Terrorist Attack at Boston Marathon #11 One Suspect Dead; One in Custody

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Mr. Todashev, according to the F.B.I., confessed to his involvement in the deaths and implicated Mr. Tsarnaev. He then started to write a statement admitting his involvement while sitting at a table across from the agent and one of the detectives when the agent briefly looked away, the official said. At that moment, Mr. Todashev picked up the table and threw it at the agent, knocking him to the ground.

While trying to stand up, the agent, who suffered a wound to his face from the table that required stitches, drew his gun and saw Mr. Todashev running at him with a metal pole, according to the official, adding that it might have been a broomstick.

The agent fired several shots at Mr. Todashev, striking him and knocking him backward. But Mr. Todashev again charged at the agent. The agent fired several more shots at Mr. Todashev, killing him. The detective in the room did not fire his weapon, the official said.
So now we have all kind of claims coming from so-called sources: knife, blade, samurai sword, nothing, and a metal pole/broomstick. What will they come up with next?
So now we have all kind of claims coming from so-called sources: knife, blade, samurai sword, nothing, and a metal pole/broomstick. What will they come up with next?

The metal pole will morph into a stripper pole.

An official says Todashev was about to provide a written confession to the Waltham murders, when the state trooper who was present, noticed Todashev became agitated and shared that information with the FBI agent through a text message, so Todashev wouldn’t hear what they were discussing.

The official says the FBI agent looked down to read the text message, and at that moment Todashev flipped over a table into the agent and knocked him into the wall.

According to the officials, Todashev then grabbed a metal pole that was nearby, and started lunging at the agent. The agent shot Todashev two to three times, stopping him momentarily, before the official says Todashev came at the agent again.
It does not matter if you are just a 'suspect.' You still cannot flip a table and lunge at an agent. That is suicide.

You can't do that even if you're not a suspect, you can't do it for any reason whatsoever unless you have a death wish.

My dad told me long time ago "it doesn't matter how right you think you are just tell the officer yes sir, no sir and know it'll all get straightened out in the end"
Well, it's good to see more information coming out about how it all happened. Anytime you are threatening FBI/LE, whether it;s with a knife, metal pole, or throwing a table onto him against a wall, you have to expect retaliation, and for officersto defend themselves. It's just a no brainer. Why aren't people getting that?

Al Quaeda is outwardly encouraging Boston -style bombings
In its upcoming issue, the al Qaeda-backed magazine Inspire praises the alleged Boston Marathon bombers as heroes and encourages readers in the United States to follow their example.

One section, "An eye for an eye," features a graphic of a bloody knife and an image of a meat cleaver wielding-suspect in the deadly daylight attack on a British soldier in Woolwich.
So now we have all kind of claims coming from so-called sources: knife, blade, samurai sword, nothing, and a metal pole/broomstick. What will they come up with next?

table,being thrown against agent ageinst the wall.
With all due respect . Handcuffs? Really??? Someone is becoming violent and you'd grab handcuffs and then what? Ask the guy to stick out his hands or wrestle him and his MMA butt to the ground and then try to get him in handcuffs? I don't care how many LE were there, the guy sent one Officer to the hospital, it was the duty of the others to protect.

I work in a hotel that's connected to a concert pavillion.There's lots of disturbances,I call L.E. many,many times.Often they question someone that caused disturbances and often this person becomes violent.They quickly restrain that person.Sometimes they use tasers.Noone was ever shot.They expect these things and they are prepared.

You can't do that even if you're not a suspect, you can't do it for any reason whatsoever unless you have a death wish.

My dad told me long time ago "it doesn't matter how right you think you are just tell the officer yes sir, no sir and know it'll all get straightened out in the end"

Your dad was a smart man, I can not even imagine being questioned about someone I knew that made a bomb, yeah that is something right there that I have a hard time even thinking about. But yeah it gets better I used to live in boston with this bomber friend and he was friends with a guy that was murdered with two others guys, oh yeah that happened too. And on top of that I did help in that triple murder. So now fast forward I am in a apartment in florida with 5 to 8 LE/FBI being questioned about said murders and I am going to make a break for it cause I am innocent? I'm thinking this is not going to turn out good and as we see it didn't. jmo I think the guy knew his time was up, probably suicide by cop more then anything else. jmo
The metal pole will morph into a stripper pole.

I really shouldn't laugh but I did!

Even though this won't happen, I would love to SEE a video recording of those 8 hours of interrogation. It would be very interesting to see the lead up to the shooting and what altercation occurred.
I work in a hotel that's connected to a concert pavillion.There's lots of disturbances,I call L.E. many,many times.Often they question someone that caused disturbances and often this person becomes violent.They quickly restrain that person.Sometimes they use tasers.Noone was ever shot.They expect these things and they are prepared.

respectfully, I don't think you can compare the two. Concertgoers, there to have a good time, that maybe just happen to get rowdy vs. someone who may have slit throats in a previous murder, being questioned by the FBI. JMHO
Must be really difficult to go to your job everyday laying your life on the line and still know many citizens will blame YOU when something goes wrong with a perp, someone who is a murderer, has injured people, who may be a terrorist as well. YOU are more enraging then that perp and people are angry when you protect your life when attacked by this perp. I don't always agree with LE but wow I really feel for them and how thankless their jobs are, especially after this thread.

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You can't do that even if you're not a suspect, you can't do it for any reason whatsoever unless you have a death wish.

My dad told me long time ago "it doesn't matter how right you think you are just tell the officer yes sir, no sir and know it'll all get straightened out in the end"

I do not disagree with that, however, we need to know the exact circumstances surrounding prior to, and the lead up to WHY this shooting occurred and what transpired over those 8 hours of interrogation. We have to remember he was not under arrest at anytime. He may have become aggressive but there is responsiblilty on the authories part in HOW they handled this interrogation and what methods were used and if ANY death could have been avoided. And if there is a possibility the end result of a death could have been avoided, then surely questioning should have been approached in a different manner and method. Let's remember authories did NOT have enough evidence or probable cause to arrest him without a confession.
After the video footage and pictures were released, did the FBI receive any calls from anyone saying it was the Tsarnaev brothers? It seems like they weren't identified until after the Watertown confrontation, and that would be probably be through TT's identification carried on himself. The FBI didn't go to TT's apt until sometime the next day.

No, the ones who recognized DT called DT (not the FBI) and warned him and then went to DTs dorm and removed evidence. (and eventually getting arrested themselves)
Meanwhile, DT gave himself a short(er) haircut and he and his brother escalated their crimes by killing an MIT officer and hijacking a car with the intent of taking their leftover bombs to NY for another blowout. (JMO)

Who knows what would have happened if they did not publish those video footage and pictures....
Must be really difficult to go to your job everyday laying your life on the line and still know many citizens will blame YOU when something goes wrong with a perp, someone who is a murderer, has injured people, who may be a terrorist as well. YOU are more enraging then that perp and people are angry when you protect your life when attacked by this perp. I don't always agree with LE but wow I really feel for them and how thankless their jobs are, especially after this thread.

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I don't necessarily agree, I don't think anyone here has attacked any individual member of LE so it is not personal. We have been constantly subjected to inaccurate reports. Yes, the media is primarily responsible, yet there have been many cases where LE have acted inappropriately and unprofessionally too. Any adult that chooses the path of protecting their country, will have to understand there there may be questions to how they dealt with a certain situation, apprehension, investigation etc, it is something that happens daily, not only just with the case.

LE are humans too, so there is room for error of judgement. This is a crime forum but I can assure you many people who fall under different professions are judged (just as harshly) and ostracized on a daily basis, it is not isolated to LE only. I don't disagree it can be a thankless job to the many who put their heart and soul into it. I have nothing but respect but if you were referring to IT only, we have no evidence he was a terrorist or murderer, as it stands right now. Aggressive yes, but no evidence he murdered anyone or was involved in the Boston bombing.
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