The truck incident


LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
Staff member
Feb 16, 2006
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Speaking of the truck incident, here are the court docs (see attached) for your perusal.


  • warren-gary-ethics-2007-489.pdf
    19.8 KB · Views: 19
  • warren-gary-truck-2007-489.pdf
    30.2 KB · Views: 15
  • welsh-ethics-complaint2009-094.pdf
    19.8 KB · Views: 18
Speaking of the truck incident, here are the court docs (see attached) for your perusal.

So, on March 20, Silar was brought in for questioning about an on-going criminal investigation. During the questioning, Silar mentioned that she needed to sell the truck, and she and Gary negotiated the deal. Apparently, Silar was hesitant, and didn't immediately agree to the sale. Later in the afternoon, on the same day, Silar is arrested for the issuance of bad checks. On March 29, Gary contacted the prison warden (Terrie Gulliory) and, through him, informed Silar that her truck was about to exceed the 10 day holding period, and would be towed. Silar tells Gary (I assume through Guillory) that she is still interested in selling her truck. So Guillory is the go-between here.

Exactly 10 days from the time she is arrested (wonder of wonders, considering the 10 day holding period on the truck!), Siler is released from jail and Gary purchases the truck for $8, 748. 90 . Odd amount, right? Here's how it breaks down: Silar still owed $5,541.77 on the truck. She needed $3,207.13 to give to the DA to pay off the bad checks. So Gary bought the truck by simply paying off Silars bank loan and adding the bad check charges to that. Total: $8,748.90 (It's interesting to note that, according to msm reports, Terrie Guillory accompanied Silar and Gary to the bank to complete the sale of the truck.)

On April 20, Gary sold the truck for $15,500.00. Net profit: $6,751.11 Not a bad chunk of change to make for 1 month of work, is it? we assume Gary & Co. had Silar picked up and held on the check charges in order to coerce her into selling her truck for chump change? I do. The question in my mind, though, is what did Terrie Guillory get out of the deal ? One might almost leap to the wild conclusion that what Guillory got out of the deal was the destruction of evidence, which may or may not, have been attached to said truck. But that would be crazy (and libelous!), so I'm certainly not going to say that. Perhaps he merely got a cut of the profit made on the truck. :dunno:
Shadow...the 3rd page you posted is in reference to the Welsh chief of police (I assume, Tommy Chaisson) and other members of WPD trading "security services" for reduced rent. Did you mean to post that here?

Either way, very interesting reading. :)
Shadow...the 3rd page you posted is in reference to the Welsh chief of police (I assume, Tommy Chaisson) and other members of WPD trading "security services" for reduced rent. Did you mean to post that here?

Either way, very interesting reading. :)

I had that filed under my Gary files. Though, no longer remember why I thought there was a connection. Will check my notes and get back to you.
I had that filed under my Gary files. Though, no longer remember why I thought there was a connection. Will check my notes and get back to you.

Sounds good.

If it turns out you filed it wrong, it's a happy coincidence for me. I've been digging up dirt on Chaisson, and had never heard about this incident. :)
Sounds good.

If it turns out you filed it wrong, it's a happy coincidence for me. I've been digging up dirt on Chaisson, and had never heard about this incident. :)
Looks like I filed it wrong. I was gathering court docs for my Jennings dirt pile, and must have accidentally placed it in the gary folder.
So, on March 20, Silar was brought in for questioning about an on-going criminal investigation. During the questioning, Silar mentioned that she needed to sell the truck, and she and Gary negotiated the deal. Apparently, Silar was hesitant, and didn't immediately agree to the sale. Later in the afternoon, on the same day, Silar is arrested for the issuance of bad checks. On March 29, Gary contacted the prison warden (Terrie Gulliory) and, through him, informed Silar that her truck was about to exceed the 10 day holding period, and would be towed. Silar tells Gary (I assume through Guillory) that she is still interested in selling her truck. So Guillory is the go-between here.

Exactly 10 days from the time she is arrested (wonder of wonders, considering the 10 day holding period on the truck!), Siler is released from jail and Gary purchases the truck for $8, 748. 90 . Odd amount, right? Here's how it breaks down: Silar still owed $5,541.77 on the truck. She needed $3,207.13 to give to the DA to pay off the bad checks. So Gary bought the truck by simply paying off Silars bank loan and adding the bad check charges to that. Total: $8,748.90 (It's interesting to note that, according to msm reports, Terrie Guillory accompanied Silar and Gary to the bank to complete the sale of the truck.)

On April 20, Gary sold the truck for $15,500.00. Net profit: $6,751.11 Not a bad chunk of change to make for 1 month of work, is it? we assume Gary & Co. had Silar picked up and held on the check charges in order to coerce her into selling her truck for chump change? I do. The question in my mind, though, is what did Terrie Guillory get out of the deal ? One might almost leap to the wild conclusion that what Guillory got out of the deal was the destruction of evidence, which may or may not, have been attached to said truck. But that would be crazy (and libelous!), so I'm certainly not going to say that. Perhaps he merely got a cut of the profit made on the truck. :dunno:

She mentions in questioning (about a murder?!) that she needs to sell her truck.

I've seem lots of interrogation videos (Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, etc) and even though the police sometimes are trying to act like the "friend" of the person they've brought in for questioning, I've never seen any line of questioning like "so, how's your life? Whatcha been up to? What are you worried about? Anything you're looking to sell" or whatever nonsense would lead to her wanting to sell her truck ever being brought up.

It also seems to reek of unprofessional-ism (if that's even a word) & smacks of conflict of interest that someone in LE would even consider buying an inmate/suspect's anything while the investigation was on going, let alone a potential piece of evidence in the case.

ETA: do we know who Gary sold the truck to? Could it possibly have been used as some type of blackmail (if there was physical evidence in/on the truck) that had to be bought?
She mentions in questioning (about a murder?!) that she needs to sell her truck.

I've seem lots of interrogation videos (Casey Anthony, Jodi Arias, etc) and even though the police sometimes are trying to act like the "friend" of the person they've brought in for questioning, I've never seen any line of questioning like "so, how's your life? Whatcha been up to? What are you worried about? Anything you're looking to sell" or whatever nonsense would lead to her wanting to sell her truck ever being brought up.

It also seems to reek of unprofessional-ism (if that's even a word) & smacks of conflict of interest that someone in LE would even consider buying an inmate/suspect's anything while the investigation was on going, let alone a potential piece of evidence in the case.

ETA: do we know who Gary sold the truck to? Could it possibly have been used as some type of blackmail (if there was physical evidence in/on the truck) that had to be bought?

The ex-wife of a LA state trooper. I'm assuming she lived in California, because didn't LE have to go there to retest the truck for evidence? :waitasec:

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