Skyla Whitaker, 11, & Taylor Placker 13 - Found Murdered - #9

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Grandpa (father) was interviewed last night on Greta...I felt so bad for him. He is a man of few words, and Greta didn't really get much from him, but he did say he had faith that LE would do their very best to solve this crime...said he had to believe that. And that the community's support was the only thing that was keeping him together.
This interview is wonderful. Finally, someone has profiled the killers. Furhman believes there were two/three involved, that it was drug related, and one person is local. (Local might mean extended local.) He believes the girls witnessed something, or the killers thought they witnessed something, or that one of the killers (local?) would be recognized. Furhman also stated he thought the killers had training of some sort: two hits to the chest, one to the head. This, to Furhman, indicated possible police or military training, although Furhman seemed to emphasize more the police training aspect.

IMO these killings fit with drug running. These people have no morals and would "take out " anyone, including children, who got in their way. The interviewer referenced the drug related familing killing in Port Lucie, FL, where the very young children were shot along with the mother and father.

A local dirty cop that both girls would recognize would certainly explain the manner and reason behind this whole thing.

With all respect to Fuhrman - he is NOT a professional profiler, just an ex cop. His theories are just slightly more informed than ours. And I don't remember anyone saying it was 2 shots to the chest, one to the head - if that were true, why use 2 guns, only need 6 shots for a pro to achieve that pattern at the close range we know they killer had since the casings were lying in the roadway. The information from the ME says multiple shots to the face and chest with 2 guns - nothing about the pattern or how many shots to any specific area. And what cop would leave the casings lying there? Wouldn't a cop know to police his brass?

And why would two girls recognize a local cop out of uniform? I doubt either child knew any of the local cops - it's not like they are walking a beat or walking around the area on foot. And the school they attended was not in Weleetka - if anyone ever came to their school it would have been Sheriff's Dept officers.

It could have been drug runner related, BUT I do not see why the girls would have interrupted THAT? Drug Runners meeting don't exactly advertise what they are doing and it would have been a really poor location to be covert - kids at the bridge and traffic on the road - and you can see two girls approaching on foot for a half mile. If it was 2 or 3 people surely they would have had a lookout - especially after the 1st vehicle went by. The folks in Florida were RUNNING DRUGS themselves, that is why the entire family was killed. Unless the Placker or Whitaker family was running drugs I just am not seeing how this scenario would play out where the girls would have been a threat just walking on the road.

I just cannot get it out of my head that this was personal - not so random. And I still cannot figure out WHAT the girls could have seen in the short amount of time we KNOW they were alive that they wouldn't have been frightened or upset enough to call someone and tell them. They were almost home - walking. They didn't notice someone was chasing them?? Someone driving after them on the road after seeing something incriminating done by that person they could ID? It just seems so curious, unless the person was a family friend and the girl who knew him ( or her) trusted this person and was not afraid of them - and would not have run from them when approached. If this was a stranger who pulled alongside the girls on the road why didn't they at least back OFF THE ROAD? Taylor was lying practically ON the roadway and the casings were right there in the roadway.

My Opinion
With all respect to Fuhrman - he is NOT a professional profiler, just an ex cop. His theories are just slightly more informed than ours. And I don't remember anyone saying it was 2 shots to the chest, one to the head - if that were true, why use 2 guns, only need 6 shots for a pro to achieve that pattern at the close range we know they killer had since the casings were lying in the roadway. The information from the ME says multiple shots to the face and chest with 2 guns - nothing about the pattern or how many shots to any specific area. And what cop would leave the casings lying there? Wouldn't a cop know to police his brass?

And why would two girls recognize a local cop out of uniform? I doubt either child knew any of the local cops - it's not like they are walking a beat or walking around the area on foot. And the school they attended was not in Weleetka - if anyone ever came to their school it would have been Sheriff's Dept officers.

It could have been drug runner related, BUT I do not see why the girls would have interrupted THAT? Drug Runners meeting don't exactly advertise what they are doing and it would have been a really poor location to be covert - kids at the bridge and traffic on the road - and you can see two girls approaching on foot for a half mile. If it was 2 or 3 people surely they would have had a lookout - especially after the 1st vehicle went by. The folks in Florida were RUNNING DRUGS themselves, that is why the entire family was killed. Unless the Placker or Whitaker family was running drugs I just am not seeing how this scenario would play out where the girls would have been a threat just walking on the road.

I just cannot get it out of my head that this was personal - not so random. And I still cannot figure out WHAT the girls could have seen in the short amount of time we KNOW they were alive that they wouldn't have been frightened or upset enough to call someone and tell them. They were almost home - walking. They didn't notice someone was chasing them?? Someone driving after them on the road after seeing something incriminating done by that person they could ID? It just seems so curious, unless the person was a family friend and the girl who knew him ( or her) trusted this person and was not afraid of them - and would not have run from them when approached. If this was a stranger who pulled alongside the girls on the road why didn't they at least back OFF THE ROAD? Taylor was lying practically ON the roadway and the casings were right there in the roadway.

My Opinion

I don't think my statement was this was a LOCAL cop, only a person with LE training. They could be from anywhere. Why did you assume LOCAL?

It's entirely possible that something could have been left at the bridge, something which only a walker could have seen.
Unless the Placker or Whitaker family was running drugs I just am not seeing how this scenario would play out where the girls would have been a threat just walking on the road.

This made me think...

What if the Plackers were running drugs. Taylor was the runner. They could ask her to deliver packages to certain people down at the bridge. She may not have even known what was in the packages. The girls make the delivery and started heading back. Whoever received the package opens it up and discovers they have been scammed (doesn't weigh out, mixed with something else, not high grade etc.) They come after the girls and it escalates into the shooting.
Bolding is mine.

If this is not random, if they did not come across something and witness something that afternoon, if this is personal..then it seems to be lost on everyone in their family and the community at large. The girls familys and friends can't think of a reason anyone would do this to the girls. LE does not have a motive. So if it was done on purpose..then everyone missed that purpose and the value of the murder to the murderer was lost. No one got the message he or they were trying to send.
I doubt the family member who "got the message" would be advertising that fact to the public. Of course they are going to SAY they don't know why it happened or who might have done it (or gotten it done)- and if it's a more distant family member or friend, they would hardly want to incriminate themselves or go to Taylor's GPa or Skyla's Mom and say that their children are dead because of THEM :eek:

The message may very well have been received loud and clear. We have just a FRACTION of the facts and evidence in this case. OSBI isn't even releasing the types or caliber of the guns used (and they do know that info according to an interview on Wed). The OSBI even said Wed the the "noose was tightening". For all we know - the OSBI may be asking GPA Placker to dodge any questions about the suspects or knowing them and we are not getting any information from Skyla's family at all.

I am getting a feeling that this may involve something bigger than just Taylor and Skyla's murders. The OSBI is being far too stingy with information and far too quiet - in a case that is getting NATIONWIDE coverage. There is a REASON the OSBI hasn't released autopsy information, the cell phone information, that they had a dog with them, the precise timeline, the gun evidence, the footprint and vehicle evidence, the POI clothing description and why they just took the POI sketch nationwide 18 days AFTER the murders.

And "personal" does not mean they were sending a message to anyone - it could be that the killer was mad or upset at one (or both) of the girls or feared they might "tell" something (like a romantic interest with a too old boy or an online flirtation/stalking?). Like I said, this was up close and personal, Tyler could have literally been almost face to face with the killer - we have to ask WHY would she let a stranger (a man?) that close to her if he was threatening to her? Even Skyla was only 5' or less off the road. The crime scene just didn't say stranger, impersonal, girls afraid...the guy either had something (Taylor's Dog?) that made them approach or he was familiar to one of them or used their names, a family/friend name etc.

My Opinion
It seems to me LE has two avenues to solve this case. Via the POI or via a motive.

The POI doesn't seem to be producing so I hope they are involving experts in looking for a possible motive.

Maybe there isn't enough to tell them anything but if they get even a hint this was personal, they should be off to the races. Then they just need to start running people in the area through the ringer until they find something.

My best guess is that this was a random killing. Maybe some lowlifes are driving down the road, see the girls and start harassing them, and the girls tell them where to go and what flight to take to get there. Next thing you know the girls are dead.


The witness accounts of the POI seem to negate a random killing. Random means random. It is my impression the POI was there for a reason.
Grandpa (father) was interviewed last night on Greta...I felt so bad for him. He is a man of few words, and Greta didn't really get much from him, but he did say he had faith that LE would do their very best to solve this crime...said he had to believe that. And that the community's support was the only thing that was keeping him together.

I saw the interview with Peter Placker, and I agree...............he's a man of few words. He answered Greta's questions, but didn't expand on them. I too felt so bad for him. For the family's sake, this case needs to be resolved and justice served.
I saw the interview with Peter Placker, and I agree...............he's a man of few words. He answered Greta's questions, but didn't expand on them. I too felt so bad for him. For the family's sake, this case needs to be resolved and justice served.

I agree! This family needs closure.
kahskye... i love your avatar

Does anyone know if there is a video to Greta's interview last pm
I noticed in the one photo that Taylor resembles her Grandpa a lot. Same eyes, and I think both sets of eyes reflect kindness. It appears to me Taylor's grandparents were doing all they could to give her a good environment to the best of their ability with lots of love, the most important ingredient. I could be wrong, but it sure looks that way to me. She was probably the light that kept them trying so hard. I do not see these girls running drugs for anybody at all. These were two very smart, sweet, kind little girls. I've seen the drug runners and drug dealers and drug users at that age. Seen quite a few of them and watched them get in bigger trouble and go to prison before becoming adults. Big difference between them and Taylor and Skyla.
Grandpa (father) was interviewed last night on Greta...I felt so bad for him. He is a man of few words, and Greta didn't really get much from him, but he did say he had faith that LE would do their very best to solve this crime...said he had to believe that. And that the community's support was the only thing that was keeping him together.

I agree. He seemed to be very uncomfortable than he was when he did his other interview with the area reporter right there in front of him letting him pour out his heart. It has to be quite different with earphones and the voice feeding into his ear talking to someone who is far away from him.

But even though he was not as talkative on Greta as he was on his other interview his words were profound imo.

I agree with every word he had to say. These people have to be caught. People have to contact police with any information they may have and he is most certainly right imo....those who hide these people out are as bad as the ones who did this.

I pray these families will at least see the killers caught, arrested and convicted. It will not bring them closure.....there is no closure on the pain and loss they will feel forever but maybe there will be some peace knowing the ones who did this will be punished harshly for what they have done.
I noticed in the one photo that Taylor resembles her Grandpa a lot. Same eyes, and I think both sets of eyes reflect kindness. It appears to me Taylor's grandparents were doing all they could to give her a good environment to the best of their ability with lots of love, the most important ingredient. I could be wrong, but it sure looks that way to me. She was probably the light that kept them trying so hard. I do not see these girls running drugs for anybody at all. These were two very smart, sweet, kind little girls. I've seen the drug runners and drug dealers and drug users at that age. Seen quite a few of them and watched them get in bigger trouble and go to prison before becoming adults. Big difference between them and Taylor and Skyla.

I think she was their world.

IMO they loved her as their own child...she was their baby daughter. They supported her in everything she wanted to do in her life imo. She was not only a sweet child she was smart, loving, compassionate and accomplished so much in her short life.

I agree........these girls still had innocence, which was a wonderful thing.


Which video are you talking about?

I just posted Greta's video on the dog returning to the crime scene on the Videos Thread.

Which video are you talking about?

I just posted Greta's video on the dog returning to the crime scene on the Videos Thread.
Not the video GS is speaking of LD, you posted the video from 6-25-08, GS is referring to last nights interview with Peter Placker.

Thanks for the clarification!!! I thought that was in the Video thread?

I'll go check and if not, bring it over there.

I just checked out GretaWire and I don't see this video there. According to the site, she interviewed about the Pregnant Army Girl last night????

Would it be in there? Was it a short interview??
Here's a theory that hasn't occurred to me before, and I haven't seen it mentioned here.

What if this were a game gone wrong? Some friends in a car who decided to play "stick up" with the girls? Then what if a gun went off unexpectedly (sorry, not sure how a semi-auto works) and the jokers decided to put them out of their misery because they were freaked out by the suffering the girls were going through?
Okay, so they have gone nationwide for the search on the POI. I'm assuming this means they are sending out a fax to other countries LE with a picture of the POI. Is this correct?

Then can I assume this has already been done here in the US?? If so, I can't believe NO ONE has seen this guy. I'm starting to believe he either didn't exist or he is being very very well protected within his own community.

Even if he is dead, there has to be at least ONE PERSON who knew him.
Anythings possible Aleph. Welcome to WS! With the little information we have from LE, this theory is just one more to consider. But then, how does the POI fit in with this theory?

Here's a theory that hasn't occurred to me before, and I haven't seen it mentioned here.

What if this were a game gone wrong? Some friends in a car who decided to play "stick up" with the girls? Then what if a gun went off unexpectedly (sorry, not sure how a semi-auto works) and the jokers decided to put them out of their misery because they were freaked out by the suffering the girls were going through?
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