not going to do this. She will go to her grave holding out her "conviction' that CMJA was abused, even when she knows that she wasn't.

Without going into detail, I was in a relationship that was emotionally abusive. Twice my partner snapped and I was assaulted. I say it that way not to excuse him, but to make a distinction, as there are some batterers who deliberately assault their partners.

I have yet to meet a woman in an abusive relationship whose story comes anywhere near close to what CMJA tried to sell. And I have heard and read about a lot of different relationships.

I'll have to stomach a lot to get through the whole thing. I really want to see the message that she is trying to sell.
gcharlie- are you trying to give me a heart attack with that video??? :scared:


Blame it on Tulessa...she asked for the link. :floorlaugh:

I tried, I really tried, just to summarize. But no...Tulessa wanted the link.:floorlaugh:

Is your BP med close by?
YoN, I don't even have high blood pressure, but mine was soaring watching the first ten minutes of ALV.

The incredibly sad thing about this is that fraudulent claims of DV are very real and very serious, most notably in child custody cases and self defense in murder charges. I saw some stats saying more than three in ten DV claims in child custody cases are fraudulent. The false allegations do a tremendous disservice to real victims of domestic violence and make it harder for their voices to be heard, taken seriously and given the support that they need.

ALV has a perfect platform to address this topic, and present how she assessed the case to arrive at her conclusion that it was a valid claim, yet from what I have watched so far, she is not going to do this. She will go to her grave holding out her "conviction' that CMJA was abused, even when she knows that she wasn't.

Without going into detail, I was in a relationship that was emotionally abusive. Twice my partner snapped and I was assaulted. I say it that way not to excuse him, but to make a distinction, as there are some batterers who deliberately assault their partners.

I have yet to meet a woman in an abusive relationship whose story comes anywhere near close to what CMJA tried to sell. And I have heard and read about a lot of different relationships.

I'll have to stomach a lot to get through the whole thing. I really want to see the message that she is trying to sell.

BBM Yes, g- viewing a little at a time for me. I don't have hi- blood pressure myself, but this really boils my blood to no end. :banghead: I wonder what these woman who are listening to her speel her lies think about what she was saying and if they had an opportunity to question her?????
Worse, an ancient rock formation .. aren't all the dead animals enough for your destruction Dave? Sorry, but there is something really full on about all of the bear killings etc and now this. I just don't see the christianity in it.

I know they are ancient rocks. I live here in the West. BUT ... with a permit and in season, I have no problem with hunting. I hunt and help feed my family with elk, white tail and mule deer.... all with a permit and in season. I do NOT break the law and don't poach. I have NO reason to kill a bear, which I will not eat. Over population of any species is not good. Over population of elk/mule, white tail deer here, in NM, led to Wasting Disease. Horrible way to die: (don't look unless you are willing to see a dying animal ... could have been prevented, IMO)
Blame it on Tulessa...she asked for the link. :floorlaugh:

I tried, I really tried, just to summarize. But no...Tulessa wanted the link.:floorlaugh:

Is your BP med close by?

I don't have hi BP and I wanted the link, too :floorlaugh:
Good sleuthing by you. We need all the info we can get- even if it stinks :floorlaugh:
I'm signing off because the Macneill trial was very confusing :scared: (Juan wasn't there :facepalm:) and my brain is shot :floorlaugh:
I'll see everyone later. I need a breather. :seeya:
When I first started watching the trial (via live stream so that my info wasn't filtered) I had no knowledge or opinions on the relationship between CMJA and Travis.

The defense went first in terms of trying to define the relationship. What they presented initially did make Travis seem to be a cad. But as testimony went on with CMJA on the stand and JM's cross, things started to shift quite a bit. Choked by two boyfriends? Hmmm...The jury questions were also quite good and some obviously did not believe her story. When that testimony was over, I recognized that it was an unhealthy relationship, but still did not have a clear opinion on the relationship.

Then we had to listed to ALV. Her first few days on the stand, she came off as credible when she talked about DV in general. But when she got into the relationship between CMJA and Travis, things really started to unravel. It was obvious that there were lies told to ALV that she bought hook, line and sinker. Juan crucified her in cross especially with that whole very painful elicitation of the answer to the question "Was Travis very afraid of CMJA's stalking behavior?" One jury question that blew things wide open for me was the one that asked if she had access to all information about the relationship and she replied no, that she had reviewed only what the defense gave her. :eek: I think that was when she just lost any iota of credibility and I thanked that juror for the very important and insightful question.

DeMarte helped put things into further perspective for me when she said that Travis only responded in that aggressive manner when he was lied to. One of the bombs she delivered was that CMJA reported a very high number of DV incidents to Dr. Karp, but much less to ALV. The picture that she painted of the relationship is one that I did accept.

Outside of the trial, information that CMJA stalked Bobby Juarez only solidified my opinion of her as obsessive and a stalker. I have no doubt that there was much, much more information not allowed in trial that would make things even clearer.

There is no doubt in my mind that CMJA was the dominant person leading this relationship. For as much charisma and inspirational qualities that Travis may have had, he was both inexperienced and vulnerable to someone like CMJA. While he did tell a friend that he was very afraid of CMJA, who would ever stop to think they needed to protect themselves from a person that was 1,000 miles away?
It's Dave .. he posted some sort of 'apology' on his Facebook where he says he did it for the children and only God can judge him .. which is pretty close to Jodi's defence if you think about it ..


I'm pretty sure the State of AZ. will judge him too. This rock belongs to the State. I'm sure if there was a possibility of it falling the State would have removed it. Now days too many people think the laws dont apply to them. I hope he is fined well. This would be considered vandalism in Ohio.
I'm signing off because the Macneill trial was very confusing :scared: (Juan wasn't there :facepalm:) and my brain is shot :floorlaugh:
I'll see everyone later. I need a breather. :seeya:

I agree YesorNo, I am starting to follow that trial also. I found myself wondering if Michele was dead longer than he was saying. She had grey mucus coming out of her n. & m..was cold and had a greenish hue to her. Getting very interesting. They'll probably be finished before we get back to Miss Prissy. Took T/O and went to the store for goodies.:floorlaugh:

P.S. wonder if they checked toxicology for cyanide ? arsenic?
Hi daisy :seeya:
Just popped in again to post a comment in the Macneill trial and stopped here.
How are you doing?
I agree YesorNo, I am starting to follow that trial also. I found myself wondering if Michele was dead longer than he was saying. She had grey mucus coming out of her n. & m..was cold and had a greenish hue to her. Getting very interesting. They'll probably be finished before we get back to Miss Prissy. Took T/O and went to the store for goodies.:floorlaugh:

P.S. wonder if they checked toxicology for cyanide ? arsenic?[/QUOTE]

BBM According to gngr-snap:

"No single drug in her system was out of range /toxic.
They were all at a "therapeutic "level.
However the combination of what was found could have been a "toxic mix "In other words the drugs potentiated each other."
(sorry- don't know how to show a single post- see post #587)
What showed up was just the drugs that were prescribed from her surgery.
Hi daisy :seeya:
Just popped in again to post a comment in the Macneill trial and stopped here.
How are you doing?

i'm doing good! just watched the Cardinals beat the Dodgers. YAY
Damn it!
I missed the eclipse tonight- with all the jumping around to/from the Sidebar and the Macneill trial thread :banghead:
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