State vs Jason Lynn Young 2-10-12

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I respectfully disagree with you. I have been in the car with a disgruntled partner who decided the best way to "shut me up" was to slam on the brakes and jerk the car into a very awkward three point turn using the wrong amount of speed and nearly landing us in a ditch.

Not saying that's the case, but saying that it wasn't necessarily anything but spite or meanness that caused this.

I don't think it was an "accident" as much it was an "*advertiser censored*-ident".

You know, I'd forgotten all about it until reading this, but years ago, back when I was still dating, this guy I was going with did a similar thing to me. In fact he asked me to reach for something, so I'd be more vulnerable, and then slammed onto his brakes, so my head and face smashed into the windshield. When I started crying, he laughed and laughed. It wasn't until he got 'shipped out', in the service, that I was able to break up with him. He still attempted to intimidate me, even got an emergency 3 day leave and showed up unexpectedly at my workplace, etc. That was a long 3 day week-end, but I didn't relent. :(
One must set emotion aside and look at the facts. So far I would not be able to convict him even though I "think" he did it.

Putting character witnesses on the stand is just not doing it for me. Yes, I feel terrible for what Michelle had to go through with this jerk but is that all he was? A jerk? Did he ever physically hit her?

They have to put him at the crime scene and so far they haven't done it yet. Maybe they will, IDK In the Scott Peterson case, they did and that's why they got a conviction. Nobody else but Scott Peterson could have murdered Laci.

I don't know if you watched the first trial. I did, but I don't want to sway you just because I did.

But, I watched this case unfold from the get go. I was like you, THOUGHT he did it, but there was no way they could place him back at the crime scene. Well, that was before evidence started surfacing. It didn't take a day or a week, but months, and at time years. This isn't my opinion from the trial, per se, it is from watching the news clips that would appear over the years after the murder, before JY was arrested.

So watch the trial, look at the evidence, and see what you think.

Just remember, this pros has a very GOOD conviction rate, from what I've heard. They do NOT arrest someone until they're CERTAIN they can get a conviction. More times than not they do.

Let's see if the jury agrees with the pros.


PS....fwiw, the first trial, the defense had a card up their sleeve. JY testified and the prosecution wasn't ready and frankly, they blew their cross. We here on Websleuths were having fits, believe me. When the jury hung, we were shocked, but after we looked back after a few days, and KNEW why. I'm just glad the DA decided to retrial, eventhough it was more for NO than Yea.

See, BECAUSE JY hadn't given his version of ANYTHING, the prosecutor had NOTHING to go on, as for his side of the story. But seriously, I watched it myself, JY spent the whole first trial, scribbling notes for EVERY pros witness. Then when he testified, he'd thought of an alternate explanation of each piece of incriminating evidence. BUT, they played their card, they have no secrets. It's all out on the table and the prosecutor has MORE witnesses as to the difficulty in the marriage. Many believe it won't matter, but it does. To this jury, it does.

Let's just pray Justice is done for Michelle. Either way, JUSTICE for Michelle.

Did you see at the beginning of the SW in your first link, Jason lawyered up the first time he contacted the detective, BEFORE he even got back into town.

Sorry, I do NOT believe for a minute he lawyered up on the advice of his friends. That is BS!

Sorry, not buyin' it and I HOPE the jury doesn't either!


PS....sorry, had to leave and am pages behind. But this statement really gets me! :mad: fran

BBM. That's exactly it! In the car, driving back to Raleigh with his mother and family members, he lawyered up BEFORE EVEN ARRIVING IN RALEIGH, BEFORE EVER SPEAKING WITH Meredith or Linda, (whose calls he refused to answer), the police or anyone other than his mother. While still on the car ride back to Raleigh, he hung up on the police who wanted to meet with him when he arrived back in town. When he walked into Meredith's house, he was already obstructing. "No, I can't talk to you or anyone." He didn't even ASK ANY QUESTIONS like "what happened? How was she killed?" And with his lawyer retained, he still would not talk. Ever. Until he testified in his defense in 2011.

He's so guilty and he worked the system to obstruct justice (my interpretation of obstruction). And YES I KNOW HE IS WITHIN HIS LEGAL RIGHTS to refuse to cooperate. He knows he did it. And he knows that most everyone knows he did it. His own words are that he doesn't care about public opinion, that it will pass over time because people forget. And that is what is so infuriating. He did it, and he knows he worked the system to get away with it. Something is wrong with the justice system if he can get away with killing his wife and unborn child by using these tactics.

Did you see at the beginning of the SW in your first link, Jason lawyered up the first time he contacted the detective, BEFORE he even got back into town.

Sorry, I do NOT believe for a minute he lawyered up on the advice of his friends. That is BS!

Sorry, not buyin' it and I HOPE the jury doesn't either!


PS....sorry, had to leave and am pages behind. But this statement really gets me! :mad: fran

During the trip from Brevard to Raleigh, his stepfather also advised him to get a lawyer.

"Another friend, Josh Dalton, said the questioning from police immediately after Michelle's death led Dalton and another friend, Ryan Schaad, to urge Jason to get an attorney before he talked to police."
Ya, I think he turned it off, or took the chip out so he could never be traced driving back to Raleigh, off the pings on the towers in that area.

I don't think he'd be smart enough to leave his phone behind would he? Retrieve it when he returned to the hotel. He did return didn't he?

Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Gee, I wonder if the reason he was so angry at the gas station is because he thought he'd drive off without paying? I mean, he did only pump $15 when he'd paid $20.

You know, I'd forgotten all about it until reading this, but years ago, back when I was still dating, this guy I was going with did a similar thing to me. In fact he asked me to reach for something, so I'd be more vulnerable, and then slammed onto his brakes, so my head and face smashed into the windshield. When I started crying, he laughed and laughed. It wasn't until he got 'shipped out', in the service, that I was able to break up with him. He still attempted to intimidate me, even got an emergency 3 day leave and showed up unexpectedly at my workplace, etc. That was a long 3 day week-end, but I didn't relent. :(

It makes for a very miserable life. I remember being made to think I was cray cray when I pointed little stuff out and the larger stuff like that got blown off.

I didn't like to carry a cell phone. (I do now, reluctantly, for work.) I felt like they were a leash. I can remember making plans and then having them break them, etc. I would call and check in, usually at the place we had agreed to meet and get greeted with "What, are you stalking me?" She eventually got me a cell phone and would freak out when I didn't answer and the retaliation for me innocently not answering would be for her to give me the silent treatment for days. Trying to budget later on became "financial control". She would tell my family I didn't want to speak with them and then make up crap about my family so that I would ask them questions. When I asked the questions, I can't think of a clear example, it would make me look like I was off my rocker. When I went back to get an explanation, I was always the one who had misheard something.

I hadn't seen her in like nine months once and she called with the same story: I've changed, I really want to see you, etc. etc. Before I even agreed to meet up with her (she was apparently pet sitting on the side of her regular job) she called me and asked me why I'd taken so and so's keys out of her car (a pet sitting person, I guess. I don't think I actually knew what she drove or where she lived at the time.) I kept trying to shrug it all off. It gets to heavy to shrug eventually.

Now, with technology, etc. she's learned to fake her caller ID and fake message me and read my emails. She's helped herself to my bank account a few times.

There's always some innocent explanation that makes me feel like a dog and makes me look like I don't know what I'm talking about.

Finally, I just stopped going back for more whooping. It does wonders for your self esteem when you just step away. Even with all of the evidence in hand, I've had local police look at me like I don't know what I'm talking about. And the few who would listen looked at me and basically said: You're a 6'4, 230 lb man. She's a 5'4 110 lb woman. You're telling us you're scared of her?

I'm in no way equating my situation to MY/JY or the others we've discussed, but I think that, on some level, people do not realize how hard it is to leave. They sit and say: Just don't talk to her anymore. Pretend you never met.

She's shown up at my work, filed false police reports, harassed my family. It got so bad in 2010 that I just wanted to die. I didn't know what to do. I'm scared of very few things in the world, but what was going on terrified me. I didn't know what to do, who to trust or where to go.

The best thing I did was to start getting involved with close friends and family members, got out, met new folks, got active in my community, worked harder at work, and just moved on. But, it wasn't an overnight thing and it was definitely (leaving, moving on) the most dangerous thing and simultaneously the most healthy thing I could have ever done.

ETA: This was a woman I had a child with, had been married to (and divorced upon her request, not asking for anything at ED) for a number of years. This was not how the relationship started. It just got this way the last four or five years of it.
During the trip from Brevard to Raleigh, his stepfather also advised him to get a lawyer.

Yes, after he was 35 minutes to his first sales call for his new job, he went directly to his mother's house, the person with whom he had had a gazillion phone calls with in the month preceding the murder, which was completely atypical. He spoke to no one, except Michelle Money, other than his mother during the drive, even though Meredith and Linda Fisher were desperately trying to reach him. He won't take their calls.

But he reaches his mother's house, and they are all there waiting to tell him the news, drive him back to Raleigh and support him in his "lawyering up" effort. Something ain't right about those series of events. What was JY talking to his mother about during all those phone calls during October?
I don't think he'd be smart enough to leave his phone behind would he? Retrieve it when he returned to the hotel. He did return didn't he?

Guess we'll have to wait and see.

Gee, I wonder if the reason he was so angry at the gas station is because he thought he'd drive off without paying? I mean, he did only pump $15 when he'd paid $20.


The hotel receipt was slipped under his door in the middle of the night. The night audit clerk didn't notice his room door open. He also didn't notice his room door open when he put the newspaper on the door handle.

Jason has his hotel receipt.
Yes, after he was 35 minutes to his first sales call for his new job, he went directly to his mother's house, the person with whom he had had a gazillion phone calls with in the month preceding the murder, which was completely atypical. He spoke to no one, except Michelle Money, other than his mother during the drive, even though Meredith and Linda Fisher were desperately trying to reach him. He won't take their calls.

But he reaches his mother's house, and they are all there waiting to tell him the news, drive him back to Raleigh and support him in his "lawyering up" effort. Something ain't right about those series of events. What was JY talking to his mother about during all those phone calls during October?

The trip was to pick up some furniture for the new baby - think it was a dresser.
The only thing that makes sense is that maybe the coffee place was in the opposite direction of the route they were taking.

Gee, when I was pregnant, albeit a while ago, my youngest is 23, but anywhoooo, I was told to NOT drink coffee or just one cup. It's not good for the baby.

Weren't they staying at someone's house? Why go buy it?

I don't know if you watched the first trial. I did, but I don't want to sway you just because I did.

But, I watched this case unfold from the get go. I was like you, THOUGHT he did it, but there was no way they could place him back at the crime scene. Well, that was before evidence started surfacing. It didn't take a day or a week, but months, and at time years. This isn't my opinion from the trial, per se, it is from watching the news clips that would appear over the years after the murder, before JY was arrested.

So watch the trial, look at the evidence, and see what you think.

Just remember, this pros has a very GOOD conviction rate, from what I've heard. They do NOT arrest someone until they're CERTAIN they can get a conviction. More times than not they do.

Let's see if the jury agrees with the pros.


PS....fwiw, the first trial, the defense had a card up their sleeve. JY testified and the prosecution wasn't ready and frankly, they blew their cross. We here on Websleuths were having fits, believe me. When the jury hung, we were shocked, but after we looked back after a few days, and KNEW why. I'm just glad the DA decided to retrial, eventhough it was more for NO than Yea.

See, BECAUSE JY hadn't given his version of ANYTHING, the prosecutor had NOTHING to go on, as for his side of the story. But seriously, I watched it myself, JY spent the whole first trial, scribbling notes for EVERY pros witness. Then when he testified, he'd thought of an alternate explanation of each piece of incriminating evidence. BUT, they played their card, they have no secrets. It's all out on the table and the prosecutor has MORE witnesses as to the difficulty in the marriage. Many believe it won't matter, but it does. To this jury, it does.

Let's just pray Justice is done for Michelle. Either way, JUSTICE for Michelle.

So true as to how long these prosecutors will wait to bring a case. I about went crazy for years waiting for them to arrest Eric Millers wife and get her off the streets and into prison. But they were patient, kept her in their sights, and didn't give up until they got her. Anne Miller Konce, may you rot in prison.
During the trip from Brevard to Raleigh, his stepfather also advised him to get a lawyer.

"Another friend, Josh Dalton, said the questioning from police immediately after Michelle's death led Dalton and another friend, Ryan Schaad, to urge Jason to get an attorney before he talked to police."

And Josh Dalton won't speak to JLY anymore either. Wants nothing to do with him. I bet he regrets his *advice* now.
Yeah, just a coinky-dink that JY was demanding that MY get an abortion or he would 'resent you and the baby for the rest of his life,' and he turns around and marries her. Baby is born.................then with their second child, by a coinky-dink, JY is driving and JUST as MY is turning around, without her seatbelt, he runs off the road and she looses said child.

I know, I know, this was a planned pregnancy. Only, the baby died along with MY, BEFORE the baby took his first breath.

How unfortunate. :(
It makes for a very miserable life. I remember being made to think I was cray cray when I pointed little stuff out and the larger stuff like that got blown off.

I didn't like to carry a cell phone. (I do now, reluctantly, for work.) I felt like they were a leash. I can remember making plans and then having them break them, etc. I would call and check in, usually at the place we had agreed to meet and get greeted with "What, are you stalking me?" She eventually got me a cell phone and would freak out when I didn't answer and the retaliation for me innocently not answering would be for her to give me the silent treatment for days. Trying to budget later on became "financial control". She would tell my family I didn't want to speak with them and then make up crap about my family so that I would ask them questions. When I asked the questions, I can't think of a clear example, it would make me look like I was off my rocker. When I went back to get an explanation, I was always the one who had misheard something.

I hadn't seen her in like nine months once and she called with the same story: I've changed, I really want to see you, etc. etc. Before I even agreed to meet up with her (she was apparently pet sitting on the side of her regular job) she called me and asked me why I'd taken so and so's keys out of her car (a pet sitting person, I guess. I don't think I actually knew what she drove or where she lived at the time.) I kept trying to shrug it all off. It gets to heavy to shrug eventually.

Now, with technology, etc. she's learned to fake her caller ID and fake message me and read my emails. She's helped herself to my bank account a few times.

There's always some innocent explanation that makes me feel like a dog and makes me look like I don't know what I'm talking about.

Finally, I just stopped going back for more whooping. It does wonders for your self esteem when you just step away. Even with all of the evidence in hand, I've had local police look at me like I don't know what I'm talking about. And the few who would listen looked at me and basically said: You're a 6'4, 230 lb man. She's a 5'4 110 lb woman. You're telling us you're scared of her?

I'm in no way equating my situation to MY/JY or the others we've discussed, but I think that, on some level, people do not realize how hard it is to leave. They sit and say: Just don't talk to her anymore. Pretend you never met.

She's shown up at my work, filed false police reports, harassed my family. It got so bad in 2010 that I just wanted to die. I didn't know what to do. I'm scared of very few things in the world, but what was going on terrified me. I didn't know what to do, who to trust or where to go.

The best thing I did was to start getting involved with close friends and family members, got out, met new folks, got active in my community, worked harder at work, and just moved on. But, it wasn't an overnight thing and it was definitely (leaving, moving on) the most dangerous thing and simultaneously the most healthy thing I could have ever done.

ETA: This was a woman I had a child with, had been married to (and divorced upon her request, not asking for anything at ED) for a number of years. This was not how the relationship started. It just got this way the last four or five years of it.

Good for you, johnfear. Stay strong. There are people out there who are crazy/manipulative, for lack of a better term. Both of my parents are that way. They eventually divorced, married others, and went on to make their new spouses lives miserable. And that misery trickles down to the families of those new spouses too. The best thing you can do is to stay far away from that craziness. It's the only way I can 'make it'. Distance myself from the craziness. Hopefully soon your child will be old enough to make their own choices about their life, and you can forge a new & better relationship minus the crazy person. Hugs
The trip was to pick up some furniture for the new baby - think it was a dresser.

so he couldn't give up a State game for his wedding, but he willingly gives one up for a dresser for a baby not due for months yet? Go figure. :banghead:
Gee, when I was pregnant, albeit a while ago, my youngest is 23, but anywhoooo, I was told to NOT drink coffee or just one cup. It's not good for the baby.

Weren't they staying at someone's house? Why go buy it?


Good catch, fran. You know that coffee wasn't for Michelle.
Yeah, just a coinky-dink that JY was demanding that MY get an abortion or he would 'resent you and the baby for the rest of his life,' and he turns around and marries her. Baby is born.................then with their second child, by a coinky-dink, JY is driving and JUST as MY is turning around, without her seatbelt, he runs off the road and she looses said child.

I know, I know, this was a planned pregnancy. Only, the baby died along with MY, BEFORE the baby took his first breath.

How unfortunate. :(

I think it was a planned pregnancy, planned by Michelle. Because she loved children, wanted to be a mom, a sibling for Cass. IIRC, Meredith testifed to that, how she and Michelle were only sisters, and Michelle wanted a sibling for her child too. Didn't want her to be an only child. I bet Michelle would have been fine with leaving the big jerk, raising her two children on her own, with help from her mom and sister. :maddening: Poor Michelle, and poor Cass. What a bond that was broken. :(
Don't forget JY told MM he thought Steve Money was fooling around.
Reckon he thought MM needed to know:D

I can't wait for MMs testimony. She was so arrogant, smiley, and flirty during the trial. It angered me to no end. I certainly hopes she tones its down this time around.
Yeah, just a coinky-dink that JY was demanding that MY get an abortion or he would 'resent you and the baby for the rest of his life,' and he turns around and marries her. Baby is born.................then with their second child, by a coinky-dink, JY is driving and JUST as MY is turning around, without her seatbelt, he runs off the road and she looses said child.

I know, I know, this was a planned pregnancy. Only, the baby died along with MY, BEFORE the baby took his first breath.

How unfortunate. :(

I know!! The amount of "coinky-dink's " going on is astounding!

Moo moo moo moo
I can't wait for MMs testimony. She was so arrogant, smiley, and flirty during the trial. It angered me to no end. I certainly hopes she tones its down this time around.

Amen.!! I was embarrassed for her. She seemed just a bit too smiley for me as well being she was testifying in her good "friends" murder trial also testified last go around when asked "when you and jy were having an intimate relationship did you still consider Michelle a friend?" she answered "Yes." ...
Oh really? Disgusting.

Moo moo moo moo
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