The Different "Zanny the Nanny" Stories in One Thread.

Good point--they don't seem to be on either witness list. I guess Lee will be the star witness for the JBP story.

AZ do you think the ASA will even bring it up?
I'm thinking No...
AZ do you think the ASA will even bring it up?
I'm thinking No...

Bring what up? That Casey told Rob this story?

To add to this question... since George Anthony, in his state deposition, stated that this JBP story was basically himself, Cindy and Lee brainstorming... could the State bring that up? Or ask George his recollection of how the JBP started? Because they told this story to LE before they even had a chance to talk to Casey after she was arrested... and even if they did talk to Casey, Casey never says anything about it during the jail visits?
The JBP story? Why not?

I was thinking privilege..was there privilege between the Padilla can and Baez?
Wait...I think I remember there wasn't...something about a contract, or non contract issue..?

Okay I am lost on this one....:innocent:
I was thinking privilege..was there privilege between the Padilla can and Baez?
Wait...I think I remember there wasn't...something about a contract, or non contract issue..?

Okay I am lost on this one....:innocent:

I'm thinking the State doesn't want to even go there with any of the Padilla clan's testimony because 1) There was a contract signed, and although there may not have been any privilege, they didn't want to take any chances? 2) Leonard Padilla himself going on numerous media shows talking about his daisy chain. He would do nothing but be a distraction to this trial. 3) Wasn't this Tony guy posting here on this forum and answering questions and hinting at BOMBSHELL stuff? 4) Wasn't Tracy sending Casey money in jail?

I just think the whole lot of them are shady and offer nothing of real value to the trial other than a side show. I really believe the reason Leonard Padilla has went the way of the defense is because the State chose not to use him. I remember early on, Leonard was adament that he would be a witness for the State in this trial. I think when the State chose not to use him, he decided to buddy up to Jose Baez in hopes to be put on the defenses witness list. He hates that Tim Miller is a witness, and not himself and that is why he talks bad about him. First he took over Leonard's shine when he went searching for Caylee... now he is the witness that Leonard, himself wants to be.
I'm thinking the State doesn't want to even go there with any of the Padilla clan's testimony because 1) There was a contract signed, and although there may not have been any privilege, they didn't want to take any chances? 2) Leonard Padilla himself going on numerous media shows talking about his daisy chain. He would do nothing but be a distraction to this trial. 3) Wasn't this Tony guy posting here on this forum and answering questions and hinting at BOMBSHELL stuff? 4) Wasn't Tracy sending Casey money in jail?

I just think the whole lot of them are shady and offer nothing of real value to the trial other than a side show. I really believe the reason Leonard Padilla has went the way of the defense is because the State chose not to use him. I remember early on, Leonard was adament that he would be a witness for the State in this trial. I think when the State chose not to use him, he decided to buddy up to Jose Baez in hopes to be put on the defenses witness list. He hates that Tim Miller is a witness, and not himself and that is why he talks bad about him. First he took over Leonard's shine when he went searching for Caylee... now he is the witness that Leonard, himself wants to be.

LP's 15minutes of fame were up a long time ago...
At this point he is just another person who came into this case and then left way back in 2008.
I think these are extremely harmful for the defense. I've always assumed they would be let in, at least the statements to police, and possibly the obviously staged letters to the other inmate (nice try casey!). They really show what a lying conniving plotting person casey is, although like everything else in her life, she's no good at it.

The stories are ludicrous childish and inconsistent not only with each other but with what we know was reality for casey. By that I mean we know she took pictures of everything and everyone and there are no zani pics. We know Cindy's controlling/obsessive personality, she definitely would have known who zani was if she was around for 4 years and watching Caylee. And no contact info for Zani? On what planet? Met her through a person who doesn't exist and at a job she never had and left contact info on a phone she never had on a desk she never had at an office that was never hers. Also - we know she wasn't saving money or buying anything to 'move away', she was simply buying fun stuff and partying (lingerie beer sunglasses).

Of course you could go on all day with this but all of these nonsense stories need to be in evidence to show that casey was covering up from day one and trying to change/amend her story to fit what she perceived would be better accepted by the public (ex-wasn't it nice of her to be concerned for zani and forgive her? Aww she can't be that bad can she? Let's set her free!) In addition to the 31 days, these stories should really convince people she is at the very least responsible for caylee's death and a cover up, and probably much much worse.

Hi This Is My First Post On The Caylee Thread After Lurking For Almost 2 yrs, I Follow It Daily But Havent yet Until Now Found The Courage To Interact. But This is The Best Post Ive red So Far, You've Summed It All Up In A Nutshell Excellent Post:great:
I think it's obvious that the JB Park story came from Casey and not from a family "brainstorming" session, although George may have been kept out of the loop lol.

Sat July 26 Casey told Lee over the phone that she would be working with Jose and would try to get some information to Lee. Then she met with Jose from 3:00-5:30 pm July 26.

Mon July 28 Lee and Casey had another phone call, in which Lee talked about how things had changed based on what was "conveyed" to him, and Casey encouraged him to follow up on "new leads" and other things he was "told this weekend."

Wed July 30 Cindy told the FBI that Casey (through Jose IMO) had told Lee about a new story involving JB Park.
Ohhhh My Ohhh My..So glad this thread got bumped up..never even realized this existed..So TY..

I just finished listening to Casey in that 1 hour and 4 minute long audio interview Casey had with Detectives at Universal..I just couldnt believe how easily she slide into her web of much specific information she could give so easily..Like Zanny's possible places she could have gone, her family and then informations about Caylee's father who died last year 2007..and she hasnt seen his parents since she was in gradschool or like 6 years old..I was in awe of just how easily she wove all those "Mis-truthes" into her stories...

IF Judge Perry listens to this audio..there is no way he could have found Casey as a Child completely afraid and in fear of her situation..much less thinking she was under arrest...Her tone sounded very confident in her ability to manipulate these hard core detectives...denying..knowledge of Caylee's location..and her fear I not being able to find Caylee...Boy..IF I didnt know better, I may have swallow some of that koolaide too :banghead:

Anyway..Does anyone need to listen to that July 16th interview again with Det Adams and Det Yuri...sighhhh...?? I just found it today :woohoo:
I was thinking privilege..was there privilege between the Padilla can and Baez?
Wait...I think I remember there wasn't...something about a contract, or non contract issue..?

Okay I am lost on this one....:innocent:

The State never needed Leonard Padilla to verify the JBP story. Cindy Anthony told it to Federal Agent Scott Bolin on July 30th 2008. :bang:

I've always beleived ICA put it in a letter to Lee so he would know "what she was trying to put across" ;) Lee had apparently stopped being an Agent for the State and removed them from his speed dial.

I think this will be a huge feature at the trial. How many ways can your child be kidnapped.?

And how much harder to claim Roy Kronk killed Caylee. Nope, I think Mr Kronk is now down for moving a log, placing Caylee's skull deeper into the leaf litter and taping Caylee's mandible back into it anatomical position.
However, I can see a few problems with that theory. :floorlaugh:
Relistening to the Universal tapes. About to get to the part where JA asks if Caylee took a cab there...lOL
Story number three.

Lee Anthony Deposition in the Civil Case against Casey Anthony
Feb. 27, 2009
Beginning on page 89

Lee: Casey said that she dropped--or she went with Caylee to, to Jay Blanchard Park and she met up with, you know, Zenaida there, 'cause that's where, you know, she told her to meet, you know, to, to get Caylee for the day and Zenaida was there, as well as Zenaida's sister, which I can't remember her name right now, and her two--

Q: But she told you--

Lee: --daughters.

Q: Okay. So--but she told--

Lee: or children.

Q: And Casey told you this?

Lee: Yes.

Q: When?

Lee: When she was out of jail. So if August is right the first time she was out of jail, it was that--during that time.

Q: Okay. Did that story ever change?

Lee: Since that time, no. It's a different story that she gave the police on when she was arrested 'cause she was--told Sawgrass Apartments when she was arrested.

Q: Did you--let me ask you this. What did she tell the police about the last--when she dropped--

Lee: She told police--well, she originally said--I think she said the 9th, but she was wrong on the date--we already talked about that--because my mom had her date wrong it was really the 16th, but--of, of June. But she told the police that she gave Caylee to Zenaida at the bottom of the steps of her apartment at the Sawgrass Apartment.

Q: Why, why do you call it her apartment?

Lee: Zenaida's apartment.

Q: Okay. She told you that Zenaida lived--and she--

Lee: She told the police--this was the story to the police, which she's later said that--I mean, she's gone on record saying that, yeah, I lied to you about that.

Q: Yeah, yeah.

Lee: So--

Q: But the initial story was Zenaida lived at Sawgrass.

Lee: Right.

Q: She took Caylee there--

Lee: Yes.

Q: --dropped her pff. And where, where was she going that day? Why did she drop her off?

Lee: She claimed work but--

~skipped to page 93~

Q: Now, let me-- let me--all right. She tells the police she goes to Sawgrass. Then she gets with you after she gets out of jail and she says, look, here's what--here's what really happened.

Lee: Yeah.

Q: What really happened was I went to Blanchard Park. Yes?

Lee: Yes.

Q: I went to Blanchard Park. I met Zenaida Gonzalez there.

Lee: Yes.

Q: She was there with her sister--

Lee: Yes.

Q: and her two children?

Lee: yes.

Q: And I dropped her off--I dropped Caylee off and everything was fine?

Lee: No

Q: No?

Lee: When she--when she came to Blanchard and saw--and saw them--

Q: Have you given this statement to the police, what you're telling me now?

Lee: I don't know.

Q: Okay. Go ahead.

Lee: I don't know. I don't think so.

Q: Okay. It;s the--well, the truth is the truth.

Lee: Either way.

Q: The truth is the truth.

Lee: Right, exactly. Casey said that she was--that she sat down on a bench with Zenaida kind of watching the kids play and what not. Zenaida and Casey--like Zenaida and Casey were kind of in a conversation at one point. And she remembers Zenaida grabbing Casey's arm, like forcefully, almost to kind of--like kind of hold her down in a way. And that's when she told her, you know, I'm going to take Caylee from you. You know, I will give her back to you. You can--I will give her back to you but, you know, you need to--you know, you need to follow my instructions. And that's where she made her--you know, her threat that, you know, if you go to the police, I will--you know,I will hurt, you know, your parents, I'll hurt your brother, I'll hurt, you know Caylee. I'll--you know, I'll do whatever. Don't--you know, don't do that. And it was at that point when--you know, and Casey saw whomever the sister, whatever her name was, with the kids walking over--you know, briskly walking over to where their vehicle was parked to leave. And then from that point, then you know, Zenaida left also, but--

Q: Okay. And did Casey tell you why Zenaida was taking her and--

Lee: Well, she just said to, to teach her a lesson.

Q: What lesson?

Lee: I don't know what that lesson is. I don't know. I don't think she--if that was ever relayed to my sister, she never relayed that to me.

Q: Did she tell you then why she told the police a different story than the truth she was now telling you?

Lee: She thought that if she would tell the police something else, that she was still following the, the--what she was told not to do from Zenaida from this whole Timer55 thing about not, not telling the police. That, that you're going to get Caylee back. If you listen to my instructions, no one's going to get hurt. You'll get her back. So she's still, you know--

Q: So the--so the reason she lied to the policce, your understanding, because she feared for Caylee's life, yes?

Lee: Yes.

Q: You life?

Lee: Yes.

Q: Her life?

Lee: Yes.

Q: Your mom and dad's life?

Lee: Yes.

Special thanks to AZLawyer who's post jogged my memory about where to find this story!

Red bolding mine.
Sound like a threat from someone we know? :twocents: Could be part of "the fight" that occurred at the Anthony house according to a neighbor, motive whether the threat was to be truly carried out of not... for Caylees disappearance.

Sergeant Reginald Hosey testified it was Cindy Casey feared taking Caylee.
There has been some confusion as to if Casey has changed the Zanny story about the last day that Casey saw Caylee with Zanny. I have found the three different stories that Casey has claimed and I am putting them all together in one thread, along with the link to where the story can be found, so that it will be easier to find them. I also would like any comments as to if you think that the story will help or hurt the defense, if the story will even be used at trial and how these stories could make Casey look bad or good in the eyes of the jury. Any comments or feedback would be welcome!

Story number one:

Transcript of taped interview of Casey Anthony by Detective Yuri Melich July 16th, 2008

On June 9th, 2008 Casey took Caylee to a baby sitter's house. Zenaida Fernandez Gonzales. Zenaida lived at Sawgrass Apartments on Conway and Michigan, apartment #210. Casey has known Zenaida almost 4 years, 4 years this Christmas. Casey met her througha mutual friend named Jefferey Michael Hopkins, met him at Nickelodean at Universal. Zenaida was his son's nanny. Casey works at Universal and received a new phone from work. Casey left her phone with Zenaida's and Jefferey's numbers on the sim card on her desk at work. Casey hasn't been at work for at least three or four days. Zenaida started watching Caylee for the last year and a half, two years. Jeff offered to have her watch both kids (Zack Hopkins, Jeff's son also). Lauren Gibbs had watched Caylee until maybe April of 2006. At the end of 2006 to the beginning of 2007 Casey took Caylee to Zenaida's apartment. Zenaida had an apartment on Glenwood but it's off of Bumby and Robinson, close to downtown. Zenaida lived there for quite a few months and moved over to Sawgrass just recently this year. Casey got off work on the 9th, left Universal to pick up Caylee like a normal day. Casey shows up to the apartment, nobody answers. Casey calls Zenaida's cell phone and it is out of service. Casey sits on the steps and waits for a bit to see if maybe it was a fluke. Time passed Casey didn't hear from anyone. Casey went over to Jay Blanchard Park and checked a couple of other places. A couple of stores, just places that Zenaida has taken Caylee before. After about 7 o'clock when Casey still hadn't heard anything she was getting pretty upset, pretty frantic. Casey went to a neutral place. Casey ended up going to her boyfriend, Anthony's house, who lives in Sutton Place. Casey did not talk to Anthony about Caylee. As to why Casey never called the police, Casey thought she could handle this herself. Casey was scared that something would happen to Caylee if Casey notified the authorities or got the media involved. Or her parents which she knew would have done the same thing. Fear of the potential, Caylee getting hurt, of not seeing Caylee again. Is there any underline cause to why Zenaida would've taken Caylee? No nothing that , she loves Caylee and how great a kid she is., Casey No 1-0721.pdf

I am re-listening to the Universal interview and, IMO, this is the first attempt by KC to start to change the nanny story to suit the circumstances better. She has initially told YM and JA that she left Caylee with ZFG at Sawgrass Apartments #210. YM starts to explain to her how they know everything is a lie and that the apartment she says she dropped her off at has been empty for months and KC makes her first change. She switches to she dropped Caylee off at the steps. This, IMO, shows her first attempt to mold the ZFG story as she was learning just what LE had figured out. Later came the JBP story and of course the ZFG was keeping her while she got their things together story.
Please forgive me if this has been discussed recently, there are so many topics regarding the "nanny" and such. I recall details of ICA having a resume in her car (a "work bag" if memory serves me correctly) of having her listed as a NANNY. Interesting topic for dialog in the nanny category because I would like us to discuss why the resume and why a "nanny' as the interested employment choice. ICA obviously didn't like having the responsibly of having a child around IMO. Thanks in advance!
Red bolding mine.
Sound like a threat from someone we know? :twocents: Could be part of "the fight" that occurred at the Anthony house according to a neighbor, motive whether the threat was to be truly carried out of not... for Caylees disappearance.

Sergeant Reginald Hosey testified it was Cindy Casey feared taking Caylee.

Yes it does, never looked at it that way before but Casey always references real life, it's the only way she can keep her lies straight. Might even pass a lie detector like that...all lies based on facts.
Relistening to the Universal tapes. About to get to the part where JA asks if Caylee took a cab there...lOL

I laughed out loud when I heard that on the audio interview. Still find it funny. He seemed to saying are you really that stupid or do you think we are.
Relistening to the Universal tapes. About to get to the part where JA asks if Caylee took a cab there...lOL

I laughed out loud when I heard that on the audio interview. Still find it funny. He seemed to saying are you really that stupid or do you think we are.

See, this is where I can understand the legal argument that she should have understood at that point (as a "reasonable person" would have understood) that she was a suspect, that she was not "free to leave" and that essentially she was in shoulder-deep doo-doo as far as LE was concerned.

The questioning in the room at Universal turned adversarial IMO and while I hope with every bit of my being that KC is held responsible for every.single.thing. she did to Caylee, I think legally HHJP will rule out the Universal tape.

Which still leaves the SA with plenty of circumstantial evidence (31 days, party pix, KC's written statement on July 16, etc etc). I would rather have His Honor throw out the Universal tape and have this case be iron-clad re: appeals, than have him include something that might result in a later overturn on appeal.


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