SIDEBAR #55 - Travis Alexander forum

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Sending healing thoughts and well wishes to those in need :wave:
Zuri, glad to see you. I think of you everyday. I now drive around town with a manic grin on my face, thinking of your bestest face. How's the redo going?

Pages, you are so sweet! I do so enjoy your stories and have never heard most of the music you post lol. My resting bwitch face is really quite swollen and lopsided at the moment as steroids have blown up my face, neck and I am unrecognizable. I had forgotten you get fat rolls in your head lol.

The contractors, handyman, decorator, designer and whoever else we have here have been wonderful. Basically, the basement and first floor have been emptied, cleaned and packed up or disposed of. The POD is still out front full of things I have no idea I own. I can only go up and down the stairs maybe 4 times a day due to strength, but I love the new pendant lights over the island! I will put up pics when I can and there is something to show.

Thanks for asking! Xoxo
BBM :therethere:



This was worth repeating. Thanks for posting this!
woke up with my back bothering me, took a pain pill and waiting for it take effect...i'm starting too wonder if it'd more than pulled back muscles? 5 yrs ago i had a l5 slipped disk with a small tumor on the spinal cord and had surgery. But, this does not feel like the slipped disk. Hmmmm

Woke up with my back bothering me, took a pain pill and waiting for it take effect...I'm starting too wonder if it'd more than pulled back muscles? 5 yrs ago I had a L5 slipped disk with a small tumor on the spinal cord and had surgery. But, this does not feel like the slipped disk. hmmmm

Like WHAT? OMG. You all give me heart attacks on a daily basis. My mouth is hanging open. Get thee to your primary doctor who can order some real tests like X-ray, CT scan and MRI. As in stat. Even non cancerous tumors, growths, can recur. There has obviously been a change that has caused you to have increased pain.

Denial is a wonderful thing as I practice it daily. However, there is absolutely no sense in suffering needlessly and you kinda need to know what is going on.

Good Grief! My blood pressure and heart rate went up when I read this. Making this ALL about me for the moment lol, please please please get this checked out so my breathing can return to normal. OMG you all are killing me. Xoxo
Excellent! Thanks for the recipe. I will make this again.

CoffeeJ, it may be time to have your back pain checked.

I totally agree. But don't you and Dmacky have some health issues too that need a checkin? I worry about all of you when I am not with you ;). I thought the sinus issues along with allergens might increase floater activity. I just want you all to be ok.
I totally agree. But don't you and Dmacky have some health issues too that need a checkin? I worry about all of you when I am not with you ;). I thought the sinus issues along with allergens might increase floater activity. I just want you all to be ok.

Not to to worry about me, Zuri. I keep in touch with my doctors, dentists, and eye specialist. A lot of my issues are a side-effect from the chronic fatigue syndrome.

Big dental appointment on Monday.... have decided to get all my teeth pulled to rid me of the gum disease that came from the immune dysfunction which decided my mouth was the place to keep up its attack. Monday is the big day to have most pulled (will be nearly toothless until the first of the year when insurance picks up again). Ten years of struggling with loose teeth, injections, extra visits to specialist have worn me out. So embarrassed (especially since the teeth have barely had a cavity my whole life!), but the pain and discomfort has to end and now is the time.
It started raining last night (love sitting on the front porch), and hasn't stopped since. We have two bands of very heavy rain heading straight for the metroplex. As they merge, we're in for A LOT more rain thru noon. And it seems like we're going to get more rain from the hurricane coming over Mexico.

1965 - Autumn Leaves - Roger Williams is a chart topper.

Morning! :wave:

Spellbound - good luck at the dentist! I have only 6 bottom teeth left, and one is VERY loose! :waiting: for it to fall out by itself... and than I'll go and have the rest pulled and get a bottom denture... Hate dentists!! :)

JINGLES!! to ALL who need it!!

and... where IS everyone??!!

And a sharing picture!



  • SurpriseMePumpkin.jpg
    15.8 KB · Views: 59
Friday is always one of those days.

I have been my PCD over my back. She told me if it didn't get better with the steroids came back. I will. I think it's just acting up from the trip last weekend. And, I am very in touch with my Dr all the time. :) Thanks for caring...
Hi to all, spellbound try to save a couple on the bottomfor holding the plate. Ihad the same thing.(wont print right for me.) only happens here .I am not doing good ever since 20m. prrednissone weak after being up 1/2 hour, shaky. didn't take the last one...eating good, no pain, ofcourse now I am skeered :lol: DR. my oxygen level is always 97%.....go figure..with the teeth that is genetic. tell! father said he had falseas his were knocked out in the war...
Hi again . Zuri good to see you. Are you wearing a mask when they do all the uprooting? (now it's printing nice). I do a little here and there. I used to be so more. Molly is sleeping beside me. I miss all the peeps on board. My Amy coming from work soon..Johnny too. He is so good to me. well she is too :lol: they bought me new slippers, fuzzy warm kind. :loveyou: I'm not used to peeps doing for me, I always did the doing (?) now Amy says sit back and enjoy. She IS her dads daughter!!:happydance:
1963 - Sugar Shack - Jimmy Gilmer & The Fireballs tops the charts

Spellbound said:
OH Niner!! :hilarious:

You mean the pumpkin - "Surprise me" ?? :waitasec: :D

daisymae said:
Eat candy ... support your local dentist.

Maybe that's why I don't eat too much candy... :thinking:

ILikeToBendPages said:
Wow, a blast from the past. Welcome back

Yes :welcomeback: Sleuth5! :wave:

Nore and coffeejunkie - JINGLES!! and a :hug:

Logging off for the day... :pcguru:

Was in town......out of here at 6:00 am and home by 12:30 pm.......the truck is FIXED!!!!! WooHOOOOOOO!!!!!! Mike and Jerry told me to stop by anytime, shoot the chit, and have a cup of coffee, they are just really awesome dudes!
(I checked out the harmonic balancer, it was grooved causing any new main seal to shred, and the previous mechanic in Prescott had pulled an "easy, but temporary fix" when he had worked on it, expecting it to fail, and be the one to replace the engine....grrrr!)

It is what it is.......on to the future!

Today is Zuri's 1st birthday!!!:happydance: Can you believe it's been a whole year?!?!?!

Kissy is hippopotomying, doing the quick once over every morning for tell-tell signs of impending birth, nothing so far.

Got a totally unexpected call from one of my BF's from WAY back, hadn't talked to her since 1986, ended up on a conference call, and it was like all of us buds were out on the back playground of elementary school, talking and laughing like not a day had passed. She and I were the ultra crazy version of Thelma and Louise, and we both were amazed that we survived.

Weird thing is we talked about divorces and grandkids.......really, it was weird. Grown up stuff. We pretty much decided if there existed a time machine, we all wanted to be beamed back permanently, lol!
As kids growing up, we all knew each other, hung with each other, spent 13 of our 1st 18 years of life with each other. It was safe. It was happy. It was protecting each other and having each other's back. Despite what many of us had to deal with at home, our childhoods were pretty awesome. I don't think kids these days really have that kind of experience.

Things are good. Today is good. It's taking me totally by surprise but I'm loving it!

Jingles to all my SB buds that need them, I believe Zuri was on to something with that cool suggestion!

And it's cold (39 degrees this morning) and windy today, but that's awesome too! It'll probably snow before Halloween, per usual, but I'm psyched!
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