Sidebar for Caylee Anthony's forum #13

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Caylee is dead. She's not worried about what new evidence is going to come out. Everyone already knows Casey got away with it, and everyone was angered when she was found innocent. So I'm not sure why some new development during Sweeps week matters to Caylee....I hope she isn't concerned with what's what is happening with her "mother" on Earth.

I think any murdered person would be pleased to know that even 20 years and lots of exhonerations later, the truth eventually came out.
Well it can't be good news for Baez ...he seems to have stopped his buy-backs!!
Product Details - November 19/12

Hardcover: 480 pages
Publisher: BenBella Books (July 3, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1937856380
ISBN-13: 978-1937856380
Product Dimensions: 6.3 x 1.7 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.8 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 2.7 out of 5 stars See all reviews (454 customer reviews)
Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #205,083 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
LG..I think it is 25 hours to go. Isn't the story to be aired on Tuesday at 11:00?

Hey!! JWG - great to have you join us. :thewave:

I know - I take huge pleasure in the smallest steps in this case - and a teaser might tide me over until tomorrow night!
JB is in on it apparently, from Hal's article

"A promotional spot for the report shows a shaken Jose Baez, who represented Anthony, saying, “I don’t understand how no one ever knew about this evidence.”

So JB was right there with TP in order for TP to get this "shocking video of the shaking JB" on tape during the "interview", wonder if he has his skinny jeans on. Wonder how badly he was "shaking", I really can't wait to see this video and "promotion" tonight @ 11 !!

So JB is in on it, alright. He HAS to be, from what has been leaked so far.

Who are you referring to, one of those PI's? Hoover or Dominic Casey? can you say?

IMO, MOO, etc.

George Anthony Congratulates Jeff Ashton

[ame=""]George Anthony Congratulates Jeff Ashton - YouTube[/ame]
Dare I ask for a recap of what's going on?

There you are!! Tony Piptone has been doing some investigative work and has come up with some information that points directly to FCA. When a "shaken Baez" heard the news he wanted to know what this hadn't been heard before - or some such excuse.

This is new evidence apparently. There is a teaser tonight on WKMP and the expose is tomorrow night at 11:00PM. In other words in Caylee's supporter world - it's like Christmas Eve tonight.
Yes, it is true. I know that for a fact.

You guys need to summon your buddies who have not been around and make sure they know to check in here within the next 24-48 hours.
Where's MM when you need him??!!
Wouldn't it be grand if there was some Federal case to be made in all this? I know, just fanciful thinking.
Let me say this -

this news is big enough that I was just asked by the owners to move it back to Featured Cases. So, we are moving back again shortly. Buckle up.
Thanks...I thought the Caylee forum had disappeared.
Beach I accidentally alerted on your post meaning to view single post. Im so excited trying to get the word out
I'm overwhelmed thinking that sometime soon our precious Caylee will get the justice she deserves...the justice that is so long overdue.
Just saw this on twitter:

WKMG-Channel 6 will offer what it is billing as a major story in the Casey Anthony saga.
The report, from Tony Pipitone, won’t air until 11 p.m. Tuesday. But WKMG will start promoting the report at 11 p.m. Monday.

“This is one of the biggest Tony Pipitone investigations we’ve had,” WKMG news director Steve Hyvonen said. “Tony uncovers evidence that could have changed the jury’s mind — evidence that points right at Casey. But it was never presented in court because the prosecution didn’t know about it. Tony is still working on putting the story together, and it will air Tuesday night at 11.”

A promotional spot for the report shows a shaken Jose Baez, who represented Anthony, saying, “I don’t understand how no one ever knew about this evidence.”

Didn't I see somewhere that JB supposedly said in his book that his computer people found evidence that someone researched "foolproof suffocation" THE DAY Caylee disappeared? And he somehow said GA did it. I thought, well if that is on there that proves to me that FCA committed premeditated murder. I wonder it that's what this is about. Isn't Tony Pippitone a member here?

I'm keeping my expectations low. I think it's a lot of hype that won't live up to the billing. JMO

The article says " But it was never presented in court because the prosecution didn’t know about it" - so how could it be something buried in the bazillion documents, interviews or depos?.

I could hope its something that proves JB and OCA met prior to July 16th. Or some on line posting OCA made that has details of the the crime prior to June 15/16....

If it was in any depo or document somebody here would have been all over this.

No. This is nothing like that. No new trial, sorry. :(

Not this time, sorry. :)

I'm not arguing with you, I just have a question.

If a defense lawyer can deliberately withhold damning evidence from the prosecution, without causing a mistrial, then why don't all defense attorneys do that?
I'm here and almost having one!! OMG can it be true?? We have been praying for a day like today!! Don't know whether to bawl or dance in happiness!

Cannot wait!! And thanks to zippy for the bat signal.:blowkiss:
Yes, a special thank you to you both for getting my attention.
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