The Pontiac - "Revisted" #1

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I am starting to wonder if George went home alone, and did a lot of cleaning. Cindy said that she went back to work for a few hours, I think she went back to work after she left the tow yard and George went home alone. I am starting to wnder at what point did Cindy know about the smell. It would seem to me that if she knew about the smell at the tow yard she would not have went back to work, so George had some time alone with that car. It has benn said that George is the one that cleans cars to the point of "detailing". When Cindy did get home and the smell hit her that is when she called Amy.

I think she would go back to her normal routine as she had been for days while knowing Caylee was gone; They kept everything same as to not alert anyone that something is different. MOO
Moving a stanky car into the garage filled with storage bins (all over in there!), food (the freezer), laundry facilities, cleaning supplies, access to the house where the smell could permeate every item surrounding it is NOT a "thinking move" it is a "hiding move." They put the car in the garage to hide it. They took the battery out to keep Casey from taking it, they say, but truly only a little bit of searching would have found it. You don't put a car battery anywhere but onto the floor or workbench so that the acid inside does not seep out onto whatever is underneath. The rain, therefore, was not the reason the Anthony's put the car into the garage. George drove home in the rain, true enough. But each time one catches oneself saying "man, I'd have done....." and the Anthony's have done something else, it isn't because they're too stupid to figure out what others would have done. It is because they are deliberately doing the opposite to keep a secret, whatever that secret might be. This time, it was the car. I don't believe they were ever going to say anything about the stench in that car. I believe they thought they'd get Casey and Caylee home and whatever Casey might have killed would have remained a mystery they would help cover up. Only, it became Caylee that was missing, added to that smell, multiplied a million times by Casey refusing to relieve her mother's panic by saying where she was.
And the walls came tumbling down.

This makes perfect sense, debs. I believe the Anthonys were absolutely panic stricken about the smell in the car. In fact CA told Amy that before they opened the trunk, they actually believed either Caylee or Casey was "stuffed in the trunk." Yet IIRC, before calling 911 or finding Casey, Cindy washes Casey's pants that she finds in the back seat.

First of all, I would think that laundry would be the last thing on CA's mind when both Caylee and Casey were still missing! There were lots of stinky things in that car. Why only try to salvage the pants?

And what if Casey was the one that ended up missing? Are we to believe that before ever finding her daughter, Cindy would actually wash one of the last items of clothing Casey was seen wearing? Logic says she wasn't worried about Casey but for Casey.

All right, here's what happened. 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, brings the car home, pizza smell in the back trunk. No evidence of Caylee, no evidence of Casey.

I didn't have any issues, did I? What time did I make the 911 call? Ok? I found a pair of pants in the back seat. And, by the way, the two pair of shoes were left in the back seat.

I took the pants out, threw them in the wash with other wash that I had that day, not knowing that that might become evidence...
Another thing...Why would the A's pull the Pontiac into the garage, shut the garage and let the awful odor (their words) seep into the house? Why not leave it out in the driveway to "air out"? The A's have said they removed the battery because KC might steal it? The battery was gone, KC would have had to push it anywhere she went, I don't buy that story either. I think they were busy as bees behind closed doors. JMO.

I think so too.
Today I'm listening again to the Cindy FBI Interviews (what fun :eek:). Yesterday I read the Lee OCSO LE interview. Between the two, I noticed two things I hadn't noticed before, and the two are related.

One is that Casey may have had access to the car and all the evidence in/on it after the sheriffs got to the house on July 15.

The second is about the lanyard that Cindy has said that Jesse G stole. Actually I have questions about the lanyard based on noticing a few things about it I had previously dismissed.

Here are the notes I've taken so far. When I get to the part where Cindy accuses Jesse of stealing the lanyard, I'll add more info.

This info is from Cindy FBI Interviews from Part 2 of 11 at approx 11:40 (

July 15 - Lanyard is a Universal work ID with shamrock beads on it that Cindy claims came up missing and that Jesse G stole.

Cindy says:

- Casey wore lanyard all the time. Why would Casey wear this all the time? To help bolster her lie that she was working at Universal?

- lanyard was very distinctive with the shamrock beads going all around it.

- Casey had lanyard since she "graduated from" high school. Where did Casey get these shamrock beads? Why was it so meaningful to her, if indeed it was meaningful to her?

- lanyard was in Casey's bag in the front seat of the car, but Cindy had moved it to the top of an ice chest that was by the washer and dryer in the garage along with Caylee's baby doll so they could air out from "the stench that was in the car".

- lanyard was there when the sheriffs were there, and the bag was inventoried with Cindy and the sheriffs.

- Casey never had an opportunity to go into the garage because from the time we got home, I (Cindy) kep' 'er with me or Lee kep' 'er with him, up until the sheriffs got there then they kep' 'er with them.

At this point, Cindy segues into talking about Amy.

From Lee's OCSO LE interview:

Lee says that he met with Casey in the garage after the sheriffs got there while he was waiting to go get Casey's stuff from Tony Lazarro's place. He said because of the smell coming from the car which was in the garage with the windows and trunk open, he had to keep going in the house to get away from the smell.

This would leave Casey in the garage with the car alone, windows and trunk open, with the lanyard, as well as with all other evidence!!

- If this is the case, then why of all things would she take the Universal ID with shamrock beads??

- Why was that so important to her?

- Is it/could it be evidence in some way??

- Where the hell is it??

- How could she stand the smell of the garage? Unless she so desperately wanted to get some evidence out of the car that she was willing to tolerate the smell to get to it. But all we know of that she may have taken was the lanyard!!

- You know what's haunting me right now? Casey's remark about "They haven't even found Caylee's clothes yet." Could she have taken Caylee's clothes from the car and hid them during this time???

- Who's lying here? Cindy that Casey *was never* in the garage alone? Or Lee that Casey *was* in the garage alone?

Your thoughts, ideas, opinions, any more info?


ETA: Well, I started a thread for this so we could all analyze

- whether took evidence from the car or garage on the night of July 15

- whether that evidence might have been Caylee's clothes

- what the significance of the lanyard might be if she took it because it was evidence

Also I thought a separate thread was appropriate to gather together information related solely to whether or not Casey had taken evidence from the car that night, and if so, what might have happened to it.

Within what must have been seconds of me starting the thread, it was killed, and my post moved here.
ITA with EllieMae that CA went back to work (this fits the timeline). She didn't know about the smell yet. GA went home. IIRC they got the car early afternoon right? How about GA throws the pants in the washer while he works on the car and whatever else is in there, CA dries them later.

CA comes home, "George! What died? It's the pizza right?" noooo that doesn't fit unless he told her about the smell earlier. Maybe she knew about the smell because she talked to him but hadn't actually smelled it. She tells him to go to work that "I will take care of this" while she is on the phone to Amy (number found on paper in car), car mostly cleaned out.

GA leaves for work (or wherever he went), CA gets Amy then KC, then 911 calls. While on 911 call, talks to GA on another phone. He calls LA who comes over. Later GA returns home around 10PM from work.

Does this fit? PS GA disconnected battery (on the 16th I believe, next day) but didn't remove it from the car. He knew KC had already gone somewhere in the car and didn't want that to happen again. Check the pings for July 15 and 16.
PS GA disconnected battery (on the 16th I believe, next day) but didn't remove it from the car. He knew KC had already gone somewhere in the car and didn't want that to happen again. Check the pings for July 15 and 16.


CCM: Are you speculating here? Or, is this sourced info? I'm not current on the docs.

Asking because we went through the pings on 7/16 a week or so ago and noted what appeared to be a jaunt over to Lee's 7/16 around 11:30AM just before Yuri called and came to get Casey.
Bringing this over from the "KC Borrowed Cindy's car thread" where we worked out the 7/15 timeline relative to opportunity for G&C to clean the Pontiac either together or on their own...not perfect, but, seems like lotsa discussion on this thread re: same, so thought this might help...I cleaned it up just a bit.

Originally Posted by BondJamesBond

~1:55PM Cindy & George wrapping up @ the towyard
~2:30PM George's HHR (Cindy driving) goes through the last toll on their way home w/ the Pontiac (George driving)
>2:30PM Cindy and George get home w/ the Pontiac
<5:10PM George leaves for work based on EPass record of his HHR

Casey's pings support...
~2:30PM Casey met Amy @ the airport
~3:20PM Casey & Amy leave the airport area after presumably picking up luggage

4:02PM Casey sends Amy a facebook message, "so glad you’re home.i better not see you is on hold until tomorrow" suggesting Amy has now dropped her off @ Tony's.

#:##PM Amy returns to the airport and picks up the boys
5:22PM Amy texts Casey about her camera being returned to her apt. instead of Casey's...indicating Amy made it to her apt.
~5:30PM Amy and J.P. goto Mall
#:##PM Cindy calls Amy
>6:17PM Cindy picks up Amy after going through airport toll per EPass
>6:30PM-7PM Cindy and Amy show up @ Tony's apt (my guess based on last outbound ping before 9:27PM Tony calling Amy w/ Casey's phone that was left @ his apartment)
8:44PM Cindy makes 911 call

Epass for convenient reference:
George's-only-focused on 7/15:
G&C's for both June & July:


Depending on whether or not Cindy went back to work (understand she may state that, but, I dunno if it has been corroborated):

George has between ~>2:30PM to <5:10PM to work on the Pontiac 7/15. George may have had ~1hr+ of this time on his own depending on whether or not Cindy went back to work (see below).

Cindy likley had ~1 hour on her own w/ the Pontiac between ~>5:10PM and <6:17PM, 7/15, when she left to go get Amy. OR, up to ~3hrs total...with George up to <5:10PM depending on whether she went back to Gentiva after getting home w/ George ~>2:30PM or not. Note: High confidence that Cindy left from home to get Amy @ the mall based on Cindy passing the airport toll (vs. leaving from Gentiva).

IF we give Cindy the benefit of the doubt, it is plausble she left for Gentiva almost immediately after getting home (say, 3PM if she threw some things in the laundry to wash while she was out) and then returned home before hunting down Amy ~6PM. Note: There are no tolls on the typical route between G&C's & Gentiva, hence, no way to lock this down.

That's not to say they did or didn't have the opportunity to do something 7/16 before the Pontiac was picked up by LE...just looked @ 7/15 info for this dive.

Hope that helps.
Just wanted to note that I'm listening to the FBI interview tapes of Cindy today, as I posted the other day I would. Sorry it's taken me this long to get to them.

This was to confirm (or deny lol) whether Cindy said she had gone looking for Casey for "a couple hours" on the afternoon of July 15.

Okay, after listening to the tapes all day (yes all day, listened to some parts more than once :eek:), I was incorrect that Cindy said she looked for Casey. She indeed said she went back to work.

I apologize for my mistake.

Note on something else for the timeline possibly(?) raw video fbi interviews cindy anthony part 10 of 11 approx 15:47

12 to 12:30 george calls cindy and tells her the registered letter is from the tow yard, that the car's been towed.

Cindy leaves casey a voice mail, and thinks they may have spoken too. cindy tells casey that obviously she's not in jacksonville because the car's in orlando, that they just got a letter from the tow company, and that casey needed to call her.

Could this be why Casey texts Amy later in the afternoon and tells her 'life is on hold till tomorrow'?

Did Casey do anything to indicate she was panicked about Cindy and George knowing where the car was? Did she try to get to the car or find the car? This might give us an indication whether Caylee's body was still in the car.
Cindy also says when she got home from work, she hadn't heard back from Casey (but she said a couple minutes ago that they might have spoken!), so she got Amy's number from Amy's resume which was under Casey's bag in the front seat of the car.

The way Cindy words this, the bag and Amy's resume was still on the front seat (when she got home from work).

I'm going to go listen to the Cindy OCSO LE interview and see what Cindy says there. I'll add any more significant detail. I'll also try to find Casey's phone calls and texts to see if I can tell when Cindy called Casey, when Casey picked up that call, etc.

CCM: Are you speculating here? Or, is this sourced info? I'm not current on the docs.

Asking because we went through the pings on 7/16 a week or so ago and noted what appeared to be a jaunt over to Lee's 7/16 around 11:30AM just before Yuri called and came to get Casey.

I was referring to the 4:56AM (early morning of the 16th)ping quite a ways East of the A's normal pings by Chris S. house. The pings then return to a semi normal state back where they always ping by Hopespring, the N and the South tower with occasional ping to the W tower...

I just thought it pretty impossible for her phone to ping at home then several miles away at almost 5AM and then come home...

OH! Really great info above!! It looks like no matter what, one or both of the A's had significant time alone or together with the car!
Did Casey do anything to indicate she was panicked about Cindy and George knowing where the car was? Did she try to get to the car or find the car? This might give us an indication whether Caylee's body was still in the car.

BeanE, Excellent post. Appreciate the really took one for the team going into that mat'l :)

Very insightful question re: Casey's actions upon getting Cindy's call.

I took another look @ the call log & ping map for 7/15 (yet another big TY to Georgia PI).

First - we know Casey was @ Tony's playing video games when Amy & Cindy showed up around this suggests she certainly wasn't in a full-scale panic, IMHO. :)

~1PM Casey called Cindy and they had a ~4min conversation.
In just a couple of mins it looks like Casey is on the move (driving Amy's car). It looks like she maybe heading to the airport to pick up Amy ~2:30PM, but, she takes a circuitous route. This can best be viewed on the ping map.

It appears the 'busted' call comes from Cindy @ 1:11PM after Casey is already on the move. It then appears Casey heads up to Ricardo & Amy's apartment area and then from there down to the airport. There are some efforts to contact Will, Jesse, as well as Cassidy and Erika in the mix FWIW.
I have been thinking&#8230;.
Two things about the A's going back to work on July 15.
If they were going to be home why take the battery out of the car so it could not be taken?
Someone at both Cindy's and George&#8217;s work would be able to verify if they came back to work or not.

The main question is did someone clean the trunk out because they only found one hair in the trunk.

The car was not taken right away by LE on July 15 but was towed on the July 16th. I do not recall if there is any documentation to when that took place. We do know that Johnson&#8217;s was called to come and pick up the car from the A&#8217;s home. Johnson&#8217;s is one of the designated towing company&#8217;s that do contract work for OCSO.

What initiated the car being towed at that point?
Apparently GA told LE about the garbage in the back of the trunk because it was retrieved from the tow yard the night of July 16 as per Simone B. statement in his interview. The question is when did GA impart this information to LE.

Casey was arrested about 5:00PM on July 16 and up until that time LE was still treating this case as strictly a kidnapping. The car was not an issue.

I would think that had GA said anything to LE about the smell in the car he would have done so the night of July15 and the car trunk would have been sealed and the car taken a lot sooner than 24 hours later. Since the bag of garbage was not retrieved from the tow yard until later on night of July 16th I would have to assume that nothing was said. So to me that means that the car was not an issue the night of July 15 or even the early morning hours of July 16 and not really paid attention to by LE at all until it was towed later in the day on July 16th and the bag was retrieved from the yard.
If this is the case Cindy, George or Lee could have cleaned out the trunk anytime LE left after bringing Casey back from her tour of Orlando with the officers. IIRC that was at approximately 7:00AM and they did not come back to pick her up to take her to Universal until about noon on July 16. If there was no LE still at the home between 7AM and noon that would be a more ideal time to when the car could have been cleaned.

This is all speculation. We would have to go over the reports by LE to see if there is a way to discern when someone from LE was at the A&#8217;s home and if there was in fact an opportunity open for the car to be cleaned.

I have to get back to the kitchen.

I posted this on the 'Casey Borrowered Cindy's car' thread but it has more relevance here.
OK, so here is my speculation of the route Casey was following to pick up Amy, beginning approximately 1:00PM, based on cell pings and direction of pings to cell towers:

1:00 PM - leave AL's. Must make a right turn and head east. It is clear from pings to tower 58 she gets as far as Goldenrod, where it appears she pulls a U-turn to head west. This is the desired direction, because she wants to get onto Semoran. Tower 46 pings from Tony's and University as she heads west.

1:08 PM - left turn from University onto Semoran. Pings to tower 51 at 1:10 to 1:11 consistent with this location.

1:15 PM - Cross 408, continue to head south. Pings at 1:15 and 1:17 to north side of tower 30 consistent with this.

For some reason at this point Casey decides she needs to stop by Ric / Amy's place. So she loops back towards their apartment.

1:19 PM - Right turn onto Lake Margaret, heading west in the vicinity of the Sawgrass Apartments. Pings to north side of tower 24 consistent with this.

1:22 PM - Right turn onto S. Conway (15) heading north past Sawgrass.

1:28 PM - Left onto Curry Ford (stuck at light), heading west.

1:30 PM - Right onto S. Crystal Lake, heading north.

1:34 PM - Left onto E. Robinson to Ric / Amy's

1:35 PM to 1:41 PM - At Ric / Amy's (park, go in, get something, come out, leave). Pings to cell towers at this time consistent with this location.

Now she needs to get onto S. Orange to head toward airport. Takes back roads to avoid traffic.

1:43 PM - Left on Summerlin, heading south.

1:45 PM - Right on Briercliff, heading west - ping to cell tower 28 at 13:45:24 consistent with this location.

1:47 PM - Left on Delaney, heading south

1:51 PM - Right on E. Michigan, heading east (had to wait for cars ahead to make right).

1:54 PM - Left on S. Orange, heading S. toward airport (had to wait for left turn light).

1:55 PM - Passes Cast Iron Tatoos as she is driving south on Orange. The pings from 1:54:19 to 1:56:03 bounce between two cell towers very close to this location. The cell ID's of these two towers place her in a very specific 1 mile stretch of S. Orange (and no other road) at this time.

2:04 PM - Left onto E. Sand Lake / McCoy toward Beachline Expw, heading east towards airport. Pings at 2:06 from tower 9 consistent with this location.

Remaining pings (including again cell direction) to 2:31:52 PM are very consistent with Casey entering aiport from the south. This means she would turn right onto Boggy Creek and then left onto the S. Access Road. At 2:32 she is either at or very close to the terminal pick up area.

Now, people will love speculating about the following. There are 10 minutes of "fat" in the pings driving this route. Pings at 2:21 to 2:24 still place her on Boggy Creek, southwest of the airport. Maybe she stopped to put some gas in Amy's car, but she stopped somewhere for about 10 minutes.
I have been thinking….
Two things about the A's going back to work on July 15.
If they were going to be home why take the battery out of the car so it could not be taken?
Someone at both Cindy's and George’s work would be able to verify if they came back to work or not.

The main question is did someone clean the trunk out because they only found one hair in the trunk.

I think someone did clean it out, but I think it was Casey on the 20th when she backed into her parent's garage for the last time.
I think someone did clean it out, but I think it was Casey on the 20th when she backed into her parent's garage for the last time.

The backing into the garage could very well have been to clean the trunk. I keep getting stuck on the June 24 gas can day. If the trunk was already cleaned out on June 20th then why all the drama with GA about not letting him into the trunk. Could it have just be the stain that she could not get out and she was afraid that he would see it. She lied about so many other things how hard would it have been to make up something about a stain. Heck she could had told him just about anything. The takeout food container spilled.
My gut tells me that there was something in the trunk that Casey did not want George to see? Something that would have made GA shake off his normal state of being controlled by Cindy and take a stand. It was just not about the gas cans.

Just My opinion on this.
OK, so here is my speculation of the route Casey was following to pick up Amy, beginning approximately 1:00PM, based on cell pings and direction of pings to cell towers:

1:00 PM - leave AL's. Must make a right turn and head east. It is clear from pings to tower 58 she gets as far as Goldenrod, where it appears she pulls a U-turn to head west. This is the desired direction, because she wants to get onto Semoran. Tower 46 pings from Tony's and University as she heads west.

1:08 PM - left turn from University onto Semoran. Pings to tower 51 at 1:10 to 1:11 consistent with this location.

1:15 PM - Cross 408, continue to head south. Pings at 1:15 and 1:17 to north side of tower 30 consistent with this.

For some reason at this point Casey decides she needs to stop by Ric / Amy's place. So she loops back towards their apartment.

1:19 PM - Right turn onto Lake Margaret, heading west in the vicinity of the Sawgrass Apartments. Pings to north side of tower 24 consistent with this.

1:22 PM - Right turn onto S. Conway (15) heading north past Sawgrass.

1:28 PM - Left onto Curry Ford (stuck at light), heading west.

1:30 PM - Right onto S. Crystal Lake, heading north.

1:34 PM - Left onto E. Robinson to Ric / Amy's

1:35 PM to 1:41 PM - At Ric / Amy's (park, go in, get something, come out, leave). Pings to cell towers at this time consistent with this location.

Now she needs to get onto S. Orange to head toward airport. Takes back roads to avoid traffic.

1:43 PM - Left on Summerlin, heading south.

1:45 PM - Right on Briercliff, heading west - ping to cell tower 28 at 13:45:24 consistent with this location.

1:47 PM - Left on Delaney, heading south

1:51 PM - Right on E. Michigan, heading east (had to wait for cars ahead to make right).

1:54 PM - Left on S. Orange, heading S. toward airport (had to wait for left turn light).

1:55 PM - Passes Cast Iron Tatoos as she is driving south on Orange. The pings from 1:54:19 to 1:56:03 bounce between two cell towers very close to this location. The cell ID's of these two towers place her in a very specific 1 mile stretch of S. Orange (and no other road) at this time.

2:04 PM - Left onto E. Sand Lake / McCoy toward Beachline Expw, heading east towards airport. Pings at 2:06 from tower 9 consistent with this location.

Remaining pings (including again cell direction) to 2:31:52 PM are very consistent with Casey entering aiport from the south. This means she would turn right onto Boggy Creek and then left onto the S. Access Road. At 2:32 she is either at or very close to the terminal pick up area.

Now, people will love speculating about the following. There are 10 minutes of "fat" in the pings driving this route. Pings at 2:21 to 2:24 still place her on Boggy Creek, southwest of the airport. Maybe she stopped to put some gas in Amy's car, but she stopped somewhere for about 10 minutes.

Just a thought, maybe she wasn't getting something from Amy/Ric's, maybe she was returning something. Wasn't it that morning that she cashed Amy's check at BOA?
Just a thought, maybe she wasn't getting something from Amy/Ric's, maybe she was returning something. Wasn't it that morning that she cashed Amy's check at BOA?

I don't know when she cashed that check, but it is plausible she dropped something off. In fact, that would make more sense. She was there very briefly, indicating that she did not look around for long. If all she had to do was drop something off she could get in/out quickly.
BeanE, Excellent post. Appreciate the really took one for the team going into that mat'l :)

Very insightful question re: Casey's actions upon getting Cindy's call.

I took another look @ the call log & ping map for 7/15 (yet another big TY to Georgia PI).

First - we know Casey was @ Tony's playing video games when Amy & Cindy showed up around this suggests she certainly wasn't in a full-scale panic, IMHO. :)

~1PM Casey called Cindy and they had a ~4min conversation.
In just a couple of mins it looks like Casey is on the move (driving Amy's car). It looks like she maybe heading to the airport to pick up Amy ~2:30PM, but, she takes a circuitous route. This can best be viewed on the ping map.

It appears the 'busted' call comes from Cindy @ 1:11PM after Casey is already on the move. It then appears Casey heads up to Ricardo & Amy's apartment area and then from there down to the airport. There are some efforts to contact Will, Jesse, as well as Cassidy and Erika in the mix FWIW.

I'm sorry again for my error on what Cindy said. I have gone back over the OCSO calls yet. I needed a break from her. I will do that this afternoon.

A note - Tony and his roomie were playing video games. Casey was on her laptop. Lee said when he got to Tony's night of the 15th, her laptop was bluescreened. LE tells Cindy the reason they've held her laptop so long is because a lot was deleted. So I think some panic there with whatever was on the laptop :eek:

I went over the calls/text messages too. I have some trouble figuring out what they mean. I know sms is a text message. I have trouble telling when somebody is leaving a voice mail.

The document I used is:

I see the 1:11 call you reference. Right after she has some calls back and forth with Cassidy, who she's been talking with all day, so no panic there. Then she as soon as she can, she makes a call to the local 411. I wonder if she's trying to get the number for the tow yard:
1:30 call begins - Casey to Local 411.......190 seconds

Are these text messages?:
4:27 sms ends - Cindy to Casey........... 0
4:44 sms begins - Casey to Cindy........... 0
4:45 sms ends - Cindy to Casey........... 0
4:48 sms begins - Casey to Cindy........... 0

If text, do we have what they say? Is this when Cindy came home from work? Cindy says she didn't hear back from Casey, so when she got home from work, she finds Amy's resume w/phone # in the car, and calls Amy.

After these text messages, Casey has a 'flurry' of calls/texts with Mark H. Mark calls her back several times. Do we have info on what they talked about? Was she trying to get out of town? Could that be why her bond was so high?

I always have more questions than answers :(

I'm going to listen to those Cindy OCSO tapes, and I'll also see what I can find about what Casey and Mark H talked about on those phone calls.

Bond, did you see my post yesterday about Casey being alone with the car (and all its evidence) in the garage (according to Lee) and hence her opportunity to remove evidence? Could I have your thoughts on it please?


Forgot to mention that Casey cashed that $250 check at Bank of America afternoon of July 15th, and wrote a bad check at Winn Dixie. I think the times were 2:30 and 6:30 respectively, but I wouldn't swear to it in a court of law ;)
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