Theory #2: Family Abduction by George Waters with George Brody and/or Associates

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Dr. Doogie said:
The items discovered include an envelope that contained photographs from the local drug store. The pictures are not ther, but I just discovered a few negatives in the envelope. There is not anything directly suspicious about the images on the negatives (for instance, no pictures of Anna), but there does appear to be a picture of a man who may be Speder . I will have some pictures made and will post anything of interest.
I guess Dr Doogie is taking an early lunch to the One-Hour photo processing place.
SherlockJr said:
I guess Dr Doogie is taking an early lunch to the One-Hour photo processing place.
I have the pictures. I will send a scan of one of the pictures to Joe Ford and Annasbro to see if the man in the photo is the "wild man" this evening.
Does anyone want to comment on this picture comparing Brody to a baseball player? Keep in mind the pic of the baseball player is in his twenties.


  • brody3.JPG
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I wish the shape of the temples/forehead was more clear in the baseball player's picture. Brody's seem to go 'in', while the ballplayer's seem to go 'out'.... but that could be pixeling. The nose seems different (longer/pointier, 'higher' nostrils). Inner left ear seems different.

The ballplayer looks more like the last pic than the first. But all in all I think the resemblance is pretty eerie.

Hello btw... I've been posting on Websleuths for a little while now, but never here. I'm a long-time reader though. Never felt like I had any insights to offer until now. Hopefully it is somewhat helpful. :)

I don't know... I just don't see a resemblance myself. The faces are different shapes, the features are just a shade too different to suit me....
SherlockJr said:
Any replies about the pics?
Sorry, I forgot to post an update on the pictures.

The man in the pictures is not the same man as the "Wild Man". The picture shows a young guy who looks like your typical attendee of a Grateful Dead concert, while Joe Ford stated the Wild Man looked more like Charlie Manson.

The question is: Is the man in the picture Richard Speder, or was the Wild Man Speder? Also, Speder may be a completely different person than either of these two. There may be a way to answer this question, but it will take some time and ingenuity. I'll work on it.
Dr. Doogie said:
Sorry, I forgot to post an update on the pictures.

The man in the pictures is not the same man as the "Wild Man". The picture shows a young guy who looks like your typical attendee of a Grateful Dead concert, while Joe Ford stated the Wild Man looked more like Charlie Manson.

Gee, I'm not a fan of "Grateful Dead", so to me all their fans seem like Charlie Manson.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh::laugh: :laugh:
SherlockJr said:
Gee, I'm not a fan of "Grateful Dead", so to me all their fans seem like Charlie Manson.
SherlockJr said:
Does anyone want to comment on this picture comparing Brody to a baseball player? Keep in mind the pic of the baseball player is in his twenties.
The first big difference I noticed was in the expression in the eyes. GB looks shifty to me, and the baseball player looks very direct. It's the first time I ever noticed that GB's nose might have been broken at some point, giving some weight to his having been a lightweight boxer. If you look at the ears, however, the baseball player has a very distinctive ridge down near the earlobe which Brody does not.
I'm truly sorry if this has been hashed over many times, I'm only to Page 10 post #226 in reading this particular thread, so I have tons more to go. After reading about GB safe deposit box, I did a search in the CA unclaimed property under George Brody. There are 4 unclaimed properties listed under the name of George Brody. The first being the mentioned SDB amount of around $17K. They all have different addresses, but one caught me as strange. I couldn't find the name of the town listed on my CA map, "La Jolla, CA" Anyway it appears to be a checking account balance of around $4000. Anyway it could be a clue, but very possibly a different Brody. There where also a few unclaimed under Anna Waters and George Waters. Here's a link to GB.
I was at work today and through a computer there I found out there is an Anna Waters, born long before Anna was, in the state of California. I can't give any other information about this person, though, because of privacy laws. It's entirely possible the saftey deposit box(es) belong to her. Just thought I'd add my two cents.
When did Joe Ford send the letter to Waters (approx date)? (The one he sent to Waters place of employment to try to create some dialogue between GB & GW?) In his blog, there are no dates. Could it have been weeks, months or even years after Anna's disappearance? This seems as a VERY important clue to the mystery.

Also, this seems weird, and may have been covered, When Joe tracked the Georges, did he ever witness a particular Barber Shop or salon they got their hair cut at. (My Grandpa was about Brody's age and he was very particular about who cut his hair. He had the same Barber for 20 years.) It would be awesome to know the name of both of their Barbers/hairdresser. If anyone could answer this I would be most grateful, I'm working only on a hunch here, but it's got my blood pumping!

I see that several people have asked the name of GW atty. Dr Doogie says he has some divorce documents with the firm/atty name, but he has never divulged the information. I'm assuming he can't for some reason, but this is also very important. Could you at least give his initials? I'm looking for links by association.

Lastly, are Anna's Bio parents both natural brunettes? From the pictures I've seen they appear to both have dark brown hair. (Though they are all B&W pictures, so it's hard to tell) In my mind Anna would have eventually become a brunette. Both of my sons had blond curly hair until around 4-5yrs. Around Kindergarten they both started transforming with each haircut. Now they both have very dark brown mostly straight hair. If this is the case, the age progression pictures of Anna are very misleading in hair color. They make her appear to have sandy blond/lite brown hair, where as in most likelihood she would be a dark brunette.

I stayed up half the night researching a different angle involving the Georges. If I could just find out a few full names of their accociates, it would sure help! (I bet you all say that)
One last question: Was George Waters racist? (Or GB for that matter) Or possibly the complete opposite? For example, how did they feel or act toward the African American race? Where they vocal in their beliefs?
I'm truly sorry if this has been hashed over many times, I'm only to Page 10 post #226 in reading this particular thread, so I have tons more to go. After reading about GB safe deposit box, I did a search in the CA unclaimed property under George Brody. There are 4 unclaimed properties listed under the name of George Brody. The first being the mentioned SDB amount of around $17K. They all have different addresses, but one caught me as strange. I couldn't find the name of the town listed on my CA map, "La Jolla, CA" Anyway it appears to be a checking account balance of around $4000. Anyway it could be a clue, but very possibly a different Brody. There where also a few unclaimed under Anna Waters and George Waters. Here's a link to GB.
Never mind, I should have finished reading first, (and did more homework!). :bang:
When did Joe Ford send the letter to Waters (approx date)? (The one he sent to Waters place of employment to try to create some dialogue between GB & GW?) In his blog, there are no dates. Could it have been weeks, months or even years after Anna's disappearance? This seems as a VERY important clue to the mystery.

Also, this seems weird, and may have been covered, When Joe tracked the Georges, did he ever witness a particular Barber Shop or salon they got their hair cut at. (My Grandpa was about Brody's age and he was very particular about who cut his hair. He had the same Barber for 20 years.) It would be awesome to know the name of both of their Barbers/hairdresser. If anyone could answer this I would be most grateful, I'm working only on a hunch here, but it's got my blood pumping!

I see that several people have asked the name of GW atty. Dr Doogie says he has some divorce documents with the firm/atty name, but he has never divulged the information. I'm assuming he can't for some reason, but this is also very important. Could you at least give his initials? I'm looking for links by association.

Lastly, are Anna's Bio parents both natural brunettes? From the pictures I've seen they appear to both have dark brown hair. (Though they are all B&W pictures, so it's hard to tell) In my mind Anna would have eventually become a brunette. Both of my sons had blond curly hair until around 4-5yrs. Around Kindergarten they both started transforming with each haircut. Now they both have very dark brown mostly straight hair. If this is the case, the age progression pictures of Anna are very misleading in hair color. They make her appear to have sandy blond/lite brown hair, where as in most likelihood she would be a dark brunette.

I stayed up half the night researching a different angle involving the Georges. If I could just find out a few full names of their accociates, it would sure help! (I bet you all say that)
I am anxious to hear your angle.
I'm truly sorry if this has been hashed over many times, I'm only to Page 10 post #226 in reading this particular thread, so I have tons more to go. After reading about GB safe deposit box, I did a search in the CA unclaimed property under George Brody. There are 4 unclaimed properties listed under the name of George Brody. The first being the mentioned SDB amount of around $17K. They all have different addresses, but one caught me as strange. I couldn't find the name of the town listed on my CA map, "La Jolla, CA" Anyway it appears to be a checking account balance of around $4000. Anyway it could be a clue, but very possibly a different Brody. There where also a few unclaimed under Anna Waters and George Waters. Here's a link to GB.

There is also a George Brody in Maryland unclaimed funds. The baseball player was from Maryland too.
I'm truly sorry if this has been hashed over many times, I'm only to Page 10 post #226 in reading this particular thread, so I have tons more to go. After reading about GB safe deposit box, I did a search in the CA unclaimed property under George Brody. There are 4 unclaimed properties listed under the name of George Brody. The first being the mentioned SDB amount of around $17K. They all have different addresses, but one caught me as strange. I couldn't find the name of the town listed on my CA map, "La Jolla, CA" Anyway it appears to be a checking account balance of around $4000. Anyway it could be a clue, but very possibly a different Brody. There where also a few unclaimed under Anna Waters and George Waters. Here's a link to GB.
La Jolla is a community in San Diego :)
SherlockJr has uncovered that there is a George Brody who was/is an attorney in the San Diego area - this account is probably for him. What we do not know is if this GB is our GB. His license to practice is inactive, so that would fit with someone who had passed away without the bar's knowledge, but it also would fit with someone who retired and didn't notify the bar. There is the fact that Brody sought treatment at a alternative cancer center in National City (a suburb of San Diego) shortly before he died, so there may be a connection between our GB and San Diego.

We are looking into this. One possibility is that Brody may have been Margaret Kukoda's attorney during her trial for performing illegal abortions in the early 1950's. We are trying to obtain court records that will confirm or disprove this hypothesis. We are also exploring obtaining Maragaret's medical records to see if it contain's any information about Brody.
Gina_M said:
La Jolla is a community in San Diego :)
FYI for all of you gringos out there, the pronounciation of La Jolla is "LA HOY-YA". It is a relatively ritzy community north of San Diego along the coast.
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