State v Bradley Cooper 3.14 .2011 - 3.?.??

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She is a good witness if you believe the "coming over in the morning to paint" story. Her story became less believable for me when she stated she spoke with NC on the phone when she was at the party and didn't mention anything at all about meeting in the morning. It seems more likely that if they truly had plans the call would have at least ended with something along the lines of "OK have fun, I'll see you in the morning."

It just seems fishy.
1. There is a Carey Clark
2. The two of them did run together often
3. Carey Clark did not have any plans with Nancy to run that Sat 7/12/08
4. Carey came to the Cooper house on 7/12/08 and told police that she and Nancy did NOT have plans to run that day.
5. Cary also filed an affidavit testifying to the above.
6. A copy of that affidavit it in the Legal Docs section above.

I believe all of this. It doesn't mean that NC didn't tell BC that she had plans to run with CC. Again, it could have been to hide her running with someone else (pure speculation on my part).
It does not take 8 years. I have a tad bit of experience with this. All we have on this is what Brad supposedly told Nancy and supposedly he told her this after he canceled her return to Canada in April. Why did he wait until that event with all of these finacial troubles he was so concerned about I wonder. If you don't believe Nancy about much, why do you believe her about this ?

She was a stay-at-home mom. There would have been no need to start the green card process 8 years earlier. I assume they started it once they knew they were headed towards divorce so that she could stay in the States and work.
It does not take 8 years. I have a tad bit of experience with this. All we have on this is what Brad supposedly told Nancy and supposedly he told her this after he canceled her return to Canada in April. Why did he wait until that event with all of these finacial troubles he was so concerned about I wonder. If you don't believe Nancy about much, why do you believe her about this ?

I never said I don't believe the things Nancy said. I do feel she exaggerated with regards to how much or how little BC does.
IMO, if this is the best the defense can do, they're in trouble.
I have not been able to watch much of the trial, but a bit here and there.

I do have to hand it to the judge. He just requested that the cameras be turned off to cover a possible objection. He did it almost as an afterthought after the jury had been asked to leave the courtroom. No doubt the judge is well aware of the amount of coverage and the camera being right there, but he is not "playing" to the camera.

Recall Judge Ito in the OJ trial? I kept expecting him to jump up and do a dance number. It seemed to me that he was constantly playing to the camera.
She is a good witness if you believe the "coming over in the morning to paint" story. Her story became less believable for me when she stated she spoke with NC on the phone when she was at the party and didn't mention anything at all about meeting in the morning.

Are you saying this witness is perjuring herself on the witness stand?

Are you aware that perjury is a felony crime in the State of North Carolina?
I have not been able to watch much of the trial, but a bit here and there.

I do have to hand it to the judge. He just requested that the cameras be turned off to cover a possible objection. He did it almost as an afterthought after the jury had been asked to leave the courtroom. No doubt the judge is well aware of the amount of coverage and the camera being right there, but he is not "playing" to the camera.

Recall Judge Ito in the OJ trial? I kept expecting him to jump up and do a dance number. It seemed to me that he was constantly playing to the camera.

I remember the Dancing Itos on The Tonight Show. I will say this, the prosecution in the OJ trial completely messed up that verdict...although I fully believe jury nullification was in play as well. I remember watching a lot of that trial.
I believe all of this. It doesn't mean that NC didn't tell BC that she had plans to run with CC. Again, it could have been to hide her running with someone else (pure speculation on my part).

Assuming that Nancy was alive at 7am on Sat. morning, assuming she had plans to run at all.

I believe that Nancy was deceased and her body already dumped by that point.
Are you saying this witness is perjuring herself on the witness stand?

Are you aware that perjury is a felony crime in the State of North Carolina?

Well either someone is lying or Nancy intentionally let Brad think he could play tennis (as well as Mike Hiller) just to piss him off when she went to paint. I know that's a possibility (in which case, he is the murderer since that would mean she didn't intend to go running that morning).
Are you saying this witness is perjuring herself on the witness stand?

Are you aware that perjury is a felony crime in the State of North Carolina?

are you saying that means that no one would ever possibly perjure themselves simply because it is a felony?

Well either someone is lying or Nancy intentionally let Brad think he could play tennis (as well as Mike Hiller) just to piss him off when she went to paint. I know that's a possibility (in which case, he is the murderer since that would mean she didn't intend to go running that morning).

I don't understand why it has to be either/or. She was supposed to be at Jessica's house at 8. Brad was going to play tennis at 9:30. She could have gone home at 9:30 or Brad could have brought the girls to Jessica's house. I think there is testimony somewhere that Mike said Brad was late before because Nancy didn't come home when expected.
Well either someone is lying or Nancy intentionally let Brad think he could play tennis (as well as Mike Hiller) just to piss him off when she went to paint. I know that's a possibility (in which case, he is the murderer since that would mean she didn't intend to go running that morning).

1. Testimony is that Nancy was going to paint at 8am. How do we know she wasn't THEN going to go home by 9:30am so that Brad could go play tennis?

2. Alternatively, is it possible Nancy didn't particularly care what Brad's plans were and she was going to do whatever she was going to do even if it meant Brad was stuck at home with the kids?

3. Finally, do we know that Nancy wasn't going to bring the kids with her to JA's house that Sat morning (thus leaving Brad free to go play tennis at 9:30am)?

You're assuming that Nancy changed her plans but didn't bother letting JA know. Or there's speculation that Nancy never had plans with JA and JA is making the whole thing up.

If JA didn't have plans with Nancy at 8am Sat morning then why would she:

- get up early
- move the furniture out of the way (making her hubby get out of bed to do so and telling him why he had to get up)
- wait for Nancy
- get concerned when Nancy didn't arrive
- call Nancy's cell phone and home phone to look for Nancy

JA is 100% credible.

She clearly had made plans with Nancy (or at the very least thought she did).
How so? At this point, evidence of the murder hasn't been presented.
IMO, the method being used. You SAID this, but you REALLY meant THAT, right? Looks like no one is budging.
IMO, the method being used. You SAID this, but you REALLY meant THAT, right? Looks like no one is budging.

Not only that but he is causing the witnesses to repeat and sometimes add to statements already made that are damaging to his client. He has not learned K.I.S.S principle yet.
Are you saying this witness is perjuring herself on the witness stand?

Are you aware that perjury is a felony crime in the State of North Carolina?

I am very aware that perjury is a felony. You act as though mentioning she may be less than truthful with her story is a felony.

there are things that sound questionable. She was also questioned about it by Mike H. who apparently had plans with Brad that Nancy knew about.

Because somebody says something doesn't make it true in either direction.
Well either someone is lying or Nancy intentionally let Brad think he could play tennis (as well as Mike Hiller) just to piss him off when she went to paint. I know that's a possibility (in which case, he is the murderer since that would mean she didn't intend to go running that morning).

Where were the girls the first time she painted? the Adam's back yard.
Nancy may have told Brad he could play tennis later at 9:30 and the 2 girls would simply play with Jessica's kids until Nancy went to the pool later.
Makes perfect sense to me.
1. Testimony is that Nancy was going to paint at 8am. How do we know she wasn't THEN going to go home by 9:30am so that Brad could go play tennis?

2. Alternatively, is it possible Nancy didn't particularly care what Brad's plans were and she was going to do whatever she was going to do even if it meant Brad was stuck at home with the kids?

3. Finally, do we know that Nancy wasn't going to bring the kids with her to JA's house that Sat morning (thus leaving Brad free to go play tennis at 9:30am)?

You're assuming that Nancy changed her plans but didn't bother letting JA know. Or there's speculation that Nancy never had plans with JA and JA is making the whole thing up.

If JA didn't have plans with Nancy at 8am Sat morning then why would she:

- get up early
- move the furniture out of the way (making her hubby get out of bed to do so and telling him why he had to get up)
- wait for Nancy
- get concerned when Nancy didn't arrive
- call Nancy's cell phone and home phone to look for Nancy

JA is 100% credible.

She clearly had made plans with Nancy (or at the very least thought she did).

Very true. It's also possible she was going on a shorter run (5 miles or less) and was planning on going to JAs when she got back. So all 3 events are possible (get up, go run, go to JA to pain, be back by 9:30 for BC to play tennis or bring the kids with her). I took my daughter to bball practice every Thursday night at 7:30 this winter. I often did my run right before taking her to practice. Since she was just painting, it shouldn't be that big of a deal to do it after a run. So everything is still possible with this testimony.
Where were the girls the first time she painted? the Adam's back yard.
Nancy may have told Brad he could play tennis later at 9:30 and the 2 girls would simply play with Jessica's kids until Nancy went to the pool later.
Makes perfect sense to me.

That would make sense...and see my other post that all events could have happened (from a timing perspective). She could have run, made it to JA by 8 with the kids, which would let BC play tennis at 9:30.
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