...the case of the purloined PDA...

Timex said:
Honestly, by todays standards that really isnt overkill. Many households have multiple computers, cellphones, PDA's, etc. Especially younger households. I couldnt begin to tell you the number of junior high kids that have these things.
Exactly! I think GM that these days, especially for technofiles, it's pretty darn common to have that exact deal - a desktop for home, a laptop for portability, and a web accessible PDA to even greater portability (Lord know, wouldn't want to miss an email or something while you're sitting on the toilet I guess!). I don't personally "get it", I mean think it's extreme really, but, it's really pretty common...
SouthEastSleuth said:
The only documented piece of online activity I came across was the MySpace activity on May 3. If there are more, help me someone???

But regardless, the May 3rd activity does indeed show that Raven had online access from SOMEWHERE and from SOME piece of equipment...his or someone elses (well, for that matter you can go into the county library here and use the internet for free!)
He did log on to myspace on May 26th. Someone (jesstexas I think) also posted on another thread that he logged onto his vehicross board on May 24th.
golfmom said:
I guess I'm getting old.
I don't have a computer for each child in their rooms. I don't even let them have a t.v. in their rooms.

Thats what I mean...I know not everyone has all those items, but it isnt at all uncommon.

Our kids have their own computers, televisions, dvd players, portable dvd players, cell phones etc.

We have 6 televisions in our home, 4 computers...lost count of how many telephones there are.

Folks that really enjoy technology tend to be constantly obtaining some new piece of equipment.
Timex said:
Folks that really enjoy technology tend to be constantly obtaining some new piece of equipment.

Don't get me started on the number of golf clubs around here ... so I got your point!
Let's remember that new blog entry "Til We Meet Again." That was listed, but never view-able.
golfmom said:
I was just struck by what a huge overkill it was to own a laptop, desktop, and pda.
My husband is a total computer nerd. We have all that, his laptop and pda are work equipment though. He bought his old PDA from his work for me to use. My kids even have laptops (WAY old ones that my husbands work sold off) to play their games on.
golfmom said:
Don't get me started on the number of golf clubs around here ... so I got your point!
Hey, we have those too. :D
...I'm a throwback to the 1940's or something...

What's interesting is that I've noticed lately that my kids are becoming real radio and "books on tape" buffs. We are lucky enough around here to be able to get some larger metro. area radio stations as well as Canadian stations that offer informational programs, stories on the air, sports programs, music programs, and the like... My daughter will listen to her books while she does her crafts...My son, the sports nut, listens to the 24-7 sports station...We also have shortwave; I listen to Radio Paris and Radio Brazil a lot, and the BBC when they aren't driving me nutz! Hubby the engineer andpart time mad inventor, listens to all of the household repair shows, and of course, Art Bell (woooooeeeeee)...

I find radio takes my mind off even the worst household jobs that I am doing!

OK I'm off topic, and am signing off now, to go do my housework in the 90 degree heat...

Before I go...Golfmom...wanna trade some golf clubs for some hockey stix? LOL
R.I.P Janet.. I only pray to my heavenly father that the person or people responsible for this selfish crime be punished to the FULL extent of the law.... Raven I have no doubt that your reading this. I have seen your reaction at the memorial and I have looked you in your eyes while giving you my condolences while having to bite my lip from saying what I feel. I can see thru your eyes into your soul. May God have mercy on your soul.
family_friend said:
R.I.P Janet.. I only pray to my heavenly father that the person or people responsible for this selfish crime be punished to the FULL extent of the law.... Raven I have no doubt that your reading this. I have seen your reaction at the memorial and I have looked you in your eyes while giving you my condolences while having to bite my lip from saying what I feel. I can see thru your eyes into your soul. May God have mercy on your soul.
Powerful and heartfelt word Family_Friend. You certainly have my condolences. I hope as you read these any posts, even if they are upsetting at times, you know that we are searching for "person or people responsible for this selfish crime", or at least trying to get to the bottom of what happened that horrible night. So we are right there with you. Be strong, and if ever you have any additional insights to share, about Janet, about Raven, whatever, please, feel free...

Thanks for posting!
Is it possible or at all likely that the guy whose photo is on the geo-- site with the PDAs for sale could be Raven's step-father?
The man says his wife's name is KAREN. I know it's a common name- but with the pocketPCguy screen name, maybe there is something to this... The man appears to be about the same age as Raven's mother, as shown in her work photo.

I have always thought that Raven's side of the family " networks", to put it in simple terms. :)
ewwwinteresting said:
Also, I noticed that on the bottom right hand corner of page 15 there is some handwritting reflecting items 4-43 and 57 & 59???
So the last item that we see listed is not the last item actually collected. There could be many things that were collected that weren't in the search warrant that was released. What was collected, and how many items, that we're not allowed to see? And the bigger question is why?
Timex said:
Honestly, by todays standards that really isnt overkill. Many households have multiple computers, cellphones, PDA's, etc. Especially younger households. I couldnt begin to tell you the number of junior high kids that have these things.
I agree... I have a desktop computer, a laptop, two printers, a cell phone with text messaging, and lots of gaming and accesories. I am a single female in my 30s... so you can't even really put an age on it... kids, teens, 20s, 30s and even people in their 40s and 50s have multiple gadgets. It's a very technologically advanced time in society right now.
SouthEastSleuth said:
Low and behold, the very next Tuesday, May 3, 2005, we have documentation that at least someone, presumably Raven, had logged on to the MySpace account.
I have to admit that I find it very disturbing that he was back at MySpace only one week after Janet's death. He found out late Tuesday night the week before, almost early Wednesday morning so it's more like 6 days after her death. And on what date was the funeral? How many days between the funeral and him hopping back online to MySpace? And then he adds new friends ... it's just very bizarre.

I agree, SES. It would be great to know exactly how soon after her death he was online, where, and what he was doing. Unfortunately, we can probably only see last log-in date, if that at some sites. I don't think that we'll be able to determine anything other than that.
family_friend said:
R.I.P Janet.. I only pray to my heavenly father that the person or people responsible for this selfish crime be punished to the FULL extent of the law.... Raven I have no doubt that your reading this. I have seen your reaction at the memorial and I have looked you in your eyes while giving you my condolences while having to bite my lip from saying what I feel. I can see thru your eyes into your soul. May God have mercy on your soul.
I am so very sorry, family_friend. Our prayers are with all of you that are experiencing the loss of Janet first-hand.
has anyone been able to locate any other search warrant documents? I am trying to catch up to all the posts from yesterday. Man, there's been a flurry of activity in this forum ... that's good! I just can't keep up!

Has anyone emailed the lead detective about search warrants? Would he be able to tell us how many there were or what else was taken?
Thinkoflaura said:
Is it possible or at all likely that the guy whose photo is on the geo-- site with the PDAs for sale could be Raven's step-father?
The man says his wife's name is KAREN. I know it's a common name- but with the pocketPCguy screen name, maybe there is something to this... The man appears to be about the same age as Raven's mother, as shown in her work photo.

I have always thought that Raven's side of the family " networks", to put it in simple terms. :)
I don't think so but I can find out. I know some people that live near his parents that will know what the stepfather looks like.
Originally Posted by family_friend:

R.I.P Janet.. I only pray to my heavenly father that the person or people responsible for this selfish crime be punished to the FULL extent of the law.... Raven I have no doubt that your reading this. I have seen your reaction at the memorial and I have looked you in your eyes while giving you my condolences while having to bite my lip from saying what I feel. I can see thru your eyes into your soul. May God have mercy on your soul.

family_friend - I am so sorry for your loss, and I pray that law enforcement will SOON have the courage to "do the right thing" in this case...

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