Supreme Court Nominee #2

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Clinton, impeached? The right to SC seat? He is qualified till proven quilty? Ya think?
Unfortunately there are stories about these "train" rapes, wild partying at these prep schools. I hope FBI investigates. All of Stormy Daniels' claims proved true.
I disagree that Stormy Daniels' claims have proved true. Nor will I purchase her book which will be released next week.
He doesn't have the right to SC seat--no one does--but especially if he's committed assault, lied under oath. It appears certain he's lied under oath. No way. The Republicans impeached Clinton for lying under oath, remember? He's gonna be lucky to keep his current position.
And the author of Ken Starr's report was BK and the
dems all know it.
Clinton, impeached? The right to SC seat? He is qualified till proven quilty? Ya think?
He's guilty of lying under oath according to multiple reports. 2 of his Yale classmates were on CNN, MSNBC to say he was lying. Another roommate, Roche, at Yale said he
was lying. Another guy said he was lying about his virginity. But weeks ago it seems he was lying to senators about hacked emails, the Bush admin and on and on. He's a liar.
Julie Swetnick's ex reveals he filed a restraining order against her | Daily Mail Online

The ex-boyfriend of the woman who accused Brett Kavanaugh of drugging girls in order to gang rape them at high school parties claims she is 'not credible' at all.

Richard Vinneccy said that he does not believe Julie Swetnick, who said she was assaulted at one such party attended by Kavanaugh, is telling the truth at all.

'I have a lot of facts, evidence, that what she's saying is not true at all,' Vinneccy told Politico on Wednesday.

But Vinneccy refused to disclose any such evidence, instead saying he 'would rather' speak to his attorney first before saying more.[/QUOTE

Michael Avenatti, Swetnick's attorney, has hit back at Vinneccy's claims and called them 'complete nonsense'.

Avenatti said he knew nothing of a restraining order and claims Swetnick caught Vinneccy using her own resume to apply and obtain jobs for himself.

'Complete nonsense. No truth to this at all,' Avenatti said. 'Why are you all attacking a sexual assault victim
Donald J. Trump on Twitter

NBC News incorrectly reported (as usual) that I was limiting the FBI investigation of Judge Kavanaugh, and witnesses, only to certain people. Actually, I want them to interview whoever they deem appropriate, at their discretion. Please correct your reporting!
Actually saw that on more than one news site. But let's see what happens, huh?

It hurts my heart to see women tear down other women. It hurts my heart to see anyone bullied into silence. And it hurts my heart to see what this country is becoming.

Lies seem to be ok now, if it's a means to an end. Why? Have we sunk to such a low?

Dr. Ford has sacrificed a great deal to get her truth out. I don't understand why or how anyone would vilify her. She is actually doing what she believes is best for this country, IMO.

As far as I'm concerned, BK is a spoiled, entitled hypocrite. His righteous indignation at the hearing on Thursday was very telling, to me. His crocodile tears, his rage, his elusiveness, answering questions with questions, his snarling, smirking face. Told me all I need to know. I hope he's more sympathetic when his own daughters are sexually assaulted, as they most likely will be sometime in their lives.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Even if he isn't appointed to the SC, another "conservative" will be. Why would ANYONE want someone there who's under a cloud of suspicion?
He's guilty of lying under oath according to multiple reports. 2 of his Yale classmates were on CNN, MSNBC to say he was lying. Another roommate, Roche, at Yale said he
was lying. Another guy said he was lying about his virginity. But weeks ago it seems he was lying to senators about hacked emails, the Bush admin and on and on. He's a liar.
ok we will go with that
Clinton, impeached? The right to SC seat? He is qualifArkasied till proven quilty? Ya think?

He was not qualified for a Supreme Court appointment before the sexual assault allegations. I do not have the time or energy to aggregate the links from all the posts on this thread but if you have been reading along there is plenty of evidence of his unfitness here. Google "Kavanaugh lies" for a start. then "Kavanaugh torture" then "Kavenaugh Arkansas project" then "Kavenaugh downgrade"
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