Timeline Discussion

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Here is MCSO's flier from the Aug 11 press conference. MCSO seems to believe that Terri was at two FMs. If you hover your mouse over the pics for each FM, and look at MCSO's notations, LE seems to have even identified where Terri parked at each:


I am certainly not saying that multiple timelines with varying views and considerations should not be developed. Not at all. I am simply offering this info for reference and consideration.

ETA: lol. Posted at the same time, gram.

But...just because LE notes these things, does it mean it's confirmed fact or just a process of eliminating what Terri claims in her timeline?
But...just because LE notes these things, does it mean it's confirmed fact or just a process of eliminating what Terri claims in her timeline?

Exactly. They are looking for verification of what Terri has told them IMO.

There is no reason to credit those words as truthful for the purposes of the timetable. If she's lying about driving around..she could be lying about anything. (And I keep thinking of her lying to her lawyers so soon after she had just engaged them.)
Exactly, and especially if she only went into the store just looking for OTC medicine for baby K**** and didn't find them...obviously there would be NO receipt.

However, there could possibly be video survelliance of her entering or exiting the store...?

I agree tho' without proof that TH was there...it's not reliable timeline information.

Unless she went to a couple of stores to make a small purchase and withdraw cash at the same time. We might not be told if she did that. I think that long drive might have been deciding what to do or even running away, but she chose to go back home. I'd like to know if she was at the gym later than usual or about the same time.
Yep exactly... and she was 18 months old at the time. That really bothers me.

I may have taken this out of context, but in the right situation, this might not be that inappropriate. Perhaps I am just taking this personally, because I have a toddler, but if a room is appropriately set up for a one year old child, it is possible for the child to safely explore and play with the caregiver nearby. While I would never allow my child to play unsupervised for long periods of time, I will allow him to wander into his room, and moments later I will check on him. While I stay close, I don't think that it is inappropriate. MOO.
I may have taken this out of context, but in the right situation, this might not be that inappropriate. Perhaps I am just taking this personally, because I have a toddler, but if a room is appropriately set up for a one year old child, it is possible for the child to safely explore and play with the caregiver nearby. While I would never allow my child to play unsupervised for long periods of time, I will allow him to wander into his room, and moments later I will check on him. While I stay close, I don't think that it is inappropriate. MOO.

I hear what you are saying, Rose Tree. With my kids, at that age, I found that while they enjoyed playing independently for short periods, they seemed to want to do so in the same room I was in. As long as they had the assurance/comfort that I was in the same room with them, they could play for quite a bit at times, independently. While they are older now, that still seems to be the case intermittently, where they like to be in the same room, or the room next to the one I'm in.

My thoughts on why this is bothering some posters (and i'm not trying to speak for them, just thinking of the angle they might be coming from) is due to her bizarre behavior. I noticed on her fb page, the day or day after Kyron disappeared, she and another male friend of hers on fb were having fun poking each other on fb. At one point she posted (paraphrased) 'LOL! i know its addicting!' Seems an odd thing to be engaged in when your child has been missing less than 48 hours, no? Flirting with a guy on fb?

Or how she was found to be sexting with Kaine's friend MC shortly after Kaine left with the baby. If it was me, I would be crushed that my child had been taken from me. Sex would be the last thing on my mind.

So just by the above two examples, I am guessing that some view her letting the baby play by herself in another room without showing any concern, as another example of Terri's selfishness and self-centeredness; how her needs always came before those of the children. Its as though the baby was her 'trophy baby', benefitting her only when she got the 'oohs' ,'aahs' and compliments when out with her in public, the stores, school, etc. But at home where no one is around to donn on the baby, a 'reflection' of Terri, if you will, I can see where she would rather leave the baby in another room and get engulfed in fb, her internet games and who knows what else!

Again, just an observation I believe based on what I have learned so far of her.
I may have taken this out of context, but in the right situation, this might not be that inappropriate. Perhaps I am just taking this personally, because I have a toddler, but if a room is appropriately set up for a one year old child, it is possible for the child to safely explore and play with the caregiver nearby. While I would never allow my child to play unsupervised for long periods of time, I will allow him to wander into his room, and moments later I will check on him. While I stay close, I don't think that it is inappropriate. MOO.

I don't think it's unsafe, I just think it has been a very long day for a toddler with an earache and no nap - the science fair, two stores, driving around, probably some medication (since she said she went to the second FM to get meds she couldn't find at the first), and then an hour of gym daycare. Since we're not sure what time Terri got home (1245? 100 or so?) it may be that she had time to clean baby K up, feed her some warm food and try to encourage a nap before posting on facebook at 120pm. But it didn't sound like it from the tight timing. And she was still there when Kaine arrived home later.

Also I'm a bit confused about Terri's colleagues and family saying she liked tight control over the kids - when she was teaching, marching them in a straight line, looking at Kyron's "flags" that indicated his behavior when he got home, etc. Versus the Terri that can leave baby K to her own devices or stay up in front of the TV rather than in her bed, perhaps not have baby K on a regular schedule with naps, etc. It's just odd to me.
UGH! I remember Desiree saying this also, but I don't have time to dig through the video tapes right now. I do think LE has a much different timeline than the general public...if I haven't lost my ability to read between the lines...

On Desiree, it's the 25 minute audio w/Oregonian where she says she thought two hours were unaccounted for, but that she hadn't known about some things did, like the grocery stores. I could swear I transcribed that part, but I just searched, and can't find it.

Link in the reference forum in the all parents interviews thread.

There's one other interview I recall where Desiree said something like she could remember what she ate that morning, but Terri didn't remember what she did. I don't think she gave a specific timeframe in that one.

Tink, I apologize. I'm afraid I led you astray. I was just listening again to the 25 min audio w/Oregonian, and Desiree doesn't give any timeframe at all. The reporter at one point says both 2 hours and 90 minutes, and that must be what I was thinking of.

I'm sorry. I had that wrong.

On the other reference about what she had to eat that morning, here's the quote and the link:

Desiree: I can tell you what I ate that day, and she can't tell you where she was.


No timeframe in that clip except "that day", but I think this is part of a longer interview with a local news station.

I still Desiree did say two hours at some point, but I'll be darned at this point if I can remember which interview it was. There are so many! lol.

ETA: Just happened to find it, but it's 3 hours, not 2 hours:

Desiree: The fact that you can't explain any part of your day, (emphasizes) any part of your day, on the most important day that has happened in our lives for 7 1/2 years... is not okay. It's not only not okay, but it's unfathomable. I mean you can't not know where you were at. You can't just be missing for 3 hours.

Partial transcription - August 27 - KGW video
I don't think it's unsafe, I just think it has been a very long day for a toddler with an earache and no nap - the science fair, two stores, driving around, probably some medication (since she said she went to the second FM to get meds she couldn't find at the first), and then an hour of gym daycare. Since we're not sure what time Terri got home (1245? 100 or so?) it may be that she had time to clean baby K up, feed her some warm food and try to encourage a nap before posting on facebook at 120pm. But it didn't sound like it from the tight timing. And she was still there when Kaine arrived home later.

Also I'm a bit confused about Terri's colleagues and family saying she liked tight control over the kids - when she was teaching, marching them in a straight line, looking at Kyron's "flags" that indicated his behavior when he got home, etc. Versus the Terri that can leave baby K to her own devices or stay up in front of the TV rather than in her bed, perhaps not have baby K on a regular schedule with naps, etc. It's just odd to me.

I think this whole riding around thing going to stores was a lame attempt at creating an alibi and being seen out with baby K and no Kyron. I am convince that the missing time, between the drug store and gym is a meet up with someone to confirm how things went. Maybe exchange of money or not, but a hook up.
I dunno....I truly believe there could have a failed ransom demand in the first week. Isn't the motive usually MONEY?
Kaine did not seem concerned about the baby playing in her room, I imagined she was in a crib or a playpen when I first heard that.
I dunno....I truly believe there could have a failed ransom demand in the first week. Isn't the motive usually MONEY?

There has been nothing reported (that I am aware of) about a "ransom demand" failed or not since June 4th...unless you are aware of something that none of us are?

I do not believe that money had anything to do with the disappearance of Kyron based on what I've seen reported so far.

Kaine did not seem concerned about the baby playing in her room, I imagined she was in a crib or a playpen when I first heard that.

I imagine that Kaine is now living with a reduced sense of "concern." This is a man who believes this woman made his only son disappear and tried to have him killed.

Perhaps he can't muster in public the same sense of outrage for ignoring Baby K in another room while Terri "plays" on the computer....that he might have months ago.

He might know full well , that considering what Terri is capable of...this numbers among the least of Terri's "sins."
There has been nothing reported (that I am aware of) about a "ransom demand" failed or not since June 4th...unless you are aware of something that none of us are?

I do not believe that money had anything to do with the disappearance of Kyron based on what I've seen reported so far.


This is just my theory/my opinion....That Terri was ready to leave Kaine with baby K. Terri would need $$$....
A ransom demand would settle that...JMO.
This is just my theory/my opinion....That Terri was ready to leave Kaine with baby K. Terri would need $$$....
A ransom demand would settle that...JMO.

I understand except, what doesn't float (for me) is why disappear Kyron if she wanted to leave Kaine and needed child $upport for baby K****...?

Women leave their husbands every minute of every day and they don't disappear their stepchildren in the process to obtain money...kwim?
I imagine that Kaine is now living with a reduced sense of "concern." This is a man who believes this woman made his only son disappear and tried to have him killed.

Perhaps he can't muster in public the same sense of outrage for ignoring Baby K in another room while Terri "plays" on the computer....that he might have months ago.

He might know full well , that considering what Terri is capable of...this numbers among the least of Terri's "sins."

He did not seem concerned at the time...he just made the statement that the baby was playing in her room...
He did not seem concerned at the time...he just made the statement that the baby was playing in her room...

I don't think we know what went on in that house in the time before they walked down to meet the bus. And once confronted with the fact that Kyron was not on the bus...and then, not at school...everything else would seem minor.

If I were upset at my child for taking a dollar out of my wallet and then masked men broke in and trashed the house and stole everything in sight..I doubt mentioning my annoyance at my child would be part of the later retelling of that day.

We don't know how much that upset Kaine...because events soon to follow overshadowed that moment completely. He seems however like a very conscientious Dad. I was moved by his recounting in one of the last interviews of how he removed his shirt so a newborn Kyron could bond with him.
I dunno....I truly believe there could have a failed ransom demand in the first week. Isn't the motive usually MONEY?

Surely with all the batphones floating around Terri's inner circle someone could have called in a second ransom demand after the first week, just to keep it going if money was the motive.

I don't believe in a failed ransom attempt, myself.

After all, Terri already had a better plan which was to get rid of Kaine in the MFH plot.
I dunno....I truly believe there could have a failed ransom demand in the first week. Isn't the motive usually MONEY?

I can think of another way the motive could be money:

Terri may have been involved with an activity that was very lucrative...but the exposure of that activity by Kyron would have cost her her marriage, her new "income" and possibly her freedom. The exposure of that activity might also have endangered her business associates in similar ways.

Kyron "saw it all"... Desiree said with despair.

Terri does not like this child..she has "extreme hatred " for him and writes emails about hurting him, we are told. Add to that...the fact that he could expose the other Terri Horman.

Hatred and money...two great motives combined.
I can think of another way the motive could be money:

Terri may have been involved with an activity that was very lucrative...but the exposure of that activity by Kyron would have cost her her marriage, her new "income" and possibly her freedom. The exposure of that activity might also have endangered her business associates in similar ways.

Kyron "saw it all"... Desiree said with despair.

Terri does not like this child..she has "extreme hatred " for him and writes emails about hurting him, we are told. Add to that...the fact that he could expose the other Terri Horman.

Hatred and money...two great motives combined.


I believe that Kyron had recently seen or found out something, and Terri could not risk him telling Desiree about it during the upcoming visitation weekend.

I think maybe it was something that had just happened within a few days of the science fair, and Terri was having to plan and take action 'on the fly' to make sure Kyron didn't have the opportunity to tell what he knew.

I think that it could have been either way: 1) Kyron knew and understood what he had seen or found out ... or, 2) being young and innocent, he may not have understood the implications of what he'd found out--but had he chatted with Desiree about it, she would have learned something very unsavory about Terri's activities.
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