State rests rebuttal case - thread #167

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Wilmott, the jury already spoke volumes with their questions. They don't believe your client. Time to move on.
This dude teaches. He doesn't conduct multiple psych evals. Is that right?

It has been widely reported that all he does is testify as a hired gun now, plain and simple. What a way to end your life's work. Yuck. He looks like someone evil from history that I will not name, I do not like trust or respect him based on all that I have read about his misdeeds in other trials.
This dude teaches. He doesn't conduct multiple psych evals. Is that right?

That sounds about right... So, how can he diagnose JA as anything, or rebut a diagnosis from another doctor?

Sounds like he's just a more-qualified-ALV.
Is JA's grandma asleep?? They showed her for a long time and she never opened her eyes.
Ok, why did the DT waste their time with DS and not just bring this guy the first time around?

I do not know, but I do wonder. So far, I do not dislike this witness. I like his background, and I like that he is not self-aggrandizing.
Just saw Deanna sitting with the family. Love her - a true friend to Travis!! And then saw JA's grandma - even she is sleeping with this witness on the stand. :)
JW acts as if every witness is her best friend. *giggle*

Can't wait 'til the cross exam of this guy. JW's voice is going to go to 78 rpm again and she will be whack-a-mole-ing and stomping up to the judge like crazy.
So he is trying to say dr demarte lied by saying she was practicing when she wasnt licensed?

Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus

But 1st he said he practiced wit a masters????
I wonder if he trains judges with the same quality Wilmott trains lawyers.
WOW not only has he edited ALV's book, is a good friend and colleague of ALV, he's testifying for free. LMAO wow just wow

He really is here to help ALV's career.
Jodi's bored. Barely keep her eyes open. Day just started.

Chris/Sky Hughes are there.
So hes not getting paid for being there?


Sent from my 'alternate reality' using my hippocampus
He likes the word "variety." Juan will nail him on that.
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