State v Bradley Cooper 04/01/11

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Yes, but the caffeine plus empty stomach + witnesses who saw her. All the little things add up, you all the little things ya'll keep saying add up against BC.

I can't simply write her off like the rest of you. I want to hear more about it, want to hear from her, not what the CPD may have been thinking.

I don't think dear Bradley will be "saved" by this woman. Sorry....
No I don't but nothing has been indicated that is the case (one way or the other). She obviously must have matched the facial description pretty good because she told them it matched the lady that was on the flier. She stated in a sworn affidavit months later that she still thinks it's Nancy, even after seeing loads of pictures of her on the news.

I taught high school for a number of years. I would have students come in and say something like, "Hey! I saw you in WalMart last night" Me: "No. I was home last night. I did not go to WalMart." Student:"I thought sure that was you. I was wondering why you didn't say anything when I said "Hi" to you." Many, many other instances of people asking if I worked at this bank or that business. "You look just like someone that works there." I have no doubt that this woman is convinced that the person she saw is NC. I'm not convinced that what she saw that day matches up with the person of NC.
If she said something in the telephone interview that was totally inconsistent with NC, do you still believe they should have taken the time to go to her house?

But what could that possibly have been? After reading her details of the woman she saw, it could have been her. And I don't believe it was a telephone interview. It sounds like she only left a message. I don't really see the point in arguing about this until we hear from her in the trial.
Can't remember how many people saw Laci Peterson, Caylee Anthony.....
1000s of people, some credible, some not, for whatever reason. CPD heard what she had to say, and that was all that was needed.

I think if CPD were out paying personal visits to thousands of people, there'd be no one to catch the perps!

See, the problem is most of you already think he's guilty, so you think whatever she did or did not say is irrelevant. But the fact of the matter is LE shouldn't be let off the hook if there is an indication of not exploring all leads when a similar case arises.
Wasn't this woman heard from in the custody case? least, was she deposed?
Can't remember how many people saw Laci Peterson, Caylee Anthony.....

Maybe so, but the police ignored this. Why post fliers at all then? It is not really helpful to compare the cases, they are so different.
See, the problem is most of you already think he's guilty, so you think whatever she did or did not say is irrelevant. But the fact of the matter is LE shouldn't be let off the hook if there is an indication of not exploring all leads when a similar case arises.

They talked to her. They talked to the woman. She wanted a home visit? Why? They talked to her.
You are entitled to your opinion. Do you have anything more substantial to add to your one sentence?, not really. Just thought I'd drop by and defend the VICTIM in this case. And, no, I don't mean Brad. :seeya:
Wasn't this woman heard from in the custody case? least, was she deposed?

I don't see why she would have been? I am not aware of it but it seems you have knowledge of it, so please share.
I taught high school for a number of years. I would have students come in and say something like, "Hey! I saw you in WalMart last night" Me: "No. I was home last night. I did not go to WalMart." Student:"I thought sure that was you. I was wondering why you didn't say anything when I said "Hi" to you." Many, many other instances of people asking if I worked at this bank or that business. "You look just like someone that works there." I have no doubt that this woman is convinced that the person she saw is NC. I'm not convinced that what she saw that day matches up with the person of NC.

And she may not have. That's not the issue I have. I have an issue with LE in the early days of an investigation not talking to her. All we know is that they took her information, said thanks and that's it. How much different would she have to had been described as when the lady after the fact still thinks she saw her?
This is a question more for the locals: Did the CPD (or anyone else) ever make a plea for ALL female joggers who were out running on Saturday 7/12 (from 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.) to contact them (and maybe have a lineup for witnesses who "may" have seen NC but didn't know her)?

I would think that could have been helpful if they were concerned witnesses who didn't know NC were not accurate in their sightings? I've never heard of discounting witnesses who said they saw someone, only because the witness didn't have a personal relationship/knowledge beforehand of the person? If so, why even make fliers and go on the news with pictures then?

I realize lots of people will see someone and think they saw that person - and praise the Lord, when someone actually does see a missing child or has really encountered that person and is able to help. I'm just of the opinion that if I had to give weight to the testimony of a woman who swears she saw her, but didn't really know her personally, then truly her stating she saw nancy could just as easily swing the other way - she saw someone who looked like nancy.

I have to laugh at myself when the topic of eye witness testimony comes up. I've just got to tell this story on myself!! I followed a pick up truck about 8 to 10 miles one morning on the way to work. In the bed was a full grown german shepherd dog and a puppy german shepherd. The puppy kept standing up at the side of the bed and I kept thinking, "please don't let him jump out, please don't let him jump out." It was a VERY busy two lane road and lo and behold, the puppy jumped out. I slammed on brakes, praying the guy behind me didn't hit me in the rear and praying I didn't hit the puppy. Well, I missed the puppy - he slid down the highway right down the yellow no passing lines in the middle. I pulled off the road, as did the guy behind me. I get out in traffic and pick this little fellow up - he was hurt, but alive. The people in the truck had no idea the puppy had jumped out and was hitting it 55 miles an hour on down the road. The guy who also pulled off said he would wait right there for a little bit to see if anyone came back - and I said that I would take the puppy on to a veterinarian's office on my way to work. I'm buzzing on down the road and I see THE pick up headed in the opposite direction - with the full grown dog still on the back - so I find a place to make a U-turn and attempt to catch up to this GREEN pick up truck that the puppy jumped from. I'm trying to catch up, blinking my lights blowing my horn, etc. I'm trying to drive, hold the puppy up and point to him, and these people just kept going. So finally we get back to town to the first stop light and I finally get right behind them - it wasn't a dog in the back, it was a tree stump. I know these people thought I was nuts. When I realize it can't be THE GREEN pick up with the other german shepherd I turn around again and head back towards the vet. I see a deputy sheriff. I pull over and tell him about the Green pick up with the dog and they didn't know this puppy jumped out - but if he saw someone in a green truck looking for a lost puppy tell them that I took the puppy to which vet. I continue on my way and get to the vet's office. There is THE pick up truck with the grown "german shepherd" - it was an Alaskan Malamute and the truck was WHITE!!!!! It wasn't a green pick up! I'm chasing green pick up trucks down the road with tree stumps that I think is a dog!!!!! They were going to the vet anyway to have shots for the puppy!! They get there and the puppy is gone. They didn't know what to do, but it was hilarious to me that the only thing I had right about the whole situation was that the puppy was a german shepherd.

I hope NOBODY has to count on me for eye witness testimony in anything serious!!! I would fail miserably.
Sorry for the long post. I just always think of it when eye witnesses are brought up.
But what could that possibly have been? After reading her details of the woman she saw, it could have been her. And I don't believe it was a telephone interview. It sounds like she only left a message. I don't really see the point in arguing about this until we hear from her in the trial.

From the affidavit: She called on Sunday when she saw the searchers and mentioned to her husband about seeing a jogger. He told her to call the police. She called and left a message. The police returned her call and left a message. (No time or date given. I'm guessing it would have been Monday.) She called them back (she used the word "finally" connected) and gave her statement. I would guess that would have been Monday evening at the earliest. So according to her affidavit, she did give a statement to a police representative over the telephone.
But what could that possibly have been? After reading her details of the woman she saw, it could have been her. And I don't believe it was a telephone interview. It sounds like she only left a message. I don't really see the point in arguing about this until we hear from her in the trial.

Read the affidavit.

She left a message with CPD 7-13-08

"sometime later" (could be the same afternoon), CPD called her back and left a message. She then called back and SPOKE with CPD.
Maybe so, but the police ignored this. Why post fliers at all then? It is not really helpful to compare the cases, they are so different.

Ignored her?? :floorlaugh:

Oh my goodness! Reminds me of Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction"....

Anyway, any attention she needs will be provided by Brad's defense team. Who knows, her fame may last for more than the usual 15 minutes!! :woohoo:
This thread will be closing soon. Continue your discussions on appropriate titled threads. Use old threads to update or start a new one., not really. Just thought I'd drop by and defend the VICTIM in this case. And, no, I don't mean Brad. :seeya:

You're saying that since I think he is innocent, I am against the victim??? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I think they have the wrong guy. If anything I am even more in support of the victim because the police did not continue investigating all avenues in this investigation.

So, let's hear it. What is your proof he is guilty?
Read the affidavit.

She left a message with CPD 7-13-08

"sometime later" (could be the same afternoon), CPD called her back and left a message. She then called back and SPOKE with CPD.

Spoke or just made a statement? Did they ask her any questions?
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