The Trash Bag in Casey's Trunk

I lost my breath when I read the title to this thread. :(

LP talked about this on NG. He said that the bag retrieved from Casey's trunk had residue on it which was most likely bodily fluids.

lurk, that is how I too remember it. LP said Body Fluids.
Turbo isn't being rude. It is just frustrating to us who have followed the case from day 31 and to have people insist we go back to dig through all the threads to find their answers...when they were here and read them just like we did. We are tired of spending our time looking up things we have already covered to prove or disprove their points.

You will not find any final results on the items mentioned above because LE is not going to release those except at trial. Again, if it is part of the ongoing investigation or things that will be used as direct evidence against Casey...we are not going to see it in the doc dumps.

I have been here and never read about blood being found in the trunk.
maybe rereading is necessary....IDK.
I remember reading about it as well.
Turbo isn't being rude. It is just frustrating to us who have followed the case from day 31 and to have people insist we go back to dig through all the threads to find their answers...when they were here and read them just like we did. We are tired of spending our time looking up things we have already covered to prove or disprove their points.

You will not find any final results on the items mentioned above because LE is not going to release those except at trial. Again, if it is part of the ongoing investigation or things that will be used as direct evidence against Casey...we are not going to see it in the doc dumps.

It's also frustrating for people who have also followed the case for the same amount of time and do not recall seeing anything that states blood and tissue was found. Where did you read it if it wasn't in the doc dumps? I'm not trying to be snarky, but I, like many others, have not seen where it has been stated blood and tissue was found. It may be speculated, but that is completely different.
Turbo isn't being rude. It is just frustrating to us who have followed the case from day 31 and to have people insist we go back to dig through all the threads to find their answers...when they were here and read them just like we did. We are tired of spending our time looking up things we have already covered to prove or disprove their points.

You will not find any final results on the items mentioned above because LE is not going to release those except at trial. Again, if it is part of the ongoing investigation or things that will be used as direct evidence against Casey...we are not going to see it in the doc dumps.

You are mistaken - I never asked anyone to look for anything for me. I also have been following the case from day one and I respect you enough not to get snippy since I enjoy your posts and I don't want to get banned. It is not okay to treat other posters like they don't understand just because they don't have thousands of posts under their belt.

All I said was that I never ever never heard that it is a fact that they found her blood and body fluid in the car.
Originally Posted by Mendara
I understand that. I think you guys are getting upset for no reason. I just don't remember any results coming out on that stain. I may be wrong but I never read that they matched her DNA and found her blood in the car. I only read about the hair and air.

I don't think anyone is getting upset at all. If you read GA's statements there is a lot about the stain.

I know what George said, but I am looking for fact not speculation. If the stain is a bodily fluid stain and they matched it to caylee it would have been in the reports. Why would they keep that close to the vest? She is in jail her trial begins in a month.

Maybe they are keeping it from the media, but Casey, her lawyer and the A's must know.

All we can go on is their past behavior and our own common sense. They *know* a lot of things but that hasn't stopped them from continuing their media blitz and crusade. They won't stop until they're shut down. And that will probably happen at trial. Just because they don't acknowledge certain facts doesn't mean they haven't been told. I don't know the truth and I don't have any links, but I do know they constantly contradict LE and the FBI when the facts are glaring. So I don't put it past them.

LE has enormous restraint for not going to the media daily to refute the lies. They can't. We'll see what happens if this trial ever gets going.
It makes no sense though that George should have seen these tissue samples on the outside of this fluid covered maggot filled bag, but Simon who also knows what a dead body smells like and knows these raving lunatics are talking about a missing family member picked the bag up and threw it away and didn't call LE until he saw Caylee missing on the news. Either this was a distinctive crime scene with blood, fluid, tissue and maggots or it wasn't.
Since Simon didn't call 911 to turn that car in when he smelled what he smelled and saw what he saw...I would say he may have been a bit apprehensive about telling them later since he went ahead and let George take that car in that condition. As it has turned out, it IS part of a crime scene.
Where's the kind here! I think we should be happy to know our sluething on this subject struck a nerve in us to produce thoughts of " If Caylee were found " I don't think I'm the only one that has noticed waves of new memberships after doc dumps. Lets be helpful and remember we were new to WB at one time.
All we can go on is their past behavior and our own common sense. They *know* a lot of things but that hasn't stopped them from continuing their media blitz and crusade. They won't stop until they're shut down. And that will probably happen at trial. Just because they don't acknowledge certain facts doesn't mean they haven't been told. I don't know the truth and I don't have any links, but I do know they constantly contradict LE and the FBI when the facts are glaring. So I don't put it past them.

LE has enormous restraint for not going to the media daily to refute the lies. They can't. We'll see what happens if this trial ever gets going.

I agree. The trial should be revealing.
All we can go on is their past behavior and our own common sense. They *know* a lot of things but that hasn't stopped them from continuing their media blitz and crusade. They won't stop until they're shut down. And that will probably happen at trial. Just because they don't acknowledge certain facts doesn't mean they haven't been told. I don't know the truth and I don't have any links, but I do know they constantly contradict LE and the FBI when the facts are glaring. So I don't put it past them.

LE has enormous restraint for not going to the media daily to refute the lies. They can't. We'll see what happens if this trial ever gets going.

I hope it stops at trial.I recall the Entwhistle's tirade after their son was convicted.The Peterson's,too. If anything,the A's are even more determined to keep it up.
I agree. The trial should be revealing.

Yup. Any normal, moral family would've been stopped at *death band*. But they're still on the gravy train. Geez, the Ants will probably retire to Aruba after the guilty verdict with all the proceeds from licensing little Caylee. CA and GA to KC: See ya... wouldn't wanna be ya!
You are mistaken - I never asked anyone to look for anything for me. I also have been following the case from day one and I respect you enough not to get snippy since I enjoy your posts and I don't want to get banned. It is not okay to treat other posters like they don't understand just because they don't have thousands of posts under their belt.

All I said was that I never ever never heard that it is a fact that they found her blood and body fluid in the car.
Sorry. It isn't you. Don't mean to be "snippy" with anyone. I will go dig through thousands of posts here to find what we are talking about so we can continue this one way or the other.

It was mentioned about them testing the findings in the trunk and what the specific tests were for. The fact there was no mention in the doc dump only says that they are not willing to release that information which to me...further confirms the testing was positive. If it were negative for blood and bodily fluids, they would not have a problem releasing it.
He did know there was NO pizza. He said it early on. When one has contacts in LE, one has information. If you remember the FBI guy said "you could take LP's word to the bank."

He has tight ties with LE and he has the information. I just wish he would share more of it. LOL

I don't know if they still feel that way..I question how much they trust/believe him, since they asked him to take a polygraph...I think lots has changed, unfortunately:(

However, I DO hope that they have more evidence...I'm sure we all do
The FBI told him they would let him take it there on TV. All those arrangements were made before her left. The FBI has offices in most cities.Geeshhhhhhhhhhh

That is bull about "if he returns" to Florida. Got a link to any of that?
Unless it has been recently they have not contacted him yet to take it. They have to set it up and then you go into their office.

Well heck, Turbo LOL, isn't that just like you to demand proof before you believe! What a stickler. (That's a compliment, btw).

What I was trying to say in my original post is that the FBI will let LP take a lie detector anywhere LP chooses--if he chooses to take one. If he doesn't choose to take one, LE won't force the issue, unless LP actually returns to Orlando to continue his search, in which case he isn't going to have a choice. They'll insist.

Re the bolded portion, I'll give you my "link" via PM. And I won't even ask you to retract the "bull" remark here afterward. :blowkiss: Check your PM anytime after 5 minutes.
What do I *think* it is, purge from the corpse of Caylee Anthony.

What have we seen it confirmed to be? Haven't seen anything confirming the source of the stain. Maybe I missed something from a legitimate source, but to my knowledge it *could* be anything.

If they have blood and tissue they would have DNA that is not dependent on deducing that it could only come from Casey or Caylee and we know one of them is alive. Keep in mind the protesters and the CHAOS around this case, Casey being out on bond because they couldn't go to a grand jury with the evidence in hand yet. If they had blood source DNA this would have been shut down earlier and with much less drama, chaos and debate.

my thoughts exactly....

And speaking generally I also have followed this case carefully from the beginning, and still can't find where they found blood in the car. I heard a rumor about tissue, but just that- a rumor. I have never found it released in a report. I could be mistaken, but I've never seen anything of the sort, and I've paid close attention. I've yet to see any evidence of it in the reports...

So it's not just you guys:) I don't remember it, either.
Awww, Thanks! :) I have spent much of the past 48 hours fighting a nasty virus and did not cherish the thought of trying to track things down today. I should just go back to bed now before I get in trouble. (sigh)
Yup. Any normal, moral family would've been stopped at *death band*. But they're still on the gravy train. Geez, the Ants will probably retire to Aruba after the guilty verdict with all the proceeds from licensing little Caylee. CA and GA to KC: See ya... wouldn't wanna be ya!

There are many people in my family that I would not call scientifically inclined. A single hair with a deathband would not be convincing to them at all. They would be much more convinced by Casey's behavior and lack of emotion, but the air test and deathband would be heard as "blah blah blah".
Yes I would be. But what are the legal requirements? To notify the next of kin, who would be KC at this point in time. Do you think KC passed that info. on to the A's? And if she did, CA would dismiss it as only SCIENCE. It's like talking to brick walls.
LE has told the A's they don't believe Klee is alive. If the A's were to act as if Klee weren't alive before trial, that would finish the case already for KC. :doh:

I don't know the legal requirements, but what an ironic joke that would be, if they only had to (or chose to) notify KC because she's the next of kin.
I have not seen any forensic test results of the basketball sized stain in the center of the trunk, over the spare tire cover. Of course, there are test results, we just haven't seen them yet and none of us know what caused the stain which could be "purge" or blood, or something else entirely.

While we have the information released by media requests pursuant to the Sunshine Law, we don't get to see everything as you know. LE gets to keep some things from the public. However, they do not get to keep it from Baez. So, he has the results from the tests performed on the stain. If there was any "tissue" found, he has that information as well. Yes, I know he hasn't picked up the disc with the "sightings" reports yet, but this bunch of documents is not where forensic test results would be filed or kept, so let's not get into a discussion about the tests results being available to him and he just hasn't bothered to pick them up from LE yet.

LP says a lot of little tid bits. It is hard to tell if he is speculating or has "inside" information. He said that Lee was Caylee's father and that the FBI knows who the father is. He didn't say that the FBI knows that Lee is the father. He believes the body was dumped in the Little Econ River, based upon things said by KC, a beaded cross hanging in a tree and songs she listened to while released on bond. He said thatCaylee died between 1:30 and 2:00am on the 16th without detailing why he believes this to be true. He said there was body "fluid" on the exterior of the bag. I believe that LP has good intuitions and that someone in LE has given him some information that was heard being discussed by investigators. He is putting the pieces of information together and making conclusions. But even he does not have the whole picture yet.

I have never heard that any human "tissue" was found nor any blood. I have never seen the results of the luminol tests in the house or car. I haven't seen Annie's statement. I haven't seen LE search for a body. WE haven't gotten everything that LE and the FBI have collected.

I have no clue as to why TM says that the body is not findable. One day he is going to search until she is found, then he leaves and says that he has 100 searchers who will continue the search, then says she is not findable. Mixed messages.

I have no idea why LP would wait until the trial was in progress before continuing his search of the Little Econ River. What I do know is that it is not because LE wants him to take a polygraph. They can't force him to do this at all and he has already stated that he will take one.

Grand Juries will indict anyone for anything so I do not think that taking only 30 minutes for a decision tells us anything in particular about the evidence presented to them.

What I do know is that one of Caylee's hairs was found which showed decompostion and from what I understand, "banding" does not occur from anything but decomp. I do not know if banding also occurs if a piece of scalp with hair is taken from a living person and then decays. If anyone can enlighten me on this, I would appreciate it.

Look at the photos of the bag in the dumpster. The photo shows 2 bags, just alike and side by side in the dumpster. Is there more than one bag??

I think that KC took trash from people's houses, dumpsters, etc. to find personal information, bank account numbers,etc. AL's trash just had not been sorted yet, so she kept it for later. She hadn't stolen from AL and his friends, yet. (don't count using his car and gas without permission).

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