Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #12

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For discussion purposes: could this be a case of blame the generic NA?

I wonder because locally we have cases where the generic black guy is blamed only to find out later it was all a lie.

If there were multipliable sightings from completely independent sources then that would be a different matter.

BUT if the sightings were from sources that were connected in any way it could be throw the NA guy to the lions. If in fact there was ever a NA guy in the first place – back to my generic NA theory.

Also wouldn’t saying that he is possibly not a full blood muddy the waters even more since that would increase the POI pool of suspects dramatically?

The NA was seen just before the shots were heard so has there been mention of the girls location at this point?

If I had seen the girls walking towards someone so suspicious that I made note of all his particulars then heard gun shots minutes later I would have been calling 911!


Usually when those type of erroneous sketches are made it is done by the ones committing the crime, such as Susan Smith and Christopher Pittman etc. where the suspect is white. It usually does not take but a few days for the local LE to pick up the notion that the sketch given is not the correct one but done to hide the perpetrators own involvement in the crime.

I do not see this case as those cases.

Agent Brown and Agent Rosser seem very comfortable with the witnesses that have come forward thus far. Both, the one who said they witnessed the girls walking along the road shortly before this occurred and the several witnesses that have come forward stating they saw the POI that day around the time of the crime.

From what has been released by the OSBI they have never stated that the one witness who saw the girls walking shortly before this happened, ever saw the POI. For all we know they may have lived on that road and saw them pass by the front of their place as they were walking down the road.

We also do not know if the ear witnesses, ever saw the POI. From what Mrs. Kelough said she and her son was outside when they heard the shots therefore they weren't on the road but on their land.

Rosser was asked if the witnesses were anyone involved in this case. He stated they had no involvement so it seems to me they were just citizens coming and going in the area as if it was any normal Sunday afternoon.

I'm not LS, but here is one of several who mentioned European in the beginning.,2933,366464,00.html
They use European to ELIMINATE Asian, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, Asian Indian, and Polynesian. In the US they usually say "white" or "caucasian", but it is now more politically correct to say "European". Most "white" Americans are by definition of European descent/ancestry - and it has to do with facial bone structure, not just skin color, eye color and hair color. Native American, Hispanic, Polynesian, Asian and even East Indians and those of middle eastern descent have unique features that define their ancestry as being different from "European".

My Opinion
FC, back on the kids for a moment... I see in one of Rosser's video's he says that he spoke with the kids, and that the report of kids has been reported in the area, that they said they were 3 miles away shooting off a bridge but, they had a 410 shotgun. (I'm wondering at this point how they knew this was the only shotgun and that they didnt get rid of a gun) The water was up very high that day due to all the rains, not only in Bad Creek, but at North Canadian River which was about 3 miles away. which in my opinion would be a good way to get rid of a gun, (guns) by ANYONE who had a gun.
Just before Rosser said this, the first question that was asked of him was "is there any body you are trying to talk to that you havent been able to talk to yet?" And Rossers says, that certainly there are, we're talking about young people, it's summertime, sometimes they may not be working and may be visiting their friends..."

I like going back to these old videos cuz sometimes you pick up something you didnt before. What does your friend think about this?

Thank you Frog. I knew I read or saw something about kids shooting off a bridge. The river would be a good way to get rid or a gun or guns especially if the water was high and the river was rushing.
Something to remember about the POI and whether he was a NA or a mix, it really doesn't matter as you can't tell just by looking. Most NA from Oklahoma look like a mix to me because most of them come from tribes from the east. Eastern Indians have a different appearance than the plains Indians. When I think Indian, I think plains Indian because of where I live but someone else may think differently.

Here are a couple of old pictures of plains Indians and the Indians around where I live look very similiar.

Now here are two old pictures/portraits of Indians from the east. A very different look.
"That day" and seen "in the area" could mean at 3PM, or Noon, it does not mean they were there at the time the girls were SHOT. LE questioned the boys and are certain they were NOT involved - probably because at 4:30PM they were all at home or somewhere else with OTHER PEOPLE.

If they were at the bridge shooting cans thrown in the water, then why are NONE of them a witness to the POI or the shooting - which happened 4 blocks down the road? It's a clear view from the bridge to the crime scene and they saw NOTHING? They had a gun and were shooting, they would have known what a dozen rapid GUNSHOTS from two guns sounded like - especially at such a close distance. At the least, they would have been "ear witnesses" and they are not.

The article does not say the boys were AT THE BRIDGE SHOOTING when the girls were killed - it specifically says they were shooting "that day" and were seen "in the area". Nowhere does it say they were there when the girls were shot. And the girls certainly were NOT shot with a shotgun.

This case is a BIG DEAL and Rosser would not say CLEARLY that the boys were NOT INVOLVED unless the OSBI had ironclad verifiable proof they could not have been at the scene.

My Opinion
It's smart to go back and review...I found this statment by Rosser very vague.
Rosser said this, the first question that was asked of him was "is there any body you are trying to talk to that you havent been able to talk to yet?"

And Rossers says, that certainly there are, we're talking about young people, it's summertime, sometimes they may not be working and may be visiting their friends..."

The point of the question was about the 5 boys, shooting on the bridge that Sunday....and now suddenly some are out of town visiting friends? and they can't be questioned?
What kind of an excuse is that? are any of these kids kin to anyone "with clout" that could "pull strings"..
I still say, 5 boys in the country, would possibly ALL own a gun...imo

You bring up a very good point. If it was a teenager or teenagers with parents "with clout" and perhaps connected with law enforcement in some way, it could be a cover up.
Could your provide links that explain at least 3 separate witnesses in 3 separate vehicles and 3 different witnesses heard the shots. I have tried reading all the articles posted etc but I must of missed this one.

There is no link to kids being on the bridge,because nobody ever said there were kids on the bridge WHEN THE GIRLS WERE KILLED. Rosser said "the bridge was a popular hangout and kids gathered there to shoot, throw rocks in the water, etc. I have read and listened to everything and there was never a mention of boys (or anyone) shooting at the bridge, or ANYONE being on the bridge at THAT TIME.

There were at least THREE separate witnesses in 3 separate vehicles that saw the POI and only ONE of them places him on County Line Road.
There was ONE witness who saw the girls walking on County Line Road - going in the direction of home - he and OSBI are evasive about whether he also one of the three people who saw the POI.
THREE different witnesses heard the shots, they are not the same witnesses who saw the POI.
The 3 witnesses (or witness sets - could have been more than on person in any of the 3 vehicles) ) that saw the POI are not related and they all described the same person and the same truck.

Back to the sketch artist Harvey Pratt - he is a retired LE officer AND retired Asst Director of the OSBI. He does work for the FBI and is a very highly regarded sketch artist and facial reconstruction artist. He gives seminars to LE all over the US on how to interview eye witnesses when doing a sketch. He would not fall for a made up POI - and in interviewing each witness separately he would be able to determine that the person did or DID NOT see the POI or that all witnesses are making up his "generic NA" features.

If anyone can find a statement from ANYONE stating that there were teenage boys ON/AT BAD CREEK BRIDGE when Skyla and Taylor were shot I did not see that and would like to read it. The ONLY thing I read was there were 5 boys in a PU truck seen that day but the boys were NOT involved in the killing and I believe I read later that the boys were interviewed, did have a shotgun but that they were confirmed somewhere "miles" away when the girls were killed.

"Kids" could be responsible but if so, they weren't on Bad Creek Bridge target shooting THAT DAY at 5PM. The witness that saw Taylor and Skyla walking would have had to cross Bad Creek Bridge - and surely since he reported seeing the girls literally MINUTES before they were killed (and he and OSBI are "not answering that question" when asked about whether or not he also saw the POI) he would also have reported seeing the "boys on the bridge" too.

One sociopathic kid is not far fetched, but TWO?? Most school shootings and violent crimes by kids are ONE KID - and most of the time he is dead at the end (and if he has one, along with his partner) suicide by cop or by their own hand. Or if more than one kid is involved and it's something random or clandestine (like this murder) it is usually one "leader" and a follower or followers - and almost 100% of the time, the follower or one of the group of followers, "tells". And once someone "tells" LE puts the screws to the weaker kid(s) and one breaks pretty fast. Kids do something like this to BRAG about it or boost their egos or make a statement - otherwise WHY DO IT? What good is being a bad-azz and killing two girls if you can't tell anyone how you are such a bad-azz? What good is it to "show everyone" you won't be bullied anymore, if you can't prove to them you are not a "wimpy boy" anymore? Kids talk (and talk and talk and talk) and post on facebook and myspace et al. If it was kids, it won't stay secret for long - if it even still is. Somebody will talk or say what they "heard" to an adult or LE.

My Opinion
Good afternoon everybody...
I follow the reasoning about being clear when refer to something. Everyone usually does supply a link when they are trying to quote or paraphrase.
We pleaded & begged for this to have it's own thread, something we could compile sections that would inhance our "sleuthing'" and they, the higher powers that be granted our request.:blowkiss:
We do have a a media links only ...thread I am just reminding everyone that it is there..lets use it & not forget to update it.
So many references are there at our fingertips :woohoo:
"That day" and seen "in the area" could mean at 3PM, or Noon, it does not mean they were there at the time the girls were SHOT. Nor does it mean they weren't. LE questioned the boys and are certain they were NOT involved - probably because at 4:30PM they were all at home or somewhere else with OTHER PEOPLE. Where did you get the information that they were all at home or with other people? I would like a link to that.

If they were at the bridge shooting cans thrown in the water, then why are NONE of them a witness to the POI or the shooting - which happened 4 blocks down the road? It's a clear view from the bridge to the crime scene and they saw NOTHING? The girls were shot off the side of the road in a ditch and from photos there is a lot of vegetation and trees on both sides of the road. The grandparents of one of the girls were 1/4 mile away and they heard nothing. They had a gun and were shooting, they would have known what a dozen rapid GUNSHOTS from two guns sounded like - especially at such a close distance. Where has it been stated that there were a dozen shots? At the least, they would have been "ear witnesses" and they are not.

The article does not say the boys were AT THE BRIDGE SHOOTING when the girls were killed - it specifically says they were shooting "that day" and were seen "in the area". Nowhere does it say they were there when the girls were shot. And the girls certainly were NOT shot with a shotgun. Can you send me a link that tells what time of day the boys were shooting and a link that states they were not shot with a shotgun?

This case is a BIG DEAL and Rosser would not say CLEARLY that the boys were NOT INVOLVED unless the OSBI had ironclad verifiable proof they could not have been at the scene.

My Opinion

The news today states they still have no motive and no suspects.
Thank you, GS. I wasn't sure how to move it.

I put it there because I thought it would be of interest.

Thanks, again.

Hi Little.. My pleasure. I will try & help keep that thing up to date. I might as well seeing I am not working yet..LOL Not like I don't have time on my sad isn't it.
Thank you, GS. I wasn't sure how to move it.

I put it there because I thought it would be of interest.

Thanks, again.

It was of interest and you can post it in the general discussion thread and then the Media links also.
FlowerChild, can you help me find the link to the original description of the POI possibly having hazel eyes? I know I did not dream it or make it up. I took special note of it when I saw it, because I also have hazel eyes. Some do not understand that if you are NA/European you could have hazel eyes. I think, for whatever reason, the description was later changed to say brown eyes. It seems that the latest description does not mention eye color at all. Just NA or possibly NA/European, 6t feet tall, long black ponytail. Please verify that I did not imagine this. I believe you have also mentioned the original description said possibly hazel eyes.
It was of interest and you can post it in the general discussion thread and then the Media links also.

Of course we would post it in General. I was just letting Little726 know I did it in media & also so she a.) would not think I was trying to take her post & b.) To save her the trouble. As I stated I have the time to do it. I figure alot of you are working & have families to tend to and its just me & hubby now.
For discussion purposes: could this be a case of blame the generic NA?

I wonder because locally we have cases where the generic black guy is blamed only to find out later it was all a lie.

If there were multipliable sightings from completely independent sources then that would be a different matter.

BUT if the sightings were from sources that were connected in any way it could be throw the NA guy to the lions. If in fact there was ever a NA guy in the first place – back to my generic NA theory.

Also wouldn’t saying that he is possibly not a full blood muddy the waters even more since that would increase the POI pool of suspects dramatically?

The NA was seen just before the shots were heard so has there been mention of the girls location at this point?

If I had seen the girls walking towards someone so suspicious that I made note of all his particulars then heard gun shots minutes later I would have been calling 911!


Jade, I keep looking at that drawing of the POI, and I feel nothing. I don't feel it is anyone that has anything to do with this case. I, too, feel that he may have been invented. However, that is just me. I could certainly be wrong!
Jade and Claycat, I have the same doubts as you, but FlowerChild thinks the sketch artist would have known if the witnesses were lying.
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